Fatti nutrizionali Dieta chetogenica – Nutritionfacts.org contro Keto

Dati nutrizionali Dieta chetogenica. Dieta chetogenica di Nutritionfacts.org. Fatti nutrizionali dieta cheto. Nutritionfacts.org contro Keto. Fattori nutrizionali chetosi. Nutritionfacts.org contro la dieta chetogenica. Fatti nutrizionali a basso contenuto di carboidrati. Nutritionfacts.org low carb.

Scopri il dott. Critica di Michael Greger della dieta a basso contenuto di carboidrati con oltre 1,380 riferimenti:

Quest'anno porterà sicuramente dei grandi cambiamenti nella percezione del pubblico, e questa è davvero una battaglia in un contesto molto più ampio.. .di informazioni contrastanti. Non si tratta di cheto o vegano, … si tratta di fatti e buon senso rispetto a budget di marketing illimitati finanziati dall'industria, si tratta di circa centodieci anni di conoscenze mediche cumulative contro i negazionisti del colesterolo flash e le persone che cercano di fare soldi dalla tua salute in declino. Da che parte stai? <br/>
So che potrebbe essere difficile da accettare per alcuni di voi. E potrebbe non piacerti quello che sto dicendo, ma il segno di un uomo colto è saper considerare qualcosa senza accettarla o rifiutarla immediatamente. Poiché è gentile e pacato, molte persone potrebbero non rendersi conto che il dottor Greger è uno dei professionisti medici preminenti che si sono scontrati con diete a basso contenuto di carboidrati e con i loro promotori. È stato citato in giudizio dalla Atkins Foundation! Le diete a basso contenuto di carboidrati sono la dieta di moda originale. È solo un dato di fatto che le diete chetogeniche sono intrinsecamente diete estremamente povere di carboidrati. Il dottor Atkins era un sostenitore della chetosi. Uno dei sintomi della chetosi è la confusione. Quando sei più suscettibile, i promotori di diete alla moda cercano di capitalizzare la tua vulnerabilità. Le diete alla moda riguardano i soldi. Vendite di libri. Supplementi. Snack bar. Stimolanti. Farmaci da prescrizione. E la salute Costi e conseguenze derivanti da malattie croniche dell'ignoranza nutrizionale e dell'eccesso dietetico. Le persone sono confuse su cosa mangiare. Su questo canale sostengo una dieta a base vegetale contenente molti cibi integrali. È così che le persone acquisiscono il controllo della propria salute.

Pillola Rossa Vegan

Musica per gentile concessione di royalty- pianeta libero con il dottor Vox, Scott Buckley e “grapes I so”
Campione di Makaveli

64 Risposte a “Fatti nutrizionali Dieta chetogenica – Nutritionfacts.org contro Keto”

  1. Love the vids bud keep up the good work channel is very informative helped me to become plant based been a year now feel brilliant lost alot of weight.

  2. Dr. Greger doesn't look very healthy and the fact that he can't hold still while talking points to some serious neurological issues.

  3. Look at him and then you look at someone like Jason Wittrock her goody beats or anyone else to actually has done the ketogenic diet for a long enough to get results and decide for yourself who's the healthy one LOL

  4. You need to do your own research find out yourself not just listen to a quack doctor like you're listening to his other doctors out there like Ken dBerry and some other ones that agree with the ketogenic diet Jason Wittrock and some of the other ones don't say that it's the only diet out there but they agree with it because they've tried it they've used it they got good results

  5. Please listen to Dr. Darren Schmidt, Dr Berg and Thomas from six pack abs. The keto diet saved my entire family. Without the three people I mentioned above, I might be six feet under or under the spell of big pharma. I don't have issues with the Vegan diet, I have issues with vegans with an agenda based on political and environmental concerns and not science. The science that is offered by this particular vegan doctor is mostly B.S. Studies that can be twisted.

  6. Some people apparently have had some success with ketosis, but there are risks with kicking your body essentially into 'starvation mode'- and keeping it there. Eliminating an entire macronutrient should be a major red flag. Anybody who defies logic and tells me not to eat nutrient dense foods [such as sweet potatoes, berries, legumes, brown rice, etc] while eating endless saturated animal fat is selling something! [a book? coffee?? supplements???] If I followed this advice and my health went bad, would they have my back? Or are they 'covered' by some disclaimer?
    People in the 'blue zones' [who live the longest] all eat a whole foods plant based diet; rich in complex carbs, with little, if any, animal products. There's no way to 'twist the study'; as these are observations about populations. [For those who don't know, the 3 groups who live the longest are [traditional] Okinawans, the Adventists in Loma LInda, and Sardinians] These groups are obviously doing something right, or they wouldn't be living the longest, and living healthy into old age!

