Amla contro farmaci per colesterolo, infiammazione e fluidificanti del sangue

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100 Risposte a “Amla contro farmaci per colesterolo, infiammazione e fluidificanti del sangue”

  1. I prefer triphala powder,it has amalaki(amla fruit),also two other Ayurvedic dried fruits:bibhitaki and haritaki. It cleanses blood,intestines,removes excess vata,pitta and kapha,balancing doshas,bringing proper functioning to the system. Tastes horrible though(so is amla itself).

  2. Not a fan of the increased sexual references to be honest. I understand it is being done to reach a wider audience, but for me it takes away from the great research and will turn off older viewers who need to see these videos and receive this information in their later years.

  3. Love this man's humor, vision, and mission. I have the book and looking forward to the new one, what important work! Much love and respect from Israel.

  4. I'm really hating the humor when it deviates too much from the main topic. It's way over the top. And it also makes me lose my concentration.

  5. Great vid! Two points: What actually causes high cholesterol in some people? Instead of taking amla, I would have liked to know. And is amla throughly studied for side effects? I mean basil also has health benefits but when it was studied, it came out it might give you liver cancer. Turmeric and ginger can also be dangerous for some people. So, how are things with amla, I wonder…Maybe I should read more.

  6. Great Video and channel Dr. Gregger. I'm getting some Amla for sure. Reading your book inspired me to start my Vegan fountain of youth channel. Your story about your grandmother was so inspiring. I'm on three years of plant based eating. My energy is through the roof. I haven't had a cold in three years. Keep the great videos coming, and I will keep passing the information on.

  7. I have two gooseberry bushes which got weedwacked off last summer. UGH, it will take another two years to get them large enough to produce some berries….again. I do, however have a huge patch of black currants which i make jelly from and also keep some frozen to put into my oatmeal several times a week. I guess those and the wild harvested blueberries I also gather will have to do for my phyto-nutrient kick, for now.

  8. Dr Gregor – first of all thanks for this and all your other great videos. Really appreciate the research you do and providing the information to us. I'm reading you book and learning new recipes from the How Not to Die Cookbook. Great resources. Now a question. Following knee surgery in October 2016 I developed a DVT in the same leg where I had the surgery. My surgeon recommended Xarelto. Some research indicated that 3-4 months treatment should be sufficient so I discontinued the drug. After that i developed another DVT in my other leg (the one that was not operated on). The surgeon believes this could have been from doing leg lifts that that leg under my surgical leg or wearing compression socks that did not come up above my knee. My physician referred me to a Hematologist. She did a zillion blood tests which all came back normal – so I have no hereditary reason to develop blood clots. But the Hematologist recommended staying on the Xarelto (blood thinner) for the rest of my life. I really don't want to be on the medicine. Over the past six months, I've eliminated sugar from my diet and switched to nearly 100% plant based diet. I am now seeing these videos about Amla and Tumeric and wondering is it possible a plant based diet could allow me to get off of this blood thinner medicine. I plan to talk with one of the doctors in my area referred from your website. But I also so on the website to ask a question via one of your videos, so I am hopeful that you might be able to provide some insight. I also figure there might be others dealing with the same issues. On the bright side, if I were on warfarin instead of Xarelto, I don't think I could even eat a plant based diet because the greens would interfere with the medicine. Now isn't that ironic, that the very diet needed to control your health could not be possible because of a medicine to control your health. Ugh! Thanks.

  9. This is why we need govt funding of medical research instead of relying on pharma companies.

    Heh. America. What a sad dystopia of capitalism we have become.

  10. I am afraid government might outlaw the possession of amla so their pharmaceutical overlords will remain profitable.

  11. What about people already on statins? Is it safe to use both? Or wait until won diet brings it down, then switch?

  12. Hello everyone, i eat to much sugar actually lots of it and no fat, im vegan fruit and vegetables is my life, did my bloodtest and sugar is low but cholesterol is sky high, how come? I dont get it isnt it supposed to be other way around? Pls help dr Gregger

  13. Anyone seen an LDL drop after amla? I’ve seen a dramatic drop when I went 100% vegan from about 95 to 70 within 6 weeks. Meat crept back in and I saw ldl go right back up. Now eating vegan again last month and for some reason it’s easy this time. Looking forward to retesting. Thinking of adding amla.

