Aumentare l'immunità riducendo l'infiammazione

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DESCRIZIONE: Il consumo di funghi bianchi cotti stimola la produzione di anticorpi mentre potenzialmente svolge ancora un ruolo antinfiammatorio.
Il video di frutta e verdura che stimola il sistema immunitario a cui faccio riferimento è Aumentare l'immunità attraverso la dieta (http:// Vedi anche Kale and the Immune System ( e Sonno e immunità (<br/>
L'equilibrio tra funzione immunitaria e cancro non è sempre così semplice come ho notato. Guarda la mia serie di video che inizia con il cancro come malattia autoimmune (

Maggiori informazioni sulla magia dei funghi in:
• Cancro al seno contro funghi (
• Ergotioneina: una nuova vitamina? (
• Rendere le nostre arterie meno appiccicose (
Probabilmente è meglio mangiare cotto, però: le tossine nei funghi crudi? (

In quale altro modo ridurre l'infiammazione? Vedi:
• Potassio e malattie autoimmuni ( -malattia-autoimmune/)
• La molecola infiammatoria della carne Neu5Gc (
• Il biblico Daniel Fast messo alla prova (
• La teoria delle endotossine esogene (http://nutritionfacts. org/video/the-exogenous-endotoxin-theory/)
• Trattamento dietetico del morbo di Crohn (
• Combattere l'infiammazione in un guscio di noce ( a-nut-shell/) • Effetti antinfiammatori delle patate viola (http://nutritionfac
• Garden Variety Anti-Inflammation (

Cosa possiamo fare per le malattie allergiche? Vedi:
• Prevenzione delle allergie infantili (http://nutritionfacts. org/video/preventing-childhood-allergies/)
• Prevenzione delle allergie nell'età adulta (
• Elimina dal profumo i prodotti per la casa ( -prodotti-casalinghi-off-the-scent/)

E se amla non è la tua vecchia amica, conoscere: • Amla Versus Cancer Cell Growth (
• Amla contro l'invasione delle cellule cancerose ( • Amla contro il diabete (
• Una pausa migliore veloce ( /)

Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su /potenziare-l'immunità-riducendo-l'infiammazione/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Image Crediti: artizone, ignaciofedz, & Óskarjk tramite flickr, nonché e British Mycological Society.
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100 Risposte a “Aumentare l'immunità riducendo l'infiammazione”

  1. Raw mushrooms, even the edible ones, contains toxins which should be cooked out… a lot of plant-foods should be cooked for this reason.

  2. 80p per kg is pretty good value. I pay 6€ / kg in germany but that's organic brown ones. 7€ gets you organic oyster.

    where do you work?

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  4. This is great, I love white button and cremini mushrooms. They are great for soups, sandwiches, stirfrys and other dishes. So good and versatile.

  5. would you see more or less benefits from eating mushrooms raw in smoothies etc (as prefer to eat raw where possible)? Thanks in advanced if anyone can offer advice 🙂

  6. You mean white button mushrooms. Some other kinds don't have any at all, for instance chanterelle or bay bolete.
    (I had to look up common names in English!)

  7. A product called Purple mushroom extract healed my crohns for a good year, I was eating anything I wanted to.
    Another time when I didnt know anything about mushrooms I was eating the white button ones everyday because I liked the taste and I had no signs of crohns.

  8. Hi Greger, Thanks for enlightenment on this topic.
    I have trouble understanding the RQ(fold) / mushroom types.
    Is higher value better? I assume the other way but better to ask then get wrong assumptions.


  9. Hi everyone! Very cool video, Thanks! Have you heard the rumors about this mind blowing product at "Brendt Miracle Arthritis Cure" website (do a search on google)? My boyfriend got extraordinary results and got rid of their arthritis outbreaks overnight!

  10. Hi Dr.Greger. Will you be looking into the benefits of Ling Chi or,Turkey tail mushroom ? They apperently according to the hundreds of studies, have adaptogenic properties , and an immune modulation type property.

  11. As a Nutritional Therapist and distributor of the most potent medicinal mushroom and herbal extracts on the planet…For sure Ling Zhi  as well as Lion's Mane Tremella Cordyceps help asthmatic symptoms greatly!

