Teoria della dieta cheto messa alla prova

Le diete low carb e chetogeniche hanno un vantaggio metabolico per la perdita di peso?

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Questo è il secondo di una serie di 7 video sulle diete cheto. Nel caso in cui ti sei perso il primo, dai un'occhiata a Keto è una dieta efficace per combattere il cancro? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-Keto-an-Effective-Cancer-Fighting-Diet).

Resta sintonizzato per:
• Risultati della dieta cheto per dimagrire ( http://nutritionfacts .org/video/Keto-diet-Results-for-Weight-Loss)
• La perdita di peso con la chetosi è sostenibile? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-Weight-Loss-on-Ketosis-Sustainable)<br/> • Le diete chetologiche sono sicure? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-keto-diets-safe)
• Diete chetologiche: crescita muscolare e densità ossea (
• Una dieta chetogenica aiuta il diabete o lo peggiora? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-a-ketogenic-diet-help-diabetes-or-make-it-worse)

Più le cose cambiano, più rimangono le stesse. Ho fatto un intero sito web sulla dieta di Atkin e purtroppo le persone continuano a cadere nella trappola a basso contenuto di carboidrati.

Alcuni dei miei vecchi video sulle diete a basso contenuto di carboidrati includono:
• Dieta Atkins: problemi a tenerlo al passo (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/atkins-diet-trouble-keeping- it-up/)
• Lezioni del Paleolitico (
https://nutritionfacts .org/video/paleolithic-lessons/)
• I cereali integrali possono funzionare così come le droghe (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/whole-grains-may-work-as-well-as-drugs/)
• Diete a basso contenuto di carboidrati e flusso sanguigno coronarico (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/low-carb-diets-and-coronary -flusso-sangue/)
• Malattia di Alzheimer: cervello di grano o testa di carne? (

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/keto-diet-theory-put-to-the -test e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

Vuoi ottenere un elenco di link a tutte le fonti scientifiche utilizzate in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate in http://nutritionfacts.org/video/keto-diet-theory-put-to-the-test . Troverai anche una trascrizione e ringraziamenti per il video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze, e un modo semplice per cercare (anche nella lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2,000 argomenti di salute.

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100 Risposte a “Teoria della dieta cheto messa alla prova”

  1. Lets put this video to the test.

    Approximately 4 minutes into the video a graph is displayed ”Body weight and fat mass throughout the study” which states that the keto diet slow down fat burning. But this page: https://www.dietdoctor.com/how-kevin-hall-tried-to-kill-insulin-hypothesis-pure-spin

    shows the same graph but over a longer time axis. Then the keto diet turns out to creates the same weight loss as the baseline diet! How should we interpret it?

    -a fan of Michael Greger.

  2. WoW! Such a slick argument against keto and so taken out of context. First, while many people use keto to lose weight (myself included) it is more about controlling the insulin. Before keto, I had suffered from type 2 diabetes for 20+ years. I had worked my way up through the pills, shots, and then to U500 (5x concentrated insulin) for about 2 years. I had stage 3 kidney disease with a GFR of 40. It is now 85. My A1C went from 6.3 on U500 to 5.1 now. I was able to wean off my insulin in just 3 weeks o keto! I lost 120# as well. Keto cures, controls, or mitigates the myriad problems or metabolic resources caused or excerpted by chronically elevated levels of insulin. This hyperinsulinemia is not discovered with a blood sugar test but is very damaging and inflammatory to the body over time. These things are not in dispute and are now being taught to pre-meds, nurses, doctors, and dieticians at the university level. KETO IS ABOUT CONTROLLING INSULIN. Weight loss is just a side benefit that everyone is super excited about.

    I suggest you get a balanced education on the subject. Join a few keto groups. Look at dietdoctor.com for over 400 doctors who support it. Check the works of Jason Fung, and metabolic researcher Dr. Benjamin Bickman a professor at BYU, YouTube channels like Low Carb Down Under. Dr. Ken Berry, and many many more.

    There is no way you could ever convince me to go back to being sicker and fatter just to make you more comfortable with my carb intake. I have more dietary control now than I ever have thanks to keto. This is my experience. My testimonial. My fact. Keto now for 2+ years and as of the 1st I've gone Zero Carb (aka Carnivore). I'm healthier now than I've been in many many years.

