Morbo di Alzheimer: cervello di grano o testa di carne?

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DESCRIZIONE: Il consumo di cereali sembra fortemente protettivo contro il morbo di Alzheimer, mentre l'assunzione di grassi animali è stata collegata al rischio di demenza.
Alcuni video precedenti sull'Alzheimer e sul mantenimento della funzione cognitiva:
• Teoria dietetica dell'Alzheimer ( • Zafferano per il trattamento dell'Alzheimer (<br/> • Alzheimer e succo di mela (
• L'olio di cocco cura l'Alzheimer? (
• Come rallentare l'invecchiamento cerebrale di due anni ( by-two-years/)

Maggiori informazioni sulle conseguenze della carbofobia qui:
• Dieta Atkins: difficoltà a mantenerla ( /) • Lezioni paleolitiche ( video/lezioni-paleolitico/)
• I cereali integrali possono funzionare bene quanto i farmaci ( • Diete a basso contenuto di carboidrati e flusso sanguigno coronarico ( flow/)

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: kresbicky tramite deviant art.
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91 Risposte a “Morbo di Alzheimer: cervello di grano o testa di carne?”

  1. Wow! Powerful stuff. Alzheimer's is getting Bigger in my family. "It cant be the food?" they say as they eat a cheese burger. I wish there was some way to make them see I will be the one left to take care of them, One of 8. They will no longer watch any videos I share with them.

  2. More evidence then that suggests that human beings were never meant to eat meat, of any sort. You have a better health in life if you go without it. I once watch a documentary some years back about chimpanzees living somewhere in the jungles of Africa, some of the chimpanzees lived on a island on a huge lake, they developed to consuming only vegetation without the consumption of animal products, they became non-aggressive, had better health and lived longer than those in the mainland which did consume animal products and were aggressive and had a lesser lifespan.

  3. Grains are not meant to be our first choice of food.  Eggs pack the nutrition for the brain – just had 2 of them with an avocado & turmeric!

  4. Hello Dr. Greger, I have a question. There is a lot of information about metabolism on the internet, and I was wondering is there such a thing as damaging your metabolism? Over the past year with a vegan diet, excise and calorie restricting I have reach my goal weight. I loss 144 pounds, but now I am scare to up my calorie intake. I fear I have damaged my metabolism, and even eating 1500 calories will cause weight gain. What should I do?

  5. The over consumption of grain based foods has been linked to the metabolic syndrome (diabetes,heart disease and cancer) hence the now defunct American food pyramid created by the USDA  however in this case Alzheimer's It may be another culprit I suspect the rise in "statin drugs" use perpetuated by the Cholesterol myth  always follow the money trail.

  6. As a former vegan who felt lousy eating grains and whose skin broke out eating plenty of grains fruits veggies legumes nuts and seeds . I'm pretty sure the nuts seeds legumes and veggies , fruits weren't my problem and the grains were holding me back from feeling healthy

  7. A study done in 1947 tooked at laboratory animals – one group was a pure vegan; the other had the same basic diet with all the supplements, just added veal powder, ground up veal, some ground up bone meal, The vegan rats lived 555 days & the  omnivore diet rats with meat lived twice as long, 1020 days.  Protein is good 4 U !

  8. I work at a company in the U.S. that gets a bunch of employees from India.  They arrive looking in good shape.  Less than a year later they are fat. Office job combined with the SAD diet, go figure.  Welcome to the U.S.A.!!!!

  9. Typical agenda driven "science." How many of the meat eaters and vegetarians had diets absent of high fructose corn syrup and other simple sugars? The Japanese have always had diets rich in fish and other seafood so, you can't lay all of this on the consumption of meat.

  10. i think you're missing a simple issue… all the groups who are more likely to get dementia that you mentioned are also more likely to be obese…. not due to the macro content of their diet but rather due to the VOLUME of their diet… the issue is not eating meat… it's eating too much of everything… i'm gonna go eat a seal burger with veal back bacon now

  11. Just stumbled upon this little study:Alterations in mood after changing to a low-fat diet. In short, they tracked persons on a 41% fat diet (controls on the average fat consumption in the UK at the time) and a 25% fat diet for several months.

    The results: Hostility and anger increased significantly among the low fat dieters, and depressed mood decreased among the 41% fat dieters while it increased among the low fat dieters. Tension and anxiety also increased among the low fat dieters.
    Br J Nutr. 1998 Jan;79(1):23-30.

