Aloe per il trattamento del cancro metastatico avanzato

Gli effetti dell'aloe sia sulle ustioni da radiazioni causate dal trattamento del cancro che sul cancro stesso.

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100 Risposte a “Aloe per il trattamento del cancro metastatico avanzato”

  1. I would like to see tests done with whole Aloe plant not store bought. Aloe has the reputation of being unstable and therefore has no real shelf life.

  2. You're over dramatization is strumming my gag reflex it's a little much in the beginning it was very subtle now it's Overkill and what's up with giving half and then to be continued so what is this like a monetization thing do we look like golden heifers mottled with dollar signs it's a little Saturn of you don't you think?

  3. Hi nutritionfacts team. Please help in clarifying how to take the aloe vera for the treatment of advance metastatic cancer. Thank you so much for your help

  4. Surface burns with IMRT and VMAT are very uncommon now, unless the patient is extremely large and you are using a low MV LINAC.
    Also one study with a p value of 0.05, yields a positive result in one in 20 cases regardless of whether there is a relationship or not.

  5. Hi!

    I was wondering if you could do an update on your peanut butter video from 7 years ago.

    -Is (100% pure, no oil added) peanut butter healthy?
    -And how much is recommend as a maximum?

  6. Graciaa x la intencion d informar y contribuir pra la salud del cuerpo.
    Suiguiero traduscan al castellano la informacion ya q no es accesible pra todos con esta traducsion. 👍

  7. Hola a todos ! Bendiciones 🙏 Yo le doy a mi tía sábila con kalanchoe y miel, y su melatonina por la noche ella tiene metástasis. Producto de cáncer de mama y de piel. Y tiene mejor calidad de vida , hasta que Dios quiera recogerla. Tiene 91 años es señorita no se casó. Saludos 🙏🤗💕

  8. Hace como 20 años mi prima tuvo cáncer de mama y la operaron, recibió quimio y le prepare 1 litro de miel de abeja recién sacada del panal con una taza de sábila la que tiene manchitas blancas y 1/4 de whisky todo molido y se tomaba una cucharada tres veces al día y en la actualidad ella sigue comiendo un trocito de pulpa de sábila y no ha vuelto el cáncer, gracias a Dios

  9. I used aloe for my radiation treatment for breast cancer.. IT DID help… My doctor told me to buy a cream, I told him i was using it.. After, I was done with my treatment, he said your “skin healing great! The cream is working great, I told him, I never bought the cream, I been using aloe… he said, well, keep doing it, is healing fast…. 😂

  10. Fifteen years ago I was visiting with a lady friend, and while we were talking her 40 year old son was going through in his mobile home… Getting it cleaned up so a friend could rent it… Suddenly we heard an explosion, and he came running out of the mobile home, screaming he was burned badly!
    Note: Not knowing that the stove in the mobile home had an LP leak, he opened the stove door and it blew-up in his face, destroying the stove, and burning him badly!

    My friend grabbed him and had him lay down on her porch in the shade! Cut a large Aloe Vera leaf from an old plant growing in her yard… Quickly flayed it out, and covered his red, burned face with it, and he instantly relaxed…

    We went back to our conversation… And 10 minutes later she took off the Aloe from her son's face. The redness was gone, and he said that he now felt no pain at all! And he went back to working in the mobile home, minus the cigarette, DUH!!!…

  11. I highly recommend Dr. Osaka on YouTube channel, who helped me in getting rid of my herpes an my wife from liver cancer, It was Amazing seeing the both of us free from the deadly diseases with the help of Dr. Osaka natural herbal remedy, I'm forever grateful Doctor.

  12. I never  allow my doubt to steal my chances of letting Dr Madida on YouTube help me and indeed he didn’t failed me and his medicine did not fail me either in healing my Human papillomavirus.

  13. Visit DR AJAKAJA on YouTube today for your herpes permanent elimination and any other deadly disease like HPV. HIV.WART

  14. it is true nothing like the natural my father was saved from metastatic cancer thanks to a tea that a traditional alternative doctor with knowledge in natural medicine gave him.

  15. HPV is one terrible and embarrassing virus, I was actually having that disease till I met Dr Ben Uda, seriously I didn't believe he would be able to cure me from the virus cause it was already serious. To my greatest surprise I took the herbal medicine he gave me as prescribed for quite sometime and the sore was all getting dried up and healing so I went to get myself tested of HPV, behold I was finally healed and free from HPV and all thanks to Dr Ben Uda on YouTube I suggest if you still have the virus just contact him on his channel..

  16. Hello I'm bodo Gaga by name from USA, I'm so excited to inform everyone that I'm completely cured from my cancer sickness, after using the herbal medication I got from Dr Ogoh on YouTube, thanks to #drogoh
    I am forever grateful doctor.

  17. Yo amo la sábila.. El Áloe).. Tengo muchas plantas de sábila en mi casa diario La consumo en el batido de la mañana.. La hecho en el cabello. Piel.. Heridas etc.. Una vez tuve un accidente en una moto y casi no podía caminar en 1 mes y lo único que puse en las heridas fue sábila.. Ponía la baba y vendaba y lavaba y volvía a poner y así 3 veces al día hacia hasta que se me curó.. Nunca puse en mis heridas nada.. El único medicamento que tome fue paracetamol 3 días.. Tengo colitis y desde hace años que la tomo mi colitis casi termino.. Amo la sábila.. No puedo vivir sin ella… LA SÁBILA ERA LA PLANTA DE LA BELLEZA DE CLEOPATRA 😁😍😃🤣 Y HASTA TENER UNA DENTRO Y FUERA DE CASA ES BUENO TAMBIÉN DICE EL FENG SHUY ( NO SE COMO SE ESCRIBE BIEN 🤣🤣🤣.. Lo importante es dejarle el dato👌🎉🎉🇨🇺

  18. I purchased HSV and HPV herbal medicine from Dr Alaho Olu on YouTube and received it within 4 days and i used it as prescribed, I tested negative within 3 weeks of usage..