  3. Wow, I felt like crap on low-carb when I tried it anyway. Looks like I wasn’t missing out on anything. How can you perform anaerobic exercise anyway without muscle glycogen?

  4. Greger looks like a dehydrated corpse at best – why would anyone in their right mind believe of follow anything he says??? I lost 65 lbs on keto in five months, effortlessly maintained for the next year and still going. Oh, BTW reversed pre-diabetes, blood pressure now normal, gained significant lean mass (at 58 years old), labs perfect. F-ck you Dr. Greger, you preach vegan propaganda to the detriment of anyone that believes you….

  5. I think that a major reason for keto is the increase in whole food consumption due to people consuming less processed foods. Not everyone is the same, but I noticed a radical change in my eating patterns when I switched to keto, which result to be very healthy. I used to eat tonnes of sugar on a daily basis and before going keto (vegetarian keto) it seemed impossible to stop. Even though the weight loss may be statistically smaller on a keto diet, it can lead to a change in behaviour that on a regular low-fat diet may not work for everyone.

  6. diabetic client: Help! my faucet has no hot water flow.
    keto plumber: Just use cold water.
    diabetic client: OMG It worked! Thank you!!

  7. Lol those keto / paleo warrior crowd won't care. They'll continue to believe in the so called wonders of a HFD as it's become a sort of cult religion by now.

  8. Again Golum the muscle atrophy was do to glycogen stores being lowered because of the lack of carbs. Give that person a slice of apple pie after dinner and a baked pastries for lunch and I guarantee the muscles will re inflate. This study told us nothing about how much protein and calories these individuals were given. If they were on a calorie restricted diet then they would loose muscle and burn less fat do to the thyroid slowing down. (Being less anabolic)

  9. I currently do keto. I’ve done vegan in the past. The keto diet by far has helped me lose more weight, inched off the midsection, improved energy and concentration. But I believe there is a place for plant based too. So if the ancient ancestors were exposed to four seasons, there would be times where fruit and vegetables were plentiful and available for eating like the spring and summer and not in the fall and winter. Meat and fish is available all year round. So I think the ancestors ate both. What they didn’t eat in comparison to today is processed food and sugar. This is a commonality between meat based and plant based diets, the elimination of processed foods with multiple and chemical ingredients in it and sugary foods. On keto I can still enjoy some veggies and delicious berries while enjoying fish, steak, bacon, and eggs. It’s working for me, labs are great, I feel great. I respect plant based diets and not bashing it. I had decent results with it but for me keto has been better.

  10. I tried everything because of my arthritis and prostatitis, which I got after the shock due to the death of a close person. I ate vegan, and then my pain from prostatitis subsided, but difficulty urinating remains. While my arthritis reacts to legumes, right after consuming. It also reacts even to watermelon, when I eat a few large slices. Anyway, for a couple of years on a low-fat vegan diet, I wasn’t cured. Then I tried the keto diet, and after only a week, it was as if I was completely healthy. True, my heart rate rose from 60 to 80, and I lost explosive energy, even interest in sex. But other than that, everything was fixed for me. My vision was sharpened, my hearing, my brain was working clear, and my mood was, for no reason, always super good. For the first time in a very long time, I woke up rested and light. My need for sleep decreased to 6h. The crumbs disappeared from my eyes, my nose became clear. My joints have become more mobile and flexible. My dandruff on my head was lost. Even the smallest acne is gone. My skin became shiny, smooth and beautiful. And in just a week. I kept the keto diet for 3 weeks. I didn't feel full, regardless of the amount of fat, so I ate more protein. I did not change my eating patterns, I ate mostly twice a day, sometimes three. I ate often and late at night, as usual, on a vegan diet. I used palm, olive and coconut oil on my keto diet. But mostly palm. Eat and eggs, cheese. From meat, mostly pork, fish and sometimes chicken. I cooked pork and chicken bone soups with lots of root vegetables. I ate peanuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, flax and sesame seeds. Of the fruits, only berries in green shakes with stevia. I drank coffee with stevia. From the salad, I ate: cabbage, lettuce, raw carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and garlic, parsley leaves, celery … And I stewed: spinach, a little carrot, chard, celery root, parsley, cauliflower, broccoli. In order to be able to eat very fatty prepared meat, I ate half a kilo of salad with a meal, at least. Sometimes I would make flax bread, or seeds, walnuts …

    I still wonder why that keto diet had such an effect on the disease. Is this effect due to the fact that the keto diet raises cortisol, which is necessary for inflammation? Why does the mood improve? Why does vision improve? Why does the skin repair itself? Why do the elasticity and radius of the joints improve? But also, why does the pulse rise? Why is libido lost?