  14. Cardiologists advocate statins “in the drinking water” but this has zero side effects and is as effective as Lipitor and metformin combined! Doctors should be recommending it. And notice these results were achieved even without dietary or lifestyle intervention. One would have to assume eating healthy Plus Amla could put many Americans into heart attack proof ldl range of 50-70.

  15. I brushed my teeth with amla powder like 3 weeks ago. STILL A METRIC TON OF FRUIT FLIES ALL OVER MY BATHROOM! I'm like 99% vegan but I've no mercy on those fuckers.

  16. Please can yoiu shed some light on a situation: a friend of mine has benign high blood pressure and for 30 years has taking a combination of nifedipine and atenolol to lower her blood pressure. she now has high cholesterol which (i bleieve) is a side effect of this drug combo. if she stops taking these drugs her life might be at risk. but taking statins is obviosly not something she wants to do, though her GP wants her to. What would you suggest?

  17. Great video Dr Greger, please do more videos like this please where you show the benefits of whole plant foods head to head against the pharmaceutical industry

  18. gooseberries is very good for vitamin C !
    another thing when measuring herbs and fruits to pills is this-pills do not have fiber.
    fiber is another source for optimum health.
    i say anything that takes you away from taking a pill is a great source for health!

  19. I'm beginning to become skeptical of studies coming out of India for financial gain.
    So far everything I tried based on these studies supported by Indian researchers had little to no effect.
    and guess where most of these natural products are mostly made? India.

  20. This stuff tastes awful. Put it in your smoothie and it ruins it. Bitter. I put mine in a T of peanut butter and just ate it. Do-able! Had to share.

  21. So, is 1 gooseberry the same as the dried about, more or less? I'm afraid of buying powders of the Internet, who knows what it really is?

  22. So amla is basically an unregulated drug that I'm taking in my smoothie every morning, not fully knowing its effects…hope it goes well with white tea leaves and ground flax seed!

  23. I’d like to add a warning to all interstitial cystitis sufferers: this stuff is very high in ascorbic acid. I started taking it after watching the video, and I broke my first rule as an IC sufferer — I didn’t read the ingredients. After two days I felt like my bladder was on fire. It took 12 days to get out of that flare. Wish I could take it, though.

  24. Hello, I have a question: would there be any interactions when taking amla powder with antibiotics, immunesurpressing or bloodpressure lowering drugs?
    Help is very appreciated.

  25. Beware my fellow health seeking friends, I just ruined my chocolate oatmeal with only 1 small teaspoon of amla x__x don't try to sneak too much of it in your food, the sour taste can be quite dominant.

  26. As a way to strengthen the existence of the “good” cholesterol and also lessen the “bad” cholesterol I got, I tested out making use of this specific cholesterol guide “Hοzantο Axy” (Google it) . I don`t know whether it`s completed that yet; I haven`t had any another blood check up since I started working with it. I can`t delay to have my cholesterol level check again in a couple of months. Based upon all the things I have go through, this will work well. .

  27. My goal should be to get my cholesterol to drop right from 245 to 199, the least, with the use ofthis cholesterol guide “Hοzantο Axy” (Google it). Luckily, in only a matter of 3 weeks, I have it dropped to 216. I did it with out doing big adjustments on my very own diet. .

  28. Been vegan ( not whole food, plant based entirely yet) now for over 2 years. Recently, I had my blood test and my test came back good overall however my cholesterol was 186, HDL level was very low at 27 and my LDL was high also at 135. Triglycerides was 119. What is going on? Sure I could eat fewer processed foods but I don't eat much of it…some rice, pasta. I eat plenty, of beans, whole grains, veggies, and fruit. I even try to eat amla once a day. Am I the only one with this experience? Please help?

  29. All of the Amla studies come from India …. makes me suspicious. I have probably been plant-based longer than most here have been alive so dont question my skepticism – but i am not convinced about Amla until studies come from a neutral souce. if anyone knows some, please reply with links. I want to be wrong. trust me.

