Benefits and Side Effects of the Flu Vaccine

Flu shots can prevent more than just the flu. Randomized placebo-controlled trials show that they can be extraordinary lifesavers.

Stay tuned for the next two videos, which examine the benefits and side effects of the pneumonia ( and shingles ( vaccines.

Can you prevent the flu with foods and supplements, like elderberry and echinacea? See Elderberry Benefits and Side Effects: Does It Help with Colds and the Flu? (<br />
I don’t have many other videos on the flu, but here are a few on preventing and treating colds:
Can Gargling Prevent the Common Cold? (
Preventing the Common Cold with Probiotics? (
Kiwifruit for the Common Cold (
Benefits of Garlic for Fighting Cancer and the Common Cold (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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84 Risposte a “Benefits and Side Effects of the Flu Vaccine”

  1. The whole pharmaceutical industry is a SHAM predicated on the lie of germ theory. Bechamp was right. Even Florence Nightingale called Louis Pasteur, father of modern germ theory, a man of a very unstable mind and anyone else who believed in germ theory.

  2. WOW??? How much did Big Pharma pay you to deliver this???
    Next you will be schilling for the CO ld VI rus D eception 19 Jab….
    I would love the hear your thoughts on how NO VIRUS HAS EVER BEEN ISOLATED.
    So, if NO VIRUS HAS EVER BEEN ISOLATED then how can they make a vaccine for these mythical viruses?
    Why not talk about
    Iver Mec Tin, one of, if not the safest treatments for almost every DisEase?
    What a shame, I really enjoyed listening to Dr. Gregor.

  3. Since going vegan in 2010 my wife and I have never had the flu or a cold. I worked in an office of heavy carnivores and they were always getting sick. I would have thought Dr. Greger would have mentioned the benefits of going plant based or how it can effect this data.

  4. There were also around 4 studies last year showing an upto 40% reduction in Alzheimers, and also a reduciton in other neurodegenerative diseses such as Parkinsons.

  5. I’m proud of Dr. Greger and his team for producing this video. It’s so important to get this information out. Vaccine hesitancy is NOT unreasonable. So giving people real, science based evidence of its benefits is really important.

  6. I love you Dr. Gregor. But I trust myself on this one more than the science. I haven’t taken a vaccine or flu shot in over 30 years. I get a cold about once a year and that’s alright. I rather deal with the cold or flu for that matter. When you eat healthy, it’s not as bad!

  7. Ah, the irony of advocating against animal consumption while endorsing injections like a fiendish Dr. Vaccinestein. Quite the paradox, isn't it? But hey, at least the side effects don't include moral indigestion

  8. The increased incidence of heart attacks after getting the flu is what I think explains the increased deaths since the pandemic. The conspiracy theorists all want to blame it on the jibbyjabby but we already know that covid virus wrecks havoc on blood vessels and the vaccine is not 100% effective. Correlation is not causation.

  9. If all this is true, why are vaccine manufacturers protected from liability? Patients take all the risk while manufacturers take zero. Aaand welcome to why "vaccine hesitancy" will always exist.

  10. I love Dr.Greger, but I'm not down with taking the vaccine.
    Specially the ones from two years ago😉
    I rather stay healthy on a WFPB, work out, have a positive mind set and not live in fear.

  11. Greger himself said it's recommended from the age of 6 months! Then he says there is little serious cases in not very old healthy adults. How does he explain this ? Should kids get it ?

  12. Well, there has been a lot of misinformation trying to suppress ivermectin with studies having poor methodologies (improper dosage, taking it without food, etc. ) and a lot of propaganda in favor of vaccines which makes me skeptical of flu vaccines which have the same funding model. Is it possible that limited vaccine administration is good but many vaccines are not advisable?

  13. He's now just a parrot for Big Pharma. In the study, 5.3% of the vaccinated subjects succombed to the pathological composite end point, whereas among those getting the placebo, 7.2% succombed. From hearing that, you are going to subject yourself to the vaccine? If you do, I pity you.

