Che dire del pollo kosher e biologico?

Confronto dei tassi di contaminazione per E. coli resistenti agli antibiotici e batteri ExPEC che causano infezioni del tratto urinario.

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Aspetta, infezioni delle vie urinarie dovute al consumo di pollo ( /video/infezioni-del-tratto-urinario-da-mangiare-pollo)? Guarda il video!

Eccone un altro sulla riduzione del rischio: Come acquistare, maneggiare e conservare il pollo (<br/>
Non puoi semplicemente cuocere la carne? Voglio dire, chi mangia il pollo crudo? Vedere Contaminazione incrociata di batteri intossicanti alimentari ( per il motivo per cui milioni di persone continuano ad ammalarsi ogni anno.

Ho fatto altri video di carne biologica se sei interessato. Vedi, ad esempio, Superbugs in Conventional vs. Organic Chicken ( e quanto piombo c'è nella zuppa di pollo biologica (brodo di ossa)? (

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77 Risposte a “Che dire del pollo kosher e biologico?”

  1. Mr Greger, can you please make a video on grass fed? people seem to think feeding an animal grass instead of grain transforms its trans fats/saturated fats and cholesterol and endotoxins and so on into healthy versions for whatever reason.

  2. U.S. kosher certification business is now a $200 million-a-year industry. Why do we, the non jew, pay this tax? Why does the US Government give Israel 3.3 billion dollars in foreign aid annually?

  3. Kosha and Halal meat tastes better because because adrenaline from fear of death hasn't spoilt the meat as much .Animals hunted for food taste the best because the there is no adrenaline and the meat is bloody .The Rabbit i shot last week had no fear it was going to die and tasted fantastic .Halal butchers are forbidden to let the other animals witness the slaughter .Fear is Cruelty .

  4. Holy shit, the usda is one sneaky bitch. How can you consider something ‘organic’ when the regulations only apply on day 2??

  5. You're studying the wrong articles.Outdated Fake clinical trials! Check out organic grass-fed range chickens that live on a farm and eat bugs!

  6. 1:45 “Some experts are predicting that the era of antibiotics may be coming to an end, ushering in a post antibiotic era, in which common infections and minor injuries can once again kill.”

  7. So the EU has more reasons than just the bleach residue to keep US poultry out of Europe, I'm from Holland and I personally hope they'll never import these US bio-WMDs on this continent even though I don't eat meat myself. But happy holidays and new year doc and the NF-team!

  8. Kosher or Mosaic dietary strictures are often confused with being a healthy diet, when in fact these laws were laid down to keep the Habiru (Egyptian for "cattleman"/rustlers during the exodus) together, rather than drift out to cultures eating many of these foods. There are also moral considerations in some cases. Vegan diet is both Kosher and beyond Kosher as it is Natural and beyond politics and religion . It requires no slavery, inhumanity, war or blood sacrifices. Shalom.

  9. Dr. Greger "thankfully we have antibiotics!" No you're wrong unthankfully they've been overused the last 20 years which are creating superbugs in the hospitals like c-diff and they're not going to work on humans when they need them to !

  10. The data is correct. The conclusions, are not. The problems spotted with meat production & packaging & distribution, are spreading to all foods. It's the same underlying "human-borne" problems. The problems quoted here are moving all across not just our chickens, but our kitchens and dining boards.

    It's clear that the chicken value chain workflow is poorly designed -both, from a microbiological cross-contamination point of view, and from a production and  accessibility of nutrient-dense foods.

    If you take a closer look to any industrial scale food value chain, you'll find functionally equivalent issues, specially in terms density and bioavailability of nutrients, including destroying and seriously altering symbiotic bacteria outside and inside our bodies. In the (once) long run, bottom line, food production is another way of extractive and contaminating mining sky-opened operation. That's the building-up real problem at hands.

  11. I've been eating chicken my entire life, and primarily organic chicken starting in my late 20's and 30's. No issues whatsoever with this stuff. Furthermore, I don't know anyone who does. If you eat plant foods, you're probably ok.

  12. Eat right, but without descending into the shrill neopagan puritanism that pervades both the vegan and carnivore partisans. Otherwise, become just another quivering modern neurotic. Eat the Blue Zones way; that is, whole and plant-based minimally processed foods along with a little meat. Keep in mind T. Colin Campbell’s words from p. 236 of the 2016 edition of The China Study: “It is true that most of the health benefits described in this book have been realized at low but non-zero levels of animal-based foods.”

  13. Doc, you do a great job communicating the facts. Do you have any updated info on remedies concerning Parkinson’s? Any thoughts on Mucuna Pruriens or Ashwaganda as it relates to PD? Thanks.

  14. People are so dumb trying to add so many antibiotics to animals for just money profits in exchange for international healthcare. People just won't stop until they drop really 😂😭

    Jokes aside though, people just lust for money and power by their own nature. ;-;

  15. Please discuss how the Chinese are endangering world health by preposterously over-prescribing antibiotics–I mean, if you stub your toe in China, a doctor gives you an antibiotic.

  16. It would be nice to know why 'kosher' is worse, and in what way, considering that there are different standards and practices for different kosher certifications. Considering that the kosher market is substantially smaller and far fewer meat factories, any practices contributing to this at any given factory would have a far wider negative affect on kosher packaged poultry than happens when any given factory has issues in the broader meat market.

  17. And what about Hallal chicken? I have no doubt a higher percentage of Jews are non-meat eaters, than Muslims. Hallal is also a much larger market. If there is a substantial difference between the two then we'll know it has little to nothing to do with the actual slaughter of the chicken, since both slaughter in similar manners. I doubt that's the contributing factor.

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