I vegetariani assumono abbastanza proteine?

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DESCRIZIONE: Gli indici di qualità nutrizionale mostrano che le diete a base vegetale sono le più sane, ma vegetariani e vegani raggiungere la dose giornaliera raccomandata di proteine?

L'unico nutriente di cui gli americani potrebbero essere più carenti delle fibre è il potassio. Vedi 98% di American Diets Potassium Deficient (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/98-of-american-diets- carenti di potassio/). Per ulteriori informazioni su come è SAD la dieta americana standard, vedere Nation's Diet in Crisis (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/nations-diet-in-crisis/).

Gli americani che seguono diete prive di carne assumono in media un apporto maggiore di quasi tutti i nutrienti. Guarda il mio video Approccio nutriente-denso alla gestione del peso (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/nutrient-dense-approach-to-weight-management/).
Le proteine ​​animali non sono proteine ​​di qualità superiore? Guarda i miei video
• Una qualità superiore può significare un rischio maggiore (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/higher-quality-may -mean-higher-risk/)
• Cancro affamato con restrizione della metionina (http ://nutritionfacts.org/video/starving-cancer-with-methionine-restriction/)
• Restrizione calorica vs. restrizione proteica animale (

Per ulteriori informazioni sulle proteine, vedere: Preferibili proteine ​​vegetali
(http://nutritionfacts.org/video/plant-protein-preferable/) e sopravvivenza al cancro alla prostata: il rapporto A/V (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/prostate-cancer-survival-the-av-ratio/)

E per alcuni sulla fibra: • Dieta F-Word del Dr. Burkitt (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/dr-burkitts-f-word-diet/)
• Come la fibra si abbassa Colesterolo (
• I fagioli e l'effetto del secondo pasto (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/beans -e-effetto-del-secondo-pasto/)
• Fibra vs. Cancro al seno (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/fiber-vs-breast-cancer/)

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-vegetarians-get-enough-protein/ e proverà a rispondere!

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100 Risposte a “I vegetariani assumono abbastanza proteine?”

  1. Pfftttttttttt, everyone knows if you don't get 250g of protein a day your heart will explode and your brain will melt. This doctor is obviously just mad because he doesn't have stocks in the meat industry. 

  2. Where did you get the fact about 40g of protein daily requirement? Is it for people (mainly kids and 4.5-5ft females), who sit on the coach all day and don't use their muscles at all? Unless I get at least 120g of protein per day, I am starting to lose muscle mass. 

  3. Where did you get the fact about 40g of protein daily requirement? Is it for people (mainly kids and 4.5-5ft females), who sit on the coach all day and don't use their muscles at all? Unless I get at least 120g of protein per day, I am starting to lose muscle mass. 

  4. Protein is essential, and fiber is not, if you have a healthy gut flora, you don't need any fiber at all, read fiber menace, it does nothing but harm.

  5. Simple – monkeys eat about 250g of fiber a day. Humans (on average) eat around 15g and then you wonder why humanity is sick :/

  6. Does the protein requirement go up if you're a 300 pound bodybuilder at 5% bodyfat? The variables differ depending on which person you're preforming the study on. 40g of protein a day is not suffucient for alot of people, even if it is for the "average" american, meaning thin people with a small amount of muscle mass.

  7. This was so great!  The information was given in a way that's easy to understand.  I'll be able to share this with a lot of people who want to start a more plant- based diet. Thank you.

  8. How can this be true that strict vegans reach the same daily amount of proteins ? Who could eat so much beans, nuts etc. a day ?

  9. According to cronometer I got 100.7 grams of fibre today. Does this mean I'm now a paleo vegan? I'm kinda concerned I might be getting too much actually.

  10. This is undoubtedly agenda driven. This is supposed to be about vegetarians and protein, but it seems to actually be about non-vegetarians and fiber. The old Youtube switcheroo. Clearly this is a source that should not be trusted, and I would triple check their facts before believing any claims they make.

