Cavità e coronarie: la nostra scelta

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DESCRIZIONE: La malattia coronarica, la nostra prima causa di morte, è risultata quasi assente -esistente in una popolazione che segue una dieta incentrata su cibi vegetali interi.

Chi è Nathan Pritkin, chiedi? Lo presento brevemente in Engineering a Cure ( e parlo del impatto che ha avuto personalmente sulla mia famiglia in Our Number One Killer Can Be Stopped ( stop/) e The Answer to the Pritikin Puzzle ( -pritikin-puzzle/).<br/>
Il Dr. William Clifford Roberts è l'illustre cardiopatologo che funge anche da Editor-in-Chief dell'American Journal of Cardiology che ho citato. Altro da lui in Eliminating the #1 Cause of Death ( e attacchi di cuore e colesterolo: puramente una questione di dieta ( -colesterolo-puramente-una-questione-di-dieta/).

Maggiori informazioni sull'abbassamento di LDL in Trans Grassi, grassi saturi e colesterolo: assunzione superiore tollerabile pari a zero ( colesterolo-tollerabile-assunzione-superiore-di-zero/).

Che dire dei tassi di altre malattie tra quelli che seguono diete tradizionali a base vegetale? Questo è l'argomento del prossimo video, One in a Thousand: Ending the Heart Disease Epidemic ( un-mille-fine-dell'epidemia-di-malattia-cuore).
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Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!
Credito immagine: Sappymoosetree via Flickr.
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27 Risposte a “Cavità e coronarie: la nostra scelta”

  1. Thanks for the consistently outstanding videos!  Please continue to bring us balanced, sensible, scientifically based commentaries on diet and lifestyle!

  2. Noticed you posted an image of one of Dr.  Esselstyn's publications in this vid.  I'd love to hear your opinion about 'healthy vegetable oils' and avocados,  which Dr.  Esselstyn and others shun.

  3. Dude, that's such good information. I love that you used another area of the world to make these type of findings even more credible. You're vids are some of my favourite by far. Thank you for everything you put together!

  4. anyobdy has an idea or can give me a link how actually dietary cholsesterol influenses ur low density lipo protein, cause i do not know but id like to! 😀 (and its kinda hard to find out)

  5. I wish the people I love would make informed decisions, however they are in denial.  They are addicted to meats and processed foods.  What we need is intervention on may levels, beginning with the companies that profit from addiction and human misery.

  6. I no longer use things like Listerine or commercial toothpastes like Colgate or Crest as I find they don't do anything for my gums.

  7. "I think that the Adventist dietary plan is really very close to our nutritional recommendations. It was marvelous that this woman was able to write all that she did without any real scientific background".- Nathan Pritikin talking about Ellen White's writings. Check them out, they are brilliant! 

  8. I'll give this video a watch, but I find the Weston A Price institute an Ancestral diets to be compelling and making the most sense. Especially since I was already a vegan years ago and only got tooth decay and severe mental depression from that plant based diet. I would also advise people to consider Ramiel Nagy's work on tooth decay.

  9. Ugandans die at average age of 52. Of course they don't usually die of heart disease. Other things kill them first. Hard to have a heart attack from obesity when you're starving, isn't it. Few live long enough to have heart attacks, they die of infectious disease, getting shot, parasites in their food and water, etc..

  10. I tell ya, doc, whenever I post something on Facebook, I get many LIKES. But when I post one of your awesome videos, I don't get a single one! Truly sad.

  11. Vegan has been great and all but the problem is cavities got worse even though i cut out all junk food, meat, dairy and so on.
    Maybe blood type diet is more accurate for person to person.

  12. Is dietary cholesterol exclusive to meats and eggs?(as mentioned in the video) – No, almonds, cashews, walnuts have plenty of it!

  13. hey, i am following you information and i am fully on plant base diet, but i got gum sore, i am not take vitamin b12, and i drink lot of back tea. and i add lemon, can you tell me please, am i getting sore because of too much acidic food?????

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