  12. Wait, doesnt this suggest that the body is identifying the mushrooms as something it needs extra protection from, in the form of a stronger sigA barrier?

  13. I know this is old but in vitro or in test tube or dish means nothing compared to in Vivino studies and it's not hard to do in Vivio studies for mushrooms

  14. Lately, I’ve seen a lot of medicinal mushroom products. What do you think of chaga, cordyceps, lion’s mane, reishi? Should I include them in my daily diet? I just read the book Healing Mushrooms by Tero Isokauppila, the founder of Four Sigmatic, maker of medicinal mushroom products—any truth to it? I’d also like to know about shilajit. What do you think of shilajit?

  15. That was your informative post, here's several suggestions about anti-inflammatory dietary supplements…
    Curcumin: Research has shown the anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin are as effective as some pharmaceuticals, but without the negative effect of toxicity. This powerful antioxidant also supports joint health and cardiovascular function.
    Resveratrol: This extract found in red-wine helps to quell inflammation, regulate the malfunctioning immune response, and protect against cancer.

    Evening Primrose: The unrefined evening primrose seed oil supplies a concentrated dose of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an Omega-6 fatty acid that is commonly lacking in the diet. GLA is converted by the body into DGLA, an anti-inflammatory substance.
    (I learned these and the reasons they work on Mackyns Nature Guard site )

  16. Ben following Dr.Gs science based advice for almost 2 yrs, and health has improved to the point now where at my last blooded in Feb 2018, my doctor told me, based on the results, I am virtually heart attack proof. As they say proof is in the pudding, kep it up Dr.G, my family and I will be forever grateful to you

  17. Dr. G, I've been reading about how extra supplementation w antioxidants may help cancer cells survive and possibly thrive. None of the reports are suggesting diet but antioxidant supplements. In the same way The high dose vitamin A supplements were shown to create conditions for more not less lung cancers in studies. Can you report more on these studies? Tyvm!

  18. Love it Doc! You know I would love to see a vid or a shout out on mushrooms like you did for turmeric and leafy greens reviewing if there is any or different benefit from warm mushrooms / what temperature they become toxic – I am guessing they are still healthy warm all the way up until the point they become black and crispy #paulstamets

  19. Easy ways to easy more mushrooms:
    Substitute chopped, seasoned mushrooms for ground beef,
    Substitute sliced, marinated mushrooms for steak strips,
    Add to soup, use to top salads, use as a topping on sandwiches, and dip raw mushrooms into hummus.

  20. Dr. Gregor, thank you ❤️ you prove to me every day that what my parents taught me about nutrition and healthy life style (in plain English: you just have to do sports young lady everything else is an option) was true. And here I am 40 yers later, doing sports every day and making my own plant based food every single day. Fit as a fiddle

  21. I had terrible allergies my whole life, got a bad case of pneumonia and bronchitis at 14, found out it was MRSA. Doctor gave me the right antibiotic and I got rid of it but suffered from asthma for years afterward. After going vegan my allergies and asthma are non existent

  22. Can some one explain to me the difference between heightened immune system and heightened inflammation? I guess there are markers of how prepared you are to fight infection (like IgA) and other markers for how active your immune system is in fighting infections. On the right track? More details could be welcome. Thanks.

  23. Does anyone know if canned mushrooms have similar properties as the fresh ones? I do not always have access to the fresh ones. Thanks.

  24. It's not often im impressed however watching this really would make anyone think I need to ask – have you looked at the resource called Gregs Mushroom Grower look for it on google

  25. Cook your mushrooms before eating otherwise they have more of a toxin 🤣! That's the latest video Dr Greger has about mushrooms July 2021.

  26. Just make sure you cook your mushrooms thoroughly. With exception of B. edulis and a couple others, most mushrooms are near indigestible before cooking due to the chitin in the cell walls, and some (A. bisporus AKA white button mushrooms, for example) even contain volatile compounds that can be toxic if not cooked off before ingesting.

  27. Ergothioneine is the phytonutrient of the week 02.Oct. 2021 it is found in many mushrooms including white button and grey oyster mushrooms but does it disappear after cooking?

  28. Im looking for the video were he shows that two groups were studied and those that ate a more diverse variety of fruits and veg had better health markers, do you guys know which video it is? Thanks

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