  12. Completely Ignoring the fact how much junk food the average people eat, they didn't switch to meat from rice, they switched to mcdonald's burgers chocolate and soda

  13. Another one: Nutrition and Alzheimer's disease: The detrimental role of a high carbohydrate diet.

    In this paper, we have highlighted that AD may also be caused by a
    deficiency in the supply chain of cholesterol, fats, and antioxidants to
    the brain. We have provided much evidence of the importance of
    these nutrients to brain function, and have shown that AD patients are
    deficient in cholesterol and fats in the cerebral spinal fluid.

    Seneff S, et al, Nutrition and Alzheimer's disease: The detrimental role of a high carbohydrate diet, European Journal of Internal Medicine (2011),

  14. I have noticed that people who worked in mental homes often have mental problems later, is there some virus or bacteria involved, I lived near one of old mental homes near London and knew people who had problems later on in life who worked there

  15. Until we have a study separating gmo vegie and grains vs grass feed animals not gmo grain feed industrial meets, your blabbing is just that.

  16. The connection between dementia and increased animal products is pretty clear. However, I rather think that it is the high levels of heme iron and higher levels of protein that are doing the bulk of the brain damage, rather than the fat.. Also I am very skeptical about grains having a "protective: action on the brain. Rice does to be one of benign grain, but  I'm inclined to think that both grains and animal products (wheat and meat, mostly) in large amounts are stressful to the body. The truly protective aspects of the plant based diet are the fruits and vegetables.

  17. Its the statins that are causing dementia.  I will bet there is a direct coorelation between dementia and statins use.  Take away the bodies ability to regenerate cells (cholesterol) and your brain deteriorates.

  18. this guy blows….just look for dr david perlmutter or gary taubes. increased carbs are to blame because: glycation of proteins, insulin resistance in the brain, inactivity of insulin degrading enzyme( it is responsible for degrading beta amyloid in addition to insulin in the brain, making beta amyloid plaques more likely to aggregate.

  19. Since 1960, what has changed in raising beef ???  Stopped gras fed and went to grain (corn) fed . Growth hormone in dairy. It's not the beef but what and how they are raised and fed …  Destroying the health of all of us for a few $Bucks !!!!

  20. I would love to believe this but every other day they change what is good and bad to eat in this country. All of the food is tainted in this country. Wheat is crap in the U.S. I grew up on alot of pasta, and I think this video smacks of propaganda. No one in the world wants to buy our grain, they refused it in U.K. because it is substandard. Going to Europe and eating grain and pasta is a whole different experience. Get your facts straight. One hand you are saying cut carbs because sugar causes the sticky substance that creates Alzheimers now you are saying the opposite. I took care of a lady with that disease 3.5 years and she NEVER ate meat, so I think it was her stressful life in her earlier years played a huge part in her coming down with the disease. My grandmother craved sweets when she got it also, alot of snacks and sugary stuff, which feeds into Alzheimers. Please quit putting out false info to the public who believes this stuff.

  21. bull shit… its the grains not the meat and saturated fats… if it is the meat its because  the cattle are fed the grains instead of grass …   are you  a government shill ? how much is the gov paying you?  hahahaha grass fed cows have more mega 3s   which is good for your brain!! are u a doctor ? yes u are!! a spin doctor!!

  22. I read Dr. William Davis' book "Wheatbelly" where he shows studies that prove that WHEAT CAUSES LEAKY BRAIN SYNDROME which may lead to Alzheimer's and AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME 4 DAT!!!….I ALREADY GOTS ME THE BRONCHITIS, OH!! SWEET BABY JESUS!!!  YOU CAN STICK YOUR GRAINS WHERE THE SUN DON'T SHINE!!!   YESSSIR!!!!  LAWD AMIGHTY!!!  TESTIFY!!!

  23. the diseases is way more likely to be caused by all the chemicals they put on the meat and the vaccinations manufacturers use on the animals,not by the fat.

  24. I think I'll stick with some of the findings in the "Grain Brain" that are listed.  The proof is in the pudding. Our ancestors thrived off of veggies, fruits, meats, and lots of natural fats.  What has happened ever since the Western Diet has changed?  Obesity and the epidemic of all sorts of diseases.

  25. So, do lions get dementia or alzhimer?
    All they eat is meat!
    No, they eat the hole animal, bones, meat, skin, hair etc…

  26. Just another vegan trying to prove his lifestyle with bogus health claims. And eggs are now officially good for you. Enjoy. They taste better than tofu.

