Applicazione topica della curcumina curcuma per il cancro

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DESCRIZIONE: Per i tumori accessibili come pelle, bocca e vulva, la spezia curcuma può essere applicato in un unguento. Nota: c'è un'immagine di cancro al seno ulcerato da 3: 03 a 3: 03 che gli spettatori potrebbero trovare inquietante.

Il video del cancro al colon Mi riferisco al mio ultimo video, Curcuma curcuma e cancro al colon (<br/> Altro su cosa può fare questa spezia dorata:
• Quali spezie combattono l'infiammazione ? (
• Spicing Up Protezione del DNA (
• Curcumina curcuma e artrite reumatoide (
• Curcumina curcuma e artrosi ( curcuma-curcumina-e-artrosi/)

Esistono modi per aumentare la biodisponibilità della curcumina ( per farlo entrare nel nostro sangue flusso.
Alcuni dovrebbero essere cauti sull'uso della curcuma, però. Vedi chi non dovrebbe consumare curcumina o curcuma? (
Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: James Heilman, MD e Sanjay Acharya tramite Wikimedia.
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41 Risposte a “Applicazione topica della curcumina curcuma per il cancro”

  1. Hi I had a few questions: Why do green leafy vegetables taste bitter overall? Many of the animals like, cows, sheep, etc. they eat the green stuff all day long and seem to enjoy it, why then is it that humans aren't crazy over the taste? One would think through evolution that our bodies would enjoy eating leafs etc. but we don't jump up when we have to eat greens, opposed to the sugary deliciousness fruit. 

    Also do you think our bodies are adapted to the northern plants etc. because we are most naturally made for the tropics and warm climates that match our body temperature. I ask this because I am trying to get into wild foraging but it seems hard to get 2500 calories from wild nature here in Europe (Netherlands)  

    And people that are on raw vegan diets usually need juicers and blenders to get their greens in. Because we need so many greens for vitamins and minerals I find it hard to understand because how did we get all we need before blenders? 

    Things don't add up here doc, can you please enlighten me on these points?  

  2. With any sickness, always wise to change your diet, your body will gradually heal providing you balance and consume the right foods. Always good idea also to become a vegetarian or vegan, you reduce dramatically parasites and toxins found in meat which can, in the long term, cause cancer and other illnesses.

  3. Perhaps big pharma ought to consider adding turmeric into their arsenal of anti-cancer agents. They could get it in bulk from Whole Foods.

  4. I'm almost 70 and since I was in my early twenty's I've said that "modern medicine" is barking up the wrong tree when it comes to cancer treatment. Diet and natural substances have a much better track record than does surgery, radiation and toxic chemotherapy.

  5. Turmeric may be good for other things, it has its pro and cons.  But turmeric (curcumin): can contribute to oxidative stress in asian patients with acute vitiligo. Asians (whose culture appreciates this herb) have a worse risk of dermatological “splotching” (vitiligo) when they eat this herb, since it inhibits repigmentation of the skin.

  6. oh man, Doc Greger, Im wondering is it the diet that makes you such a funny guy? I mean, this one is trully hilarious (as if the other videos were not!) and I'm glad to be one of yer subscribers 😀   

  7. The idea of a controlled release turmeric implant is actually pretty damn cool. Here is another idea, mix turmeric extract/juice with DMSO and apply topically. I'm using a turmeric paste on a burn at the moment, I think it will work. I mixed turmeric powder with water in a pot and heat up at a low temp, then I added coconut oil, turmeric essential oil, frankincense essential oil, cayenne pepper powder and camu camu powder.

    It's quite soothing as I just took it from the fridge. One thing, it stains your skin and your clothes. My hair and face were orange last time I used this lmao. That's tough to explain to people, why am I becoming an Oompa Loompa?

  8. Mother Nature has the cures for everything, hence the importance and urgency to stop destroying the planet.

  9. Yes it works. I had a rash on my hand for 20 years that I couldn`t get rid of no matter what I put on it. So when I watched this video I decided to try it . I put it on once a day mixed with a little water and the itching stopped straight away and it was better in a week.

  10. After watching this video, I took tiny slices of turmeric and applied it directly to a mole on my face (applied like a tiny bandage) and in less than 2 weeks it's 99.9% GONE. No other natural remedy that had worked for other things worked on this (ACV, tea tree oil with oregano…).

  11. Thanks so much for this. Friend, who won't go to doctor, had a frequently itchy, slow-growing and worsening lesion on skin. Kept applying colloidal silver cream (35,000ppm), but growth just got worse. I remember a Persian gent telling me his Mom used to wrap sprains and almost any injury with turmeric with amazing results. Found this vid, made the paste of turmeric powder + homemade colloidal silver (10 ppm, not cream) + petroleum jelly for my friend. At least a couple of times a day, he puts a little paste on the growth and covers it with an adhesive bandage. After few days itching stopped. In 10 days, the growth flattened and is almost gone! Not sure what the lesion is, but skin cancer does run in his family…Thanks again!

  12. I wonder if this percentage of 25% success is not consistent with placebo effect. Since the people knew the were using a medication to treat their disease.

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