    I also did a blood test after those few weeks. Everything was perfect. Liver enzymes, cholesterol, blood count, CRP (was 0.2), sedimentation (was <2) … For three weeks there were no negative, only positive changes in blood analysis, inflammatory markers decreased slightly. Let me mention that everything was perfect on the vegan diet as well.

    I left the keto diet because of the increased pulse and lack of libido, as well as because of the craving for fruit. Maybe I didn’t become keto adapted. Maybe, after 4-6 weeks, my pulse would calm down and my libido would return … I don't know …

    On the other hand, I have always loved plant foods. I like beans, I like fruit, I like sweet potatoes, rice, oatmeal … I would like to be well on a vegan diet. But it's not. I react to gluten, to legumes, to nuts, to a lot of fructose … to chard and spinach … (Although I didn't react to chard, spinach and nuts to the keto diet). I have a lot of dandruff, my hair is falling out. I wish I could eliminate the symptoms of a keto diet with plant foods. But they came back, soon after I stopped the keto diet, in, perhaps, about ten days.
    As for body weight, on the keto diet I lost all body fat because I am otherwise lean. While on a whole food plant based, I get some fat on my stomach, but my abdominal muscles are still monitored.

    And the scales showed less pounds.
    On a keto diet, I didn’t really pay attention to carb intake. I ate huge amounts of vegetables, so the chronometer showed over 50g a day. And one more thing, to get enough, I ate 4000, and often 6-7000 calories a day. While on a vegan diet I ate about 2500-3000 calories because it was more and too hard. I'm skinny anyway.

  11. I think for every vegan fan Dr. Greger has, he must have turned off 20 other people. Greger is actually better than most vegans, but they all seem to share a common core of negatives.

    First, why is Dr. Greger a vegan? From a casual look at some of his videos, you might think that it just so happens that the plant based foods he promotes are spectacularly healthy. For no particular underlying reason, they just happen to be. And every study he cites supports this. Odd, though. The overwhelming majority of plants are poisonous. Even among the small fraction of plants we can tolerate without acute toxicity, we need to be careful. Eat raw kidney beans, you could die. Raw potatoes, anyone? Would you like the leaves with those cherries? And, I could go on all day. But let's not even get started with what would happen if, God forbid, you made a meal of some random plants and mushrooms from your back yard, say some tasty hemlock and sumac and foxglove and jimsonweed and … Let's leave out the plant toxins that will cause blindness, blistering, immobilization of the tongue, swelling of the throat, vomiting blood, cardiac arrest, cyanide poisoning, paralysis, respiratory failure, massive liver and kidney damage, delirium, and a thousand other horrific reactions. So let's stick to the tiny fraction of plants which, when properly prepared, and the poisonous parts cut away, are tolerable because our livers can manage to detoxify the barrage of poisons fast enough that we don't die on the spot. Why, then, is this tiny fraction of barely tolerable poison factories called plants so spectacularly healthy? The answer is, they're not, and Greger knows it, as does anyone with common sense. And that's why he never gives a reason.

    How many healthy vegans do you personally know? I don't know many, if any, but I know quite a few who have had serious nutritional deficiencies.

    The real, unspoken, reason, is that for Dr. Greger, and for most vegans, veganism is a substitute religion. Most vegans I've known treat it as some kind of primitive religion. So primitive, it doesn't even have scriptures, and doesn't even call itself a religion. But there's a vague sense that plants carry "nature's goodness," and hurting animals to eat transgresses the mother goddess, for which we can expect punishment, in the form of pestilence, plague, curses, afflictions, climate change, earthquakes, and, generally, Mother Nature's wrath. I don't know if Dr. Greger was raised in a religious home, but it wouldn't surprise me, since it's typical that vegans are searching to fill some psychological void, from having shed their original religion. Other primitive religions that similarly fill that void are socialism, environmentalism, Marxism, etc.

    All of these quasi-religions have an underlying moralistic framework, a concept of sin, a doomsday scenario, and a utopian dream. They also pretend to have a scientific basis, which is their "theology," but they fail to hold up under serious scrutiny.

