Quali sono gli alimenti più sani?

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DESCRIZIONE: Basato sulle linee guida dietetiche per gli americani, quali alimenti forniscono meglio i nutrienti carenti evitando le malattie -promozione dei componenti?
Penso che questo avrebbe dovuto essere uno dei primi video di NutritionFacts.org! Mi dispiace, mi ci è voluto così tanto tempo per fare un passo indietro e offrire alcune delle nozioni di base. Ho sempre immaginato il mio ruolo come quello di fornire la scienza più recente, ma non puoi capire tutte le nuove scoperte senza una buona base. Fammi sapere se pensi che dovrei fare più di questi video sull'alimentazione 101 o lasciarlo ad altri e concentrarmi solo sul brillante e nuovo.<br/> Quanto in basso si dovrebbe cercare di evitare l'assunzione di alcuni dei componenti alimentari? Vedi grassi trans, grassi saturi e colesterolo: assunzione superiore tollerabile di zero ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/trans-fat-saturo-grassi-and-colesterolo-tollerable -upper-intake-of-zero/), Quanto zucchero aggiunto è troppo? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-added-sugar-is-too-much/) e per il sodio , L'ipertensione può essere una scelta (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/high-blood-pressure-may-be-a-choice/). Sorpreso che i grassi trans non fossero limitati alla spazzatura parzialmente idrogenata? Dai un'occhiata ai grassi trans nella carne e nei latticini (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/trans-fat-in-meat-and-dairy/).
Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/what-are-the-healthiest-foods e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: USDA, Linee guida dietetiche per gli americani.

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100 Risposte a “Quali sono gli alimenti più sani?”

  1. The indexing system here looks like a quick way to look at a healthy diet, but it does not account for the studies done that show that those with a Mediterranean diet are longer lived than those on a vegan or vegetarian diet. Nor does it compare the Okinawan diet with the Seventh Day diet patterns. There's more to it.

  2. can't believe vegan doctors are still selling cholesterol is bad. All those guidelines are to sell you pharmaceutical company drugs and vegan doctors are part of it lol

  3. I've researched that eggs, as long as the yolk is still runny, is a good form of cholesterol in the body, protein in the white has all the amino acids the body needs and the yolk contains essential vitamins, and also helps eliminate saturated fats ect from the body, but only when not hard boiled.

  4. pbs had a program on fasting lowering disease from hormone produced in liver by 50%. an alternative to calorie restricting and going vegan.I would like to know what your thoughts are.

  5. I very much enjoy your work, but it's a bit annoying how persistent you are in avoiding to include shellfish in your videos. I wouldn't argue with that most animal-products we can do without, but are really shrimp, crab, crayfish, muscles, etc, equally bad for us?

  6. Organ meats are the most nutritionally dense foods in the world.. but obviously we're not going to hear that on a vegan biased channel, should be renamed VEGANbiasedNutritionfacts.org.. And dietary cholesterol is good for you Btw, it raises your "good" HDL.. tsk tsk, always w/ the anti-fat/cholesterol brainwashing to please your big Pharma Overlords, huh?!?!?!?

  7. It is crazy how many people comment argumenting how saturated fats, cholesterol and animal products are amazing for you. But hey, carbs are horrible! But our brains run by carbs, actually. There is a freaking lot of science, and also very good documentaries, showing how consuming animal products is bad for the planet, bad for ourselves, and quite cruel. And ecological grass fed animals are not sustainable for the planet. We don't have the space. Factory farming uses a big amount of the Earth's land, including the land used to feed those animals. That is already not sustainable for the planet, imagine if every cow or chicken needed a piece of land. Crazy. If you hate vegans, I don't get why you watch vegan stuff and then comment and hate. Go and do something useful with your time, I suggest. Dr Greger is not a 'biased doctor' anyway. He became a doctor because of his grandmother, and dedicated his life to study nutrition outside of any corporation that could control his movements. That is why NutritionFacts.org is non-profit. He doesn't want to sell any drugs by lying. Research before saying anything about him. Watch his talks.

  8. What would a perfectly healthy (eats all the right things, manages to avoid cancer from environmental and genetic causes, etc.) person die from? Is there some possible, more pleasant mode of death, or is it all the same (some system is going to break down, heart failure/attack, etc.) and eating/living healthy is mostly about quality of life and adding 7-15 more years?

  9. The vegan cultists in the commentaries have so much more radical views on nutrition than the guy in the video. This is what he says:

    "People eating more plant based tend (!) to end up eating a more nutrient dense dietary pattern close to some guideline. And the more plant based we get apparently (!) the better."

    Wow. What a realisation. Then again, it's "Dietary Guidelines for Americans" Guess it's big news for many of them that pop-tarts are not an ideal source of vitamin.

  10. The thing that literally kills is the non-organic food being cheaper and organic being very expensive. How sad that we primates still didnt evolve past this. Poor people are literally condemned to eating non organic, living non healthy lives and eventually perishing.

