Livello di colesterolo ottimale

Perché le autorità non raccomandano una riduzione sufficiente del colesterolo fino a livelli di sicurezza?

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È imperativo che tutti comprendano il concetto di popolazione malata del Dr. Rose, che ho introdotto in Quando basso rischio significa alto rischio (

Che dire del colesterolo LDL grande e lanuginoso rispetto a quello piccolo e denso? Vedi Le dimensioni del colesterolo contano? (

Altro dal Framingham Heart Study in Barriers to Heart Disease Prevention ( prevenzione delle malattie/).

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65 Risposte a “Livello di colesterolo ottimale”

  1. And doctors told me my cholesterol was too low. My health has improved so much from this channel. Even cheat meals like refined sugar snacks got better by adding in fruit before consuming refined carbs.

  2. I am part of the (mostly) vegan frustrated public!  I have had a high LDL for years (recently it was 138).  My HDL is also pretty high (52) but my total Cholesterol = 218.  I refuse to take medication and my doctor thinks it may just be genetic.  However, I really do try to eat a mostly whole-foods plant-based diet but my numbers are consistently too high.  Not sure why???

  3. Its still surprise me just how many people have no clue about Hybetez Remedy (just search it on google) even though many people cures their diabetes safely with it. Thanks to my personal buddy who told me about this. I've eliminated my pain & embarrassment for good by using natural approaches.

  4. I 've got a question.
    What exactly happens to dietary cholesterol in the digestive system ? doesn't it get broken down to HMG-CoA and fatty acids? so why does taking dietary cholesterol being directly correlated with higher cholesterol (HDL and LDL ) levels in blood?
    Doesn't human body naturally make cholesterol from almost everything (fatty acids, Carbs) ?
    so if the body at the end makes its cholesterol itself why should we monitor the cholesterol intake ?

  5. I have been eating whole plant foods for 3+ years and I have an abnormally high LDL. I am wondering if the starch solution way to lower the intake of fruit would be beneficial… I really enjoy my fruit so I don't really want to do that. I understand that I have destroyed my body for many years, but wonder if there is something I should be aware about?

    I don't add any oils in my cooking, but there is a bit of oil in the bread I sometimes buy in the stores. And recently 1% oil in the date and fig mix i also eat when on the run.

    Thanks any way!

    Here are my blood results (Danish spelling):

    24. februar 2014:
    Kolesterol;P = 4.6 mmol/l (Max. 5)
    Kolesterol HDL;P = 0.86 mmol/l (Min. 1)
    Kolesterol LDL;P = 2.2 mmol/l (Max. 3)
    Triglycerid;P = 3.5 mmol/l (Max. 2)

    22. januar 2015:
    Kolesterol;P = 5.3 mmol/l (Max. 5)
    Kolesterol HDL;P = 1.0 mmol/l (Min. 1)
    Kolesterol LDL;P(fPt) = 2.7 mmol/l (Max. 3)
    Triglycerid;P(fPt) = 3.6 mmol/l (Max. 2)

    Kolesterol;P = 4.7 mmol/l (Max. 5)
    Kolesterol LDL;P = 2.9 mmol/l (Max. 3)
    Kolesterol HDL;P = 1.2 mmol/l (Min. 1)
    Triglycerid;P = 1.3 mmol/l (Max. 2)

    Kolesterol;P = 5.0 mmol/l (Max. 5)
    Kolesterol LDL;P = 3.0 mmol/l (Max. 3)
    Kolesterol HDL;P = 1.1 mmol/l (Min. 1)
    Triglycerid;P = 1.9 mmol/l (Max. 2)

  6. So the frustration of being given some inconvenient information is worse than dying of clogged arteries. Did I really just hear that?

  7. Thank you Michael, a Jewel of Information! Sad that on low carb forums people complain with their total cholesterols in the 250-400 range. Sad that everyone around me walks happily with their 150+ cholesterol telling me that mine is too low. It is indeed murder.

  8. I've been Vegan for about 8 months now and my LDL is sitting at 45. Since it's lower than 50-70 is that considered 'too low', i'm sure this is a good thing, right?

  9. Spot on. My doctor who's a well meaning, nice guy said my LDL was fine because of my HDL/LDL ratio. I know better than that. I'm willing to do the work to lower it, why not just tell me the truth.

  10. Isn't it more costly to overwhelm the medical system with a high number of people getting heart-attacks and needing by-pass surgery? Seems short sighted to be cheap on trying to get the public cholesterol level down to a truly safe level, and instead pay for the cost of treating major cardiac events later in life.