  19. You’re such a delightful and trustworthy person Dr Ayomede on YouTube. This man's herbal product helps defeat hpv, cancer and herpes 1&2

  20. Thank you so much dr itoya for your fully dedication to your work and knowledge you compose, am very happy and proud to come across you on YouTube channel. Your medications is indeed incomparable, my four years cancer disappeared completely within 17 days of usage and without any side effects, keep saving lives doctor

  21. Thank you so much dr itoya for your fully dedication to your work and knowledge you compose, am very happy and proud to come across you on YouTube channel. Your medications is indeed incomparable, my four years cancer disappeared completely within 17 days of usage and without any side effects, keep saving lives doctor

  22. Some months ago I ran into an old friend who look bothered of something, I couldn't hold myself, then I asked what is the matter? He said he's mother has been suffering from breast cancer over a year now and she has been moving from one hospital to another but, all to no avail. So I recommended Dr itoya to him in my present he called him and explain the situation to him, so the doctor told him what to do. To cult the whole story short, just after 17 days of using the medications she went for test and lol and behold she was tested cancer negative completely without any side effects. I called this doctor the great replicate of JESUS CHRIS

  23. thank you Lord 🙏 for leading me to DR.EBEDIA on YouTube. who was able to restored me back to life by curing me from HPV virus 🦠 totally and permanently with his powerful herbal remedies

  24. It's obvious some people with cancer are being enslaved to the antiviral and other supplementary Orthodox medicine just to help suppress the problem and not a cure. I have been with the cancer since 2018 until I was cured of cancer after using DR RORPOPOR herbal on YouTube herbal Medicine. Contact him💯

  25. Good morning I’m Lizzy from Connecticut USA 🇺🇸. I got cured from my Cancer Disease after using Doctor Elemomodu herbs 🌿. You can get more information by contacting Dr Elemomodu on YouTube Channel. Thanks to Mrs Monalisa for referring me to the traditional herbalist

  26. I'm very lucky to have come in contact with DR RORPOPOR HERBAL on YouTube in curing my breast cancer, I almost gave up in life but after using his herbal medication I feel just like every normal human and I'm so grateful❣️❣️

  27. Hola acabo de ver éste vídeo y justo
    A NIVEL GÁSTRICO* y he estado
    Se me pasa el "DOLOR y puedo COMER mejor, ya qué cuándo me duele NO puedo COMER", es muy buena acá en MÍ *PAÍS la utilizan para muchas COSAS,☘️🍀👍🌈😇🙏🇨🇱🙋 MUCHAS BENDICIONES 👍 gracias, gracias, gracias.

  28. Never lose hope if you are suffering from HPV, Genital warts herpes hiv ALS Cancer. you don't have to be worried They can be cure forever without coming back. with the best remedies from doctor ebedia on YouTube.#DREBEDIA

  29. Thank you Dr emuakhe from Africa.this is my third time of experiencing the effectiveness of your great herbs for the immediate relief of Cancer.i will place order for my old mom.more grace to your able sir

  30. I was diagnosed of hsv2 last year and got an outbreak but I cleaned it with the soap I got from from a doc who didn't cure me on YouTube and I used peroxide to clean bacteria some apple cider vinegar to help with the swelling then a cold rag for the rest of the night until I met #Drokooboh on YouTube who sent me a powdered form of medication and I took it as instructed by him online and now I tested negative and I showed my Doc here in Alabama who said I will never get cured. Thanks to this legit and honest herbal doctor on YouTube channel who got me cured completely from herpes virus..

  31. I have been really scared to get in to a relationship with anyone again, untill i Get cured. i never knew herpes was very deadly, It Hurts the most emotionally, Thanks to Dr Igho channel for helping me with the sacred Antidote.

  32. hola. buen día pues como me encantaría entender. pero en español. por qué inglés. no entendí. nada. 🤭😁 Aunque si se que la áloe vera o sávila es lo ultimo para la salud belleza remedios caseros bien preparados sirven para cosas muy buenas en nuestra salud en enfermedades cabello piel ctc pero me ubiera gustado entender 😔🙏🏻

  33. I don't know how it worked but it did a great job curing my Hsv2. I have suffered for a long time after using the #DrOkooboh herbs mixture I purchased on his YouTube channel and got rid of my outbreak too….

  34. El aloe Vera es bueno para el virus papilomas humano la pulpa de media sábila y dos cucharada de mezcal y una de miel se licua y se toma dos veces al día

  35. I am so grateful to drewi1 on YouTube who cured me from hsv_2 with his effective herbal medicine may God bless you sir you are truly a man of your world.

  36. I am so grateful to drewi1 on YouTube who cured me from hsv_2 with his effective herbal medicine may God bless you sir you are truly a man of your world.

  37. I'm so excited. I finally got rid of my Herpes Virus 1&2 within just three weeks. Thank you DREWI1 on YouTube. He also cures HPV, FIBROID, HIV and COLDSORE

  38. I'm so excited. I finally got rid of my Herpes Virus 1&2 within just three weeks. Thank you DREWI1 on YouTube. He also cures HPV, FIBROID, HIV and COLDSORE

  39. Hola
    Estoy viendo que muchos tuvieron buenos resultados con diferentes tipos de plantas, mi mama tiene metastasis de estomago con pulmon por favor si pudieran compartirme alguna receta para poder ayudarla les agradeceria mucho

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