    So how does Dr. Greger, the high priest of veganism, approach the keto diet? First, Gary Taubes must be condemned as a sinner. In a voice dripping with sarcasm, Dr. Greger pretends to lay out the whole story of these misguided heathens who tried to question the low fat dogma. "To their credit, … they decided to put it to the test." But Greger, who has never needed to put anything to the test, sits in judgment, and somehow knows before the test is even conducted, how it will turn out.

    He never spells anything out clearly, because his theology doesn't actually have the answers he claims it does, but … No, wait, he does have an explanation: "You can't drain a tub by widening the drain if you're cranking up the faucet at the same time." Uh, OK, Dr. Greger. Thanks for that. I'm sure there's a sophisticated scientific understanding in your head … That's just a popularized version, right?

    What Greger leaves out of the story, are the dozens of side by side comparisons that have found that high fat diets result in greater weight loss for most people than high carb diets. And no, let's be serious for a moment; it's not all water. I've known numerous people who've experience massive weight loss from high fat diets, after a lifetime of failure with low fat diets. I myself used to eat a low fat diet that was almost entirely plant based. I got metabolic syndrome, became borderline overweight, and had a ton of health concerns and troubling biomarkers. When I changed my diet, I lost a lot of weight and became much healthier, by every single measure I can identify, and it's been sustained for years. Hmm, maybe it's just … a whole lot of water drained out of my body … as the water drained out, it gave me better blood lipids, improved sleep, greater body strength, more endurance than when I was 30 years younger, banished my metabolic syndrome, normalized a number of hormones and strange cbc numbers, and a ton of other things. Also, it gave me more energy, and clearer thinking, improved mood, and … Wow, I didn't realize how much harm carrying around that extra water was doing.

    High fat advocates have a mechanistic explanation, numerous studies to back it up empirically, and many, many anecdotal cases, many of which I've personally experienced. I have no dog in the race. I don't care whether one class of organic chemicals leads to weight loss faster than another. It sounds to me like Greger does. But he's not intellectually honest enough to tell us why.

    Greger goes on to highlight quotes to the effect that Gary Taubes "distorted" the ideas of his low carb predecessors. This is a typical "idea laundering" tactic. Why doesn't Greger just tell us what's wrong with Taubes' ideas? Presumably, he doesn't ascribe to the ideas of his low carb predecessors anyway, so why is he pretending to be concerred with whether Taubes is faithful to them?

    Then, he goes on to make a low blow, with an insinuation that Taubes illegitimately got rich from his foundation. By the way, I forgot to ask, who signs Greger's paycheck? And when's the last time he talked about treating a patient? And NutritionFacts.org … that's a hobby, right? Or, a charity? Right?

  12. Finding 'your own' sweet spot of daily carbs is the key to your own weightloss. As the same with fats. Your body talks to you. You need only listen.

  13. the research is flawed because it takes a month or over to get adapted, and no1 eats all there fat every day because the body forces you to become less hungry so you end up eating less fat, and forcing your self to eat all your calories is wacky but what do i no lol when i do keto my mucles get bigger but thats because keto gives me so much energy i have to do weights and do lots of walking which in turn burns threw my fat stores, but thats from my point of view

  14. Seems a bit biased that his whole theory is from one paper and only on 4weeks eating Keto. We all know Keto takes 2-4 weeks to kick in. Also a bit odd he is paying for this video to appear at the top of my search yet not many are watching it. A bit more research is needed I think before I'd be trusting this:)

  15. Let's talk about conflict of interest..This video(against Keto/low carb) is a pay Ads, thats how it get to top result in keto search, pay and made by a compagny that is advocating a Plant Base Hi-Carb diet, and want to sell you their books n stuffs. Getting here open minded this have all the signs of a shitty scam online business that only want your money…not your health. All is recommendation are in line with dietery guideline that as lead us to global epidemic of diabet, hearth desease and fat peoples. Look at how we were before 1970 and think. Think of all the grain/sugar megacorporation that also have money in mind and control more than 70% of what you eat. Think about all foodstore almost selling only process product.

