Rischio associato agli integratori di ferro

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DESCRIZIONE: Il ferro è un'arma a doppio taglio. Se non assorbiamo abbastanza rischiamo l'anemia, ma se ne assorbiamo troppo possiamo aumentare il rischio di cancro, malattie cardiache e una serie di condizioni infiammatorie. Poiché il corpo umano non ha alcun meccanismo per sbarazzarsi del ferro in eccesso, si dovrebbero scegliere fonti vegetali (non eme) su cui il nostro corpo ha un certo controllo. Questo è un altro motivo per cui le proteine ​​vegetali sono preferibili (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/plant-protein-preferable/). Per ulteriori informazioni sul ferro, vedere Ferro durante la gravidanza (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/iron-during-pregnancy/) e Are Pillole di ferro che fanno bene? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-iron-pills-good-for-you/). Per ulteriori informazioni sulla biodisponibilità dei nutrienti, vedere il video del giorno NutritionFacts.org di ieri Nuovi potenziatori di assorbimento dei minerali trovati (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/new- mineral-absorption-enhancers-found/), insieme a Garden Variety Anti-Inflammation (http://nutritionfacts.org/ video/garden-variety-anti-inflammation/), Prendi gli integratori di vitamina D ai pasti (http://nutritionfacts. org/video/take-vitamina-d-supplementi-con-i-pasti/), Assorbimento del calcio: latte di soia contro latte di mucca (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/calcium-absorption-soy-milk-versus-cow-milk/), Assorbimento dei nutrienti degli alimenti crudi (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/raw-food-nutrient-absorption-3/) e rinunciare ai condimenti senza grassi? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/forego-fat-free-dressings/). Per ulteriori informazioni sul cancro al seno, vedere Relieving Yourself of Excess Estrogen ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/relieving-yourself-of-excess- estrogeni/), lino e flora fecale (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flax -and-fecal-flora/), Broccoli contro le cellule staminali del cancro al seno (http:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/broccoli-versus-breast-cancer-stem-cells/) e altri video che toccano il cancro al seno (http:// Nutritionfacts.org/topics/beast-cancer/). Ci sono anche video su più di mille altri argomenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/topics/. <br/> Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/risk-associated-with-iron- supplementi/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Søren Niedziella e Thirteen Of Clubs via flickr. Le immagini sono state modificate.
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43 Risposte a “Rischio associato agli integratori di ferro”

  1. Dietary and stored iron as predictors of breast cancer risk: A nested case–control study in Shanghai, Int. J. Cancer: 125, 1110–1117 (2009), PMC2798105

    Definition: "the art of taking every opportunity to jump to a vegan/vegetarian band wagon conclusion like a hyperactive marsupial doped up with adrenaline". It's always the same story of what conclusion he is stretching for with his spin on piecemeal facts.High animal and fish diet cultures ranging from Eskimos, Polynesians, Europeans, Asians, Africans, etc, showed virtually no cancer and heart disease before modern processed food entered their diet.

  3. My friend, you have been mislead. Look at some of the earliest records: few Eskimos lived long enough to develop modern conditions. Eskimos are among the worst examples of health found amongst indigenous people, after the western influence, the situation further deteriorated, yet the situation was always pretty abysmal, compared to a primarily plant based tribe such as the Hopi's, for instance. Please, my friend, in the service of objectivity, subject yourself to unbiased sources.

  4. That's pretty scary. I didn't know that iron from meat was different…..not regulated like other iron. I read a long time ago that most men get too much iron so I never take an iron supplement. Thanks for the info.

  5. Iron supplements can kill you slow or even kill you real quick. They are rubbish, typical of modern pharma medicine, when you can just eat iron-rich plant foods or take a food-based supp like Floradix.

