Aumentare la biodisponibilità della curcumina

Le strategie dietetiche, compreso l'uso del pepe nero (piperina), possono aumentare i livelli ematici di curcumina dalla spezia curcuma fino a 2, 000%.

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Perché dovremmo preoccuparci di aumentare i livelli di curcumina? Ho iniziato a parlare di questo pigmento di spezie dorate in Quali spezie combattono l'infiammazione? ( e Spicing Up DNA Protection ( per poi passare al trattamento delle condizioni cliniche reali in Curcumina Curcuma e Reumatoide Artrite ( e Curcumina e artrosi della curcuma ( Successivamente concluderò questa serie di video con alcune note cautelative in Chi non dovrebbe consumare curcumina o curcuma ( -consume-curcumina-o-curcuma).<br/>
Ho già trattato questo argomento della sinergia alimentare in video come Mele e arance: diversità alimentare ( e Garden Variety Anti-Inflammation ( che sottolineano l'importanza di mangiare una varietà di cibi vegetali per sfruttare alcune di queste interazioni.

Il meccanismo del pepe nero mi ricorda il pompelmo (Dillo al tuo dottore se mangi pompelmo, -pompelmo/) e broccoli (The Best Detox, la-migliore-disintossicazione/) st ori. Una testimonianza della potenza delle piante (

Le proprietà analgesiche dell'aspirina menzionate nel video si trovano in realtà in tutto il regno vegetale: Livelli di aspirina negli alimenti vegetali (

In alcune circostanze, la saggezza della medicina tradizionale sembra incredibile (Effetto pomodoro, http:/ /; in altri, pericoloso (Get the Lead Out, ). Ma è per questo che ora abbiamo la scienza!

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Immagine di credito: e fotografia di Steven Jackson tramite flickr e Choij e Jonathunder tramite Wikimedia.

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83 Risposte a “Aumentare la biodisponibilità della curcumina”

  1. The amount of ghee used in india and pakistan is mind blowing. it is much harder to go vegan there than you would expect.

    thanks for another great video !

  2. Wait a minute, I thought butter ( I assume nutritionally very similar to ghee) was considered a healthy fat source by many now days and its the PUFA's and sugar that are the main culprits of heart disease?

  3. Can you see if you can find anything on Tumeric toxicity? A friend of mine took some tumeric tablets and, after a couple of days, couldn't walk in a straight line.

  4. I cant get over all the people claiming ghee is so healthy- havent been watching very long,have you?!
    Dr Greger's site is FULL of studies showing the dangers in animal fats and animal products. There is NO healthy animal products,guys.
    Saying "but ghee is healthy and antifungal and has vitamins" is like saying " a bullet has minerals and doesnt cause cancer, I should eat one of those too". SIGH.

  5. 1) You can get fresh Tumeric root in many Asian foods stores ( look for those that cater to a Indian and Chinese population). You can also find it in some stores catering to a West African/Caribbean population. 
    2) When making Indian style dishes, use a small amount of vegetable oil. Ghee is high in cholesterol and not healthy at all. If you need to simmer something in coconut milk, use a freshly made almond milk instead- again, you will be decreasing the cholesterol in your dishes. 

  6. Amazing video thanks for much for making it. I would definitely like to learn a bit more about the processes related to absorption of nutrients.

  7. I used to take Curcumin supplements for pain, but didn't notice it working very well (curcumin extracted 95%) with the black pepper extract to 95%. Once all the pills were gone I switch back to powedered turmeric and just started adding a dash of pepper in my drink. Some water with a tsp of turmeric. and notice it worker 10x better! Try it with young coconut water, it seems to decrease the time for it to work.

    But I could never find why the turmeric worked better than the curcumin but now I know why! Can't wait to get some fresh turmeric root and make my own juice!

  8. absolutely awesome! I have already been aware of eating piperine WITH my turmeric but not always with a fat…heck, a little avocado with it all might be the trick!  Thanks Doc!  OK: leafy green salad, half an avocado mixed with balsamic vinegar for the dressing, some finely grated fresh turmeric root AND 1/4 teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper…how's that! !!!

  9. The last thing you said in the video was miss-correlation. I'm from India and Indian have more heart disease not coz they eat "ghee", it's coz we eat a lot of fried foods in India which is done with oil 95% of the time and not ghee. Ghee, when taken at below 10% of daily calorie is indeed beneficial as i have seen two studies in Pubmed.

