Bodybuilding a base vegetale

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DESCRIZIONE: I livelli più bassi dell'ormone della crescita IGF-1 che promuove il cancro in coloro che mangiano vegan non lo sono dovrebbe influenzare il loro accumulo di massa muscolare. Perché potremmo volere bassi livelli di IGF-1 nell'età adulta? Vedi IGF-1 è uno sportello unico per il cancro ( Come abbiamo visto in Come ridurre l'IGF-1 a base vegetale? (, uomini vegani hanno livelli di testosterone più elevati, che possono essere un fattore di rischio per il cancro alla prostata e l'allargamento, ma dati i livelli medi di IGF-1 di coloro che mangiano diete a base vegetale questo potrebbe non essere un problema. Vedere Ex Vivo Cancer Proliferation Bioassay ( e Prostate vs. a Plant-Based Diet ( ). Detto questo, se mangiano proteine ​​​​di “alta qualità” in eccesso, potrebbero non mantenere il loro vantaggio IGF-1. Vedere una qualità superiore può significare un rischio maggiore (, Proteine ​​vegetali animaliste (, Troppa soia può neutralizzare i benefici ( -benefits/) e Quanta soia è eccessiva? (<br/> Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!
Credito immagine: Dan Bennett, dbking e Larry He's So Fine via Flickr; alanpoulson tramite Shutterstock; auremar via Fotolia; Derek Tresize di Josh Avery, Ed Bauer e Nathane Jackson tramite veganbodybuilding. Le immagini sono state modificate.
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53 Risposte a “Bodybuilding a base vegetale”

  1. I call it laziness. There is a hoard of free information available at their fingertips, but still, those that need advice on food and its effects on their health don't really seem to seek it.

  2. please talk more about gaining mass with a more healthy lifestyle hmm maybe even for an extremely organic lifestyle which i wish to partake in once im ready. i jus started weight lifting jeeez im so soar aha

  3. Not sure if I agree with this logic. It is my personal opinion that it's the IGF1, directly or resultantly, in whey protein that body builders use to see accelerated gains, as we all know nobody really needs all that protein.

  4. As a bodybuilder, I've been wondering this for a long time since going vegan so it's great that you guys are covering this study. I guess that would help explain why I put on much more muscle after going vegan although there were other factors like improvements in my workout routine and quantity of calories. I was a skinny long distance runner and never thought I'd be squatting over 300 lbs easily.

  5. Me too, I was an unhealthy runner went vegan then lost a whopping 15lbs I didn't know I could lose of fat. Now that I look like your average marathon runner I've decided to start strength training. Since I haven't always been skinny I have a feeling I should be able to pack on some lean muscle. I've shown family and friends what a vegan diet can do to my running now I'll show em I can be even more fit looking with some muscles. Sounds stupid but to them I'm the only vegan they know, gotta rep it

  6. 2:20 "so, although its never been directed tested…" Isn't that whole point of scientific studies? To either prove, or in this case, disprove a hypothesis? Don't get wrong, I love this channel, but I'm just not yet convinced that body builders can get by with as little protein as suggested, especially when there's countless studies that indicate the contrary. Yes, I know this is an ongoing debate, and yes I know there are many veggies that calorie for calorie are more protein dense than meat, but the problem is, but because meat is so much more calorie dense, you'd have to ingest 5,6, maybe 7 times as many veggies to get the same amount of protein as meat.

    Please note: I don't want to start another carnivore v. vegan debate. 

  7. I'm purchasing two bags of pine bark mulch two or three times a week and laying it in the perimeter garden by my house. I call that a plant based workout.

  8. Why IGF-1 blamed for causing cancer? Even injecting IGF-1 into subjects proved no muscle gain, what about causing cancer? Those underwent the IGF-1 trial must be very brave to allow themselves to be injected with cancer causing hormone.

  9. I think there are other issues which could have been discussed.

    For example: creatine. Some bodybuilders swear that plant based diets are no good for gaining muscle because plants do not have creatine.