  27. I actually have seen several studies showing increased aggression when the human diet (and rat diets) are deficient in certain nutrients, for example, a really low fat diet. Maybe it triggers some sort of "killer" instinct – the body senses it is "starving", and ups the aggression to become a better hunter – after all, the body is sensing that its life is at stake. This explains why every vegan I have ever met has been quite aggressive and hostile – they're diet is putting them into "kill" mode.

  28. "our stomach's produces hydrochloric acid, something not found in herbivores. Furthermore, the human pancreas manufactures a full range of digestive enzymes to handle a wide variety of foods, both animal and vegetable"

  29. I hope everybody here is actually reading the peer reviewed articles cited in the video. If you are not reading them and you are just watching the video and believe everything he says you should be careful because you are most likely getting a very biased opinion. Instead of watching YouTube videos and documentaries everybody should read a scientific paper that has been peer reviewed so they can form their own opinion. And just because he is a "Dr." doesn't mean you have to trust him. Also, just so everybody knows, there is also peer reviewed articles that contradicts what this video states.

  30. This disease is noting more then a population control tactic brain is lacking in essential fatty acids this is the problem not enough (cholesterol) to protect the brain. ask anyone over the age of 60 do they remember anybody that caught this so called disease when they were younger the answer will be no because it didn't exist. root causes are amalgam poisoning, statin drugs, vaccines or teeth fillings containing heavy metals

  31. maybe grain fed animals produce unhealthy meat, and if you feed the animals proper food the meat produced is good to eat?

  32. Genetics, Vitamin/mineral deficiency, Flouride which is in tap water all cause this. Add 3tbs of organic coconut oil to your diet daily and give it a couple weeks maybe sooner to feel the difference in your well being.

  33. Would you recommend lots of rice and grains for someone with T1 diabetes, though? I find that these sorts of things spike my blood sugar high and rapidly, which is really bad for health.

  34. sea mammals got the biggest brain, because they got omega-3 fatty acids, and surprise surprise they don't eat grains

  35. Love your videos, they've helped me enormously. I've been thinking and have concluded the reason two thirds of dementia sufferers are women is because they move less than men. From school to adulthood, men are far more active on account of our occupations and sport participation. It has definitely started to change, women are the most active they been since the modern era began in the last few decades. The issue prior to the fitness obsession was that women didn't really play sport, and didn't work outdoors which meant far lower heart rates. I believe this alone allows plaque to deposit in the capillaries of the brain restricting blood flow. They also had far simpler lives with far more boredom and depression having to try and fill days before technology which meant even less movement and less critical thinking allowing plaque to harden and constrict blood supply to the greedy brain making it harder to think, remember and problem solve.

  36. Sorry – I disagree. Grassfed beef, free range and pastured chickens, medium chain fats and nutrients – Dr. Eric Berg has given me hope regarding my mother's confusion. Fats, proteins and veggies – lots of veggies – no grains. I've been eating this way along with my mother. My mom has a long way to go but I feel incredible. So much energy. Oh – and this is a zero sugar diet. So no sugar or grains!!! There's more to the madness. Go back to what our great grandparents ate. I grew up eating 2 vegetables at every meal and my grandmother who lived to be a hundred had a garden.

  37. grain brain definitely since alzheimer is a new epidemic and we ate meat forever and weren't plagued with alzheimer, simple logic

  38. I'm all for the nutrition facts but do worry that there is a lot more to this than just meat. Comparing 60's health vs. 2000's health and comparing mean health metrics measured in rural traditional populations vs. modern city populations will catch the effects of all kinds of differences beyond just the different level of meat consumption. There's more work stress, the increasing breakdown of family and community cohesion & support, social volatility & uncertainty, environmental toxins, sedentary occupations, lack of sunlight, every pollution from air to noise to light to microwave radiation….just saying…there is more to the increasing incidences of various types of health damage we see happening in modern living – (heart diseases, diabetes, cancers, autism spectrum disorders, CFS, depression, addiction) – than meat consumption alone. Totally agree whole food plant based diets are a huge help and that's what this channel provides. However its equally important not to get drawn into too much of a narrow food hype. A caged chimp living in a plastic box having bananas thrown at it is not going to be the healthiest biological specimen.

  39. I've been following Dr. Greger for over a year now and I love how he's such an advocate for healthy living and whole plant based diets. He's helped remind and inspire me to continue to eat healthy and focus on fruits and veggies. In the last year, I have observed that he has a bias against animal based foods. In this video he uses reframing fallacy to show how meat based diets cause alzheimers by referencing the traditional Japanese diets contrasted by western diets and committing the fallacy of omission by missing one high impact detail: the traditional Japanese diet was a 100% unprocessed, whole foods diet and their culinary and dietary habits were different – Dr Gregor is looking at it from the selective perspective of meat and ignoring other obvious factors.