  10. Dr.Greger, you've caught it 2 i see. Curcumin is like the Golden Ticket! I will take it every [other] day for the rest of my life. I will optimize myself epigenetically with these tools you have given me

  11. Great way to turbo curcurmins' absorption..
    Wonder if Piperine also blocks/slows liver excretion of any pharmaceutical drugs ??

  12. This makes sense, I have a very swollen lymph node in my arm and after I had a delicious vegetable coconut curry with lots of cumin and black pepper among other things, my arm felt a lot better the next day. I think I should make it again tonight.

  13. Ghee is not the problem. Nothing wrong with butter fat. It's the all rancid veg oils, sugar sweets,, rice, potatoes and fecking naan bread doing most of the damage. 

  14. nice video, however, the latest research on heart disease shows no correlation on cholesterol levels with heart disease.  The real culprit is triglicerides…  So high sugar diets (of which the indians eat a LOT of) is where the heart problems come in.  The ghee has nothing to do with it.  FWIW…

  15. Just got a bulk quantity of this yesterday, adding it along with some piperine to my pre-workout. I can't seem to find a correct ratio, so I'm just gonna add, like, 2-3 grams of black pepper. I imagine that in addition to regulating the absorption of the sugar in my pre-workout, it'll moderate the absorption of the beta-Alanine, citrulline malate, and ALCAR. My pre-workout stack, starting today:

    -Sugar, 40g
    -Creatine, 5g
    -Beta-Alanine, 3g
    -Citrulline malate, 8g
    -BCAAs, 5g
    -ALCAR, 2.5g
    -TMG, 3g
    -Curcumin, 500mg
    -Pepper, 250mg
    -Cinnamon, 6g
    -Ginger, 3g
    -Spirullina, 3g
    -Plant sterols, 1g
    -Garlic, 650mg
    -Resveratrol, 500mg
    -CoQ10, 90mg
    -Caffeine, 200-400 mg
    -Cocoa, 20g (offsets the taste of the garlic, actually tastes pretty good)
    -Taken with vitamins and minerals, fish oil capsules (5g)

  16. Watched a Dota video, took a shit, landed here, don't even know what the fuck you are talking about, subscribed. Fate?

  17. I bought a bottle that says, "Turmeric Curcumin Serving size (Turmeric 500mg curcuma longa (root)". It doesn't say curcumin in the nutrition facts. Does that mean I should get some that says curcumin in the nutrition facts for best results?

  18. Thought I would mention, that saturated fats are generally harmless as well as there are far better ways to make this – period

  19. I had heard that black pepper isn't enough. You need piperine extract. These studies were not done using pepper. I have also heard the opposit. Which is true?

  20. B. peppers basically keeps my liver from working properly so curcumin is not excreted 😉 .
    You know what else keeps you liver busy…. alcohol. mmh Curcumin Mojitos.
    Also add some of that black pepper to keep the alcohol in the system. 🙂

  21. I make turmeric tea and drink it in the morning. Question though, does the turmeric need to be simmered on the stove? I simply pour hot water onto the powder, is that enough for the release of the curcumin benefits?

  22. If peppercorn can inhibit the liver function to detox turmeric, is it possible it suppresses liver function to detox harmful substances?

  23. I started making a great snack I recommend to everybody. Sweet potato slices on a baking sheet. Olive oil spray, sea salt, black pepper, and turmeric sprinkled on top (to taste). 15 minutes on each side at 300-350 degrees seems to do it for a medium width sweet potato. Can go less heat for more time if you want more crispy chips, but I haven't quite gotten that right yet.

  24. You got the last part wrong.  Traditional ghee was indeed pure butter fat, however the rising incidence of heart disease in India coincides nicely with the increased use of hydrogenated plant fats as the principal constituent of ghee starting in the middle of the last century1970's with the adoption of the "lipid hypothesis".  The Indian medical community followed the western medical community and pushed for ghee that did not contain "nasty" fats.  I would guess that as the use of traditional butter fat ghee increases so deaths from heart disease will decrease in India.

  25. What happened in india was dalda, adulterated herb powders,using of same oil more than thrice😂,processed food and western medicine. viola we have a disaster.

