Trattare la sclerosi multipla con la dieta Swank MS

Una dieta a base vegetale potrebbe non solo essere il trattamento più sicuro per la sclerosi multipla, ma potrebbe anche essere la più efficace.

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Coloro che sono interessati a sostenere lo studio fondamentale del Dr. McDougall (guidato dal Dr. Dennis Bourdette, MD e sotto la supervisione del Dr. Vijayshree Yadav) possono fare una donazione alla sua organizzazione no-profit McDougall Research & Education Foundation ( (puoi anche donare a NutritionFacts. org per aiutarci a continuare a fornirti una scienza similmente sottostimata ma salvavita facendo clic su Donazione,, pulsante sopra).<br/>
Un altro motivo per cui il lavoro del Dr. Swank non è stato accolto potrebbe essere The Tomato Effect (

Altro i video sul ruolo che la dieta può svolgere nei disturbi neurologici includono:

• Prevenire il morbo di Parkinson con la dieta (
• Trattare il morbo di Parkinson con la dieta (
• Tenie di maiale nel cervello ( )
• Nervi di Mercurio ( video/nervi-di-mercurio/)

Cosa c'è nella salsiccia e nelle uova che possono causare così tanta infiammazione? Guarda la mia serie di video sulle endotossine descritte nel mio blog Come fa la carne a causare infiammazione? (é-la-carne-causa-infiammazione/.)

Dove si trovano i grassi saturi? Vedi grassi trans, grassi saturi e colesterolo: assunzione superiore tollerabile di zero ( assunzione-superiore-tollerabile-di-zero-grassi-saturi-e-colesterolo/).

Chi non ha familiarità con Pritikin può guardare una breve introduzione in Engineering a Cure (, e il grande lavoro di Ornish ed Esselstyn è descritto in video come Our Number One Killer Can Be Stoppped ( e studio cinese sulla morte cardiaca improvvisa (

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su -swank-ms-diet/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: kenjisekine via Flickr.
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99 Risposte a “Trattare la sclerosi multipla con la dieta Swank MS”

  1. Do we need more evidence that the pharmaceutical world and today's doctors are sleeping together? My roommate is a heavy smoke non active man 55 years of age. Roommates for 30 years. His doctor has never said eat right and exercise for his high blood pressure, cholesterol tiredness, and obesity. Not once!

  2. It's an excellent point you make. People need to wake up to the huge conflict of interest between profit / patient care. But in my experience, people don't care enough and amazingly even when diagnosed with a serious condition, they are all too happy to consider themselves victims, powerless to help themselves.

  3. What does ' the pharmaceutical world and today's doctors are sleeping together' have to do with your roommates doctor(s) not being told to quit the smokes?
    Besides the issue is obviously pretty complicated. A five min search will bring up documentation on the issue. 'The silent treatment ~ why GPs and patients don’t talk about smoking' might be a good place for you to start. And on top this medical organizations like the BMA use other indirect means to reduce smoking.

  4. Simply amazing! Once the medical community starts fully embracing low fat vegan diets as a treatment of disease we will see trullly fantastic results.

  5. Hey dr. Micheal hollack worked on this and it is the vitamin d from sun exposure that helped reduces MS and Heart disease not really the veganism or nutrients but that will help cure it too! the Sun exposure is that main reason though. I mean how many options for amazing nutrients do starving people have in africa or south america? its the sun and diet not just diet.

  6. Correct. (Michael Holick is the right name)

    Here's a Brazilian mini-documentary about MS patients effectively treated with high doses of vitamin D. (English subs included)
    The treatment is getting attention and there are thousands of patients (my brother included) benefiting from it. In his case, vitamin D caused the disease to enter complete remission after a few months.

  7. I was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis in 2011. 2/2 my wifes research I adopted a plant-based vegan diet. As well as cutting out smoking and gluten from my diet I went from having to use crutches on a daily basis to being able to run, juggle again, and thrive

  8. What a wonderful story! I hope you are spreading it far and wide. It is hard to compete with big pharma. I wish I knew this when my Dad was alive. This study had been done but we didn't know about it. He suffered terribly and it broke my heart. So many people are suffering but food just isn't profitable for anyone so the suffering will continue.

  9. Any idea when we will see the results of Dr McDougall's recent study? I imagine it could cause quite a stir in the medical community.

  10. It's still amazing that many people are so resistant to changing their lifestyle, they would rather live in a fantasy world and suffer.

  11. Not just survive, but thrive! That's what a plant-based, whole grain diet can provide for all of us. There are now so many, many heroes of medicine we can go to for information…T. Colin Campbell (author of The China Study and Whole), Dr. John McDougall and, yes, YOU, our wonderful Dr. Greger!! Thanks so much 🙂

  12. I would point out that you could eat a sirloin steak, 2 eggs, one chicken breast and one salmon fillet every day and you'd be hitting 20 grams of saturated fat. Hardly a 'plant based' or 'vegan' diet'. I suspect the patients were eating fast food which has a lot more saturated fat than whole food sources. It's a big jump to go from 20 grams of saturated fat to saying all MS patients should go vegan as Dr McDougall will no doubt suggest.

