I benefici per la salute del caffè si applicano a tutti?

Le differenze genetiche nel metabolismo della caffeina possono spiegare gli effetti Jekyll e Hyde del caffè.

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Questo è uno dei casi in cui “nutrizione personalizzata” non è solo uno slogan di marketing. La soia è un'altra, ma in quel caso si tratta solo di chi ne beneficia di più. Vedi: Come convertire in un produttore di Equol (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-convert-into-an-equol-producer/).

Per ulteriori informazioni sul caffè, vedere:
• Funzione caffè e arteria (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/Coffee-and-Artery-Function)<br/> • Il caffè influisce sul colesterolo? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-coffee-affect-cholesterol/)
• L'aggiunta di latte blocca i benefici del caffè? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-adding-milk-block-the-benefits-of-coffee)
• Quale caffè è più salutare: tostatura chiara e tostatura scura (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/which-coffee- is-healthier-light-vs-dark-roast)
• Il caffè a bassa acidità causa un minore reflusso acido? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-low-acid-coffee-cause-less-acid-reflux)

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100 Risposte a “I benefici per la salute del caffè si applicano a tutti?”

  1. I will have a strong coffee and it will literally feel like I've taken a sleeping pill,and I'm a fast metabolizer

  2. 1:09 2 cups of coffee after 3 weeks, should work against parkinson
    (200 mg caffeine)
    2:50 hank green might be one of them
    4:47 So decaff for people who can't get thick – thin

  3. Hi Dr. Greger, I've been looking for information on zinc bioavailability from chlorella. I am not able to find a consistent or reputable source to find out the zinc content or bioavailability. Do you have any info on this? Thanks!

  4. I wish Dr Greger changes his way of talking or voice. It is getting in the way with the content. I really love to watch and listen to him speak but he talks like he is in his bed (if you know what i mean). Too much unnecessary sounds, long pauses, ugh.. The message in the video would have been very valuable, but his voice is so theatrical or "operatic". Really is very disturbing.

  5. Very good research on this topic!
    Love the smell of the coffee and use to drink it. When stopped, my whole back (around the spine, from the neck, as if the nerves were inflamed…especially low back area) was in agony! Pain , throbbing …insane. Took small cup of coffee, gone. Every time going off the thing same happened. Now I drink black tea. Stopped, same happened! What is the problem , have no idea. Always lasts 3 days before pain/inflammation starts. If going trough the whole thing, takes about 9 days before I am clear of it all. But it is agonizing!

    Caffeine must be a huge poison to our bodies if used daily. And I still do…

  6. Great! Except you didn’t explain how to find out if you have a fast metabolism or a slow metabolism with regards to caffeine!!

  7. I agree with Dr Birkmayer coffee is roasted and burned and it has not as much benefits as tea like green tea and those intolerant to coffee caffeine can often tolerate green tea caffeine as green tea reduces stress ✌

  8. But coffee does promote inflammation. 5 days without coffee and my hand arthritis subsided to barely noticeable and I felt my hand lighter and more flexible, once I restarted taking it, only after a couple of hours, the pain returned. Talking about nespresso black coffee with a bit of date syrup. Black-currant-seed-oil seemed to help ease the pain. I'm 46.

  9. Wouldn't people who can metabolise coffee faster, just have a higher metabolism, meaning they don't have fat clogged mitochondria, meaning they are likely eating a diet low in animal products, which is the thing that is actually protective? Theobromine and Caffeine are designed to keep animals from eating plants. They also allow the body to chew into ADP stores after ATP has run out, meaning it has a long term negative effect?

  10. Cann…. you…. (mmmmm) talk like a — a—- a—- Normal HUUUUUUMAN being? I like the connnnnnntent, but the wayyyyyy you TALK prevents me frommmmmmmm(?) watching your ummmmmmm anymore…… uh…… VIDEOS.

  11. your speech is so incredibly fucked up. you really do sound like a malnourished vegan quack at the end of his life at 45yo.

  12. Longtime subscriber to the Godzilla of Veganism, Dr. Greger. Just had some sauteed (organic) eggs for breakfast though, and I feel amazing. This is the energy I feel as though I would like to have. Just telling the truth of my own anecdote; not telling anyone else what to eat. But for myself, eggs just skyrocketed to become the #1 contender for adding a new thing to my diet.

  13. Sunday Challenge Question: How does cholesterol cause cardiovascular disease?

    Don't give me a line about LDL. LDL is not cholesterol. HDL is not cholesterol. Put down that kool aid already. Focus. Learn what cholesterol actually is and learn what the purposes of cholesterol actually are. Once the homework is done….

    Explain to me, dear veganlings, HOW does cholesterol cause heart disease? Causal
    mechanism, please. I contend you are sentencing cholesterol to prison due to guilt by association.

  14. Coffee = one of the most HIGHLY sprayed crops, full of insect infestations, chemicals exported to 3rd world countries for thier usage, molds, etc. NOT to mention destruction of natural environments to grow such a highly profitable crop to sustain the masses' RAGING ADDICTIONS to caffeine.🍼
    It is IMPOSSIBLE to create absolute sterile environments to roast and process coffee, this isn't done in a lab.
    Follow organic, fair trade, innocent growing (Sumatra, etc.) practices or better yet, drink WATER the way nature intended YOU to be optimally healthy!
    Dr. Greger, why don't you address THAT ISSUE and promote saving the planet as opposed to the silly little benefits NOT outweighing the solid evidence of rainforest destruction. I love Greger, but there's nothing good about a liquid that creates addiction.