  26. When oil is commercially infused with herbs, the herbs are first preserved in a strong brine or vinegar solution.

    I realize my questions might be impossible to answer, but…

    Would the vinegar/brine interfere with the process of making curcummin more bioavailable? (It would be useful to make curcumin/pepper oil in larger quantities, then keep it in the fridge for a couple of months)
    How long would basic curcummin/pepper oil keep if refrigerated?

    Thanks for an informative video!

  27. Rice, potatoes and other carbs and not Ghee are the culprit for the heart dieseases. Indians always eat heavy carb meals and in combination with fats, it's deadly. Again, combining high carbs with fats, it doesn't matter which fats, is dangerous, but in general high carb diets are, in long term, very damaging, if you are developing insulin problems because of that and severe blood sugar imbalances

  28. What a fantastic finding. As far as the ghee is concerned in the diets of Indians.. i suspect the heart disease amongst south east Asians are caused by diabetes (high blood glucose) from eating lots of rice, potatoes and sweet sugary drinks.

  29. Oil,. Turmeric and Pepper combo is the traditional way of cooking any curry for Tamil population. Traditionally we dont use Ghee. We use coconut oil or other vegetable oils.. Adathoda (Tamil word) is a big name in Tamil communities and now it is forgotten by many. Curry itself means in Tamil Meat. over the time, Curry becomes what it means today. There is another word called Kulambu (gravy)… Curry still means Mutton meat to millions in Tamil population….

  30. All we need/needed to know on how to live in this material world was given at the time this universe was created by Brahma, as he was instructed by Krishna (GOD). All the knowledge/science is in the VEDAS (ancient text). The world when created was given these scriptures (the instruction manuals how to live). The modern theory of evolution should be renamed and re-evaluated as -the theory of devolution. Factually, we are regressing, and not progressing. Just think about it, has advancement in science made us happier, healthier (mental and organic diseases)? This video only discusses what has been well known and documented since the beginning of this world's creation. Read Gita and Srimad Bhagwatam to understand who you are, what is your relationship with this world and GOD, and the exact theory of evolution. PL read Life comes from life, by Prabhupada. Hare Krishna !!!

  31. Turmeric is native to India and parts of south-east asia but black pepper is from my native of Kerala (a state in India). Really God has bless my place. Such a rich land. Pharma-can get lost.

  32. Be sure to use pure piperine, because raw black pepper contains another ingredient known for tumor promotion– saffrole. To avoid saffrole, take a small tablet of concentrated piperine, and skip the raw black pepper saffrole hazard. Piperine is available via the internet, and from a number of different companies.

  33. Hi. I've read everywhere that turmeric binds with Iron in the gut and leads to iron anemia. Could you PLEASE clarify that? THANK YOU! LOVE YA!

  34. Correct, Indians use lot of ghee or oil in their food along with these herbs. If they stop using dairy product/ghee these herbs can hugely benefit them because they as it is put all these herbs in their whatever food they prepare.

  35. Sorry but you are misinformed on Ghee. It contains Butyric acid which is a pro-biotic and helps in conversion of vegetable fiber to SCFA for a healthy gut. It's is also great for the eyes, brain, heart and joints – among may other health benefits. I eat it everyday along with coconut oil and have a great lipid profile. Moderation is the key though.

  36. So what is the best fat or fat-containing food to consume turmeric with? I've been consuming my turmeric with peanut butter because I figured that was a reasonably healthful fat-containing food. But is there something better?

  37. Watch out for powdered turmeric, lead chromate is often added to enhance
    the color, and to add weight, as it is sold by weight. Fresh turmeric
    should be ok.

  38. I just had hysterectomy on 22 Dec 2021. 2 weeks before surgery I took the Golden turmeric latte religiously everyday – almond milk, 1 tsp of organic turmeric powder + 1/5 tsp of black pepper. Simmer and drink it every night before sleep. Once out of the surgery I was perplexed why didn't I feel that herrendous pain that many have shared their stories of. I was told to take the morphin shot if I was in pain but I didn't take it even once! I only have some occasional dull pain if I cough. The nurse offered me only PCM, ibuprofen and jabs of heparin every nights of my five days stay. I was discharged without any advice to take more PCM or ibuprofen. Will continue taking my golden latte from tonight.

  39. This video is old, and its take on butter is 100% wrong.

    Ghee, Butter, and other saturated fats are completely neutral to cardiovascular disease. It is the carbs that cause the heart disease.

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