    There is plenty evidence on the contrary that the traditional diets of not only Japan and China AND my wife's country of Bolivia (where there are communities of indigenous people who routinely live over 100) contain animal products. I've seen these people in Bolivia myself. They eat alpaca, emu, chicken, pork, flamingo, caribara, and llama meats that are free-range, pharmaceutical-free and the animals ate the diet that they're supposed to eat. These indigenous people eat meat in reasonable portions (4oz or less per serving), don't char or grill the meat, and use a lot of spices with it (for hmmmm, added antioxidants), whereas the average westerner eats 6-12oz of conventionally produced meat and grills it and lathers salty/sugary sauces on top of it. As side dishes, the indigenous people in Bolivia also eat WHOLE unprocessed vegetables with their meat like sweet potato (camote), quinoa or choclo, onion, and carrot instead of things like bread, mashed potatoes, sweet corn, etc in the western diet. The indigenous people often don't combine fruits with vegetables and meats. They see fruits as a snack, dessert, or breakfast food. They are also into traditional herbalism and drinking tea; these people are HIGHLY active as well; 3-4x more active than the average westerner. See the difference already? So Dr. Greger is using selective bias, reframing fallacy, and cherry picking to find and use studies that align with his paradigm that meat is the enemy.

    People who travel to the USA from another country who subsequently gain weight and develop poor health aren't necessarily doing so because they started to eat meat: 1) they probably started to eat too much meat that wasn't cooked properly (but was overcooked and charred) and combined with sugary/salty sauces 2) They became more sedentary, as is the western lifestyle 3) they stopped seeing traditional medicine doctors (they moved to the US and can't as easily see a traditional medicine doctor here in the USA) 4) They started eating more processed foods overall and less whole plant foods 5) they succumbed to the higher stress that can occur from living here in the USA (depending on what country they came from of course) 5) It's possible that by moving to the USA, they became exposed to more environmental and food-based toxins/chemicals than they'd be exposed to in their own countries 6) They adopted the western lifestyle which includes looking at screens and being exposed to light late at night which lowers melatonin output, thus negatively harming their sleep and body's detoxification and rejuvenation systems

  40. I am having a hard time believing that animal protein is the blame. India has a very high incidence of diabetes and people with diabetes have a very high risk for Alzheimers. While I believe in eating more veggies than meat, I still believe we are omnivores and need small amounts for optimal health. I know I feel better keeping some meat in my diet than taking it completely out.

  41. alzheimers desease is called DIABETES TYPE 3. because it has to do with insulin resistence in the cells.
    the medicine world called it that way.
    it has to do with sugar. not meat. maybe sugar combined with fats, which can as well be from animals. but its a problem with energy metabolism concerning glucose.

  42. Definitely not because of natural chemical free meat..we've been eating meat since day one..but grain only been around for a short time in hunan history and causes all sorts of issues..but it has to be RAW uncooked meat

  43. I can't make sense out of why there are so many reports of people feeling significantly better on a carnivore diet. What about whole wheat and gluten consumption as Japan adopted a more western diet? What about endotoxins that are contained in a significant number of the plants we eat? What about the quality of meat being consumed? Processed vs farm-raised grass-fed. It sounds like we ultimately just don't have good data to draw clear conclusions.

  44. This Info is very misleading as it only supports one side of a study to support one view of a problem , I could easily show you information based on a study that shows the opposite outcome pro animal products …you need to be very careful here watching these vids as many of them are misleading and actually WRONG !!!… your own research people and make your own conclusions dont just believe one thing told to you by someone you don't know because you don't really know who they work for or what narrative they are pushing and who is paying them sto push it !!!

  45. I wonder if the use of unleaded fuel and lead piping for domestic dwellings played its part in this disease back in the older days it would explain why older folk suffered from in 🤥

  46. All thanks to this Africa #DrOare on Youtube channel who cured my mom from motor neuron diseases (ALS) After the usage of herbal medicine treatment from an Africa herbal doctor!! Thank you very much #DOare on Youtube channel🙏

  47. I'm glad to share this here on YouTube on how dr OARE on YouTube was able to cured and reversed my mom from her AL'S disease of 3years!! You too can also reach Dr OARE on YouTube for more enquiries👍🇺🇸

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