Una dieta vegana è carente di vitamina D? | Il dottor Michael Greger di Nutritionfacts.org

La vitamina D è tipicamente associata al sole ea vari prodotti animali. A seconda di dove vivi, potresti non essere in grado di ottenere un'esposizione solare sufficiente tutto l'anno per tenere conto del tuo fabbisogno di vitamina D. E con una dieta vegana priva di tutti i prodotti animali, cosa deve fare un vegano? In questa intervista con il Dr. Michael Greger di Nutritionfacts.org, esaminiamo l'assunzione di vitamina D con una dieta a base vegetale. Tieni traccia della tua vitamina D con Cronometer: http://www.BiteSizeVegan.org/Cronometer Maggiori informazioni sugli integratori di vitamina D e vegani di vitamina D3 al post del blog: http://www.BiteSizeVegan.org/VitaminD<br/>
Prova Cronometer: http://www.BiteSizeVegan.org/Cronometer

Ottieni la tua vitamina D eticamente:
Nudo per la tua D: http://ctt.ec/f6dP3
Quale D Hai bisogno?: http://ctt.ec/c380a8

Video in primo piano/Playlist:
Dr. Greger sul calcio: http://bit.ly/1FrxVrQ
La lana è vegana?: http://bit.ly/1yr0ZZ7
Serie di nutrizione vegana con il Dr. Greger Playlist: http://bit.ly/WhereDoYouGe tIl tuo
Dr. Greger sulle proteine: http://bit.ly/1HoW8jm
Dr. Greger su Omega 3:
Dr. Greger su Iron : http://bit.ly/1alHWcE

Entra in contatto con il Dr. Greger:

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100 Risposte a “Una dieta vegana è carente di vitamina D? | Il dottor Michael Greger di Nutritionfacts.org”

  1. On this I go with Dr McDougall over Dr Greger. The Recommended Serum Vit D levels are too high. I would however accept a large prospective study of vegans-only showing longevity differences related to serum Vit D levels as evidence to the contrary. Statistical norms from a population ( i.e. Americans) eating a diet we are not adapted to should be questioned.

  2. Thanks Emily! I think the biggest thing is to listen to our bodies. I have suffered with depression and manic anxiety for years and I know I feel lots better when I remember to get 10 or so minutes outside, in the sun, directly touching the Earth. Have you heard of Earthing? The benefits are amazing and I know when I haven't done this consistently I start feeling a little down in myself.

  3. Gah! I've been using the Chronometer app and had no idea I could build stuff into it. Thanks for the tip. Since I live in Pennsylvania I too add a supplement of vegan D3 fall through spring in addition to year round b12 and an algae based DHA/EPA long chain Omega 3. It's pretty hard to get enough undiluted sun here. I'll be watching for the antisupplement comments though 😏. sits back with popcorn for the show

  4. Emily, I've been trying to contact you because I am really frustrated about something. I'm doing well and vegan as ever lol. The sugar mystery is no longer a problem and I'm as great as I can be about everything in terms of being conscious. I'm just really concerned about my bananas. Sounds silly but it almost makes me want to cry. I can't do organic really. As a college student being vegan and staying vegan are most important for me at the this time. The thing is I just buy my bananas from my local grocery store by the case. I want to know more about banana ethics (fairtrade issues and apparently there are articles about bananas not being vegan because of a new pesticide) and just where it's coming from. I learned about sugar and how the slip animal products in there but lawwd not my bananas! They're a huge staple for me. I just had like 10. Please enlighten me… this is really messing me up. I'm also wondering if you could do a video on your dental hygiene. I found out my go to natural toothpaste indeed has propolis wax (bees). -__- Thank you.😊 I loved this video by the way. One last question- do you wear a bra? I'm thinking about going braless lately but that is another story lol. Please get back to me and have a lovely day.

  5. It's important to stress not overdoing the D supplement, as vitamin K (1&2) is just as important as D, and too much D in absence of enough K leads to problems with calcium distribution in the body. The vitamin D craze and those huge mega-doses of D only benefit vitamin manufacturers. I think we all need to stay as close to natural as possible and use D sparingly, unless we cannot get enough D from sunshine; and remember that most vegan "milks" have D supplement added. And eat those greens! With a bit of fat like avocado is best. Love your vids, Emily! 🙂
    PS: I see you dealt with the overdosing of D later on; I swear if vids don't stop STOPPING on me so that I comment before they're through, I will go insane… but I'm already there, so who cares, hah.

