Perdita di peso di 200 libbre senza fame

Segnali di peso corporeo e sazietà. Mi tuffo in una delle serie di studi più affascinanti che abbia mai incontrato.

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Questo è il primo di una serie di quattro video sui fattori che possono portare all'eccesso di cibo e alla sazietà. Resta sintonizzato per:
• Alimenti progettati per dirottare il nostro appetito ( -appetites)
• Come la variazione può influenzare la sensazione e portare all'eccesso di cibo (https://nutritionfacts. org/video/how-variation-can-trump-sensation-and-lead-to-overeating)<br/> • Sfruttare la sazietà sensoriale specifica per la perdita di peso (

Per ulteriori informazioni su una sana perdita di peso, dai un'occhiata alla mia perdita di peso basata sull'evidenza ( /video/presentazione-dal-vivo-perdita-di-peso-basata sull'evidenza) e il mio libro How Not to Diet (https :// (Tutti i proventi dei miei libri sono devoluti in beneficenza.)

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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97 Risposte a “Perdita di peso di 200 libbre senza fame”

  1. Dr Greger quoting Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation studies is highly problematic. That's as good as quoting the investors of Monsanto, the biggest land owner of agricultural land in the USA cornering the market on Big Ag, and the current biggest Global pusher and investor in vaccines which are chemical, human fetal cell and animal derived and tested… ?? uhhh, why would we trust their studies or anything they push? AND why aren't the YT VC weighing in on vaccine medical tyranny? Perhaps there is something else going on here besides health ??

  2. Both my nutrient and stretch receptors are nowhere near as sensitive as I would need them to be in order to attain and maintain a healthy state. I'm practicing calorie density and that seems to work for me. I'm having a problem with knowing when I'm actually hungry. Comes from years of eating (because of meds) devoid of hunger. I'm convinced once I get back in tune with my true hunger drive, I'll be able to easily reach AND maintain a healthy state 😊 Thank you for this. I look forward to the next one.

  3. Who cares if it’s animated dr Greger or not! I’m sure it’s used to help dr Greger get these informative videos out, so please just quit complaining about something so trivial. I want the information and I could care less if Dr Greger chooses animation or his real face. Just grateful for the info.

  4. Wow. Once you start seeing food as fuel rather than getting caught up in fetishizing it for pleasure or entertainment the battle with the bulge seems to mostly fall away.

  5. literally didnt understand any of that lol must be cause i dont take dha, to take dha would be to admit we need to eat fish or algae and i dont agree with that so whatever

  6. I didn’t become overweight by eating cuz I was hungry. A lot of big people never let themselves become hungry. I eat because I want something, not because I’m hungry. The only thing that ever helped me was the drug fen phen. I never thought about food or cared about food. I had to consciously make myself eat. I loved it. I lost 100 lbs in less than a year. As soon as they took it off market I gained it back in a third of the time. I would take it again if given the choice.

  7. Oh for the love of god PLEASE LOSE THE CARTOON, it's asinine, creepy and distracting. It detracts from the power of the information you are sharing, makes your videos look amateurish, and keeps me from sharing them with others lest the see it as silly and less credible. I can't imagine what possesses you to ruin your videos in this way. (It's not even well animated.)

  8. You are the best Dr Greger! Thanks for helping me to live a better life. When I went plant based I often joked with friends that I had never lost so much weight feeling so full.

  9. Love the animation, Dr. Greger! Thank you so much for continuing to get the message out! I have found that when I eat just WFPB fiber rich foods, I only consume 700-900 calories in a day and am so full and satisfied, so I just add some nuts into it and continue losing weight!

  10. Honestly, you have most people saying bad things about the animations and VERY few, saying they actually like it. Then, you have those who don't 'care', they just want the information(this isn't a GOOD THING EITHER). Why still do something that isn't getting a good reception? Especially, when there's a huge portion of people saying it actually DUMBS the information down. Remember, for each person who types something, there are what, 8-15 others thinking the EXACT same thing, but will never type? That's telling.

  11. I'm trying to start a plant based diet. I am probably a hundred 50 lb overweight and I am never hungry or takes me a day-and-a-half 2 days to get hungry. My question is should I eat a plant-based meal three times a day or should I wait till I get hungry to eat? Thanks for any insight or input

  12. This makes alot of sense to me. I had a teacher in college who would diet in yogurt and bananas. I could never do it because it made me very mucus filled and I hated that feeling (she ultimately died of cancer). What I have found is that if I consume lots of green's with a quarter cup of beans and a very thin tahini (seasoned well), my weight drops off without a problem. I'll do that for two week's and it work's every time.

