Cancro interrotto: aglio e flavonoidi

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DESCRIZIONE: I fitonutrienti flavonoidi e aglio presenti in frutta, verdura, verdura e cereali sembrano proteggere contro i danni al DNA indotti da sostanze chimiche mutagene presenti nella carne cotta. Il precedente video sull'aglio che ho menzionato è #1 Anticancer Vegetable ( ( uno dei video più popolari del sito!). Assicurati di guardare anche il suo “prequel” Veggies vs. Cancer ( Altri alimenti che possono proteggere il DNA includono i kiwi ( , verdure crocifere (, tè verde ( guarda il mio ultimo video, e le piante in generale (<br/>
L'aglio ha battuto l'aglio dell'elefante, ma che dire di Carrots vs. Baby Carrots (http: // O uvetta contro ribes (

L'aglio deve essere crudo o cotto? Vedi Come posso preservare gli effetti antitumorali dell'aglio cotto? (

Quali alimenti contengono più flavonoidi? Vedi il mio cheat sheet ( nel database dei nutrienti dell'USDA.

Quali alimenti contengono più antiossidanti? Guarda la mia serie di video che inizia con contenuto antiossidante di 3, Alimenti ( Quali altri cambiamenti nella dieta dovremmo considerare dopo una diagnosi di cancro? Vedi:
· Sopravvivenza al cancro al seno e assunzione di lignani ( video/sopravvivenza-al-cancro-al-seno-assunzione-di-lignan/)
· Sopravvivenza al cancro al seno e soia ( (sebbene Troppa Soia potrebbe Neutralizzare i benefici benefit/) · Sopravvivenza al cancro al seno, grasso di latte e pollo (
· Survival Raw Broccoli and Bladder Cancer ( -cancer-survival/)
· Metastasi e broccoli da cancro ai polmoni (
Amla Contro l'invasione di cellule cancerose su ( )
Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su flavonoidi all'aglio/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Paul-W e FoodMayhem .com tramite flickr; Evan-Amos, Ranveig e Amada Ekko via Wikimedia; e Gruppo di Biofisica Computazionale dell'Università di Leeds.
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74 Risposte a “Cancro interrotto: aglio e flavonoidi”

  1. I'd like to ask whether the benefits from consuming larger amounts of non-organic fruits and vegetables outweigh the risks from the pesticides from it

    thank you, I really appreciate your videos

  2. too much information in one video, too much interpretation of the data without proper and detailed inspection of the studies, although I love your videos and your approach,

  3. It's always going to be better than eating processed "organic" high fat crap or "free range" meat and dairy any day. It's not the absolute best but it is pretty darn close and you will still feel very good eating fruits and veggies. Don't let a purist mentality get in the way of your good health.

  4. Great question, i would have to say YES but washing the produce, peeling if necessary would also help. Although in some instances there is alot of nutrition within the skin. Such a shame organic food is not widely available and affordable for all. I'm currently growing my own.

  5. I'm pretty certain that wasn't what the video was going for. At the end of the video, it suggests that an increased intake of fruits and vegetables would be required to reduce the damage of carcinogens. Are you implying that eating meat increases risk of cancer and that eating a vegetarian/vegan diet will lead you to a cancer-free life?

  6. This garlic should be cooked or eaten raw? We know from your previous videos that difference in effect may be vast depending on if food item is eaten cooked or raw, or in ensemble with other foods. I miss this raw/cooked information in your videos alot. Other than that, thank you very much for vital information you bring to all of us:) best wishes…

  7. did you ever find out whether the garlic is more beneficial raw or cooked?… i would imagine raw… but, i feel the same as you… Dr. G has made it clear in other vids that some veges are actually better cooked, like broccoli

  8. there are a lot of studies pointing to meat contributing to cancer & … in fact, i just heard that outside the US (the UK i think?) … health officials have suggested that people limit their consumption of things like steak to 1 8oz serving per week

  9. i predict that eventually, more and more of it will become available as farmers begin to learn how to mass produce without dangerous pesticides … i too have begun to grow my own as well… i've got my 1st compost pile cooking as i write… my cilantro seeds are sprouting!

