Benefici di lenticchie e ceci

Lenticchie e ceci si mettono alla prova.
Quali legumi beneficiano dei più alti livelli di antiossidanti? Se confrontassi il contenuto totale di antiossidanti di dieci diversi legumi, quale pensi che risulterebbe in cima? Fagioli borlotti, fagioli lima, fagioli rossi, fagioli neri – per i quali penso si riferiscano solo fagioli neri – fagioli blu scuro, fagiolini rossi, piselli dall'occhio, fagioli mung, lenticchie, contro i ceci. Chi può indovinare il vincitore e il perdente?

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Da allora ho ampliato il mio mix prebiotico includendo orzo viola decorticato e bacche di segale. Insieme alle semole d'avena e alle lenticchie beluga costituisce la base di molti piatti dolci e salati in casa Greger. Mmm, questo video sta facendo venire fame.<br/>
Maggiori informazioni sui deliziosi legumi in:
• Fagioli e l'effetto del secondo pasto (
• In scatola Fagioli o fagioli cotti? (
• Maggiore durata della vita dai fagioli (
• Fagioli, fagioli, fanno bene al cuore ( -buono-per-il-cuore)
• I diabetici dovrebbero prendere le loro pulsazioni (https ://
• Rallenta il battito cardiaco: fagioli contro esercizio (
• Il paradosso ispanico: perché i latini vivono più a lungo? (
• Disbiosi intestinale che fa morire di fame il nostro sé microbico ( dysbiosis-affamato-microbico-self/)
• BRCA geni del cancro al seno e soia (
• Prevenire il prediabete mangiando di più (
• Fagioli e gas: purificare l'aria ( 580//05/fagioli-e-gas-clearing-the-air/)

Ma che dire dei fitati? Vedi Phytates for Rehabilitating Cancer Cells ( e Fitati per la Prevenzione dell'Osteoporosi ( /fitati-per-la-prevenzione-dell-osteoporosi/).

E le lectine? Vedi:
• Il paradosso della pianta del Dr. Gundry è sbagliato (https://nutritionfacts. org/video/dr-gundrys-the-plant-paradox-is-wrong/)
• Come evitare l'avvelenamento da lectina (
• Le lectine nel cibo sono buone o cattive per te? ( -for-you/)

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100 Risposte a “Benefici di lenticchie e ceci”

  1. I cook either black beans or pinto beans until they start to soften then I add a bag of lentils into the pot with curry, onion power, garlic powder some tomatoes etc it's healthy, cheap and delicious.

  2. I love to eat cold pinto beans or warm on Ezekiel toast in the mornings and I really do feel full for a long time.

  3. I love how people find out the amazing healing and preventive factors of plants and their response is: “what if we create a DRUG with plant in it?!”

  4. Its 9.41 here and i had my first chickpea curry(started vegan diet 2 days ago) at 6.I`m usually back in the kitchen at 8.30 raiding away for all the usual chocolates,biscuits etc but i still feel completely i don`t want anything before i go to bed which is completely unheard of for me.Really excited about this journey..definately less excited about all the pots and pans ive been washing but hey,nothing worthwhile comes easy in life.

  5. I have Amy's Kitchen Organic Lentil soup. Would anyone say there's a problem with eating canned soup on a regular basis? Say, twice a week?

  6. Thanks for those nuggets of valuable info, I’m glad you mentioned Chick Peas( Chana) as they are so delicious as well as v nutritious, and being 1 of the main ingredients in Humous, along with Sesame Seeds, Garlic, Lemon Juice etc, makes Humous VERY nutritious!. I’ve yet to come across any Vegan yters ( Doctors, health/fitness etc folk) who have mentioned Sprouting Legumes, Seeds etc. Humous for example can be made with Chickpeas AFTER they’ve been sprouted making them much more nutrient dense!. Sprouted Peas, Beans, Seeds & Wheatgrass, Alfalfa etc are like natural Multi Vit tablets, packed full of a variety of Nutrients! Why does no one mention them, or better still, list off their Vit content a bit like in above Vid!.

  7. Could you eat to many lentils? I ate a big pot of lentils and maybe that was not a good idea. It was very good but last night I had a couple of very good bowls movements.

  8. I guessed lentils! Do I win a prize? My weight in lentils ? I bloody love them. I have brown, black, red and green in my cupboard. They are my favorites.
    I make a lentil, brown rice & kale stew that is the most satisfying batch cook meal in my rotation ❤️👍

  9. Cook a regular-sized bad of red lentils and just add in taco seasoning. Stir in the cooking lentils and seasoning and then add in a can of black or pinto beans with a mixer and you have homemade "refried beans." Now grab a tortilla = breakfast tacos! Delish!

  10. Anyone who is having digestive issues and eat too much beans and lentils? and Doctors say you have IBS. Just stop eating beans and lentils and get better. Go ahead try it.

  11. i eat lentils at least 3 times per week along with roasted potato and kasha or congee for breakfast + salads. Good to know i am on the right path.

  12. carbohydrate bombs–one cup of lentils put the same amount of glucose into the blood as 9 measured teaspoons of sugar—enjoy. Not a fit food for plant eaters let alone those of us with digestive systems meant for meat

  13. Yay for beans! I've been trying to buy more variety but glad I know my two favorites are some of the best! Chickpeas and pintos are on the menu this week 🙂

  14. I've noticed that my body gets excited right before eating chickpeas, they are everyday food in my house (it's a microbiome kind of thing). Lentils are wonderful too and I will be making a batch in the InstantPot tomorrow, thanks for the suggestion.

  15. Hahaha what's wrong with this guy, why does he speak like this!! I laughed so much😄
    P. D. I eat all types of beans, they're delicious, inexpensive and lots of different recipes.

  16. Lentils are truly a miracle food or chickpeas roasted these crunchy wonders great with olive oil salt pepper, warning addictive!

  17. Hey there! I loved the vid so much! I have been trying to look for vid similar to yours that teaches the ideas in this video! 👨‍⚕️Your tip is like the videos of this new health enthusiast Doctor Ethan. Dr's explanations are for sure helpful and he actually helped me a lot on exams.

    I suggest you check his channel out and give the Doctor a like over here! ➡️ #DoctorEthanQuestions

  18. Garbanzo beans and lentils give me severe 🚶‍♂️💨 as do most legumes. It's because of the faster digestion. I can't wait until lab cultured meat is widely available.

  19. I am going to try making natto chickpeas. I may even try lentils, but I know chickpeas will work. Fermenting almost any food or herbal just seems to increase it health properties.

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