  30. Guy's guy's guy's… Hi I'm Yash from pune…. We have production unit …we produce Awala products like Awala candy, juice, powder, supari, syrup, pickle and many more…. We have organic process.. Like we directly take Awala from local farmers and produce the products… Best part is that it is totally natural… Not even 0.01% of chemicals… You can contact me at …. Trust our products, you will not regret

  31. This amazing cholesterol guide “Hοzantο Axy” (Google it) is a brand new treatment I did start to utilize. Particularly, I started off making use of it in order to reduce my cholesterol at the help and advice of my very own PHYSICIAN. Every day, I have to take a caplet. This ought to be done for two months. My cholesterol decreased Thirty points. There’s no question I would suggest this to my relatives. Needless to say, I am going to continuously take this. .

  32. My pal had been identified as having very high cholesterol and also had been placed on medications. He does not prefer to feed on seafoods therefore this has been an easy option for him. Using this unique cholesterol manual “Hοzantο Axy” (Google it) is the ideal choice for him. Soon after 2-3 weeks his levels have lowered and also the medications are really easy to have. This medication doesn`t give you a negative taste. .

  33. This cholesterol manual “Hοzantο Axy” (Google it) is a whole new solution I simply began to use. This precisely due to an advice created by my personal health care provider thus I can get my cholesterol dropped. I took a single caplet each day for two months before I had my labs. It has reduced my cholesterol to 30 points. I will certainly carry on utilizing this product and also highly recommend it to my loved ones. .

  34. Ok. There I was, scarfing down my veggies and Dr Greger makes this joke 0:48 about the fight over naming rights of an insect sexual activity observation chamber. I almost sprayed the veggies all over the screen. As always. Thx Dr Greger.

  35. I tried a few different things so it's hard to say what made the difference but I was on a junk food vegan diet and had cholesterol of 241 and went whole foods plant based along with taking 1/4 teaspoon of amla per day and my cholesterol dropped to 187 three months later.

  36. The information is great, but much, much more palatable reading the script with the pseudo-hesitant narrator volume turned off. I can't abide listening to that!!

  37. I wish I could use this stuff. Warning to anyone with sensitive bladder issues — it can throw you into a pain cycle due to the the high level of ascorbic acid.

  38. Use of any statins was associated with a 40 percent reduction in ovarian cancer mortality compared with patients who never used statins. Lipophilic statins specifically were associated with a 43 percent reduction in ovarian cancer mortality.

  39. Use of any statins was associated with a 40 percent reduction in ovarian cancer mortality compared with patients who never used statins. Lipophilic statins specifically were associated with a 43 percent reduction in ovarian cancer mortality.

  40. What I really want to know is if it's such a great aphrodisiac for fruit flies, does that work in humans? Some say yes, but is there any science?

  41. In fact the drug industry would be incentivized to damage the reputation of natural alternatives whenever possible. Especially the more research proved it as good or better than their patented chemicals. It is a travesty the government itself doesn't massively fund research into the natural substance use for the treatment of disease.

  42. Reading the comments, I'm starting to think that the taste of Amla affects different people in different ways. I put about half a normal teaspoon (not a measuring teaspoon) in some yobhurt and couldn't really taste anything. I dissolved some in a glass of water and it did seem bitter- but not as bitter as the hibiscus tea I drink (unsweetened) every day. For me, the downside is the grittiness when 'dissolved' in water – it's more of a 'suspension' of the tiny particles in the water – down it fast. It's only my second day trying it, so I'll need to figure out a way to dose it palatably. Though for me, suspending it in water and chugging it down is a very short-term unpleasantness that I think I'll get used to soon enough.

  43. One would think that if there was funding to investigate the sexual behavior of fruit flies, there might be some funding to ascertain the cancer fighting ability of amla.

  44. Thank you Dr. Greger. I have friends who have high cholesterol and diabetes. How awesome just having a 1/2 teaspoonful of AMLA a day can lower their LDL Cholesterol .

  45. All I’m hearing is that we don’t have an actual human study showing amla to be useful. I was waiting for the signature peripateic “until now”. What’d I miss? 🤷🏽‍♂️

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