Il succo di mela può essere peggio dell'acqua zuccherata

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DESCRIZIONE: Perché il picco dei livelli di antiossidanti nel nostro flusso sanguigno dopo aver bevuto succo di mela potrebbe non essere un buona cosa. Questo è il terzo di una serie di video sciolti sullo zucchero. Assicurati di vedere Meteoriti e acido urico del Miocene di mercoledì ( e il video del giorno di di venerdì Flesh and Fructose ( Il confronto antiossidante è tratto dal mio video Antioxidant Power of Plant Foods Versus Animal Foods ( contro-alimenti-animali/). Il confronto tra i succhi è tratto da Best Fruit Juice ( . In realtà c'è un frutto che è più sano sotto forma di succo. Vedi Il frutto il cui succo è più sano ( Il succo di mela convenzionale può anche contenere contaminanti (, quindi probabilmente si dovrebbe evitare il succo di mela, ma per quanto riguarda le mele? Scoprilo nel prossimo video della giornata Apple Skin: Peeling Back Cancer ( -cancer/). <br/> Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su / e cercherà di rispondere!

Immagine di credito: Suzifoo;; Krasovit; occhio roccioso; Dmitry Kichenko tramite Flickr; Brian380 e Arad tramite Wikimedia; e il National Cancer Institute.
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69 Risposte a “Il succo di mela può essere peggio dell'acqua zuccherata”

  1. this is a bit confusing. Does this mean high fruit consumption, particularly fruit with high fructose like grapes, apples, dates make you produce too much uric acid?

  2. What about orange juice? I usually buy orange juice that's not from concentrate without any added sugar, additives, etc. Sometimes its pasteurized or something, but other than that, is it still bad for u?

  3. i watched a documentary about a morbidly obese and very sick man who regained his life juicing – and he juiced a lot of apples, I mean lots and lots. Whatever effects are observed you still have to demonstrate that the effect actually causes a problem.

  4. And also they're pasteurized,have added ascorbic acid(from GMO corn),and are likely to use flavor packs(like in pasteurized orange juice) which the companies are not required to put on the label.

  5. durianriders accuses people who gain weight eating all fruit of "eating donuts". He also blocks and bans people who disagree with him. He is NOT and example of objectivity and his claims can be easily dismissed. Athletes can be lean even if they eat some meat and oils.

  6. I'm a size 30 in the waist due to durianrider and low-fat vegan. If I listened to Greger that "nuts can't make you fat," I'd be a very fat fellow. Been there, done that.

  7. This was very interesting but im wondering if anybody out here can help me out with this.

    I drink a herbal tea which has apples, hibiscus, rose hips and cinnamon. Does that mean its bad for me to drink because of the apples?

  8. Sugar and Water: 2 essential nutrients for the human body to live

    Coming from raw whole apples you say? even better, a human body like mine would be able to BEST utilise such a resource

    this vid/conclusion is UNSOUND, just as UNSOUND as the concept of pasteurized long shelf life juice

  9. Dr. Greger makes the mistake of suggesting that uric acid is bad. Uric acid is produced by our own bodies. He even says in the video that uric acid has anti-oxidant properties. So, do you believe our bodies produce uric acid to kill us? Or does it (obviously) have a useful and healthful purpose like the cholesterol our bodies make and the saturated fats our bodies make? It is a dysregulation of these products that are dangerous.

  10. My nutritional illiteracy? Did someone say uric acid wasn't a pro-oxidant at higher levels? Did someone say fruit juice is good news? Did someone say not to eat fruit? It's difficult to follow your random and irrational thinking. Perhaps you should leave science talk to the grown ups.

  11. I'm puzzled as to why this guy posts these videos at all, from him it sounds like alternative health care and preventative maintenance is useless. Gerson therapy is harmful, fruit juice is harmful, a vegetarian diet is questionable at best and down right harmful at worst.

  12. So your new allusion is don't drink fruit juices now huh….LOL… I don't even have the desire to debate this one, suffice to say I reject that assertion

  13. I'm so sick of the "natural sugar, all sugar is the same crowd" that I'm literally at my wits end. You and the other hyper-legalist, such as those from the vegetarian institute who debate the " pros and cons of various natural sugars are just another capricious dietary cycle. Apple juice and other fruit juices are fine in moderation. When taken in the totality of a whole food sensible diet inclusive of vigorous excercise fruit juice is a valuable source of high density nutrition.

  14. @sdushdiu… Only those whose diet is compromised, and who have allowed their choices to result in hypoglycemia, or full diabetes, or some other degenerative disease should be admonished to abstain from fruit juices.

  15. @sdushdiu………based on your logic people should be cautious of consuming nuts and seeds because there is a certain percentage of the population who are prone to violent reactions as a result of consuming these items. Everything in its proper context and perspective……… there is nothing wrong with apple juice or any other juice, unless of course there's something already wrong with your underlying physiology

  16. This is dumb….the guy doesn't even tell you all the things that are in apples and apple juice, like pectin, which help with peristalsis, among other things…

  17. Aren't apples made to be chewed and eaten whole (peel, core and all)? What ever happened to fresh, real, whole food? What ever happened to chewing and using one's teeth? Why do people insist on messing with nature and breaking plants apart and making a big question out of everything, Just eat the whole fruit. And chew for a change.

  18. Doesn't address pasteurization. I'm sure there are tons of vitamins in fresh-juiced apples… And fiber.. Which makes the sugar problems go away..

  19. This really makes it sound like the whole idea of measuring anti-oxidant levels the way it was here, or by this method means very little.  If you cannot distinguish what you are measuring or why it is there … what is the point, what is the information you are getting?

  20. so in this respect, it would follow that all fruit high in fructose is unhealthy. How much does sugar actually raise uric acid levels? If following a vegan diet, uric acid levels should be low enough that raising them some from sugar should be of little concern

  21. Kind of seems like this has something to do with the fact that most of the antioxidants in Apples are located in the skin and that doesn't get into the juice in high quantities.

  22. Notice he used a processed apple juice example. What about cold pressed or freshly juiced apple juice that has not been refined to look like piss?

  23. Well I have a bad stomach. As a child I could not drink anything except water, teas and apple juice with out throwing up and eczema eliminated everything else. So I drank apple juice everyday multiple times a day for over 22 years. I've eased up over the year because I can have other drinks now. As a teen I drank about 3 gallons of apple juice a week. 🥴

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