  10. what about link between low fat high carb vegan diet. alot of ppl say if u eat too little fat u will have low testosterone .

  11. At our plant-based gyms all our clients build muscle and lose fat on a wholefood plant-based diet. The case studies and results every day speak for themselves.

  12. from my experience eating meat helps to add strength and size. after going vegan I've lost 25lbs of muscle mass but it's okay I would rather be healthy than to be strong and big

  13. Sadly its proved by real life 1000s of bodybuilders its true.

    IGF1 is the most anabolic hormone in the body.

    But if you dont train your not gonna grow big muscle. Unless you have myostatin mutation.

  14. When you talk so fast I listen faster. Same ,Same and shame. who are you? Trusted why? Pass a relevant thought or slide on one prospective present facts. please your going on a roll. Nothing proved by accusation. Your sucks factor is rising.

  15. Charles Atlas was alive when I was a teenager. I am 71 now. He was a bodybuilder who did not rely on free weights to bulk up and look muscular. I followed his routine and when I joined the Marine Corps in 1964 I could outperform most other recruits in the physical fitness tests we went through. His method of fitness has been lost to free weights and Nautilus machines.

  16. Mr. Universe, Bill Pearl became a vegetarian at age 39 and is the best-known vegetarian bodybuilder. Bill's diet is lacto-ovo vegetarian, which means he eats eggs and dairy products. He's still alive (89) and last I saw he looks fantastic.
    I know I can't "quit" meat but I really appreciate the information here as I add more plant based stuff.

  17. 'what mrs obama got 2 do with this- this woman is a former harvard professor!!! u can call her" whatever " "BUT she is the smartest first lady EVVVVVVER"!!! AN U PPL CAN -TAKE THAT AWAY!!!!

  18. I have a question:
    My boyfriend believes that in order to grow muscle faster and more efficiently, he needs to eat chicken.
    He says this is due to the very specific composition of it in terms of protein density versus calorie density, like it's high in protein and very low in calories. And also he mentioned something about aminoacid composition or something.

    Anyway, my question is whether or not I can prove him wrong, that he can gain just as quickly on a plant based diet and that the specific composition in chicken can be replaced by something else. He is currently on a diet of 200g carbs, 200g protein and 80g fats per day. In terms of the plant based diet he is especially concerned about hormonal levels and soy.

    Can you please help me out with proving him wrong and helping him get a plant based alternative to reach his goals as "quickly".

  19. I am naturally skinny, but am trying to gain bulk and muscle mass in particular. Is it possible to gain mass while eating a vegan diet?

  20. There are no vegan body builders who live on a whole foods plant based diet. Patrik Baboumian has a diet of 90% powders and pill. Jon Venus recently came out about eating eggs. Vegan Gayns is insane. Vegan body building is a joke. Of course if you think about it for just 5 seconds it’s pretty obvious. Eat muscle to gain muscle? Nah, let me eat some green leaves. That’s way better. Sure. Hahahaha

  21. I would say anecdotally that when comparing plant-based diets to diets with meat in them that IGF-1 levels usually aren't the focus: usually protein intake, testosterone, and creatine levels are.

  22. My sex drive has skyrocketed after just one week of whole food plant based dieting. So much that it bothers me.

  23. Dr. Greger my hypothesis is that animal proteins give cholesterol a precursor to steroids and for this reason omnivorous physical-culturistes develop more musculoskeletal structure. However the side affects are arteriosclerosis.

  24. It's just anecdotal, but I'm a pretty toned vegan and my exercise primarily consists of shuffling around the block and bouncing on a rebounder for a few minutes…on a good day. I'm stronger and more energetic than most people around me. And I work two jobs, don't sleep a ton. Feel much better than I did before going vegan. I do it for the ethics, but seriously enjoy the benefits of plants.

  25. probably fiction, …. one of those videos where you see that Greger does not look objectively at topics if the result does not fit into his scheme

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