  11. I've been vegan for almost 10 years… I am not a junk food vegan and very rarely eat rubbish fried foods as I don't really like them. I am more of a WFPB vegan but until earlier this year I also used to use oil, vegan cheese (made from coconut oil) and coconut milk products. I had a blood test and found out my cholesterol was really high in January so cut out all of these things. Today I got my results and they are as follows; serum cholesterol has gone from 5.9-4.1 (228-158), HDL 1.5-1.4 (58-54), LDL 3.9-2.4 (150-92), triglycerides 1.08-0.66 (95-58)! Pretty happy with that! I would like to get my LDL below 1.8 (70) if I can. Any suggestions? I eat nothing but whole grains, fruit, veg, legumes and seeds and the occasional raw cacao chocolate bar! Maybe cut out the chocolate? 🙁

  12. What's normal cholesterol? Well, for a baby exclusively on breast milk at six months of age the number is 220. Mom should be ashamed of herself starting her child on the way to heart disease with her breast milk. Average cholesterol of adults in the United States is around 200. According to Dr. Essy you can make yourself heart attack proof at 150 or under. Dr. McDougall and Jeff Novick have cholesterol levels of 156 and 154. So, a 25% reduction in cholesterol makes the other 75% left over suddenly benign. I guess the particles talk to each other and simply decide not to stick to the artery walls essentially saying, hey guys this person is doing it right, let's not mess with his arteries. Maybe a new theory of heart disease is required that's more believable. Something closer to what science believes today. Perhaps, when there isn't any damage to the artery walls in the first place no matter how much cholesterol is floating around as in a baby's case cholesterol doesn't matter.

  13. So is it possible/more likely for cholesterol to be much TOO LOW from a vegan diet? If so how would you bring your levels back to normal (without consuming animal products of course)?

  14. My LDL is 60, my total cholesterol is 121. I just got my blood work done last week. I'm 44 and have been vegan since 2010. Can't wait to look at my 2010 blood work! It's in the mail! 🙂

  15. Cherry picked data WITHOUT addressing the confounders ! At 2:10 the abstract dumps into win humans other mammals too ! Talk of bad science ! If the Vegans really want to convince the rest of the population then stop using crap science ! The same people who gave the USDA food pyramid— and since 1980 increases in BMI, type 2 diabetes, dementia and other “modern “ diseases! So we can exchange dueling papers and not convince each other or a better use of time and resources and do REAL SCIENCE such as Dr Gardener .

  16. I eat vegan Whole Foods….can’t solve my problem of inherited Lp(a) which PREVENTS me from having optimal lipid numbers no matter how hard I try. So I have no option.

  17. The problem I have with this logic is that LDL's main purpose is the transportation of triglycerides. The cholesterol in LDL is not harmful if it stays in the LDL and the LDL gets back to the liver once it has delivered it's triglyceride content.

    The LDL level of 70 is the level you get when you're eating just enough fat so you don't get an essential fatty acid deficiency.

    I get that.

    What I also get is that when there is more fat in your diet, LDL levels will be higher, simply because more triglycerides need to be delivered to the body.

    Then there is the fact that the amount of cholesterol used by the body doesn't depend on how much is available in the blood. Cholesterol ends up where it is needed in the quantities that are required, regardless of how many LDL particles pass by.

    We also know that cholesterol is a basic building block for all cells in the body. It goes where it is needed. Where ever there is damage, more cholesterol is needed to repair damage.

    So I have a question: Why do you believe your low cholesterol levels are responsible for your healthy heart and not the healthy wholefood plantbased part of your diet?

    There are many vegans with high LDL. They eat low fat, but they still have high LDL. If fat would be the cause of high LDL, vegans on a low fat diet couldn't have high cholesterol levels. But many do. So why is that? The simple answer is:


    You can eat vegan while still eating loads of processed carbs and because of that, eating many times a day. That causes insulin resistance which causes prolonged elevated insulin levels which causes inflamation and damage to arterie walls.

    And that damage increases the need for cholesterol, which your liver is more than happy to make and release into your blood.

    So clearly, just eating low fat has nothing to do with your cholesterol levels. One of the benefits of a whole food plant based diet is that damage and inflamation is reduced to very low levels.

    So again, I ask: why do you believe that it's the low fat in your diet that reduces your LDL levels and not the inflamation and damage preventing whole food plant based part of your diet?

    If you want to respond with that the wfpb part is a contributing factor to the low LDL levels, then please don't because I clearly showed that low fat makes no difference to LDL levels. It's also what the science shows: cholesterol goes where it is needed. It doesn't get dumped in your arterie walls for no reason.