    I have many health problems since im born, have try pretty much everything under the sun, raw, vegan, vege, normal, all bio since I dont remember. Nothing really helped, feel like slowy dying and losing my head in the fog more and more. Man Would I have love that greens were the answer. Been growing lots of vegies and could have been autonome with my permaculture bio garden next years. Love plants and nature with all my hearth. But after all my trying and reserach it look like ketones might in fact be a better fuel. Would have never tought I'll do this but On keto leaning torward carnivore diet for a week now. I cant make any conclusion before a couple of month and I will keep been open minded. But already way less head fog, celiac rash disease almost gone and depression symptom better too….I'm perplex but result align with lastest avalaible research and at least 1million years of evolution. I can only suggest to everyone to question everything, do research, do counter research. Check Dr. Ken Berry for a interesting counter point of view with no money in mind and tons of researchs. This video is a jokes base on one research and general consensus. Business marketing video is what it is. Proof of direct conflict of interest here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPMjVtDteb0&feature=emb_title

  16. Yep the thousands of people who loss hundreds of pounds are wrong. The fact that those people are no longer obese means nothing…they should all be vegans…my aunt and uncle were type 2 diabetics since starting Keto 2 years ago they not only loss 80 and 110 pounds but they are no longer diabetics. But hey let's tell them to go vegan right?…we are all different. BTW here is a study that states the opposite of your cherry picked study. The keto group saw an increase in lean body mass…

  17. On the low carb diet HDL increased and triglycerides decreased relative to the low fat diet. On the low carbohydrate diet one tends to reduce calories naturally because one feels fuller for longer. Lowering baseline insulin is associated with lower general inflammation

  18. When someone tells me that on their ketogenic diet all they eat is bacon, egg , steak, and cheese I know right away that it is an idiotic diet. Of course, I understand that Intermittent fasting and restricting carbs on some days (something like carb fasting day) can help with diabetes. But I don't support a full keto.

  19. Dear Dr. Greger. I would love to have this as a source for the Filipino People to be guided on the Ketogenic Diet. Let me take some points from your book How Not To Diet and from this Vlog and translate it to a layman FILIPINO Language that they will understand. I am from the Philippine College of Lifestyle Medicine. See you soon, hopefully!

  20. One month is not enough to have conclusive reports on keto because it takes up to a year to adjust in some cases. I have been keto or low carb for over two years now. I lost 30lbs, went from a size 14 to a 6 and keepingnit OFF. And I gained back my health. Havent been sick since then!

  21. My mother has lost a lot of money on keto. Probably mostly because she started eating less often and less processed crap & more greens/veggies.
    Sure the high fat content of your diet could be helping your weight loss, or it could be the fact that you're eating half the calories a day!

  22. Just glancing at the study. The participants were only given 91g of protein per day. An appropriate amount of protein on a ketogenic diet would have been about 1g of protein per pound of target body weight. It’s no wonder they lost muscle; Inadequate protein and no weight training stimulus. This study is very misleading and so is the video.

    I’m not pro keto but let’s be transparent that this study was only a confirmation that carbs can preserve muscle when you have inadequate protein intake.

  23. I have to say that I've gotten good results with keto – better than I did when I was vegetarian. The studies don't prove what the keto backers would like, but the study could also be flawed, bad methodologies, etc. I know it's only anecdotal, but I went from 240 lbs and flabby to 179 (so far) and strong as an ox. My blood sugar is now normal (I was diabetic) and my blood pressure is normal, my tryglisrides are normal…..maybe I was not doing the vegetarian diet correctly, but I feel fantastic and could never go back to the SAD. I think the main thing is to cut out processed foods and stop eating 24hrs a day. That will get you 80% of the way there. All I can say is I had (and have) sucsess with this diet. I have built muscle, not lost any. And the fat I had (almost entirely around my mid section) has disappeared. I like to hear all sides though and this was interesting.

  24. I'm currently studying an open University degree in nutrition at the minute and it is citing Gary taubes's research as an alternative theory to recommended dietary requirements. I'm so glad that this video exists as I can now share it in my tutor group to all the advocates of keto!!!

  25. I'm trying to go keto. Its my first few days. I feel awful, headache, weakness and a stinging feel in my gut and throat. Is this normal?

