Carenza di zinco ed emissioni maschili | Il dottor Michael Greger di

La carenza di zinco è una preoccupazione comune per le persone interessate a diventare vegane. Ma quanto è difficile ottenere uno zinco adeguato con una dieta a base vegetale? E perché gli uomini dovrebbero essere più cauti delle donne? In questa intervista con il dottor Michael Greger di, esaminiamo il ruolo dello zinco nel corpo, come ottenerlo dalle piante e perché voi uomini potreste aver bisogno di tenere uno spuntino ricco di zinco vicino ai vostri tessuti . La carenza di zinco è una preoccupazione comune per le persone interessate a diventare vegane. Ma quanto è difficile ottenere uno zinco adeguato con una dieta a base vegetale? E perché gli uomini dovrebbero essere più cauti delle donne? In questa intervista con il dottor Michael Greger di, esaminiamo il ruolo dello zinco nel corpo, come ottenerlo dalle piante e perché voi uomini potreste aver bisogno di tenere uno spuntino ricco di zinco vicino ai vostri tessuti . Tieni traccia del tuo zinco con Cronometer:<br/>
Prova Cronometer:

Perché gli uomini possono aver bisogno di semi dai loro tessuti:
La massima concentrazione non significa la migliore fonte:
Ho baciato A Pochi vegani:
Cosa significa la dimensione della sua ciotola:
Da dove prendono lo zinco i vegani?:

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Dott . Greger sulle proteine:
Dr. Greger in B12:
Dr. Greger sugli Omega:
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Le ostriche sono vegane?: http ://

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100 Risposte a “Carenza di zinco ed emissioni maschili | Il dottor Michael Greger di”

  1. It's interesting how people who don't even bother to look after their own health become amateur nutritionists with regards to veganism and their interactions with vegans.

  2. I am vegan and when I switched I never was worried about any nutrition.. And I am someone who's really healthy atm living on almost 80%-90% Raw Organic Vegan Diet. !

  3. I'm on my first days as a vegan and I was really worried and even frustrated. Went to a rubbish nutricionist today also… but suddenly I found your videos and I would like to thank you for explain so easily how to be healthy on a vegan diet. Forgot to mention I already have anemia (20 years from now the doc discovered it on my body), but instead of being worried, I think there's a a big chance to get even stronger and more healthy on a vegan diet. Thanks a lot!

  4. What if a man ejaculates 3 times a day? Are they in risk of getting ill? I eat brocolis often.
    I love your sense of humor and your work. I'm glad to find your work, and you.
    It is difficult to find Zinc pills here in Lisbon – Portugal. I hope this video not be so visualized otherwise pumplins will go into extinction.

  5. With regard to the comment about high dose supplement interaction, does anyone have any info on that? I take a medication that can cause bone density loss, so I was told to take a calcium supplement of 1,000mg w/ 600mg Vitamin D everyday. How might that interact?

  6. i am so disappointed with this video, i expected a seious answer from Dr Greger on this important issue. Zinc is the only nutrient that most vegans can't get enough of.For most of us is impossible to eat 2,5 kg of brocolli or 3 kilos of lettuce to get your numbers on cronometer. You must consume a cup of beans a day, 30 grams of pumpkin seeeds , and half a cup of oatmeal to reach 64% rda of zinc which is not enough.and then i can't find any other sources of zinc unless i see my copper and fat intake skyrocket, like almonds.Eating beans, oatmeal and pumpkin seeds at these amounts everyday is really boring… we are or we will be seriously deficient in zinc and you must find an answer to that which does not include eating enormous amounts of anything.

  7. I've never understood the Veggan thing, or the idea of vegans eating oysters. Both are animal products, so you can't be vegan and eat them. If you do, you're an ovo-vegetarian or pescatarian, not a vegan. I don't have a problem with people who choose to eat either (except, well, a serious moral/ethical one) but if you're going to eat them, call yourself what you are. Otherwise you start stinking of Orwellian Newspeak.

  8. I actually started snacking on pumpkin seeds for the iron after Rich Roll recommended doing so, so its nice to know I'm taking care of at least two rather important nutrients.

