Assorbimento di nutrienti per cibi crudi

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DESCRIZIONE: Ci sono alcuni fitonutrienti che vengono assorbiti meglio dai cibi cotti. Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione dei commenti su e io' proverò a rispondere! E dai un'occhiata a “Miti sulla dieta del cibo crudo” ( . Inoltre, ci sono 1,380 altri soggetti ( /topics/) trattate nel resto dei miei video: sentiti libero di esplorarle anche tu!

Crediti immagine: Christa / Flickr
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11 Risposte a “Assorbimento di nutrienti per cibi crudi”

  1. not all diets are made equal – I'd be interested to know what the 'raw food diet' in the study looked like? …just what was being eaten?

  2. Poor animals, still unable to develop the technologies that will give them health and optimum nutrition. That´s why they´re so cancerous!… We on the other hand, are strong! Salve Fired Foods!

    Studies show optimum carotene intake associated with raw food diets:

    "Long-term strict raw food diet is associated with favourable plasma beta-carotene."

    "Plasma carotenoids as biomarkers of vegetable and fruit intake."

    "Plasma carotenoid levels and the relation with vegetable and fruit consumption."

  3. Yeah because most likely it was laden in nuts and seeds and high fat junk. I mean it's just one step above S.A.D. if one eats that kind of "raw" food diet in my opinion.

  4. Over the last decade I've been consuming carrots and other beta-carotene-rich foods only raw and as I result I've been absorbing too much beta-carotene. My skin has become yellowish (I used to consume them also cooked before and then I had a yellowish skin as well). Every time I see a doctor they're concerned whether I may have yellow jaundice until they check the sclera of my eyes. Quite often they advise me to stop eating so many carrots.

  5. you did not read the study Dr Greger, 75% of the "raw food group" were eating animal products and the amt of beta carotene was far below what actual raw foodists consume. i will be doing a response when i can, please do not spread misinformation about the raw food lifestyle with poorly performed testing.

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