  7. I actually had spouse go on years ago when Atkins Diet first came out – great success in losing weight. Fast forward many years later as Dr Atkins lived in California (Orange County) where I lived and had him on airplane and spoke at length with him (I a crew member) about his diet – one month sadly before he slipped and fell hitting his head causing his death. He told me for women it was more of a challenge due to hormones but ketosis should NEVER he said NEVER be a long term diet – but only short term to lose weight if experiencing heart challenges etc. So in short one should understand what Dr Greger is stating here as he is not a fan of any diet long term versus eating correctly. Remember Greger does not sell products but only looks to the science. So again Atkins himself told me NEVER STAY IN KETOSIS LONG TERM AS IT IS DETRIMENTAL TO YOUR HEALTH.

  8. Since i am on the LCHF diet. .i lost 12kg without effort. ..have done triathlons the last 3 years and never felt better. ..by the way. .i am 45 years old. ..have been tested and have the body of a 30 year old…do your own research. ..don't let " docters" tel you what to do. ..they are industry influenced. ..

  9. In India 80 percent of people are vegans. That means that in India everyone vegan should be healthy. And India should be great nation as far as health is concerned

  10. Unfortunately keto has gained huge reach with platforms like Joe Rogan's podcast and Adam Carolla's podcast via Vinnie Tortorich, Dr. Drew has recently jumped on the bandwagon as well. We need to get Dr. Greger on some of these platforms.

  11. You misrepresent the best KETO Diet approaches it seems. McGreger is a bit of an Ideologue for Veganism. It's a kind of "religion" for him… especially evidenced by his selection of "studies" that support his POV.

  12. Only a weirdo would walk on a treadmill while doing a live Q&A…
    Lectins cause mental illness so he might have better luck with Dr. Gundry’s plant paradox book.

  13. I usually advocate “whatever works for you!”. However, I really wonder…with a diet where you have to constantly portion and limit your FRUITS and VEGETABLES…(Yes, fruits and vegetables…unbelievable)…how healthy of a lifestyle can this be?
    Don’t even get me started on the whole counting and tracking your macros, especially your carbs. If you’re going to overlook the physical aspects; how healthy can this MENTALLY be? Not much, I’ll tell you that.
    Aside from a vegan keto diet, it usually based off of an extensive amount of animal products, including butter, cheese, dairy, and all meat/fish/chicken. Really, REALLY?
    If you’re going to ignore the science behind this, at least use logic.
    This is a diet that gives you “the keto flu”, what the heck? Seriously, in what universe is it okay to experience nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, confusion, fatigue exc… for a day, a week, a month, and see this as “okay” and “normal”? Because it’s not.
    I wonder what even draws people to this diet. Just think…you have to deal with the keto flu, constantly track macros, keep the net carbs as low as 20g (not only do you have to track carbs, but also keep the protein to a minimum), keep adding unnecessary fats to your meals because “the more fats the better for keto”…my god seriously? Who’s about that life? I will NEVER even look at a diet that tells me to keep track of the carbs in my fruits and vegetables. Honestly, this makes me laugh.
    We live in a world now where everyone just believes everything (even when it is clearly illogical). Unless you’re brainless, go ahead and use your sense of knowledge. This diet is exactly what it is; a fad DIET.

  14. I don't believe in vegan or keto diet I believe in the nutritional pyramid a little fat, little protein, carbs, veggie, fruit, and nuts are all necessary for our body. I have seen persons on a vegan diet and their skin just loses its glow and start to look dull in the skin they are only eating plant-based protein ( sorry a small proportion of meat-based protein and fat are necessary for the skin) and keto i really don't think it good for the heart. You all need to get it up….eat all food groups in the right proportions consult the nutritional pyramid

  15. I wonder what Dr.Greger thinks about, or even knows about, the Keto drinks like Pruvit? I know of someone who is drinking that regularly, eating the standard American diet (and then some) and says that she is not gaining weight. Of course, weight is not the be all end all indicator that you are in good health, so who knows what that drink is allowing people to do to their arteries over time. I haven’t seen anything about these ketosis drinks – just the Keto diet. Just curious…

  16. He starts out by saying there are no studies on the ketogenic diet. What? There are hundreds. And they span over 100 years. This guy shoots off his mouth without looking at the research. Keto is probably the MOST studied diet in the last 15 years.