  9. So you eat 2,3 kg of broccoli (that's more than two BIG heads) AND more than 1 kg of romaine lettuce (that's 2 big heads), everyday ?

    I would struggle so much doing it, to be honest.

    I'm vegan since 2012, but let's be honest, getting adequate amount of zinc is VERY difficult without planning meals for vegans, also in a whole food diet.

    I think I'm having problems getting enough.

    (Eating 100 g of most of the meats would almost hit the RDA requirement –> 8 mg of zinc, and it's EASY to eat 250 g in one sitting, not considering ethical and environmental concerns).

  10. Thank you for this video! I was noticing I was always low on zinc and selenium with my diet and wasn't sure what foods to eat to bring my levels up.

  11. You can also get good zinc with melons. When I eat 1 watermelon about 10 cups it gives roughly 50% of my zinc for the day. With the leafy greens, it's a win. I've been eating low fat raw vegan the whole week with some cooked quinoa 2 days and surpassed my zinc minimum intake every single day in cronometer without nuts or pumpkins seeds even, melons do it to for the low fatters out there!!

  12. This is very helpful! I'm a new subscriber, and I just wanted to say thanks so much for your incredibly informational videos, especially your vegan nutrition concerns series! I love that being vegan has pushed me to learn more about nutrition more so than any other time in my life. So much so that I often find myself educating non-vegans about nutrition, which isn't surprising given that I was just as unaware about where exactly to get certain nutrients before going vegan. I guess because conventional wisdom treats animal products like the most nutrient packed cure-all foods, thus leading non-vegans to never pursue learning about plant based alternatives. How enlightening my vegan journey has been!

  13. I like Dr. Gregor's reassurance that sweeps up lots of these nutrient concerns: "if you're eating whole foods plant-based diet, you're probably fine". For people transitioning away from animal products, the panic that sets in when wondering how you meet all these minimum requirements of essential nutrients is ironic given that so many of us who already made the transition never gave a thought to hitting those targets before. Your attempts at keeping a straight face through the pumpkin seeds was comedy in its own right! At least we now have some fun new euphemisms "hey baby! you're gonna make me eat some pumpkin seeds" or "Hey bros, hold up, can''t hit the club with a loaded weapon, gotta go deplete the zinc". #vegancringe

  14. He says if you're eating lots of beans you don't have to worry but according to cronometer an entire can of black beans only gives 28% of the RDA for zinc :/

  15. I love it! I am saving this video! Now I can explain to my girlfriend that swallowing will boost her Zinc levels.

  16. Damn that is a lot of broccoli to eat in a day. I threw a cup of broccoli in a pasta dish the other day, it was .5mg of zinc. 11.5mg, of zinc you had in your day from broccoli, wow, that is a lot of broccoli

  17. Hi there, I just stumbled into this video because I also use cron'o'meter and I struggle to fill my zinc bar all green. When you showed yours I tried to make it work for me but It attonished me that to get the 11.7 mg of Zinc from broccoli you needed to eat 2600g of broccoli and for the 3.3 mg of Zinc from lettuce you need 1450g. Was that really your standar day? I will struggle to chow so much food and just those 2 items will make for 1157 kcal. I don't know I found it strange.

  18. In order to get 12mg of Zinc from Broccoli requires eating 100 oz = 6.25 pounds. I do not think you can eat that much broccoli. About 1 oz of oysters per day–equivalent to 2 oysters is all that is needed for the RDA. These are very low in fat. When using the CRONOMETER be sure to use real validated sources of data–Trust but Verify. The CRONOMETER has many poor sources of data. The key is to chose a reputable source. The best I have found so far is the NCCDB. Also in addition to losing zinc from seminal fluid we also lose zinc in sweat. One piece of research suggested losing about 10 mg per liter of sweat. When I bicycle 100 miles in a day I can easily lose 3-4 liters of sweat. Not realizing this has caused long term medical issues–in particular hearing loss due to brittle villi in my cochlea. So there are other ways to lose zinc. Be very careful. You might want to read the book Beyond the 120 Year Diet by Dr. Roy Walford for more details and recommendations.