  6. I started using Cronometer because of you, and I love it. My Vitamin D usually looks sad as well lol. Great video, I laughed a lot.

  7. The awkward moments always make me laugh.

    Hey I was on your site, and I'm joining your club, I saw how close you are to your monthly funding goal which is awesome. What else do you do for an income? I'm finding it hard to work 50 hrs a week, spend time with my gf, keep up with my family, then do all my research.

  8. I was hoping the Dr. Greger would say more about D3 derived from lichen. I'm currently taking a supplement called vegan bone maximizer and I'm kind of in the dark with vegan D3 efficacy. Also, I feel like it's important for me to note that this supplement has helped with my teeth sensitivity. Victor VanRambutan has some good information on tooth sensitivity if anyone wants to learn more.

    I kind of dislike how I have to take a supplement because it implies that I'm not getting everything from my diet,  but I have certainly noticed a difference in my health. I also take B12 and Vegan DHA/EPA which Dr. Greger also recommends.

  9. Hello! c: I'm a new subscriber, and new to transitioning to being vegan (still own a lot of items that are made from animal products; clothes, bags, etc). I tried out Cron-o-meter and had some scary results! I am apparently getting 2024% vitamin A??? Also I don't add salt to my meals usually, but I do use soy sauce in some dishes, but I love legumes which seem to contain quite a bit of sodium? I always rinse them if canned, and try buy ones without any additives. Do you know if there is a way for me to keep eating legumes but not get too much sodium? One last question (sorry), is it bad too have a very high percentage of fibre? I don't really want to eat less vegetables or I won't meet my other nutritional needs? (after reading this through I think maybe best seek information from a doctor) 

    Sorry again for so many questions! Love all of your videos! cx

  10. Could you possibly do a video on tattoo ink.
    My wife told me that some ink is derived from charred animal bones.
    I wasn't more tattoos but not if they are from animals.
    Thank you.
    Great video btw. You have the best vegan channel ever!!!!!!!!

  11. Thanks again for Cronometer, it's been an awesome tool for keeping myself on track during training days, and keeping myself low maintenance during my off days 🙂 This was a pretty informative video, I didn't know about the vegan D3 supplement. I'll check into it though I expose myself to the sun up to an hour each day in the sun during breaks and for walks and such. Thank you for your hard work keeping all the people informed 😀

  12. off topic, i notice you're a huge gary y fan. i was wondering what your thoughts were on the things he has said about the holocaust and rape? i just found out and i'm really grossed out and disappointed.

  13. Before I became vegetarian, I was already vitamin D deficient, so my doctor prescribed vitamin suppliments for me, I'm told that D helps boost your immune system, which would explain why i was always getting sick

  14. in europe there is this brand vitabay that sells vegan D3 and I found they use very little filler material. the pills have only 4 ingredients (some have up to 8) and the size of the pills is around half the size of other products I tested. I take them for 6 weeks now and I think I can recommend them

  15. i thought you said that supplementation was not a adequate source of nutrients unless you have all the other co factors? on your b12 video

  16. Thank you so much for this video!!! I recently had a blood test and found out that I was vitamin D3 deficient.  I have been taking a supplement that was vegetarian, so no gelatin was used in the pill.  However, I didn't see the tiny little words under the Vitamin content that reads "from wool oil". Soooo sad right now 🙁  I've been taking it for months. 

  17. no one can get sufficient sun even in tropical environments. the albido modification or solar radiation management or chemtrails for gods sake has dimmed our sunlight. thats y the bees r dyeing . stop the nonsense, the govt has completely taken over our planet and that spray winds up on our food and in our lungs. so cut the happy shit and get real. they r spraying daily . look up. get active . the sun will provide as it always has.when they stop covering our stratosphere w fake clouds .just clouds dut com  or weather modification inc, or nawc north american weather consultants which claim they modify our weather for over 60 years. its the sunlight we need

  18. Has anyone found a good vegan vitamin D cream that is really simple in the ingredients. My body has a heck of a time dealing with capsules and related things. And are vitamin d creams legit?

    p.s. nergasms are badass.

  19. hey buddy vitamin k2 is responsible for where the calcium gets deposit. Vitamin Dd3 does half the work…please learn this stuff before u make a video without presenting the full truth. U havent heard of Weston A. Price's research?

