Benefici dei mirtilli per le malattie cardiache

Il tè ai mirtilli viene messo alla prova per abbassare il colesterolo.

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Ecco maggiori informazioni sulla “Dozzina giornaliera” che ho menzionato: Lista di controllo della dozzina giornaliera del Dr. Greger (https://nutritionfacts .org/video/dr-gregers-daily-dozen-checklist/).

Cos'altro possono fare le bacche?
• Il succo di mirtillo rosso può curare le infezioni della vescica? (
• Ridurre il dolore muscolare con le bacche (
• Aumento dell'attività delle cellule killer naturali ( boosting-natural-killer-cell-activity/)
• Inibizione dell'aggregazione piastrinica con le bacche (
• I vantaggi di Acai vs. mirtilli per la funzione dell'arteria (
• Benefici dei mirtilli per la funzione dell'arteria (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/Benefits-of-Blueberries-for-Artery-Function)
• I benefici dei mirtilli per la pressione sanguigna possono essere bloccati dallo yogurt (
• Benefici dei mirtilli per il cervello ( -mirtilli-per-il-cervello)

• Benefici dei mirtilli per l'umore e la mobilità (
• I migliori cibi per il cervello: bacche e noci messe alla prova ( Alimenti-bacche-e-noci-messi alla prova)

Perché non prendere semplicemente le statine? Vedere il beneficio effettivo della dieta rispetto ai farmaci ( of-diet-vs-drugs).

Se è quello che una pianta può fare per i fattori di rischio di malattie cardiache che ne dici di un dieta intera ricca di piante? Guarda il mio video di panoramica Come non morire di malattie cardiache ( -to-die-from-heart-disease).

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72 Risposte a “Benefici dei mirtilli per le malattie cardiache”

  1. Doesn't oatmeal have the same affect? So if you have both you shouldn't have any cholesterol problems then? Only if it was that easy. Interesting how this doesn't help older people as much why is that? That process the berry doesn't referse heart disease then if your already diagnosed. So what exactly did they eat in Forks over Knives to actually referse heart disease?

  2. I can't find pure blueberry tea… just blueberry tea with other fruits.. and blueberries are low on the list of ingredients. Anyone know where to find it?

  3. eating raw blueberries vs boiling tea… are we getting the benefits from just eating them? or I should say, are we getting as much benefit as the tea.

  4. Are Goji berries comparable? I ask because they're easier for me to buy organic than blueberries. Berries are sprayed quite badly.

  5. Please don't confuse your North America blueberries (Vaccinium Angustifolium and Vaccinium Corymbosum) vs the real ones from Europe (Vaccinium Myrtillus and Vaccinium Ulignosum).
    There is not comparison: ours are wild berries, so much better to the taste and so much more loaded by anthocyanins ! Just eat a couple and your tongue, your teeth, your fingers turn and remain blue ! 😀

  6. Watching this as I’m eating a huge bowl of steel cut oatmeal with pumpkin seeds and exactly 1 cup of blueberries! I literally eat this every day and now I can eat it with even more confidence that it’s doing me so good!

  7. Dr. Greger would you consider doing a series on the importance of science education and science literacy?

    Science illiteracy will kill / harm more people than the amount of their daily Blueberry consumption.

    The field of nutrition, for example, is overfull with pseudoscience and snake oil (or outright lies) that spread like wildfire and get repeated (especially on internet forums and comment sections) like gospel by proponents with little to no understanding of science (e.g. the basics of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Physiology), the scientific method, and or skepticism.

    I'm sure you've read your own comment sections and seen plenty of example of what I'm referring to.

    It's one thing to hand-feed people the information they need, but infinitely MORE IMPORTANT for them to acquire the tools to identify GOOD, reputable, peer-reviewed science from nutritional snake oil or outright lies.

  8. any brands of blueberry tea out there that match the study? Was the tea made just for the study :'( Anything I find is mixed with other things so the amount of blueberry is probably teeny wheeny

  9. @2:53 i would be interested to know, did the control group and the BB Tea group have the same diet, with the exception of adding Tee?

    also, i would presume, eating the blueberries would have the same effect as BB tea.

  10. Daily lunch at work: 1cup oatmeal, 1cup blueberries, 1T ground flax seed, cinnamon, soak during the morning in hot water. Glad it’s healthy!

  11. Blueberries of the supermarket are shit, I like the real ones, the small ones, but I always find this big tasteless blueberries

  12. I've been eating 60g's of bloobs daily in accordance with your Daily Dozen, Dr G. Are you now saying that I should be eating twice that amount?! (I'll do it if I have to, of course! I love bloobs)

  13. Lots of Antioxidants – Studies that came out in 2009 in the Journal of Medicinal Food showed that blueberry tea is extremely high in antioxidants. In fact blueberry leaves contain 31 times more antioxidant polyphenols and anthocyanins than the berries themselves.

  14. My favorite fruit is berries. I try to limit how much fructose I consume (no high fructose corn syrup). But I like berries for the polyphenols and health benefits. I try to have about 1/2 to a whole cut when they are in season.

  15. I learned that blackberries are even healthier than blueberries. They cure cancer. And black sesame seeds, good for kidneys and other health issues. Any thing black is good for kidneys, like black beans, blackberries.
    Any food red is good for heart. White color food good for bones, green color food for blood. This is Asian medicine.

  16. I'm curious, are these studies done on "real" blueberries (like the ones you pick in the forest) or on the grape like American grown ones that are only blue on the outside?

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