  26. I like your work, I follow it for years and am pretty sure you are making most people healthier with you content.
    2 questions:
    1) you seem to have an obsession about animal products. You never seem to see any good reason to consume them and they are supposed to be the worse evil (right after processed food). But when we look at the Blue zones (where people live the healthiest and the longest) although they eat little animal products, they do still consume a little bit… so I wonder if there is not another reason for being so decisive on things like organic grass fed beef or wild caught salmon…

    2) regarding the low carb diets, it’s interesting to note that there 1 million ways to be low carb… you can even have quite a bit of fiber and eat a lot of vegetables on that kind of diet. You seem to not go into the details there and talk about low carbs in general which can mean pretty much anything. Just like you can have a very unhealthy vegan diet… because… fries… are vegan… beer… is vegan… so you don’t talk about vegan diets, you talk about « whole food plant based » and I get that. But what about an « organic whole food plant rich low carb » diet? 😉
    Still love your content though but I can’t help myself to feel that there is maybe one other thing that is guiding part of the argumentation

  27. I got fat on keto. I got fat on all fruit. Was a fat vegan. I lost about 40 lbs twice. Once was healthy eating with at least an hour walk everyday. The other was no extra exercise and just ACV before meals, heavy chewing and regular bedtimes with 8 hours of sleep Was eating a mix of meats veggies nuts and seaweed, but no grains pastas or breads.

    Now i am fat no matter what i do. I would love to eat rice and beans but man that makes me fat. And everything seems to trigger my psoriasis. Ugh

  28. It’s been a miracle worker for me granted I track my blood sugars and ketones to control how my body treats protein.. I lost 70lbs in 8 months.

  29. Good Video, I did keto for 3 months with my normal calories and lost 40lbs. Mostly body fat…..Energy levels were off the charts but I did mostly vegan fats from nuts, avocados etc…. Guess everyone is different

  30. Dr Greger is a shill for Big Pharma and Big Farmer…the “science based” dribble he spews out with that squeaky voice from his estrogen rich body is designed to keep you sick and needy…

  31. This a whole video saying one thing. If fat burning increases you can match the burn with the intake. ….. just continue the diet… and adjust the fat intake to a lower amount. And if you want just up the physical activity as you would any other diet. The benefit of keto is the body being "fat adapted" in an environment where there is a lack of carbs. And don't get me wrong keto is not easy, and can very easily be done incorrectly. It's pretty easy to set it up to fail. Especially when part of the logic used is a calorie is a calorie which is not true haha. The body response to 100 calories worth of white sugar is very different than the response to 100 calories of broccoli.

  32. Lol. Keto diet now have almost hundred clinical trials support its benefits in metabolic health. This video is an example of heavily biased research.

  33. Sometimes I think that people just like to make things complicated. Think about it for a second: how the hell would someone be able to sustain himself in a wild, natural environment eating a Keto diet? That would turn out to be absolutely impossible. Even if you eat healthy fats, like avocados, nuts and seeds and cocounut oil (which is in my opinion not heathly at all). Avocados take 9 months to grow and be ready for harvest. Each tree usually alternate bears. This means that the tree may produce a large crop one year, and then will produce a small crop the following year. Nuts and seeds are usually extremely tricky to crack open from "scratch", not to mention coconuts. Let's now switch to fruit, green leafy vegetables, some types of legumes (especially those which can be eaten raw, like peas), root vegetables and so on. They're made mainly of carbs. They're high-carb foods. Perhaps Mother Nature is trying to deliver a message to us. Only my humble opinion.

  34. This analysis is flawed. The reason the keto diet works is not because it magically burns more fat for the same amount of calories. It's benefit is in the ability to satiate hunger and to enhance the bodies ability to burn fat. That means that is easier to eat less calories overall and to fast.

    I recently switched to high fat diet (I don't track macros so I won't call it keto) and I quickly was able to progress to one meal a day without difficulty. I literally have nearly zero hunger throughout the day. I also noticed a huge boost in energy and a balancing of mood. All this being said, I think that you can lose weight effectively with a high carb diet if those carbs are slow carbs (beans, sweet potato, vegetables). However, I doubt you would be able to fast as easily, which I really enjoy, and you probably will not get the cognitive benefits from the ketones.

  35. Sorry, Doctor, but I stopped eating carbs and started eating lots of saturated fats, and guess what? I lost heaps of body fat. I gave up my vegan diet, which had kept me obese for years. Also, as a T2 diabetic, I now have the HbA1c percentage of a non-diabetic.