  17. I'm 50 years old. 12 months ago, I was on max does of high blood pressure meds, heart burn meds, and my doctor was about to put me on statin drugs to lower my cholesterol. I'm 5'10  and weighed 198 lb 12 months ago. Today, I am off all meds, and weigh 174 lb. I followed the Keto diet! Now I didn't go hog wild with bacon and eggs, steak etc. my focus has been on healthy fats, Olive oil, Avocados, coconut oil etc. I eat a ton of leafy greens, berries, and cruciferous vegies, daily. Nuts, flax seeds, and Chia seeds area also a staple In my diet. I eat very little meat, and I am considering eliminated meet, dairy and eggs completely out of my diet, and re introducing beans, legumes. I drink also lemon water apple cider vinegar and one delicious turmeric latte every day. Sorry doc and big pharma, no more drugs for me. Thank you for your great information Dr. Michael Greger. 🙂

  18. 3:04 if you have seen Dr Greger and his presentations and his material you should goddamn know that this is a look he very seldom does. This means he is deadserious.

    BTW good video! Like the name Red Pill Vegan 🙂

  19. The Keto diet recommends unlimited amounts of green vegetables. It allows nuts, berries, eggs, dairy and some meats.
    The main thing it advises is not to eat carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, rice, beer, potatoes and noodles, but allows oatmeal.
    To say it is a low carb diet is misleading. It is low in a certain type of carbs, ie starch.
    It also advised against eating fruit, because of the high sugar content, (fruit juice should also be avoided.) It is a diet I followed and I lost a lot of weight very quickly, however I did experience a feeling of weakness. This may be the diet, or the rapid weight loss. I did not eat the meat as I am a vegetarian, but, I did have some cheese, milk and eggs.
    My own experience is that the keto diet will help you lose weight, without having to go into what the video calls "starvation mode" I ate food whenever I was hungry and was always full!

  20. I´ve been trying to leave a comment on your recent video on Berg´s "Healthy" Keto diet, but the comment section doesn´t seem to want to load up to 3 times now. I´ll give it one more go and then I´m done trying. I had to look up palpitations, but it´s a medical term for an irregular heartbeat, which is a known side-effect of a keto diet, amongst some of the ones mentioned in that article you showed. I was surprised this effect occurred in a person after only 2 weeks, guess keto kills even short-term.

  21. What are your credentials? Are you a researcher, medical doctor, a certified nutritionist? How many research papers have you read? When your education, credentials, experience and dedication matches that of Dr. Greger, then feel free to criticize him.

  22. I tried keto… I lasted 2 days… wanted to barf…. yes, trends are… well… trendy… As a whole food fan, I was conned… my body made the decision for me.

    When I went Vegan, my body never objected…

  23. Do your research people! confusion on ketosis ? Because you’re not doing it properly ! Many people not doing it properly ! Study after study is coming out supporting Keto for many conditions veganism is dead compared to ketogenic diet before 10000 years ago all humans were Keto study the works of Weston price he studied primitive populations all around the world Fats were a major source in the diet

  24. Only makes sense that high fat diets lead to fats building up in the body. Pep,e who eat lots of fries and chips also eat meats, so by cutting out the fries and chips you will get a relative "positive response" but it seems to me that only slows the rate of damage. The keto makes zero sense.

  25. You can do Keto diet – they offer beans in exchange for any meat. I plant based over a year, oatmeal blueberries every am. swim and walk – though im 71 I still can't break the weight issue. So I am going keto with meat (all organic) to get weight off – 15 lbs is all – and then slowly back plant only. I believe for a few of us, we need to realize we all are different and our systems just different. Some of us especially woman with thyroid issues (metabolism) we have to do something else to get the weight off – but agree in the end plant based is best. I hope to return but just have to get the weight off. Also Keto recommends eventually to one meal day – 10 cups salad/veggies so they encourage lots of plants. Just they have the meat or beans as protein.

  26. I tried Keto. Couldn't get past the so-called Keto flu. I was a vegan for 4 years prior to trying Keto. I knew better but gave it a shot anyway. Pay attention to Greger. He knows his shit and backs it up with all the tests and research to prove it. Don't be a dumb shit like me.

  27. I just watched a Thomas DeLauer video where he said it's a good idea to take breaks from keto, and that it can be a good thing. I can respect utilizing other diets, no matter what they are, to temporarily get some relief from something, when you're beginning your health journey, but anyone that will admit that coming off a diet can be a good thing isn't on the right diet.

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