Benefici dello zenzero per i crampi mestruali

Un ottavo di cucchiaino di zenzero macinato viene testato testa a testa contro il principale farmaco per alleviare i periodi dolorosi.

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Ho già accennato a questo effetto in Ginger for Nausea, Mestrual Cramps, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome( Scopri cos'altro può fare questa straordinaria pianta in:

• Ridurre i danni da radiazioni con zenzero e melissa (http ://
• Quali spezie combattono l'infiammazione? (<br/> • Spicing Up Protezione del DNA (
• Ginger for Migraines (
• Trattamenti naturali per la nausea mattutina ( per la malattia mattutina)
• Ginger per l'osteoartrite (

Cos'altro può davvero aiutare con crampi, sindrome premestruale e ciclicità dolore al seno? Check out:

• Semi di finocchio per crampi mestruali e sindrome premestruale (http://
• Zafferano per il trattamento della sindrome premestruale (
• Diete vegetali per il dolore al seno ( diete-per-mal-seno/)
• Semi di lino per dolore al seno (
• Trattamento dietetico per mestruazioni dolorose Periodi (

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46 Risposte a “Benefici dello zenzero per i crampi mestruali”

  1. Beetroot jus help me a lot with periods pain control! 4, 5 days before period i drink my jus once or twice a day and it's all good! No harsh pain anymore!!
    Dr Greger, can you please do a study on beetroot??

  2. wow this is he answer to my monthly problem, haha. What amazed me more is that in the second month the pain dropped significantly compared to the first month, which means, probably, that the pain can disappear completely in the future, if of course, ground ginger is administrated in the known doses and for a longer period of time. Can it be replace by fresh ginger, though? I find that the ground ginger I buy is just a normal spice and doesn't have the health benefits it should have if it was organic, etc.. so maybe fresh is a better option? I will gladly participate in a study like this, but no placebo for me😂

  3. That's awesome, I love ginger. Soy really helped me. When I first went vegan I wasn't eating any soy products, my cramps went when I started drinking soy milk and eating soy ice cream. Maybe it was to do with hormonal imbalance? I'm just guessing, no idea.

  4. Drink this one or twice daily around the middle of your menstrual cycle. Mix in hot water: 1/4 teaspoon or a dash (about 1 gram) of ground organic ginger powder, 1/2 teaspoon of ground organic lemon peels powder (I make my own using Krups coffee grinder), and organic lemon juice. I drink this in the morning before gyokuro or matcha, and about an hour or two before my breakfast baby greens/ fruit smoothie. Then I'll drink this ginger/ lemon peel/ lemon juice tonic again at night before sleep.

    Ginger and lemon peel are not just good for PMS symptoms but also anti-carcinogenic as well.

  5. Wouldn't "powdered toast" capsules cause inflammation in some people? And then potentially increase their pain level? I think they should have used a different placebo pill in the study.

  6. This is true. I watched a video from Dr. McGregor a while back with similar info and I decide it to… "put it to the test"!!!
    This really works. And if you keep doing it month after month it helps even more, however, I wish there was something that would eliminate the pain. Ginger helps but does not eliminate the discontford.

  7. I had horrible menstrual cramps and rectal pain every menses for the past few months. I took ginger powder last time and it made a HUGE difference. I'm glad there's more research on this. Thanks for the heads up in your previous videos!

  8. I used juiced ginger root + water for extreme pain relief after chemo when I had a reaction to rx drugs. It was the only thing I took for pain and nausea. My dr was in disbelief asking me several times am I on any pain meds!

  9. I eat ginger to much and when urine, there was a pain. I check with doctor, doctor can't help. After I stop ginger, the pain is gone. So now I seldom take ginger.

  10. OKAY I got my vegan organic ginger capsules on Saturday will be starting this tonight! HAPPY PERIODING ladies 🙂

  11. I used to do this, it made my period from 7 days to 3 and the flow less than half what it is. But then i kept getting it every fortnight! So, i stopped, and now it is back with a vengeance. Just a warning i read endometriosis happens from backflow of blood and i'm scared this will cause that, so i am stopping ginger!

  12. I'm not whole plant vegan (some junk food in my vegan diet) but recently started having raw plant smoothies for breakfast each morning with a good chunk of ginger. Interested to see how this plays out.

  13. It’s an old asian remedy. Helped me travelling Long distances in a bus. Otherwise I wouldn’t have made it. Chewing some sweet or dried ginger

  14. Fresh is better. Mash a big tuber of ginger root. Boil with some water for abt an hour. Sip throughout the day. Add yr own flavours if 🥤 Drinking it plain is not yr thing.

  15. Didn't have cramps or any pain even before going vegan. Then, I lost my period completely at around age 17-18 years old when I enlisted in the army. Still don't have it

  16. Thanks a lot for seeing things through the eyes of a woman – being a guy doesn't necessarily mean being blind to women's issues (tell that to some male gynecologists… I'll never let one of those touch me again!)

  17. I tried this last week and it worked wonders! It decreased my cramp pain tremendously and it looks like it decreased my cycle time from 7 days to 5. I'll definite do this again next month! I'm on this for life!

  18. I have had horrible menstrual cramps. They come every 2 hrs and last for about 20mins. Basically debilitating pain, at work, in route, at home. Just terrible. I have literally called out of work and even left work early due to the pain.

    My level of painful menstrual cramps were at about an 8. I would experience cramps, which caused hot flashes, sweating, nausea, and at times, vomiting.

    I was taking 800mg of IBUPROFEN every 2 hrs and still in agonizing pain. The pain would start, I'd take the ibuprofen and I swear by the time it kicked in the pain was gone. But by the time the pain came back, the medicine had wore off.

    I added less than a tablespoon of raw gjnger to my smoothies just for taste, and surprisingly I noticed that I didn't have painful menstrual cramps. The next month I didn't have any smoothies with ginger and the pain returned.

    . But I learned that ginger is Phenomenal and it has changed my life! I eat raw ginger everyday and I have noticed a drastic decrease in menstrual cramps. I still have cramps, but no pain, just light pressure. No nausea, hot flashes, sweating, or vomiting. I am 100% confident that ginger will completely stop painful menstrual cramps or significantly reduce them.

  19. The only drug that ever helped my cramps was naproxen. I was past 35 when naproxen was approved, had severe cramps an heavy flow for 4-6 days. Ginger is so good for so many things!

  20. After hearing about Dr Ehimare a herbal medicine doctor , that deal with in herbs and root medicine of Facebook , i search for him YouTube …I contacted him him because i had fibroid which has being given pain and sleepless nights cause i wanted a child of my own. I requested for the herbs medicine and 3weeks,my fibroid was gone totally…thanks to Dr. Ehimare he also has cure for other disease and virus, you can also contact him on YouTube @Dr Ehimare on youtube or whatsap number +2349027349748…..

  21. I wonder what the lost productivity would be if men had periods and ovulated? Having basically contractions and bleeding from your insides would put them out for days. We all know a men- flu is about 100 times worse than any flu

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