  19. Getting zinc on a plant based diet is a bit more challenging than this video would allow one to believe. Yes, beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds have zinc, but the milligram amounts are not very high (best sources have 2-3 mg per serving). Also, many of these foods contain phytates, which bind to zinc, and thus, limit "bioavailability." I suggest getting a high-quality 5mg zinc supplement to take, and/or making sure to purchase certain high-sources of zinc (wheat germ, sesame, pumpkin and hemp seeds, lentils and garbanzo beans, and quinoa) in your weekly grocery hauls.

  20. Just wondering how much broccoli you ate in your example on Chronometer? When I entered a 1/2 cup, cooked, boiled and drained it showed 0.4 mg. You show that you got 11.7 mg. By my math that means you ate 29.25 half cups or just to make it easy, approximately 14 cups of broccoli in one day? Am I missing something? If correct do you think that is a reasonable expectation for people to eat that much broccoli per day? Looking forward to your response. Thanks.

  21. To my relief, the answer is always the same: Just stick to a whole food plant based vegan diet and everything is fine. (and way healthier than eating animal products ofc). 🙂

  22. lol dam your good xD,, didnt expect dis to actually be intertaining,, even a penis joke from/with female reactions makes my night, oh also nice seeing gregor thought the guy wouldnt be de kind to give time to help (just showing off selling book in vegan2016, didnt make him look good in my view,, usually when you got something to sell,,, its already hard to digest vegan being insanely op,, so you reallly cant go around looking (dishonest or) like you have other motives but to help people,, like my two favorite Michael clapper what i wish someone had told me in medical school about nutrition, and perils of dairy John McDougal ,, its nice to see them looking so real so much info they dont seem to hold anything in or to necessarily reed from a freekin thing the whole time,, they go out of their way to say more,, hmm wonder if dats what americans liked about dat president guy,, since hes being on social network speaking soo much freely all media (too dam uptight their asses here in french quebec) they say he should be careful what he says etc,, but you see hes not consistant so you know hes not always serious,, meaning hes actually a human,, or like my mother used to say from albert enstein i think,, only crazy people dont change mind (didnt neccessarily want to take hes side, im pro environment and we clearly know its not on his mind,, but its fkin amazing to see someone on power dat isnt afraid of speaking (well im guessing de truth) no matter de consequences,, and i was dreaming about doing stuff like dat if i was on power so,, little nice with de sad environment (tho if he goes against media as well)
    now dat i understand vegan INSANELY HUGE BENEFITS (i almost thought michael claper was crazy when he said we were herbivores started to doubt him seriously,, even after watching milton mills,, but then i searched omnivore,, on youtube you could see all comparisions and differences,, (also some jokes about my most important aspect You aint gona see a bear (witch is omnivore) cook his fish on a fire before eating it EVER (kinda made dat joke but dat and horse have canines teeths really (searched dat too) really helped me understand)

    Seriously de message of us being herbivore should be de MAIN THING TO PUBLICIZE at least here, it seems dis alone would be DE Ultimate thing dat would help people wake up, IF you can convince dem of it in a short phrase too (like a bear cook his fish,, while de human catching a fish with his mouth in de riven and a slogan on a tshirt be nice, i dont know anything) but just dis tiny thing seems to be very very hard for most people to believe,, oh and also dat VEGAN COSTS LESS,, DIS IS CRUCIAL FOR Students my age,, they all fear prices AND COMPLICAtions,, like hey just eat potatoes all de time (im still wondering if dat statement was exagerated,, something about taking years before having iron/b12/omega3 deficiencies? (around 3 to 7 years? before any deficiencies can manifest on potato diet?) i mean if vegan feels dis op why cant we eat just as badly as we used to but on a better diet, shouldnt make sence,, i need more certainty on de potato thing and data