  13. You might want to view his videos on eggs, chicken and dairy before you decide to go vegetarian. You might want to consider vegan instead. All fruit and veg have all the protein, calcium etc that we need. It is amazing how much misinformation we have been fed.

  14. @brianv00 the swank diet consists of no more than 15 grams saturated fat… not 20.

    plus total grams of fat should not exceed 50 grams.

    The foods you described would get you to around 15 saturated and 50 total. Total Calories would be ~1400.

  15. I can't comment on the video, I'm having PC issues at the moment, but I was looking for a place to comment on what was working for me.  I was diagnosed 10+years ago.  I suffered for the first five, took injectable drugs and slowly researched on my own.  About five years ago, my Neurologist told me after looking at my latest MRI that I had progressed to the secondary progressive stage.  I went on a new diet of my own choosing and ditched my drugs and my Neuro.  I haven't had a problem since.  I am extremely mistrustful of the capitalistic medical complex.  I firmly believe my Neuro knows no more about my condition than I do.  Once I accepted the fact that I was my own best advocate I gave up dairy and gluten.  That's all it has taken for me to be symptom free.  It makes sense as I became lactose intolerant at about 25y/o, a few years before MS showed up.  Another benefit of gluten free is you also avoid more GMO ingredients.  I eat Gorilla munch (corn) for breakfast.  It's organic and therefore GMO free.  I try my best to eat my fruits and vegetables throughout the rest of the day.  No supplements or other difficult changes have been required.  I still eat at restaurants 4-5 times per week.  I still eat too much candy(sugar).  The modern American diet is ruthless.  Tweak yours until you find the desired results.  I don't feel like I'm missing anything except pizza, but I've taken a liking to a heavily SE Asian based diet in favor of the American/Italian foods that I was eating before.  Also eat a lot at Chipotle (ditch the tortilla for a bowl and skip the cream and cheese).     Good luck. 

  16. Way to go, Doc! There is a brand new youtube by a woman named Sheena where she discusses reversing her MS with a raw diet! It was uploaded just today! Go plant-strong folks!

  17. You are wonderful. I love how you put the info right in front of me and then put it all together in a story. 

    I didn't know Dr McDougall was doing this. Exciting.

  18. I am more on the ketogenic paleo side of things. Saturated fat is not the problem. The Omega 6 to Omega 3 imbalance which comes from too much sugar, and conventionally fed animals and stuff like that is the problem. Eat veggies and EAT FISH…

  19. Please don't get it mix up with medium chain saturated fat from coconut oil and long chain saturated fat from animal fat. One is healthy for you and other detrimental.

  20. I have to say the Swank diet sounds good but McDougall could only lower cholesterol in his clinical study. I was diagnosed with MS less than three months ago and started researching what i could do on my own and started the Swank diet, but after seeing the results of a modern study with MRI i must say i believe the people that Swank was treating had some of the many mimics of MS. I also must say that the theory that its caused by infection and genetics makes more sense. 

  21. I got MS nearly 40 years ago now. I didnt realise it at the time but I was following the Swank approach to living and eating. I became  a vegetarian then fishetarian because firstly, I dont like killing animals  but quickly found that I needed more fish oils in a time when buying fish oils was not so easy in Australian supermarkets. So back to fish eating :-(. I have had MS for these  40 years and recently had an MRI which lead the interpreter of the image (the  radiologist) to comment  that although I hvae  lesions  in the brain, they were  quite faded and indicated that it had not been active  for  about 20 years. That  accords  with my experiences. A couple of  relapses fpr  a  bad balance  problem and  optic neuritis. So I would like to  say to wafisherman7, Mate, you are wrong wrong wrong. I also had a  number of other friends at that time who took the same approach to MS and all had good  results. Like me, some  episodes early, treatment with cortico-steroid programs and then a settling down of inflammation and  no episodes. 

    Listening to the  youtube and glancing over the bits and pieces of Dr Swnk's approach, I was  rather flabbergasted to find that the  people following the  program were said to look years  younger than their age suggests. That is true of me too. I was with one of my  long time friends and we took selfies and she  laughed and  joked that I still looked like I was 16 years old. My ex-students (I was a  teacher) when they saw the  photos said the same thing. It is  not quit  true – I dont actually look 16  but  most people dont  believe me when I say I am 62.

    How come I got onto  this approach without  knowing Dr Swank's name?  A freind of  mine gave me a book by an American naturopath (also a rarity in Australia in those days). She  had obviously heard of Dr Swank!!  It  was s ort of his  program and  this  program she was promoting.  

    I have had  some later years problems and I am starting to see it was  partly because I  let my standards slip. Another  problem was, however, a series of bladder infections which have  left me with a badly spastic  legs and  back. I  would like to hear somone  talk about dealing with the  bladder infection problem from a natural diet and  lifestyle perspective.

