Bacche contro pesticidi nel morbo di Parkinson

Le bacche contrastano gli effetti neurotossici dei pesticidi in vitro, spiegando potenzialmente perché il consumo di bacche è associato a un minor rischio di sviluppare il morbo di Parkinson.

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I video precedenti sul morbo di Parkinson includono:
• Prevenire il morbo di Parkinson con la dieta (
• Trattare il morbo di Parkinson con Dieta. (
• C'è qualcosa nel tabacco protettivo contro il morbo di Parkinson? ( <br/> • Peperoni e Parkinson: i benefici del fumo senza i rischi? (

Altri disturbi muscolari neurologici includono tremore essenziale e SLA:
• Tremore essenziale e dieta (
• SLA ( Malattia di Lou Gehrig): Fishing for Answers (
• Dieta e Sclerosi Laterale Amiotrofica (SLA) (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/diet-and-amiotrophic-lateral-sclerosis-als/)

Lo stesso motivo per cui il Parkinson può essere correlato alla stitichezza può anche spiegare la connessione con il cancro al seno. Vedere Cancro al seno e costipazione (

Cos'altro possono fare le bacche?
• Il succo di mirtillo rosso può curare le infezioni della vescica? (
• Ridurre il dolore muscolare con le bacche ( indolenzimento-muscolare-con-frutti di bosco/)
• Potenziamento dell'attività delle cellule killer naturali (
• Come rallentare l'invecchiamento cerebrale di due anni ( anni/)
• Inibizione dell'aggregazione piastrinica con le bacche (

Ma cosa di tutto lo zucchero nella frutta? ( Vedi se il fruttosio fa male, che dire della frutta? e quanta frutta è troppa? (

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Credito immagine: DGlodowska via Pixabay.
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53 Risposte a “Bacche contro pesticidi nel morbo di Parkinson”

  1. Great video! You have always had this message. The benefits from eating anti-oxidant rich foods (especially berries) far outweigh the negative affects that come from pesticide ingestion. Thank you for all of your work!

  2. I have always been a meat + sweet + junk food eater. You have converted me and I owe you my life 🙂 Thank you! Thank you!

  3. this is all pretty simple and has been well understood for decades by those who don't wait for science to catch up with the body's own messages. if you ingest that which kills life, you will not fair so well. if you instead choose the food bearing plants that are INTENDED to provide food – as cleanly as possible – you will fair better.

  4. Could you make a video about the safety of B12 supplementation? In this article folate+B12 supplementation was associated with higher risk of cancer and mortality:

    Ebbing M et al. Cancer Incidence and Mortality After Treatment With Folic Acid and Vitamin. JAMA. 2009;302(19):2119-2126.

    In general, it would be interesting to know more about vegan/plant-based diets and neurological health. As there was increased mortality of neurological diseases in the EPIC study, it would be interesting to know how effective B12 supplements are actually in the prevention of neurological diseases. Have you seen results about neurological health in vegan Adventist studies?

  5. Any quantitative comparative risk estimates from eating organic versus non-organic blueberries? If you are trying to protect yourself from pesticides what if there are pesticides on your blueberries? Does it have to be blueberries or is it berries, fruit, vegetable? What about blue carrots or blue califlower, etc.?

    And what about GMO plants that have pesticide built into their every cell?

  6. Make sure they are organic or wild berries, farmed berries are heavily sprayed with pesticides and fungicides. As for the milk, you shouldn't eat berries with milk because the casein binds with the antioxidants. Those fruit flavored yogurts taste great but they aren't doing your brain any good.

  7. Constipation is extremely common. If you polled people afflicted with any disease, you would likely discover a high percentage who suffer from constipation simply because it is so common. BTW (and TMI:-), I eat a very healthy diet–tons of fiber, plenty of water, etc.–but I am not as regular as friends whose diets are crap. Explain THAT.

  8. One problem with eating berries is so many are sprayed heavily with pesticides so finding "organic" berries is sometimes not too easy.

  9. Our music teacher ate as pesticide-free/organic as she could, but she was phobic of cockroaches and had her home and yard sprayed regularly. I think this may have contributed to her Parkinson's and early death.

  10. so question, would organic apples be better than blueberries that arent organic? considering blueberries and apples are typically higher in harmful pesticides. i ask mainly because organic apples are far cheaper, and organic berries are around £2 per 125grams. and typically go off in a few days.

  11. see comments going ping/pong. Not hard to grow your own. i do dont do anything even with organic products and get good results. Which in turn less commercial destruction!!

  12. I would assume you are talking about eating Organic, non GMOed fruits. A client of mine over 30 years ago came down with Parkinson's Disease & together we tried to figure out the cause. She worked in a chemical place which made pesticides. We had thought that maybe this was the cause but weren't sure. Now with more information available, turns out it was job-related.

  13. This is a great vid, but I do wonder about mold in frozen berries. I've noticed many many times I've bought frozen organic berries and they had that moldy taste to them, so I wonder if there are any studies on that. If I eat berries every day and end up eating some moldy ones once a week it seems like that could add up.

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