  36. This is the disaster. Quit bring up up science with 17 people. Quit bringing up epidemiology. Quit screaming your religion as science. You're only fooling those that need more fat and protein content and are malnourished. There is a rebuttal for every argument but no one here would take the time to research that. Leg size? Does glycogen that's lost not take up mass? This is using arguments that they use themself. Lets throw away every study produced by religiously paid for by adventists of pb community. Or coco col. Or big pharmacy. The thing is ketogenic plant based would still be cleaner and better for metabolic health than eating wheat and soy products. Reading real science..shouldnt have wasted my time on this crap. Good. Luck.

  37. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lJPjsuftmQ … see 18 minutes in. EDIT: also, 4 weeks eating high fat is not enough time for most people to adapt to using fat for fuel. It takes probably a minimum of 2 weeks (the 'keto flu' period) for all the necessary metabolic pathways to become efficient… in the mean time, there is probably a lot of muscle breakdown while a carb body is still demanding high levels of glucose.

  38. No knee pain, inflammation gone, energy from 5am to 10pm, lean body and all the meat I can eat. This diet isn't for the weak but it is incredible. I love it!

  39. The tragic aspect of going keto is the significant amount of weight loss during the first 10 days. So people think “wow it’s really working!!”. But most don’t realize it’s just water weight, so they stick to it indefinitely and end up doing more harm than good.

  40. So keto makes you loose muscle? But all the keto advocates are muscular, and this man is himself not. Clearly it is more complicated than this video makes it out to be?

  41. People can say what they like but I did loose 30 pounds on a keto cycle, being in ketosis does not negate calories in calories out but in my case at leased it did suppress apatite to a great extent and ended my sugar addiction. Don't know how may calories I was eating I never bothered to count but I never got weak or fatigued so it really does not matter. Workout volume went up considerably, more stable energy levels, better sleep, and a complete lack of hypoglycemic events (which I have had since birth) left me with an overall favorable view of the ketogenic diet, I just felt good call that placebo if you like. My only two honest gripes are 1. Very hard to build muscle, I know it is hard to build muscle when in a caloric deficit anyway but even after reaching the point of equilibrium about 60 days in (@198lbs) I felt I still could not make gains in strength or muscle mass, which is why I ended the keto cycle. 2 It is VERY restrictive if you are on the go, maybe even more restrictive then the vegan diet as sugar is put in everything so if you did not make it from scratch it is probably not really keto friendly.

  42. But how about plant based keto then ? Like eating more plant fat, like avocado, seed, and protein (soy milk, tempe), etc.

  43. I did Keto diet about 10 years ago (about 1 year before I went vegan). Holy crap I felt like trash. I stuck with it for about 1 year and felt absolutley dreadful the entire time. It detroyed my cycling ability (I went from being able to smash out 70kms per day to struggling to ride 9kms to work). My sweat smelled like vinegar. I had all sorts of GI issues including (but not limited to) severe constipation and crippling gut pain (that caused me to leave work and go home about 7 times). I could go on. It was bloody aweful. Then I went vegan and started smashing the fruit, veges, lentils/beans, rice and potatoes/sweet potatoes and … everything started working again. I could also actually think clearly again. For me Keto was an unmitigated disaster. WPF for the win! Just as an aside has there been any research done on doing a WPF Keto diet? That would be interesting. I think it'd be MUCH better than animal based.

  44. I being in ketosis state by y accident since almost 6 years ago. All because I'm allergic to fruits and all plant based foods and fiber. How come I have lost a lot of fat and my muscles are bigger than before? My legs and butt are more thicker like never before and I don't even do that much exercise. People think that I am a weigh lifter, they ask me what do I do to look like this. I only tell them that I don't eat plant based foods. I eat a lot of eggs and meats. My doc says that my blood test is perfect just cholesterol is high but according to recent studies high cholesterol is not bad. My mom was diagnosed with liver cancer and I encourage her to start the keto, and guess what after 4 months her cancer was gone.

  45. First of all thank you very much for all your work 🙏but with all due respect 2 months on a keto diet is not enough to get fair amount of data… I would like to see the results of a study like this one but during a 1 year a the least. Full solid fat adaptation takes time. I am 45 years old and I've lost 20 kg of body weight on keto and IF in almost a year with amazing blood tests and never felt better in my life not even when I was vegan for 3 years straight. And regarding athletic performance I am in better shape than I was in my twenties.

  46. Honestly doing keto has been one of the best decisions I’ve made !

    What’s keeping people from learning about it and actually trying it out ??