  13. Obesity is promoted by junk food manufacturers, food retailers & restaurant chains. All they want is suck out money from people & ruin their health. All Dr. Greger is doing is exposing them & that is right thing to do……🙂

  14. truly, how many more of Dr G's amazing videos will you all ruin with the cheesy, snake-oil salesman, creepy cartoon? I have been using these videos professionally (referring patients to them all the time) but I will hesitate with the cartoon. It just screams "scam." You all have such a great spokesman in Dr G. He comes across as smart, likeable, trustworthy and professional. Why would you want to ruin that?

  15. Without even watching the video, I'll say : The food that is designed for our species- (which is that of a frugivoorish primate) – to best digest and utilize, which are raw fruit and raw fruit-like vegetables are going to be the most filling and the most healthful. The ones we have become addicted to as we continue to eat as if we were true omnivores like dogs hogs, bears and chickens ie starch and animal proteins, fats and cooked foods, will be the least filling and the least satisfying and of course, the hardest to digest and the most harmful to our bodies. "The frugivore diet" channel by Freelee the Banana girl is a 10 year "study" that proves this. She eats as much sweet fruit as she wants usually 3000 calories per day and has maintained a lean body for 10 years.

  16. Interesting. What was the component makeup of the liquid nutrition? Ingredients, carb/fat/protein, sources of the food, etc. This research could go a long way to helping people achieve and maintain a normal BMI. I eat one meal a day, as much as I want, with a balance of good quality protein, fats, and start meal with a lot (6-8 cups) of green and cruciferous vegetables. Took a few weeks to get in this mode, but I've lost 32lbs in 5 weeks. Takes a lot of willpower to not snack at first, but has gotten easier as I go along. I look forward to my meal, but don't dwell on it all of the time. I wonder if this is achieving this in a similar way.

  17. Not a fan of the cartoon Dr. Greger. It is distracting. I was focused more on how the mouth doesn't sync with the audio instead of listening to the message.

  18. What a neat coincidence – I just read this part in your book, "How not to Diet", last night before bed! It's interesting to see that photo of the feeding apparatus, though. Definitely not what I pictured in my head. lol

  19. The scientific credibility of this channel is seriously undercut by bad cartoon animation, which is distracting to say the least. Please listen to the feedback and use voiceover alone if there’s a need to streamline video production.

  20. Maybe the body needs to "sample" 500 ml each day before it can know whether or not it's getting enough calories?
    That's a really cool study.

  21. I love you Dr. Gregor. You’re one of the only ones who I trust. Sadly, I still eat meat, just much less of it now, and way more veggies and fruits.

  22. Fascinating. I've been doing intermittent fasting for the past three months. Was really only trying to lose around 10 lb was doing it more because there's things I learned about the benefits. It's amazing what your body can do to fix itself and keep you healthy when it isn't digesting food 90% of the time you're awake!

  23. Very intriguing. I have a deep interest in nutrition and medicine.

    I was unlawfully detained in a maximum security prison in Asia on false charges for 4 months in 2019 and lost 20kgs in the first month.

    I wasn't obese though was realistically around 15-20kgs overwieght at 95-100kgs.

    I was eating a lot in the prison though 80% was cooked white rice.

    I'm yet to identify why my body did this other than the obvious reason of the extreme stress of the situation – akin to how smoking can make/keep people slim I'd guess.

    I wasn't exercising as I wasn't allowed to.

    There were no other factors involved.

    I was vegan at the time and had been strict vegan for 5 years having been mostly vegan, vegetarian and occasionally omni throughout my life. I couldn't maintain a vegan or vegetarian diet in prison though I know from my exhaustive understanding of medicine, nutrition and my body that my caloric intake didn't change in prison.

    I was overweight at the time due to injury, age, depression and a lack of exercise, not overeating or a poor diet.

    I don't drink, don't smoke, very rarely (once or twice a quarter if that) consume junk food or processed food or drink any type or coffee or tea or any sweet foods, rarely if ever having dessert with a meal.

  24. I was MOCKED by abusive family who laughed when I first introduced I was giving up meat by bringing oatmeal with blueberries and date sugar to a meal. They continued to mock me hand waiting away that I cleared up a rash covering 90% of my body. They pretended it wasn’t a big deal that my energy increased .

    Now that one of them was diagnosed with heart disease …… they still mock me and the guy just claims “it’s natural to get this it’s not my fault. And if you ever suggest (in response to him mocking me ) again it’s my fault I’ll punch you out. My father died of heart disease and is will not have you disrespect him by saying his diet played a role. “

  25. Where is the link to the next part please? This is my huge problem with a plant based diet – I'm hungry ALL the time, it's awful. I've got Dr Greger's book "How Not To Diet" and the best advice so far is to have the main meal at lunchtime, rather than dinner time – for satiety. I'd love a list of satiating foods though.

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