  10. Fabulous, growing your own is such a rewarding experience, afterall it's what we are made to do but society in the West has become so lazy and ignorant of the basic principles that keep human beings ALIVE on the inside, not just functioning and going through the motions. LOVE the yt name by the way !! If you ever make it to Shambala let me know. It's probably based on a real place and not just fiction. :-O

  11. A conventional grown fruit will always beat a conventionally grown Big Mac, hope that helps. Don't be afraid of fruits and vegetables.

  12. thanks, well i've determined that shambala is a state of mind… it is when there is complete joy, balance & inner peace in your heart… i experience that a lot more since i've been eating a mostly plant based diet… and the cilantro growing experience is definitely rewarding… i can't wait to grow more stuff!

  13. From recollection of the information in one viewing The good Dr did mention Roast chicken, Baked fish and some way of preparing bacon that caused the carcinogens IQ & Pip(???)! Though, I do agree with you, there needs to be more clarification of how the carcinogens are made and how to avoid preparing food in the manner that will produce them. Or at least a link to the info as most viewing it are lay persons in the field of nutrition that would not have a clue on how to find that sort of info.

  14. I love this video, because it scientifically explains why you need to consume garlic and flavonoids in flavonjams:
    Active ingredients of 90 lbs fruits in one jar!
    Very high antioxidant content
    Unique jam form for maximum absorbency
    No preservatives and great taste
    Google: flavonjams

  15. wash your non organic foods well.. and yes most pesticides arnt even that bad for you.. its the herbicides to really worry about.. also dont eat non organic root veggies.. the roots filter all that stuff ..think of it like a water filter… when the filters done.. you dont use it for anything .. its garbage

  16. I'm pretty much covered then. For breakfast oatmeal and raspberries, dinner included a big lump of broccoli and carrots with a fistful of minced garlic. Yum! And making a loaf of banana bread now.

  17. so basically all meat = cancer,  veggies = anti-cancer?  Damn and I thought I was doing well by giving up red meat and only eating fish and poultry.  I eat well above the recommended amount of produce but Idk if I can ever go full vegan.

  18. You need meat for B12, and omega 3, you need veggies and fruits to balance out the negative affect of the meat.

  19. Cancer is associated always with Candida infections.
    Garlic destroys Candida along with Bicarbonate of Soda intake.

  20. Doesnt this mean, that I just have to eat my meat together with enough healthy stuff and the whole negative effects of the meat are gone ?

  21. Okay so what is the best way to prepare garlic to retain and increase nutritional value e.g. with broccoli its NV is increased when sliced and steamed compared to roasting or boiling . So garlic… Steaming, Roasting, Raw – Crushed or whole cloves?

  22. Indians eat ginger, garlic and turmeric in every meal 🙂

    glad that the west is finally opening up to using them and benefitting from these ingredients.

  23. Rasam – This is the ultimate health tonic I drink every day and it's so tasty as well. You can drink it as a soup or mix it with rice and eat as done traditionally in Tamil homes. I learned the recipe in South India where this soup is a daily staple, had twice a day in most homes – especially the strictly vegetarian brahmin homes.

    How to make Rasam?

    Leftover water from boiled lentils (with some lentils residue is OK) – 2 cups
    Red Tomatoes – 2 (Pureed / squeezed by hand with skin and everything)
    Turmeric – 1 teaspoon
    Pepper powder – 1 tablespoon
    Cumin powder – 1 teaspoon
    Organic red chili powder – 1 teaspoon
    Asafetida powder (a resin available in Indian stores) – 1 teaspoon
    Salt to taste
    Garlic – 10 cloves (chopped and set aside)
    Fresh Coriander leaves

    (Can you already feel all the goodness going in reading the ingredients list above? Wait till you prepare it and taste it!)

