Da dove viene l'arsenico nel riso, nei funghi e nel vino?

Scopri cosa succede quando i nostri raccolti vengono coltivati ​​in terreni contaminati da pesticidi a base di arsenico e letame di pollo a base di arsenico.

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Aspetta, dai da mangiare ai polli droghe a base di arsenico? Se te lo sei perso, guarda il mio ultimo video Da dove viene l'arsenico nel pollo? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/where-does-the-arsenic-in-chicken-come-from).

Mi aspetto che la questione dell'arsenico nel riso abbia sollevato molte domande. Questo è esattamente ciò per cui sono qui! Resta sintonizzato per:
• Gli effetti di troppo arsenico nella dieta (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/The-Effects- di-troppo-arsenico-nella-dieta)
• Rischio di cancro da arsenico nel riso e nelle alghe (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Cancer-Risk-from-Arsenic-in-Rice-and-Seaweed)
• Quale riso ha meno arsenico: nero, marrone, rosso, bianco o selvatico? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Which-Rice-Has-Less-Arsenic-Black-Brown-Red-White-or-Wild)
• Quali marche e fonti di riso contengono meno arsenico? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Which-Brands-and-Sources-of-Rice-Have-the-Least-Arsenic)
• Come cuocere il riso a livelli di arsenico inferiori (http://nutritionfacts.org/ video/Come cucinare il riso per abbassare i livelli di arsenico)
• Arsenico nei cereali di riso per neonati (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Arsenic-in-Infant-Rice-Cereal)
• Arsenico nel latte di riso, Krispies di riso e sciroppo di riso integrale (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Arsenic-in-Rice-Milk- Rice-Krispies-and-Brown-Rice Syrup)
• Quanto è rischioso l'arsenico nel riso? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/How-Risky-is-the-Arsenic-in-Rice)
• Quanto arsenico nel riso è troppo? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/How-Much-Arsenic-in-Rice-is-Too-Much)
• Il riso bianco è un alimento a luce gialla oa luce rossa? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Is-White-Rice-a-Yellow-Light-or-Red-Light -Cibo)
• I vantaggi del riso integrale superano i contro dell'arsenico? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Do-the-Pros-of-Brown-Rice-Outweigh-the- Contro dell'arsenico)

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/where-does-the-arsenic-in -riso-funghi-e-vino-come-da e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

Vuoi ottenere un elenco di collegamenti a tutte le fonti scientifiche utilizzate in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate in http://nutritionfacts.org/video/where-does-the-arsenic-in-rice -di-provenienza-funghi-e-vino. Troverai anche una trascrizione e ringraziamenti per il video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze, e un modo semplice per cercare (anche nella lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2, temi di salute.

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100 Risposte a “Da dove viene l'arsenico nel riso, nei funghi e nel vino?”

  1. I've been wondering about this for a while. Glad you've finally confirmed the arsenic scare in rice is mostly from chicken.

  2. are there any tricks like back with the lead videos that one can do to limit or pull out the arsenic that you eat and have accumulated already?

  3. I knew they feed the livestock like crap in factory farms. But I did not know they feed the cows crap like literally. And people think this is healthy?

  4. Horrifying! Yet another case of omnivore eating habits ruinng life for the rest of us, even though we're trying to be more diligent. Thanks, meaters![sarcasm] TFP, NF.

  5. Higher levels of measurable arsenic have been found in people who regularly consume rice as part of their diet, versus people who don't eat rice. I only eat GABA brown rice from Japan, and only 2-3 times a week, plus I cook it with traditional method instead of in rice cooker in order to decrease further the amount of arsenic in rice. There really is no known safe level of arsenic in humans, that we know of so far. So best to err on safe side, especially for pregnant women and pediatric population.


  6. Factory farming is disgusting, in Central CA they have large farms that you can smell for miles away. To be fair CA rice has lower arsenic than rice from the south.

  7. Maybe they were worried about the IQ of children thinking that the mother could drink the wine while pregnant (I know, they shouldn't but many still do), and affect the child's nervous system. It would be interesting to know what levels of Arsenic are in the European and Australian wines compared to USA. Very informative video, thank you.

  8. This is just one of a million examples of why the great dynamo of Capitalism must be restrained and regulated. It costs money to protect people from harm, and profit motivated businesses will never spend that money unless they are forced to with strict laws and equally strict oversight. The Ultra-conservatives who advocate free enterprise and free markets with little to no government interference seem oblivious to the harm that unregulated Capitalism will always create….even though history provides example after example proving it.

  9. and carnists always complain about vegans "forcing our beliefs" sure, subsidies, arsenic, trips to the hospital for family members, etc….

  10. I'm sure rice and mushrooms aren't the only crops being affected by the aresnic run-off from chicken waste. Other fruits and vegetables are more thank likely being contaminated too. Eating healthy shouldn't be so complicated.

  11. it would be helpful if Dr. G would tell us what is our best course of action, or at least what he's doing given this knowledge. Buy CA rice? Which brand? Skip rice altogether?