    Smoky the Bear says,
    "Only YOU
    Can Prevent

  15. Coffee was also found to be a booster for autophagy , and that referrs to both, with and without caffeine… I ususally drink without, only ocasonally with, to respond better to the positive effects

  16. I'm the kind of person who needs that first mug of coffee in the morning in order to get going… if I don't have it, I get headaches…

  17. Dr.Greger could you search for studies on Caffeine’s effects on the Prostate? My father has prostatitis and he definitely drank a lot of caffeine from energy drinks. I drink a lot of caffeine as well from coffee and tea and energy drinks. But I don’t know if my ADHD affects my caffeine metabolism and maybe that’s something else you can also search for. Please help!

  18. Very confusing; how do we know if we metabolize coffee quickly or slowly? Do "fast metabolizers" of coffee have fast metabolism in general? are thinner, more active? There is no attempt made in the studies to observe the connection between coffee effects and adrenal energy or other general health, for example why some people become sleepy when drinking coffee. Also there is caffeine in dark chocolate; does it have the same effects as caffeine in coffee?

  19. I look at my coworkers who drink coffee and most of them stressed and depressed all the time. And what about gallbladder contraction effects of coffee?

  20. great video, this one slipped under my radar! if you've done a video on cross-reactive proteins send me a link. for example i read that people who are yeast intolerant, also tend to be dairy intolerant gluten intolerant and caffeine sensitive. that was years ago though so i'm afraid i cant point you to any studies specifically as my memory doesn't serve me that well! but i do remember the general jist was that the proteins look the same structurally so somebody who is intolerant to one of them has their body attack it in a case of mistaken identity.

  21. I absolutely love coffee but it’s not for me. It’s as if I’m allergic to the caffeine. A half cup and my hands will shake for hours and worse than that is the anxiety! I quit drinking it a year ago and although I miss it the change has definitely been good.

  22. How does one know whether they are a fast or slow caffeine metabolizer or not?

    I'm almost 70, been drinking it since a teen… am addicted but am considering quitting, just to see what happens.

  23. Study Göteburg, Sweden University Prof. Rickard Landberg shows that ONLY Filter coffee(drip coffee) the rislk of Diabetis is less. What kind of study it is I can't find.

  24. I use to be a fast metabolizer. I would drink about 5 pots of coffee a day, even drinking it right before bed, and have no trouble sleeping. Then one day I became a slow metabolizer. I didn't know it at first, but I started having sleep issues, high anxiety, and a rapid heart rate. I didn't relate it to coffee since I had been drinking it for years. That is, until I overdosed on caffeine. What a horrible feeling that was. Now, I no longer drink caffeinated coffee on a daily bases, but when I do drink it, it takes about 3 days to clear my body.

  25. My brother in law and I both get sleepy after drinking coffee. He and I both can drink coffee all day and still fall asleep at anytime in the day.

  26. Coffee helps with depression, I can attest to that. But, after drinking for a period of time it burns out my adrenals and I have to stop. Plus, high cholesterol runs on my mother’s side and coffee is known to adversely affect this.

  27. I am one of those weird individuals who feel sleepy after coffee. I remember drinking a few cups during my finals week a few years ago and surprise surprise…I was more alert before drinking it and ended up falling right asleep…those exams definitely did not go well.

  28. Just cant cope with your attempted humour, pausing for effect, enunciation, elocution, intonation… and the list go on. If there was an avoid you at all costs button I would click it. My apologies if you have a disability… in that case job well done.

  29. Another great video!!
    was just diagnosed with a fatty liver, and I have read that coffee, either decaf or not, helps. I don't drink coffee, but im just going to start drinking decaf now. I have been eating a plant based diet for 5 years and generally healthy one, so i was surprised.
    I have low blood pressure all the time so it might not affect me lol

  30. When I wake in the middle of the nite & can't get back to sleep I DRINK A POT OF COFFEE. Completely relaxes me & puts me right back to sleep. Problem is I have to take a leak 2 hours later…

  31. Yes I'm not crazy !!
    When I drank a lot of coffee, 6-10cups a day, I was incredibly tired, yawning every 30secs when I was awake for only an hour and slept 8-10hours. As if my brain couldn't rest at night.

  32. How will you know if you are a fast or a slow metabolizer of caffeine, clinically or diagnosticaly?

    If you are a slow caffeine metabolizer, will you be able to make your body a fast metabolizer by slowly increasing your caffeine consumption?

  33. Coffee and tea give me migraine the next day. I think it is from caffeine withdrawal. I used to drink a lot of coffee at work (Monday to Friday). At weekends I would sleep in, and not drink coffee. Every weekend I would have a migraine. When I gave up caffeine, the migraines stopped.

  34. I drink 4 espressos a day, my last at about 3pm, I suffer from sleep apnea, I know I get better, longer sleep since I have begun drinking coffee mid-afternoon. also I tend to have a short caffeine nap, and I’m definitely happier. Just saying that I seem to benefit from my coffee drinking, I roast my own so it’s always fresh.

  35. Where folks get sleepy their adrenals may be so messed up that the stimulation over taxes their system so quickly that it is already crashing before the end of a cup.

  36. I am wondering whether as of today more research has been done on the COMT fenotype, including interaction of caffein metabolism and COMT. I noticed in the graph of the COMT paper it mentions all these covariates included to come to the p-value of 0.047…they didn't include physical activity it seems! (or they forgot to put it into the description of the graph that shows the final model. They seem to have tested the individual covariates, seperately, it seems, before making the final model for calculating the p-value? the heavy drinking category stood out especially in smoking and lower physical activity) Either way it seems like a bigger study and with better assessment of confounding factors would be preferred before coming to a final conclusion..

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