  18. The carnivore guy has
    482 total cholesterol
    103.6 triglycerides
    69.9 HDL
    392.1 LDL
    He needs to get a plaque test though
    I hope he doesn’t get hurt
    It would be a paradigm shift for a lot of people if cholesterol isn’t the problem I hear them argue it’s the processed sugar I’ve never totally understood the details

  19. I have been vegan (or 99.5-9% plant based) over 2 years now, and my total cholesterol is 150 mg/dl. HDL is 46 and LDL 92,8. That's supposedly "optimal", but not according to this.

  20. My dr told me I will be just fine, I just have bad luck and don’t worry. I have Very bad cholesterol and I feel like there must be something that I am doing wrong that I am unaware of. I eat a plant based diet already. What are other things that cause high cholesterol besides food and exercise? I need help.

  21. I just got my blood work back for the first time since I went vegan. My total cholesterol was a "you must be kidding me" 125 and my LDL was a very pleasing 62, both of which make me very happy. However, my HDL was only 39, which is, according to some, too low. Is it? If my total cholesterol and LDL levels are both good, should I be worried about HDL?

  22. What about all the studies that say the ideal cholesterol for the lowest all cause mortality risk is 220? It shows that there is almost 2 fold increase in all cause mortality if the TC is lower around 130.

  23. I eat a complete whole food plant based diet. I do it on the dot. Oatmeal for breakfast, nuts n seeds, 0 oil, 0 meat, etc etc. Im spot on. My total cholesterol is 101. Hdl and ldl are both about 40. ✌ i used to be high in all of these. Blood pressure 140/90 even though i trained cardio. Resting heart rate was near 100. Nows its in the 50s and i do triathlon training.

  24. I have been on a plan-based diet (or healthy vegan diet, no oil, no sugar, little processed food) for 5 years. My cholesterol levels had never been lower than 190 (total) and 120 (LDL). I started taking statin drugs to reach lower levels. I am still on them. I am not fat or obese although I could loose a few pounds (my weight is 135 pounds). PLEASE, LET ME KNOW WHAT I SHOULD DO TO LOWER MY CHOLESTEROL AND STOP TAKING STATIN DRUGS. THANK YOU!

  25. There are also studies that people over the age of 60 with high cholesterol actually live longer and healthier than those with low or average cholesterol levels.
    Cholesterol performs many functions in the body, and focusing only dropping LDL for CVD will likely result in problems elsewhere, it's all about balance. Nutritional facts are always mushy….

  26. @0.25 Dr.Greger is misreading what he himself has brought up on screen. The study says abnormal ratio of blood lipids. Dr. Greger alters the quote to “too much bad cholesterol”. I actually pulled up the full article to confirm my suspension. Those 2 numbers are clinically 2 different markers. I believe the misquoting was done purposely because it is so much easier to just read the text than manipulate it. It seems that promoting low cholesterol agenda fits better with a vegan diet bias.

  27. Just google all cause mortality and cholesterol level. I have found studies done in Korea, Israel, Brazil, China all agreeing that total cholesterol level of roughly 180 to 240 has lowest mortality rate. The above conclusion is also confirmed by W.H.O. I am searching the web for a single study that contradicts the above conclusion. Please post the link if you are aware of any. Thanks

  28. There must be something wrong with me because I'm on a no-oil very low fat plant-based diet and my total cholesterol is 179 and my LDL is 120.

  29. I would like to add to Dr. Greger's message: If you have the ApoE 4 allele and are a postmenopausal woman, keeping your LDL below 100 can be frustrating even on a 100% plant based diet even without saturated fat sources. Therefore, hormone replacement therapy (as long as you are within the estrogen "window of opportunity" – within 5-10 years of last exposure to estrogen and are without pre-existing cardiovascular disease) may help to decrease LDL as long as you continue to adhere to a 100% plant based diet without saturated fat sources.

  30. Im probably an unhealthy eating vegan, just got my blood work in…bit of a shocker. Total 263, LDL 139. I feel like crap, very tired, constantly wanting to sleep. I'm 52, weight is 66 kilo by 180 cm. Gave up smoking 5 years ago, alcohol 2 years ago. Stressful job, too much coffee and fatty foods, no or little exercise. Wakeup call.

  31. Great presentation. I was lucky be born with a pcsk9 polymorphism that keeps my LDL around 30 even when living on taquitos in college, but I still prefer the Vegan diet for ethical/ environmental reasons and other health benefits 💪🏻


    Plasma triglycerides below 0.6 mmol/L (50 mg/dl).

    Vitamin D (calcifediol): 140-240 ng/mL (350-600 nmol/L) or more subject to need, with precautions and according to protocol.

    Parathyroid hormone (PTH intact) 5-25 pg/mL (0.5-2.5 pmol/L), if needed around the lower reference range.

    Love for more oxytocin hormone.

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