    neways now dat i understand soo many lies told by dairy/meat corps,, and truths being held by media on purpose obviously,, cause europeans already knew since 1 2 3 5 years? and our french dumbass medias talk about how hospitals are cloged but not adressing de main solution?,, kinda dangerous game,, incline to believe more none sence after dis,, like zeithgest? etc gona make people fragile and people (glad you guys didnt look like it but) many will take advantage of de shifting (like me with cowspiracy,, i thought i was just gona avoid eating cows,, now i gona go vegan lol,, tho dat was a good change,, if i dont get defiencies from forgetting stuff to eat eventually,, hope i didnt change too fast,, need more cheep recepies for veganism too,, im also wondering if brocoli is de only legume i need, with white bean rice potato (avoiding corn for mosanto and dupont) once a while frozen legumes, morning oat meal frozen fruits or almondMilk none sugary cereals or butter peanut brown bread, everyday or 2 3 days a pinch of algea b12 flakes thing,, lot of water,, i try mixing lemon with my brocoli when im afraid of missing something,, but im also afraid of my theeth being damaged by too much lemond,, do i need half a lemond per day?,, hmm im gona go check dat

    Bob Spran 1 Baf,, BeanOrangeBrocoli Suplement(notobligatoirybutnice having vegaOneWhenAfraid/onceawhile yes?) PotatoRiceAlmondmilkNuts(notobligatoirybut nice to mention i guess? should have put seeds somewhere but i got algea instead of flax) #1(just for de memorytrick) B12AlgeaFeuilleVert(greenLeafy,,hope brocoli is one of dem,, im thinking its prob de best legume ever existing,, has clacium omega3 and load of iron,, also heard its greenleafy,, witch includes many other none stop recommended stuff, dat i wrote everything i heard to be afraid of or to think of on my kitchen wall paper) seriously simplicity tricks would be nice,, i want to make it easy for others to recommend (without them getting sick obviously, else dairy/Cattle Corps will focus on dem to make publicity/falseRumours against vegan :P)

    like dat tofu thing about soy,, gona take a freekin while to get rid of dat uncertainty,, so far i just say 3day per week max just to be safe,, but dat practly de entire asian cultures would be sick if it was true same time,, so we dont know if its from the big bad companies or are they true?

  23. you got 11.7 mg of zinc from broccolli in a day?
    i'm sorry, but according to cronometer, broccolli has 0.28mg of zinc per 100g…
    did you eat 4kg of broccolli? I'm very confused and a bit conflicted with what happened when you put up those values.
    Could someone clarify?

  24. Cronometer is a great tool for anyone who is wants to take the guess work out of their nutritional intake. I've been eating vegan for over seven year now, and I've noticed that I was falling short on zinc and vitamin E. Vitamin E was easier to sort because there are plenty of low fat foods like Jalapeños that are good sources, but I've found my zinc levels to be at best marginal. I love pumpkin seeds, but their omega-6 to omega-3 is dismal, and 30 grams of pumpkin seeds were not nearly enough to make up for the sort fall.
    I noticed that I was getting dandruff which is a symptom of low zinc intake so I have resorted to taking a Zinc Orotate supplement and the dandruff and my skin cleared up soon after. I am currently taking zinc, vitamin D, B12 and DHA supplements to ward off deficiencies

  25. As a trans man, I’m so confused about how much I need for anything and why. Society’s rules don’t apply to me.

  26. Every time, fatigue, tiredness and loss of fluids…………..vampires existed the entire time, they just had all the iron in blood they needed and made the switch to sucking ****

  27. For the men, retaining emissions has a number of benefits. There is a whole community based around the idea 'nofap'. So, I found this interview particularly interesting. After an emission or ejaculation the man can feel weak – 'le petite morte'. Is it the zinc loss that makes the difference?
    Anyway, down to the health food shop for some pumpkin seeds.

  28. 3 tbsp of non fortified nutritional yeast gives 30 mcg of zinc, which is 270% RDI. Add some to your salad with pumpkin seeds… what are we talking about? Too many, "yeah but what about pwphpff?"

  29. Regarding prostate health, many "experts" say you need to eat more zinc. You'll find zinc listed in many prostate supplements. But Dr. McDougall says NO to zinc if you're having enlarged prostate issues (BPH). The implication is that since the prostate has a high zinc level, adding even more will promote even more BPH. So I stopped my zinc supplementation and will get my zinc naturally from foods.

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