    Mix all the ingredients except garlic, asafetida, coriander leaves in a bowl and bring to boil. Let it boil for about 10-15 minutes until the tomato is cooked. Garnish with fresh coriander leaves, and the garlic – asafetida slightly sauteed in ghee. Let it cool down.

    Enjoy the soup!

    I prefer not to sautee my garlic and asafetida but just add them into the Rasam while taking it off the gas. But some may find the taste too pungent. So sauteeing helps. Also, the ghee is just milk fat and it adds a rich flavor and smell to the soup. It may also help your body absorb the curcumin, piperin etc better as a fat. If you wish you need not use ghee as they use it traditionally.

  24. Garlic garlic, it destroys my stomach. Of all foods, it literally destroys it. I can't eat it and I like it, but I can't eat it. I can't eat sulphure foods. Beans are bad also, but nothing like garlic.

  25. I don't quite get what he is saying about the elephant garlic and garlic garlic, the data only looks alittle different but then again not sure what I am seeing, I wish he had said what he meant instead of garlic garlic as elephant garlic is garlic…..

  26. What concentrations of these "mutagenic chemicals found in cooked meat" such as PhIP were used in these in-vitro studies? Because the amount of PhIP found in meat is… very VERY low. Only a few nanograms per gram. Yes a Nanogram, which it should be emphasised is one BILLIONTH of a gram. Compare with smoking which deposits GRAMS of carcinogens directly onto the lungs which directly damage the lungs. This is as trace amounts as it gets. For example, you can easily end up getting 100'000 times the concentration of mercury in vegetables.

    EDIT: I took another look at your graph, behind the goofy animal pictures it's clear, it's over 100 micro-moles… which would be equivalent to 0.022 GRAMS of PhIP. And this is in EACH CELL. 100 nanograms diluted amongst 60-80kg of wet body mass… somehow comes to a concentration one millions times HIGHER rather than one million times LOWER.

    The colon cancer theory doesn't make sense as PhIP is NOT HIGHLY MUTAGENIC when ingested. It must be absorbed into the blood and be converted in the liver, so PhIP's harm will be diluted though out the entire body. So why would it then go back to the colon to concentrate there?

    The rat studies that proved this is a carcinogen were fed diets with PhIP levels of 200 parts per MILLION. That's over 10'000 times higher doses! This is the same trick that was used to castigate MSG, they made rodents eat massive quantities of MSG, the equivalent to a human being force fed over a Kilogram of MSG. We know that giving extremely high doses of even essential micronutrients causes cancer, like administering very high doses of Vitamin E actually causes cancer. But that's 10'000x the expected dose.

    The dose makes the poison.

    A few grams of salt per day is vital for survival. Drinking a pint of saturated salt solution and you'll die in agony.

    What is so unusual about PhIP is that it's carcinogenic form is ACTIVELY CREATED in the liver from a substance humans have been exposed to for a long long time (long before humans were humans, even our human ancestors who cooked meat over fire), yet the liver may also actively neutralise PhIP, depending on gene expression which is hugely varied from person. If this causes so many cancers, why is the body making a supposedly significant carcinogen more mutagenic when the liver is capable of making it entirely inert? This obviously isn't as simple as many are making out.

    And PhIP needs very HIGH temperatures for a LONG time. So a crispy fried batter won't make PhIP as that's starch (no creatine), only where the meat itself is charred and only in the charred part. How often do you eat meat where the muscle fibres are literally blackened?

  27. Garlic is best raw, after crushing and being left for 10 minutes for allicin to form. 3 cloves a day is suggested limit, as 4 or more starts getting too strong and can destroy stomach bacteria. Garlic is approximately 1/50 the strength of penicillin.

  28. To be fair Quentin comes in powdered for, typically made from flowers. Its well absorbed, and much better than eating tons of plants which have compounds that block abortion of nutrients

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