  14. I got 2 flu shots in my 30's and both times I got the worst and only 2 flus EVER! That's all it took for me to never get another flu shot. But hearing this now makes me reconsider. I just don't know though because those two flus I got horrendously ill. Never before those two times and not since have I been so sick. It took almost two weeks to fully recover and that was when I was young and healthy.

  15. "Correcting vaccine myths may not be an effective approach to promoting vaccination". Those vaccine "myths" are typically the truth … yet because of the captured media (which Pharma has control over), Doctors, the Government and related agencies, that "truth" is suppressed and/or skewed.

  16. I am a 76-year-old white male in what I think is perfect health with a white blood cell count of 2.5 which my hematologist assures me is due to my vegan diet. No inflammation. See Dr. Greger's videos about this. I eat dried mushrooms every day and all the other good stuff: broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, beans, Tofu, beet powder, tomato powder and a dozen or two different spices. I exercise vigorously half an hour every day.

    Do I have the same risk of getting the flu, or dying of it or of cardiovascular events as a normal, average 76-year-old? I doubt it. So I will forgo the flu vaccine. I just told my hematologist I can't remember the last time I was sick. But I did received the last pneumococcal vaccine… For better or worse. No side effects from that.

  17. 1. "Dissolving illusions" by Suzanne Humphries
    2. "To vaccinate or not to vaccinate" by Amantonio
    3. "The Moth in the Iron Lung" by Forrest Meardy

    Compare those books with the works of Plotkin, Offit, Hotez and decide for yourself.

  18. ⁠Click like on this comment if you took mRNA booster even after FDA vaccine advisory panel included Paul Offit MD advised AGAINST approval of them and 2 expert doctors resigned in protest?

  19. These are garbage studies. You're comparing only the immediate effects of people with heart disease who typically get vaccinated, which excludes all of us healthy people who never get vaccinated and never get the flu. This also ignores the long-term effects of repeated vaccinations. The comparison needs to be vaccinated versus non-vaccinated, and you'll never find such a study because vaccines are harmful to long-term health.

  20. Never had a an issue with any vaccine in my life didn’t even feel down after or any sort of sick.. have to get coV and flue every year in healthcare fields and a full tdapp and tetanus booster all at once .. just wanted to throw this out there I’m sure plenty of people exist too that have no issues , and if it helps protect other vulnerable people than I’ll just keep getting them as required

  21. If I lived down there where people are thick like ants on a dead piece of candy, I might consider it. I've had exactly one flu and one flu vaccine in all my years (not related).
    I like my record, will take my chances–because I'm healthier now despite being over 50.

  22. Thanks for sharing. I got my flu vax yesterday before this video.
    And ..Correcting vaccine myths doesn’t increase uptake? Wow, i wonder if celebrity endorsement and anecdotes will increase it then.

  23. Have there been independent studies confirming? All I could find was industry funded studies. Big pharma just declaring it works carries less weight then it used to…

  24. AND what wasn't covered was the preservative used in most flu shots: aluminum sulfate. It's all online. Research the drug company of the flu shot you are getting. It's in the specs, but you may have to scroll a bit to find it, as well as all the other stuff they put in it–no thanks!!!

  25. Just got my 3rd flu vaccine for this year and my 9th booster shot 💪 time to eat some leafs from my backyard and down some grass juice so thankful for your videos 👃🙏🏳️‍⚧️🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈

  26. Keep your needles lol taking b12 is enough risk to the evolutionary dependance of laboratories for me, rather build strong genes the natural way, ill forever feel uncomfortable with having to take b12, the full natty crew with that instinctual foresight will feel me on this one, still cant beleive i know long term vegans living there best lives that dont take it, they will be the ones that probably evolve and adapt there dna to not even need it for there future generations, evolution always finds a way, and while i take b12 because I'm a coward basically i do feel some sort of deep integrated shame for it because i have great dna thanks to my native ancestry and it didn't get to this by relying on laboratories and injections, ive always felt it was those things that contributed to weak genetics, if not that then what else yano, the nerdy dweeby kids that needed glasses and medications always seemed to be the ones with the least natty focused parents and history, an observation Ive had since primary school, i could be wrong.. but that's just what my instincts have always told me, a bit of toughing it out the hard way seems to be what causes evolution and builds strong genes Afterall, cheating just leads to reliance and weakness from my observations, Im sure I'll get attacked by the general greger followers who presume I don't also have the knowledge of the scientific understandings that dr gregers teaches but I'm not ignorant, I just keep a certain balance to be safe, everybody is going to have differ, some will sway a little too far towards the natural approach and some a little too far to a "synthetic" kind of dependance but this is my personal approach.

  27. My dear friend died 3 weeks ago from Influenza A. She wasn't big on vacs – wouldn't even take covid vac. She was a vibrant, active, non-smoking, non drinking, healthy woman. Dead in a week from the flu at 49. Viruses don't care about statistics and don't discriminate.

  28. I don’t believe our Government’s statistics, WHO or our health care system to report the truth. The alphabet soup FAKE NEWS has an agenda to brainwash everyone with lies and fear. Dr. Fauci went to China and helped create the Corona Virus then back to the United States to create vaccines with no liability or disclosure of ingredients. I don’t drink the Kool Aid.

  29. So it seems for many of us having the flu vaccine is more about potentially protecting others in our society who are at risk from the flu.
    It’s about caring for others

  30. I stopped following Dr Greger when he pushed the narrative that the Covid virus came from the wet market instead of the Wuhan lab. He further destroyed his credibility when he insisted the experimental injection was safe and effective. As we now know, he was dead wrong about both and it demonstrated to many of us that he’s a talking head who regurgitates scripts produced by corrupt agencies like the CDC.

    In a matter of a few years, Dr Greger and others have destroyed their reputations.

  31. The purpose of vaccination is to act as a prophylaxis for a disease. However, we have learned that there are other ways of providing protection short of using a vaccine. Alternative nutraceuticals such as hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin or even vitamin D and K2 are showing promise in preventing infection from a wide variety of viral substances. Vaccines are highly profitable products for big pharma whereas there is no profit in common nutraceuticals. Looking at a comparison of the risk benefits of both vaccines and nutraceuticals I tend to lean more toward the nutraceuticals side.

  32. It is very disappointing that Dr Greger is pushing vaccines, they all have horrible side effects, I can understand Dr Greger not speaking up about C19 vaccines and the carnage it has caused because he would be cancelled, so avoid the subject 🤬

  33. Dang. "Correcting vaccine misinformation only results in a doubling down by anti-vaxers, or in putting more ppl off vaccinating"…… then what the heck is one supposed to do. Sit back and watch thousands die unnecessarily?

    Then again, that's what is also happening with the standard Western diet in US and UK too. Thousands are dying because of what they're eating. I'm glad Dr Greger is here at this point in time, giving us such critical info. I'm medication free and still here at 70 bcuz of this info! Thank you!!

  34. I’m 58, my dr has been applying pressure to get all kinds of vaccinations. I just got a tdp vaccination, ok. But a hepatitis B vaccination, I think my risk of exposure to hepatitis B is extremely negligible, so no thanks

    After dr Greger’s flu vaccination presentation, I will reconsider my usual declination for the flu vaccine 🤔

  35. I’m so glad I got the flu shot. I was hesitant because I couldn’t remember the last time I had the flu it’s been years. Everybody I work with has had the flu in the past month so of course I got sick as well but not nearly as bad or for as long as my co workers.

  36. I had a neighbour who had a bad reaction from a flu shot maybe a few decades ago, I don't know exactly when he took it, it was before I moved next door, but it paralyzed his legs for half a year. He got over the initial shock and was and was and is currently able to walk again but he has sometimes needed a cane and to lie down a lot some days and take painkillers (Tylenol 3s is what I think he normally takes) because he has neurodegeneration that no doctors have any hope to prevent and at least his one leg is slowly getting worse.

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