  11. I'm fine with being a vegetarian , i respect everyones diet but i dont like thinking about animals getting killed just for food. it makes me sad 🙁 lots of people in my class ask me if i will ever try meat. im not sure

  12. Going vegan recently was the best decision I have ever made. Being a Nutrition major and taking the time to read medical literature… I love giving people dumb looks when you shoot down their arguments against veganism :D.

  13. The problem is: most people believe when the bodybuilding magazines tells them to consume 4g of protein per Kg of body mass. That's just insance! Remember that they're trying to sell protein powders!!

    I'm a very visual guy, so I really liked this table that shows how much protein you need according to your size and level of activities: http://www.veganproteinguide.com/how-much-protein-do-i-need/

    I'm currently 64kg (140lbs) and I exercise frequently, so my recommended daily intake of protein is around 90g. Sounds reasonable – and it's something I can achieve with my vegan diet.

    Obviously there is no scientific consensus around that, so I guess the best way to figure out what works for you is actually experimenting and observing the results in your body and health. Right now I'm feeling great and looking good too, so that's enough evidence for me 🙂

  14. 3%!!! Only 3% of you are getting your greens and beans? I eat pounds of vegetables and leafy greens a day and I am an omnivore, you do not have to be a tree hugging vegan to enjoy food like kale, beans, and pecans.

  15. What do you do if you're someone with Wilson's Disease?  Those with WD are advised to eat a low copper diet.  Copper is found primarily in dried beans, dried fruits, nuts, mushrooms, peas, whole wheat products, shellfish, and chocolate.

  16. Disappointed that this report majors on fibre. Therefore, I must conclude that the title "… Enough protein" is a complete misnomer. So the question is still unanswered in my mind – do vegetarians get enough protein, and if yes, then where does it come from?

  17. 0:40 I seriously doubt that "everyone else" gets the same amount of protein as non-vegetarians as that graph shows. Meat has a much higher protein concentration on a per-calorie basis than plant-based foods, over twice as much. If the non-vegetarian and vegetarian consume the same calories on a given day, it is extremely unlikely that the vegetarian could even get close to the same amount of protein as the non-vegetarian. The numbers shown in this video are extremely sketchy.

  18. I've gone from eating 3 eggs and 2-3 chicken breasts a day to now fully vegan within a year, more people need to make this change!

  19. When I first started the McDougall program I religiously entered all the food I ate into the Cron-o-meter. What I discovered was that it wasn't very hard to get the total protein correct at 60 grams based on .8 per kilogram of body weight. But in order to get the minimum required of lysine I had to up my total protein to 77.1 grams of total protein. Well, then I discovered that the .8 gram per kilogram of ideal body weight government requirement number was based on protein with a PER value of one and most plant food was sitting around .79 which would mean I had to up my total plant protein to 94 gram per day in order to get my minimum amount of lysine for the day. That made the McDougall recommendation of eating a maximum of one cup of beans a day impossible. Either I was going to up the bean amount per day by a considerable amount or I'd be missing my lysine requirement.

  20. Yeah, fist thing people ask a vegan – where do you get your protein and not realising that only 3% of population is 'protein deficient' and it's the fibre that most are actually in deficit off. Great video, I'm turning vegan!!!

  21. I dig your channel, just subbed and told some friends about it. My goal right now is 1000 subs, any help is appreciated as well. Looking forward to your next vid!

  22. Is it bad to eat mostly just green vegetables but rarely other colours? Maybe that question sounds stupid but I think its an easy way to put it.

  23. 42g? I have seen more than one study where you utilize upwards of 60-65g of protein in a 24 hour period of fasting or extreme restriction (600 kcals or so). Are these extra grams of protein above 42g being used because of the lack of glucose during restriction?

  24. I just bought a personal blender, and since, I’ve gone from a serving or two of fruits and veggies a day to like 7 to 10. Just made a vegetable smoothie last night to eat with my rotisserie chicken.