  20. Thank you for this video!  I had learned about a year ago about how D3 was from animals and D2 was from plants, but I was concerned that maybe D2 wasn't as effective.  Glad to know there are some vegan D3 sources now!  I'm going to check them out.  Still using cronometer too, and like it a lot!  It needs to add more of the processed vegan foods though like from Beyond Meat.

  21. All humans, vegan or otherwise, can get deficient in Vitamin D, since the primary source is the sun. It is not necessarily a vegan non-vegan issue. I personally supplement in winter and get some much needed sunlight in the summer!

  22. I am confused right now. I have a D3 supplement, the brand is MiniSun and it says on the package that i should take no more than 1 day, but 1 tablet contains only 400 IU, but according to the video and some links on google i should be taking 5x more, whats going on? Help much?

  23. I just got tested again and this year my levels were evenlower, 18! Before it was 22 or 24. I wasnt consistant with the supplementation, and its very hard to get sun where I live. So I bumped up the supplements to 25000 a week.
    But that said, its not cause im vegan tho since 95 % ofpeople in Belgium are deficient in vitamin D

  24. Sub'd. Been vegan 3 years and had my blood work done for the first time last week… Everything is normal except my D is "slightly low." So glad I stumbled on this video! Thanks 😆

  25. jajaja, the burnt mushroom part had me laughing out loud! 😀 thanks so much for this video. i've been vegan since may 2015 and i live in chicago. this is my first winter as a vegan, and i uesd your video as part of my research into vitamin d — especially the difference between d3 and d3. this definitely helps!

  26. Magnesium should probably be taken with Vitamin D. Google "Vitamin D and magnesium deficiency". Some people get muscle aches when they supplement with too much Vitamin D but the magnesium enables it to get processed in the body correctly and offset the aches and pains. Make sure you take a magnesium form that is absorbable like Magnesium Chloride. The Magnesium Oxide they sell at drugstore is purely a laxative and won't help for this. Epsom salt baths (Magnesium Sulfate) also are very economical ways to absorb magnesium through the skin.

  27. Will veganism cure my baldness? Come on bro. Shouldn't veganism solve all our problems? If it can't cure baldness, pssshhhh whatever man.

  28. People need to be aware that not all d3 supplements marketed as vegan are actually vegan!

    In particular, the Garden of Life brand uses lanolin, feeds it to mushrooms, and then extracts the d3 from the mushrooms. An extra step is added, but the source is still lanolin, so it's not vegan, despite their claims.

  29. THANKS! I just got my blood test results and I had scary low levels of vitamin D and I was perfect in everything else but now I can be good in everything

  30. I actually remember reading a study and hearing something from a friend of mine (who's a doctor) claiming that people with darker skin actually require less vitamin D (compared to people with lighter skin). I was skeptical though, I'd love to know the validity behind it.

  31. Wow this really helped make sense of the vitamin D thing ( only thing I was deficient in last time I has blood work ). So it's really a hormone produced by the skin and our artificial sources are coming from the fungal kingdom ( mushrooms ) or symbiotic fungal life like lichens, which makes a lot of sense given their non-dependence on sunlight. Apparently most lichens are edible too, ( yellow ones are not! Have to add notes of caution when talking about wild edibles) I think I might feel a bit bad eating lichens anyway since they are so dam pretty, would rather photograph them, and they apparently don't taste great.

  32. Isn't fortified vitamine d3 just a by- product, meaning that if everyone was vegan except for the fortified vitamine d3 the cattle industry would still cease to exist?

  33. Thanks for this video. I went on Amazon right away and found a good deal on Vegan D3, while I was there found some Vegan gravy mix (since I'm hosting Thanksgiving as a new Vegan – yikes!) and agar agar powder to make Vegan cheeses! Keep up the great work Emily!

  34. How much time you have to spend in the sun daily to not need Vitamin D supplements? I am almost everyday 1-2 hours a day in the sun(face and hands). Is this enough?Would be the face and hands enough or is it necessary to have the whole body in the sun?

  35. I had skin cancer so I really can't go sit in the sun. I'll have to find the uv affected mushrooms.

  36. People of African descent not living near the equator are even more likely to have vitamin D deficiency, due to our melanin. Melanin helps protect from UVs, which is great in some ways, but the downside is we don't produce as much vit D at higher latitudes. Black folks on a vegan diet should be extra vigilant about vit D.

  37. does anyone have experience with "vitashine vitamin d3" supplement? it says that RDA is 200IU, but drGreger says 2000IU is recommended? which one is correct?
    since getting too much vitamin D can be harmful, i'm hesitant to supplement 2000IU

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