Endotossiemia da batteri della carne morta

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DESCRIZIONE: L'elevata carica batterica negli alimenti animali crudi o cotti e negli alimenti fermentati può innescare un'ondata endotossica di infiammazione che può essere esacerbata dalla presenza di grassi animali saturi. Questo è il video finale di una serie in tre parti che esplora il meccanismo alla base del picco di infiammazione che segue entro poche ore da un pasto contenente prodotti di origine animale. Vedi la teoria dell'intestino permeabile sul perché i prodotti animali causano infiammazione ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-leaky-gut-theory-of-why-animal-products-cause -inflammation/) e The Endogenous Endotoxin Theory (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-exogenous-endotoxin-theory/) per le parti uno e due. Sebbene questa ondata di infiammazione possa derivare da batteri morti o vivi, i batteri vivi possono quindi causare altri problemi, vedi, ad esempio, MRSA in US Retail Meat ( http:// nutritionfacts.org/video/mrsa-in-us-retail-meat/), Total Recall (http://nutritionfacts. org/video/total-recall/), Chicken Out of UTIs (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/chicken -out-of-utis/) e Toxic Megacolon Superbug (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/toxic -megacolon-superbug/). I grassi saturi sembrano avere anche altri effetti deleteri come l'aumento del rischio di malattie cardiache ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/blocking-the-first -step-of-heart-disease/) e accorciando la vita delle sopravvissute al cancro al seno (http:// http://nutritionfacts.org/video/breast-cancer-survival-butterfat-and-chicken/). Per ulteriori informazioni sull'atteggiamento condiscendente in cui si crede che le persone non siano in grado di gestire le verità dietetiche, dai un'occhiata al mio 380-serie parziale sulle linee guida dietetiche dello scorso ottobre iniziata con Dietary Guidelines: Corporate Guidance (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/ linee-guida-dietetiche-guida-aziendale/). Questa è solo una delle tante serie di video. Ci sono centinaia di altri video su più di mille argomenti da sfogliare su http://nutritionfacts.org/topics/.<br/> Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/dead-meat-bacteria-endotoxemia/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Crediti immagine: European Bioinformatics Institute e Mikael Häggström via Wikimedia Commons.

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28 Risposte a “Endotossiemia da batteri della carne morta”

  1. Interesting study. I only associated toxins with candida yeast once it's been killed in the body. I will pass this information along to my carnivorous associates. Thanks.

  2. From your own words, the same problem exists with fermented foods as well, so why focus on animal products? Even chocolate is high in endotoxins. Saturated fat is reduced by eating grass fed beef. Antibotics are also known to increase endotoxins, why is why you should eat organic beef. Im currently eating vegan, but you clearly push an anti-meat agenda that I disagree with.

  3. Being vegan does not make someone a part of the anti-meat religion. I don't have any problem with my family eating meat, but I personally don't eat it. I'm against antibiotics usage in meat, but I'm not against eating meat otherwise.

  4. Dr. Greger touched on how chocolate doesn't increase inflammation in the previous video, "The Exogenous Endotoxin Theory." He put a link to it in the description above.

  5. Don't buy it. Modern man emerged because hominids began to consume more meat. Presumably, hominids even ate their meat raw at one time. Yet here we are, with bigger brains than ever.

  6. The Expensive Tissue Hypothesis has been refuted. Why would you think that meat can't be bad for us just because our ancestors ate it? Do you know much nasty shit our ancestors ate? Are the researchers who conducted these studies lying somehow?

  7. Another study came out this year with similar findings.

    "Dietary oil composition differentially modulates intestinal endotoxin transport and postprandial endotoxemia."

    RESULTS: Postprandial serum endotoxin concentrations were increased after a meal rich in saturated fatty acids and decreased with higher n-3 PUFA intake.

  8. Kosher / halal slaughtered and prepared meat would reduce such bacterial load and resulting endotoxins. Considering the other healthful factors in meat – B12, sulfur, protein, etc- many of the detox factors outweigh the bad with moderate meat eating.

  9. just so you all know. there are many mechanicals in te human body that are associated with detoxing endotoxin and mitigating the damage they cause.
    so dont let the bias of Dr G make you think this is just a runaway train process.

  10. thats not what i am talking about silly. there are often benefits and negative aspects with all things. the hope is to get a NET benefit in the end. a good example would be many plant foods have anti-nutrients that prevents the aborption or leaches minerals from the body. in some people the anti-nutrients can cause seriouse health problems, even death. does that mean the answer is to avoid plant based products?
    of course not. there is a net benefit. as well with meat

  11. when it comes to endotoxin, i suggest you pull up the study and look at it yourself. you will find the Chocolate has the highest endoxotin activity in the body and many plant based products far surpass most meat product on the list. the strange thing about ground beef is that if you buy it pre ground in the store you are buying a product that is not fresh and grinding the meat increases the surface area of where the bacteria has to fester. letting it sit in the fridge will render the meat

  12. dangerous to eat. but STEAK has one of the lowest (lower than many plant based foods) activity for endotoxin. its the surface that is exposed to air and contaminated. buying the meat fresh, freezing it and grinding and cooking the meat at home is a much safer method of preparing meat. another risk are salads that are precut and stored in the fridge for too long. the increased surface area exposes more surfaces to bacteria and increases the risk of food born illnesses and exdotoximia.

  13. the best way to product yourself is to have proper food handling practices and to maintain a healthy lifestyle. avoiding meat doesnt product you. in fact, more cases of food born illnesses have been linked to produce than to meat, mostly because people like to eat fruits raw and enjoy salads. but men like Dr G dont tell you that. men like Dr G dont tell you that the same study he is sourcing also shows that chocolate has and many plant based foods have higher endotoxin activities than meat.

  14. LOL @ bigpussycat5's "NO IT CAN'T BE TRUE MEAT HAAAAAS TO STILL BE HEALTHY" comments. Some people will go down kicking and screaming before they allow facts to enter their skulls.

  15. Greger you are a lying piece of shit! This si absolute nonsense supported by cherry picked misleading research and is downright false. You should be ashamed.

  16. This is by far the BEST vegan video that I have seen so far. Legit question though— someone please answer— why are there so many videos from people who did veganism “right” but still reported getting sick and feeling unwell as a long term vegan? I know that there are also examples of people who thrive long term. But can anyone explain the difference in outcomes? I’ve seen people who say that they were eating whole plant based foods and taking their supplements and still ended up sick.. only to feel better after eating animal products. I am considering this diet for myself. Any sincere help is appreciated.

  17. if you look up the study, it shows that egg, milk, and beef do not have this effect.. Cheese did, and yoghurt did to a lesser degree. I guess what can be concluded is that high saturated fat (not necessarily animal fat) in combination with the wrong bacteria causes the inflammation.

  18. I wonder whether cultured meat and BioMilk also contain a high load of bacteria. Does anyone know?
    And what about fermented plants (other than cocoa beans): do pickles cause inflammation? What about nutritional yeast? What about vegan yoghurt produced by fermentation?

    And what will happen if you load up with antioxidants (e.g. a side of salad, dark beans, or put amla in the sauce) while consuming animal products. Will that curb the inflammation?

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