Trattamento dietetico per periodi dolorosi

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DESCRIZIONE: Le donne che soffrono di dismenorrea che passano a una dieta a base vegetale provano un notevole sollievo in intensità e durata del dolore mestruale.

Ho accennato brevemente a questo corpus di lavori in Diete a base vegetale per dolore al seno ( Le piante che possono essere particolarmente utili includono semi di lino (Semi di lino per il dolore al seno, e lo zafferano speziato (Saffron for the Treatment of PMS, -of-pms/ e Wake Up and Smell the Saffron, e-annusare-lo-zafferano/).<br/>
Per chi non conoscesse il lavoro dei dott. Ornish ed Esselstyn, vedi, ad esempio, il mio video Il nostro killer numero uno può essere fermato ( killer-can-be-stoppped/) o il mio blog Heart Disease: There Is A Cure (http://nutritionfacts .org/580/10/14/malattia-di-cuore-c'è-a -cure/).
I risultati della vitamina D sono stati sorprendenti. Guarda le mie serie che giustificano le mie raccomandazioni sulla vitamina D che iniziano con le raccomandazioni sulla vitamina D modificate ( ) e termina con Resolving the Vitamin D-Bate ( the-vitamina-d-bate/).

Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e proverà a rispondere!
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25 Risposte a “Trattamento dietetico per periodi dolorosi”

  1. This is absolutely true! Since I began a vegan diet almost 2 years ago, my periods arrive with no discomfort (maybe a little increased body temperature) and no pain. After decades of dreading those days of the month, it's been so refreshing to see them pass like any other.

  2. I would like to see a study do grass and free range meat vs grain fed meat(90% of what people eat and high in Arachidonic acid) for the same condition

  3. It's anecdotal, but I tried to cling to animal food via grass-fed/organic meat and it didn't matter. Only drastically cutting the fat via a vegetarian diet has helped my symptoms. Even higher fat vegetarian didn't help. When I went down to 10-12% calories from fat, with at least 60% of my calories from raw/fresh sources, did it normalize.

  4. I would like to suggest that you need to go one step further and Go Vegan Plus which means eating a wide variety of whole organic plants while avoiding added salt and sugar.

  5. My husband has treated women with PMS, migraines, and other female disorders with acupuncture, and sometimes herbal remedies. The ones that have the greatest success rate also follow our nutritional coaching to switch to a healthy produce-based//low-fat vegan diet. Amazing however that we have women who have PCOS that really want to be able to get pregnant, will spend tons of money on fertility, but won't change their diet.

  6. I recently cut out all grains (as well as potatoes) from my diet and I feel great. I heard that lectins are in those types of food (I'll have to read more about lectins now).

  7. Dr. Greger and the team,
    The vitamin d study gave an extremely high oral daily dose of vitamin d3… 300, 000 I.U. exactly. Isn't that dangerous? What's the limit? How were they able to get away with that?

  8. I have been vegan for just over a year and I feel great but my period cramps every month are horrific. I came off the pill as I went vegan so it's been over a year off that as well. Every month I can barely move, I get diarrhoea and vomiting. I eat high carb low fat, no processed foods just rice, potatoes, beans, veg, lentils, fruits that kind of thing (no oil ect). Does anyone know anything that could help/ go into more detail about the vitamin d he briefly talked about?

  9. im sorry who wants a surgeon go in there and damage your chances of getring pregnant. that is the whole problem. i do believe diet works and taking care of all deficient minerals/vitamins

  10. So grateful to not be in pain anymore. I went vegan and no more pain. I am sure it was dairy for me. I have been vegetarian. I suffered for so long (age 9 till 46…I am 47 now). I tried everything and did a lot of drugs (legal and not so legal). My periods are normal, pain free, shorter and I don't throw up, I can walk, work, play. I take B12, seaweed, a multi, and D (I live in a northern climate). No menopause in sight, still regular. I was so worried about having to have a hysterectomy. Thank you!

  11. I had 5-6 days long, heavy flow with large clots in addition to cramps. I’m not sure I would have tried going vegan, I’m now in my 70’s.

  12. Neal Barnard put it quite simple in Rich Roll's podcast. I was profound that the amount you bleed isn't something you can change. Nope. Barnard said that what you eat after your ovulation will determine the amount you bleed. The more fat you consume the thicker the uterus lining will get which means more blood.

  13. Hello everyone It's really sad seeing what we go through every single day of our lives and still being treated as we crazy at the hospital when we go for complains of the life drainnig pain we are going through but no ears are given!! it all ends today want to say a big thank you to DR MABOSA HERBAL on YouTube for curing me from ENDOMETRIOSIS with his herbal medications! who knew it was going to work but it did perfectly!! Don't give your body as lab rats for experiment!! go natural with DR MABOSA herbal product I'm a living withness..

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