  12. Am I the only one thinking, while hearing about the year something was banned but still is in your food :

    (you'd better take the kids from the monitors now!)

    Those fu***rs!

  13. At least as plant eaters, we avoid saturated animal fat, build up of environmental toxins in animal flesh, naturally occurring hormones, plus other harmful aspects you list, as well as avoiding contribution to environmental destruction caused by animal farming, and suffering caused to people in the third world who can't afford to buy their own grain when it is sold for animal farming!
    Nutrition Facts FTW!

  14. I know this raises tons of questions and it will be a few weeks
    before all the arsenic videos pop up here on NutritionFacts.org. Just
    wanted to remind folks that you can stream them all right now
    by making a donation to the 501c3 nonprofit that keeps this site up and
    running at drgreger.org. Don’t worry, they’ll all eventually be up for free. This is
    just if you want to get a sneak peek.

  15. wow, we cannot eat anything, ever fucking thing is polluted, HUMAN GREED …..I was consuming so-called organic brown rice..but it is poison, just as well go back to eating MEAT… LOL

  16. I guess the point of this video was to answer the question. But no recommendations? I mean, of what value is the video without any?

  17. What can we do then? It seems everything is tainted, I think I'll become a CRONIE and calorie restrict so I dont have to eat so much (poison myself so much) could eating coriander and alge chelate these heavy metal? Mind you, I wouldnt want them in my body in the fist place, maybe you can chelate these toxins and get rid of them but they may have done some damage already (and the coriander/algae probably are tainted as well).

  18. I remember hearing years ago of a beer company in Malaysia including traces of arsenic as a preservative. Is any level of arsenic, "safe"?

  19. Dr. Greger, a lot of people in the comments section are suddenly feeling stressed out. How about an upbeat note to eat a varied plant diet, including potatoes, sweet potatoes, lentils, varied grains, beans, soy, fruits, etc?

    Plant-based evidence / paleo diet
    9 June 2013 ·
    "The most important support for my conclusion that we are starch-eaters is based on an observation that you can easily validate for yourself: All large populations of trim, healthy people, throughout written human history, have obtained the bulk of their calories from starch. Examples of thriving people include, Japanese and Chinese in Asia eating sweet potatoes, buckwheat, and/or rice, Incas in South America eating potatoes, Mayans and Aztecs in Central America eating corn, and Egyptians in the Middle East eating wheat.Historical Examples of Grain-Based, Starch-Based, Diets
    Barley – Middle East for 11,000 years
    Corn – Central and South America for 7000 years
    Millet – Africa for 6,000 years
    Oats – Middle East for 11,000 years
    Sorghum – East Africa for 6,000 years
    Rice – Asia for more than 10,000 years
    Rye – Asia for 5000 years
    Wheat – Near East for 10,000 years" http://www.drmcdougall.com/misc/2008nl/jan/grains.htm

  20. Rice is also one of the top 5 foods that generates methane. It's unbelievable but true. Limit rice consumption until we can find a way to do it sustainably.

  21. Can you make a video on histamines, brain fog and how diet relates to alertness? I have exams soon, so I want to naturally increase my alertness and capacity to study for hours and hours every day.

  22. The only reason I would ever go vegan is to save the environment, not for the health benefits. Any diet which doesn't contain processed foods and full of vegetable, fruits and nuts are not going to ruin the body, be it high fat low carb, high carb, high protein or anything. But the problem is too much involvement of hormones to increase milk or meat production, now we have the same thing happening with crops, pesticides and hormones and GM. You can't win. The best approach is to eat as natural and least processed form, from a good farm be it meat or vegetable. But at the end of the day, we all know there are too many humans on this planet earth. Won't mind people dying because of no or false knowledge. Humans are not good for planet earth anyway.

  23. How about a series on potassium bromate in wheat flour and if it occurs in any other products such as pesticides, beauty products, etc? I'd also be interested to know if it's true that bromine can bind with iodine receptors since they are both halogens.

  24. Dr G, where is the fasting webinar you were telling us you were going to do a couple months ago? Looking forward to getting the facts.

  25. This is completely false and provably so. It is illegal in the US to give pork or poultry antibiotics. Cows are different, but cows are huge animals. One or two antibiotic pills won't make the meat unsafe to eat. If you're going to claim to be a health expert you should atleast do some research.

  26. I don't get it why people are so negative about vegans and vegan food. I love vegan food, all the salads and veggies and different beans, it all goes so well with my pork, beef and lamb. Mmmmm, epic!

  27. Yeah! Keep the facts coming :-)Love your sense of humor. Food industry is made up of Liars and are as bad as the cigarette companies back in the day before they were made to label how bad it was. As for me, it was common sense not to smoke. However, for very young adults in the 60's, such as my dad-who is living with cancer, it was surprisingly not a well known health problem. Back then you would even see doctors smoking in hospitals.

  28. Why is it legal for any company to produce products containing arsenic to be fed to chickens and cattle? Why is it legal to use arsenic laden fertilizers on food crops? Our system makes no sense. Who's in charge of this mess?

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