    Legit question lol anyone ?

  47. It took me a month or two on the keto diet to become fat-adapted, then I lost fat consistently at well over 500g a week. Two weeks on a KD is barely scratching the surface. This study was purposely designed to present failure of the keto diet.

  48. Sorry for showing up so late to this, but if the diet leads to me losing "mostly water weight" in the first week or two, but then I go on to lose another 20 pounds over the next 2 months of being on the diet, is it actually bad for me?

  49. To be fair, and to be honest because I don't really know much about the ketogenic diet except for being extremely low carbohydrates, what if that study had used the same amount of calories in both groups but altered the macronutrients ratio in the low carb group to contain enough protein so the metabolism wouldn't burn lean muscle mass off before it began to break down more of the available fats for metabolic energy when deprived of carbohydrates? I thought it was just like we were always told if no calories are available from diet, i.e. fasting, the body will first burn stored glycogen, then stored fat maybe with a little glucose mixed in around the fat cells, and then, once all the glucose and fat cells are gone, lastly, and only then, breaking down muscle tissue to the point of emaciation.
    But I think that would be false. Because you hear how on very low calorie diets people lose muscle mass too, even before all the fat disappears.

  50. Dr Gregor, not sure you actually read comments, or interested in feedback, but i ate a vegan plant based diet for 10 years then the last year, a “strict keto” diet. I’m also an endurance runner in my late 50s. I switched due to continual and slow rise of fasted glucose and a1c over the years.

    Keto does in fact show quick gains in terms of fluid loss, and yes people don’t really understand that. However, I’m not fat per se, was roughly 8 pounds extra fat on body prior to keto. On keto dramatically upped fluid intake, electrolytes. My weight was always been steady but trending slightly down over the last year (I’ve lost that 8 pounds in the first 6 months). My fasted glucose has dropped 25-30% since switching to keto and rock steady. A1c under 5 now. How does extreme carb restriction affect endurance running, it hasn’t – in fact perhaps better.

    Sleep, energy, moods – all improved. While I am not a vegan now, I eat a lot more veggies/dark greens now vs any time as a vegan, difference being i eliminated legumes and fruit and replaced with meat, nuts, and healthy oil fat (olive, coconut, and avocado). Neither as a vegan or keto do I ever eat processed food. Happy to discuss or share labs, results with you if you are interested in exploring the topic a little deeper.

  51. So this guy basically is trying to prove in this video that sugar grew on trees 10,000 years ago and thats what people evolved to eat. Bullshit. People evolved to eat vegetables and meat that they hunted, which had high fat, which is essentially what the healthy ketogenic diet emulates. The closest thing in nature to the simple carb crap that people consider healthy these days was honey and humans didn't have access to honey daily. Human body doesn't prefer carbs. From an evolutionary standpoint it barely knows what carbohydrates are. How can it prefer something it wasn't naturally selected to eat. You can eat your bread, pasta, rice, sugar, processed grains, no one cares.

  52. Your basic premise I’d dead wrong- you do not produce body fat from consuming animal or plant fat. You do put on body fat from consuming sugar and carbs.

  53. I had followed this channel for a while and it's actually a very biased one. If you have never tried a keto diet then you should at least look it up. I had been on a whole plant based diet for years and experienced all sorts of inflammation, got tired most of the time. 3 months ago I switched to the most natural way of eating for humans including lots of veggies and reproduced myself to grass fed meat, natural fermented food, fish and eggs. One satisfying meal a day no snacks. My energy level is high and at times I don't feel like I need to eat so I just go on enjoying my life for 3-5 days without food. Everything's changed.

  54. Must you have such a smug, know-it-all, I'm-smarter-than-everyone tone in your voice?

    Truth is good.
    I'm glad they funded a study.
    If it failed, it's truth.
    And truth is good.

    I was diabetic. And had high blood pressure.
    I went keto, lost 40lbs, reversed diabetes, blood pressure dropped to normal.
    Yes, it's true I've lost muscle mass along the way, had to deal with several side effects, learn more and counter them with better knowledge.

    But keto saved my life.

    I really hate how you speak.

    I wonder who funds YOU?
    WHAT WOULD you prefer?
    That I take drugs my whole life?
    You're abominable.

  55. That's right, all that matters is it works. 😅What's more, when two thirds of your brain is made of fat, why would you starve it?

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