  25. I ask my patients what they eat. All I hear is chicken and chips. I look at the parent to see their reaction. This shocks me more because they are oblivious to the fact that this is not good for their child?! This is normal culture in England

  26. A study done in the early 2000s showed that the majority of people did not consume enough protein (12-15% of daily calorie intake). The Acceptable Macronutrient Daily Requirement for Protein is 10-35% but this is for the general population to just survive, not tailored to athletes or people looking to grow or maintain muscle due to activity. 40g of protein per day equates to a 457-1600 calorie intake per day which is nowhere near enough for even the average person.

    The DRI (Dietary Reference Intake) is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, or 0.36 grams per pound. This amounts to: 56 grams per day for the average 70kg sedentary man. 40g of protein would be suitable for a 50kg person according to these guidelines mentioned. No wonder people get so confused with their dietary advice with so much conflicting information.

    I also wonder what the difference would be in those people on omnivorous diets who had sufficient fibre in their diet too? Would those also show that veganism is a lot healthier, considering it's the fibre that's the issue, maybe it's not the consumption of meat?

  27. Hi, I recently read this paper: "Dietary Protein and Preservation of Physical Functioning Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults in the Framingham Offspring Study." They show that protein intake has benefits for old people. But they don't describe what type of protein. Thank you.

  28. This information is so sad!! Most people in the U.S. choose not to eat in a healthy way even having the resources to do so.

  29. Okay, but i wish this video went more in depth on protein, and not redirected the video onto fiber. I am vegan, but am looking for credible information on complete proteins as well as complementary proteins.

  30. I don't believe that 50% of Americans think that steak is a good source of fiber. What study are you referring to? Is that the one where people must have an IQ below 80?

  31. Hello everyone. Hello Dr Greger. Thank you for this video! As I was watching I wondered which foods allow a strict vegetarian to consume 45 grams or up to 80 grams of protein. I count my macros using cronometer I eat a lot of legumes, sprouts and seeds, and sometimes I barely make it to 20 grams of protein. Is it because the app is not counting correctly? Or it doesn’t take in account aminoacids as a separate source? If you can Help me I will really appreciate it. Regards!

  32. How can be 42 gr the average requirement if it is 0.8 g/Kg of weight? 42 g is the requirement for a person whose weight is 52 kg. I love you Dr Greger but this is misinformation

  33. No mentions of protein quality in the study as far as I can tell… grams don't matter on their own, I find this a bit misleading.
    All protein are not equal.

  34. @NutritionFacts.org
    WAIT A MINUTE why are you comparing fiber intake of vegetarians from this study while taking fiber data for non-vegetarians from a different one? You seem to have deliberately removed the non-vegetarian data form the table at 3:22. In this study fiber for non-vegetarians is just fine at a mean of 30.4g. Explain this to me please.
    Also more is not better and 46.7g (with strict vegetarians) is a bit too much in fact.

  35. I get so confused about the recommended protein intake. The video doesn't deal with the controversy about the topic. Is simply stated a very small protein requirement as a truth to start (40g per day)

    New studies continue to state that even the 0.8-1g protein per kg can be lower than optimal. But I can't get a profund analysis of those, and all the other studies.

  36. This video is so mind blowing. 97% of Americans are getting less than half the required amount of Fiber a day! And this isn’t some fringe study, it’s just what the USDA is saying!

  37. Hi. I am an older vegan who needs extra protein but I cannot digest beans well. I eat a lot of Gardein processed protein- best I can do- but am concerned about the processing. Any suggestions? even beano does not really work if I eat more than a couple of beans.

  38. What about the claim of CARNAVORE DIET PEOPLE, who claim you don't need fiber unless one eats fruit and vegetables.
    Perhaps that's a silly argument similar to proclaiming one who has no morals needs no morals, but they state they don't get constipated.

  39. So the video is titled "Do vegetarians get enough protein" but then goes on with the shortest answer possible – a not really explained 'yes' – but then goes on about fiber, which is a whole different subject entirely. I'm not sure I follow why "vegetarians get more fiber" is appearantly the answer to the question posed in the title of the video…

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