    My girlfriend was anemic so the Dr gave her iron supps… a massive OD. He should have been put in a work camp but hey, Drs are just trying to help right, in a hard job, so let us give them a free ride and lots of money and respect.
    She felt a huge urge to walk fast and just went out and walked quickly all night!
    Next day the Dr admitted fault and it was said she would have died if she had stayed still.

  6. If you eat foods high in iron then make sure to eat it with a plant like cilantro. Cilantro or that of likeness helps rid the body of heavy metals.

  7. I've been taking iron tablets for mild anemia. The side effects are intense sleepiness. I feel like I've taken a sedative. I could sleep for a week. Is this normal?

  8. I've heard people say that taking supplements can create dificienties in other nurtrients and minerals etc. is this true and how does that work? anyone have any good links?

  9. I'm having a hard time with my iron levels lately and I'm not sure why. I've been vegetarian for almost 3 years now, vegan for 2 and my iron levels have always been fine until lately. I'm eating plenty of greens and beans and foods with iron. I've even started supplementing iron but they are still low 🙁 I don't know what's wrong. I gave up coffee 2 months ago too and my iron levels dropped.. I thought they would go up???! what the heck?

  10. so you can overdose on iron of healthy foods that contain it ? that means restrict the diet on iron consumption? dr.greger claims the best diet is plant based but what about the vitamins and minerals there is no proven way to get all vitamin and minerals. it hasn't been invented to much diversity in foods. you have to watch out for restrictions intakes, which vitamin goes well with other vitamins, loss of nutrients in food, supplementation uncertainty for some vitamins and minerals, etc. because there's still more research to be done.

  11. Unfortunately I have been on and off iron supplements since 8th grade and I'm 21 now. For some reason my body won't absorb iron that I get from foods.

  12. QUESTION ! here in Argentina, when anybody takes a 6month old baby to the health cheque they inmediatly give iron suplements even without a blood test or any sign of deficienci. And I'm pretty sure that it is from an animal source. I seriously think I shouldn't give it to her, but I don't want her to have any deficienci netheir. so, what should I do?

  13. Meat iron is far more superior than vegetable iron. I was eating high iron vegetarian foods and my iron was so low that I know take iron supplements. Heme iron is absorbed far more than non heme. I dont know where this guy got his information from but there is so many conflicting ideas in medicine. One dr says one thing another says this. This causes breast cancer that doesnt cause breast cancer. It is a complete head f, knowing which way to go.

  14. I am a glutenfree Vegan and have Iron deficiency, but it runs in my family. My doctor prescribed me Tardyferon, but I am afraid to take them after seeing this.

  15. If you have an overabundance of iron, you simply go to the Doctors every 3-4 months and have the extra iron taken out introveniously. OR you can be a regular blood donor and I applaud you for that. I wish I had two more hands so that I could give this video FOUR thumbs down.

  16. Problem I got and u get this a lot. One minute something is good then it's bad for you u can't win. I take foroglobin but I do miss a day now and then. I do try and miss a day, but problem is I am use to energy drinks like monster, rockstar ect. I have started these to ween myself off the energy drinks as they have to be better for u that monster drinks every day.

  17. I eat these capsules full of iron pellets and don't like it. I am upset..ALL these videos say to talk to your doctor as if my doctor is some genus..Doctors are there to give pills..They don't have a clue about what's good or bad..My doc once prescribed Levaquin and I told him no because it's killing peoe he said he'd never heard that! Doctors are as wise to your health as anyone. "Talk to your doctor". You just as well talk to your kids best friend. You'd probably get more recent and up to date advice. Who's responsible for the oxycontin opiod epidemic in America? The town drug pusher? No..DOCTORS.

  18. Taking iron supplements made me gain a lot of weight. I've been slender all my life but as soon as I started taking the supplements..first tablets and then liquid iron I gained lots and lots of weight like never before. Very very hard to lose too.

  19. I have no side effects whatsover with iron supplement
    I have high blood pressure pulmonary hypertension
    and been taking iron it has tremendously helped

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