  11. Only thing to add is dietary cholesterol minimal effect on blood cholesterol levels. Not saying to eat these foods but the cholesterol effect should be of little concern for most.

  12. Then again you can see that in 3:54 only mushrooms are a (light) vitamin D source so vegans should really be careful about their vitmain D intake. And it's funny that Vitamin B is not really mentioned in this chart.

  13. Would you happen to know anything about tyrosinemia? a rare disease where meat consumption is apparently essential for survival. Only just found out about it but interested to learn more.

  14. Sure, the so called processed foods are actually no food. Soda is poison. For me it equals cigarettes. It is in terms of ease of usage, or accessability for kids, by far the most dangerous thing manhood has invented. It also does not belong in this list. Put cigarettes on the list and it would easily pass the criteria, calories but it is utmost dangerous.

    It would be also reasonable to add AGEs, CLA and most of all the Fatty Acids like ALA, EPA, and DHA to the list.

  15. Great video and the charts make it very easy for non vegans to understand. I myself am vegan and feel so much better than when I use to eat meat and dairy.

  16. Some vital nutrients are missing here. For example, iron, B vitamins… Table would look much different with them on it.

  17. Well, if "common knowledge" is any indicator, then YES please, more nutrition 101!
    Thank you for providing evidence based advice. You're awesome.

  18. My cousin told me about the “sowo hope site” (Google it). Inside almost no time, I slipped 15 lbs. This diet program works for almost everyone. Anyone who wants to reduce some serious excess fat without doing harm to the body merely has to try “sowo hope site”. Google it today!

  19. Great Video. This would make a great subject for a longer presentation and in-depth analysis!

    I notice the chart lists dairy as a positive source of calcium, but my understanding is we don't absorb calcium from dairy?!??

  20. Vegetables got the win. Legumes, mushrooms and nuts come in as being super practical. There's an empty spot for vitamin D you can do with eggs or dairy. In the winter, I have coffee and peanut butter crackers as my morning snack. In the summer, I go to milk with cereal.

  21. Yay! Let's hear it for us vegans…hips hips still healthy, hips hips still painless! Just BSing, but really I enjoy a vegan diet so much more than I ever did an omnivorous diet. While it is true that an omnivore has a maximum of choices from which to dine, American omnivores by and large never do enjoy a variety. Instead, like I did while still an omnivore, they tend to think steak? Seafood? Pizza? Chicken? Pork? All of the above? Just give me a slab of putrefying carcass and a starch to send my glycemic response off the healthy charts and I'll be so proud, smug, and satisfied. The strangest thing about the SAD is that it all revolves around what piece of carcass I will pair everything else with. It's inculcated sleep walking, or sleep eating as the case might be demonstrated. No one questions, they just obey the media and continue consuming mindlessly. SAD is sad, and it leads to another SAD, that is the Standard American Death.

  22. Why is cholesterol in food considered bad?

    Your body makes way more cholesterol than you can eat. Typically, 85% of the cholesterol in your blood is made by your liver. If you eat less cholesterol, your body makes more of it. That's because cholesterol levels are based on how much your body needs. And how much cholesterol is needed depends mostly on inflamation. Damaged cells require more cholesterol because the cell membrane is made for a great part of cholesterol. Inflamation is a sign of more damage.

    Just wondering if anyone can explain this need for keeping cholesterol out of the food. (I'm not interested in vegan reasons. I understand those. This video is about health, not about animals.)

  23. Stopped watching once I saw "chicken" listed in the sodium category. Two things, chicken does not contain sodium, and second, we need sodium to survive. This channel is full of miss-information. Be aware and use multiple sources.

  24. Should not have sorted the herbs and spices into the per calorie chart, since we can't really eat a significant amount of calories from herbs and spices. The surely are helpful and healthy, but not nutritious.

  25. Deep down we basically know whats good and bad for our bodies, its having the will power to stay clear of the unhealthy foods with their heavy advertising and other temptations that get inbeded into some of us more than others, I think theres not enough information on how to prepare healthy meals, its just salads that most people know about but healthy breakfasts and hearty meals….people need educated on preperation of healthy meals.

  26. Im all for veggies, but people shouldnt stop eating meat. People should reduce consumption bc the problem is too much of it but it shouldn't be eliminated. What people should be eliminating is processed foods and sugar. I have chronic anemia i vegan diet would kill me, almost did. We need b12 and iron and there isnt enough beans in the world to fix that. Is unnatural to me that people would omit a food group to use a man made supplement to cover what their body needs.

  27. Eggs should be avoided because of cholesterol, that's so wrong, cholesterol is the main source to produce cellular protection, vitamin D production, testosterone production, etc etc etc

  28. Most of us who watch Dr Gregors videos are vegan already, when a video is titled “what are the healthiest foods?” why not tell us the answer instead of just telling us to go vegan?

  29. Thank you, great info! Are these charts available on your website, and if so, what's the link? Or where can we find them? It's hard to read the labels from the video.

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