Cancro, interrotto: tè verde

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DESCRIZIONE: Usando la carne cotta cancerogena PhIP per trasformare le normali cellule del seno cancerose, i ricercatori esplorano l'uso di tè verde per interrompere questa trasformazione maligna. Cos'è questa roba PhiP? Guarda gli ultimi quattro video per alcuni retroscena:
· Agenti cancerogeni della carne cotta estrogenica ( carne-carcinogeni/)
· PhIP: The Three Strikes Breast Carcinogen (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/phip-the-three-strikes-breast-carcinogen/)<br/> · Ridurre il rischio di cancro nei mangiatori di carne ( · Ammine eterocicliche in uova, formaggio e creatina? (

Qualche altra impresa che il tè verde può fare? Vedi Trattamento delle verruche genitali con il tè verde ( e Trattare la sindrome di Gorlin con il tè verde ( /).
Il tè bianco potrebbe funzionare ancora meglio? Vedere l'attività antimutagena del tè verde contro il tè bianco ( ).
Qualche altra pianta che potrebbe essere in grado di colpire il kibosh del cancro? (intendo oltre ai broccoli, quindi per esempio: e Restate sintonizzati per il mio prossimo video Cancer, Interrupted: Garlic & Flavonoids ( flavonoids/).
Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e proverà a rispondere!

Crediti immagine: たね tramite Wikimedia, e Annie Cavanagh tramite Wellcome Images.
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45 Risposte a “Cancro, interrotto: tè verde”

  1. That's nice to know, but green tea has it's own drawback…it contains fluoride! The older the green tea leaves, tthe higher the level of fluoride, and the green tea that one purchases in th local grocery…isn't young. So, who is ready for a trip to China to pluck the young?

  2. STELLAR!!! I drink Trader Joes' organic green tea 2 or 3 times each day…very affordable….20 tea bags for $2.69…and I also swallow the tea leaves…I figure they can only be good for me.

  3. tconcotelli, maybe try adding some fresh grated GINGER to your green tea? Ginger is known to help nausea…or what about blending your green tea with Red Zinger hibiscus tea? I love that combo!

  4. Can we hrow green tea here? I live in Santa Cruz California. You can grow a camellia here in a sunny glassed-in porch. Camellias grow in southern California, outside.

  5. Sorry for some reson i mix up Camellias with Gardenias. We can grow Camellias right here outside. Can't we grow good tea in California or Mexico?

  6. I love green tea but I can never drink it first thing in the morning. It irritates my stomach. After breakfast is no problem though. If you find green tea unpleasant to taste, introduce it slowly to your diet. I used to make mine with added lemon juice and/or ginger. Then slowly started drinking it flavoured with jamine. Now I just drink it neat. I can't imagine my life without green tea or why I didn't like the taste before. Perhaps green tea is a taste humans need to aquire.

  7. I'm so puzzled though. Haven't we as a species been eating meat for millions of years and that's why we have canine teeth? (The human body would never spend excess energy evolving things it doesn't need…)

    I agree that the modern diet contains WAY (!!!) too much meat.

  8. Second best thing I did. First was quiet smoking. From an ethical point of view is the most important, I sleep better now.

  9. good for you! quitting smoking was the best thing i've done too… only, when i smoked, i had less energy & slept more then… i've had so much more alertness since i quit

  10. we can eat meat to sustain us… but, when we were hunting & gathering & generally having to do hard labor to survive and lucky to live past 45, it was a different lifestyle… plus meats were not "mutated" like they are now… today, we can choose to eat what is most optimal in western society… but, what most people do is eat what tastes good &or is convenient rather than eat for optimum health… & industry has been dictating to us that their products are healthy via the USDA to ensure sales

  11. good to know, thanks… adding that to my database… i also hear that you don't get the benefits from the tea either unless you drink it while it's hot… once it cools, it's benefits decline… what do you know about this?

  12. .Both green tea and black tea are derived from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. but processed in different ways. Black tea leaves are crushed and fermented to whereas to make green tea, the tea leaves are withered and steamed. The factor that determines the difference between green and black tea is oxidization. Black tea is fully oxidized and fermented while green tea is un-oxidized. Green tea leaves retain their green color as a result.

  13. so don't fry your meat…grass fed meat broiled or stewed is good for most…vegetarians get cancer too and they don't live any longer than meat eaters…some thrive on it, some don't…otherwise ladies drink green tea and have flax seed/oil every day

  14. But that does not mean that green tea is good for heals. The nutrients that suppress cancer are found in other plants as well. So with carrot juice you may have the same test result. 

    But lets not forget about harmful elements of the tea and green tea as well. Just google for it. Caffeine, Theobromine, …

  15. I stumbled upon Vitamin C and Tea (Polyphenol) studies and started taking Vit C and green tea pills. It seems they are highly enhanced together, but those studies are not related to Cancer.
    However, there are studies with Tea and Hyperbaeric Oxygen, having 77% survival rates. If you combine this with Vitamin C… I wanna see lab results with this combination

  16. What this video didn't show but would the the logical next step is how low the breast cancer risks would be if one consumed green tea and eliminated or minimized meat consumption. Should theoretically be next to nothing.

  17. Japanese drink the most green tea and Japan has an extremely high stomach cancer rate. On average, the Japanese prevalence is about 60 per 100,000 residents.
    Japan Cancer Society reports that in 2007, one in every three deaths were attributed to stomach cancer.
    Don't believe drinking green tea will prevent cancer.

  18. Thanks. Hummmm. I love all the cancer prevention stuff. I have some green tea. I snack on 6 or more Almonds every day…keeps cancer away says Edgar Cayce. And I have a lot of pecans and walnuts for munching time. Cool

  19. It struck me that eating things with carcinogens while drinking green tea is still playing a dangerous game with our bodies. Maybe it’s better to just not put those carcinogens in our bodies in the first place. The small amount of caffeine in the green tea would mess me up, so eating whole foods as grown is my best bet against cancer. The study is a good one though.

  20. It’s amazing that with all the proof of vegan diet benefits, many still ignore the proof, and cling to nonsense like Keto,or McDonald’s etc…..!

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