  22. You know this is totally bullshit right? I've been a vegetarian for 25 years (Vegan for 4 of it) still got MS. Don't believe all these diets. Just eat healthy and try your best to fight it. The only real way to hinder the disease is to get on a front line medicine, Tsyabri, Tecfedera, etc.

  23. I had MS for 6 years. The day I cut out meat I never had a single MS attack. I have recently cut out eggs and dairy product and I have never in my life felt better. To any MS patients out there THIS WORKS!! Check out Dr John McDougall's videos for more info on the recommended diet

  24. 23 years of MS, 22 on Swank diet, and still fully mobile and active!! Check out to join the Facebook closed group , The Swank MS Diet and Lifestyle. Then check your message request folder to hear from admins. If only everyone knew of this diet!! This video here is a wonderful way to communicate to others, and I thank you!

  25. Can you do an update about this study? Effects of a Low Fat Plant Based Diet in Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Results of a 1- Year Long Randomized Controlled (RC) Study (P6.152)

  26. Thanks for your very interesting post, here are a few more tips for a treatment for ms
    Get pIenty of rest
    Exercising, yoga, tai chi, meditation, deep breathing, hypnosis,
    Use green juice, chloreIIa, spiruIIina, fresh organic fruits and vegetabIes, sunfIower oiIs, evening primrose oiI etc.
    Some things to avoid if you have MS are aIcohoI, dairy products, eggs, margarine, miIk, red meats, sugar, aspartame.
    (l Iearned these and why they work on Denelle Multi Care website).

  27. So here's the link to the published completed study after the clinical trial:

    And here's the commentary on it:

    Study got no significant outcomes, but there are many, many caveats working against them… science is tricky. I am hoping these guys can get the money to do a bigger, better study with all new options we have today. Feels good to see people searching for novel ways to help, and this appears to have the potential to be game changing. Even if you have to fight the system to do it… 🙂 Honestly, compared to what we have today, I would not think twice in reccomending this diet to a patient.

  28. So, here's a link to the full article on Dr. McDougall's study –, called "Low-fat, plant-based diet in multiple sclerosis: A randomized controlled trial". Unfortunately, it's not what we were hoping to see. While yes, over the one-year study they saw improvements in fatigue levels, what we were really hoping for was the MRI data. Instead, it says"The two groups showed no differences in brain MRI outcomes, number of MS relapses or disability at 12 months." and "While a very-low fat, plant-based diet was well adhered to and tolerated, it resulted in no significant improvement on brain MRI, relapse rate or disability as assessed by EDSS scores in subjects with RRMS over one year. The diet group however showed significant improvements in measures of fatigue, BMI and metabolic biomarkers." It concludes with the suggestion for a longer, larger study. Fingers crossed that Dr. McDougall tries again, as I do believe there is hope for those with MS…and a randomized controlled trial with MRI or other impartial measurement of reversal is critical in widespread acceptance and adoption of a low fat diet as a treatment for MS.

  29. Another great lesson about the power of our diet. For anyone reading this that has MS or know someone with MS, there is another doctor, Dr. Stancic, who developed MS in her late 20's but now lives symptom free. She has several youtube videos as well.

  30. I think you can stop with this diet the progression of the disease and keep it as quite as possible but if you have old lesions you can’t completely recover them. At least is what I have experienced.

  31. I have also since 2010 Ms but I do not care I drink and eat what I like and the Ms Can me Licking the ass! Rock the Ms In a good mood! Wuuuuuuuhuuuuuuuu🤘🤘🤘🤘💪💪💪💪

  32. Dr Mcdougall's scientific paper was published and the conclusion was that the Mcdougall's diet (no animal food and low fat) did not impact MS ? So what should we conclude then?

  33. the conclusion of the study that has been released by John McDougall in 2015 says this: 5. Conclusion

    This study demonstrates the practical feasibility of using a
    very-low-fat, plant-based diet in people with MS. While we saw no effect of the diet on MS disease activity (MRI and clinical) the study was limited by the small sample size, short duration and the use of DMT among most participants. Over the 12 month period, the diet was safe, reduced BMI, lipid and insulin levels and appeared to improve fatigue. Future larger studies should explore the

    potential beneficial effects of such a diet on fatigue. Presently, it
    remains uncertain whether a low-fat, plant-based diet will positively change the course of MS.

  34. I was diagnosed with Ms in 2009. Coming across THIS VIDEO in 2013. Literally saved my life. Here I am today in 2020, fully mobile & active. I'm vegan, limit my daily sugar, oil & saturated fat intake. I also take 4000iu's of vitamin d3, 2 capsules of lions mane & turkey tail mushroom per day. I also do alternate day fasting. I honestly feel this combination of things is the way to beat ms. Oh. & I can't forget to make my smoothies with flaxseed and amla as often as possible too.

  35. All the bike rides and telethons for MS and we knew a great treatment all along? You think maybe they could have used some of those millions to produce a pamphlet with all of this information on it. I used to work for someone who died from it.

  36. What about plant based saturated fats like nuts or avocado for e.g.? Does that still have the clogging effect that’s bad for MS?

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