Che dire dell'eme negli hamburger impossibili?

Il ferro eme è solo un innocente spettatore nel legame tra consumo di carne e cancro al seno, diabete, malattie cardiache, ictus e pressione alta ? E dovremmo essere preoccupati per l'eme vegetale in Impossible Burgers?

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Questo è il sesto di una serie di nove video sulle carni vegetali. Se ti sei perso una delle puntate precedenti, vedi:
• Gli impatti ambientali dei sostituti della carne di origine vegetale ( /l'impatto-ambientale-dei-sostituti-della-carne-a-base-vegetale)
• Oltre la carne e l'hamburger impossibile sono salutari? (<br/> • Gli isolati proteici di piselli e soia sono nocivi? (
• Sostituti vegetali della carne messi alla prova ( -to-the-test)
• Gli effetti sulla salute dei prodotti a base di micoproteine ​​(Quorn) rispetto ai BCAA nella carne (

• Il ferro eme causa il cancro? (
• Composti N-nitroso indotti da eme e ossidazione dei grassi ( nitroso-composti-e-grasso-ossidazione)
• L'eme è il motivo per cui la carne è cancerogena? (

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65 Risposte a “Che dire dell'eme negli hamburger impossibili?”

  1. Also, to some it might be worth mentioning that, an Impossible Burger shouldn’t be part of a daily staple food as it isn’t exactly a whole food rather a quite highly processed food. Make it an exemption rather than the rule.

  2. Love it. I was wondering about the impossible burger. They serve it burnt in burger 🍔 king. Which then they say. It comes like this. Yuck 🤢

  3. Please ditch the unnecessary shrilly Intro & Outro music in the interest of preserving hearing. Put it to the test and see how many would prefer the music gone or at least way turned down.

  4. More processed poison! How about NO to the disgusting Bill Gates Impossible poison garbage!!

    The same scumbag, Bill Gates that's pushing the experimental mRNA VAX is behind this disaster. 🤮☠️☠️

  5. Yea, I'd stick with whole foods based burgers (bean or sweet potato) and not worry about anything. I think these fake meats could turn out just as unhealthy as the real meats once we get more data.

  6. Isn't this tantamount to saying animal derived protein intake is pro-inflammatory while plant derived protein is not? While there is some fuzzy food science in the manufacturing of plant derived heme and certainly warrants further investigation, generally speaking if the other processed soy products are healthy to consume then plant derived heme should likely follow the same profile. I will say this: plant-derived heme has been given the FDA designation of GRAS Food (generally recognized as safe). Pretty weak. And the rooster is guarding the hen house on this product as no independent studies were provided to the FDA. Let me add this from a position statement critical of the FDA waving the research requirement: "This is the first time that people have consumed this product. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is supposed to require testing in this situation to make sure that this novel protein does not cause allergic reactions in people. Unfortunately, instead of requiring Impossible Foods to file a new Food Additive Petition, FDA allowed the company to use a weak regulatory process called "Generally Recognized As Safe" (GRAS) where the company does its own research and chooses its own reviewers to self-certify that its product is safe for human consumption. Center for Food Safety has a lawsuit challenging the GRAS food additive loophole that the Impossible Burger went through, allowing it and many other novel food substances to unlawfully evade government analysis and approval before coming to market." Very spurious if you asked me.

  7. CAN I EAT THE BURGERS OR NOT? They taste pretty good, though I covered them in umami carriers… what about that coconut amino stuff vs soy sauce? that's what I used for seasoning.

  8. I don't buy the argument that impossible and beyond are higher in sodium than a regular burger for the simple reason that people season their burgers before they eat them.

    So just comparing ground beef to impossible is not really fair. One would need to compare the 'as prepared and served" of each rather than the raw ground beef that is unseasoned to the Impossible or Beyond patty which you don't need to add salt to.

  9. I have a different question for Dr. Greger. I add very ripe bananas to my smoothie every day (think dark brown spots), and they tend to get a lot sweeter the longer they ripen and the darker they get. So my question (not only related to bananas but to all fruits and vegetables) is whether or not the nutrient profile changes in any way over time? With respect to bananas, does the fact that they are sweeter the riper they get indicate that the sugar content has changed and therefore will have a different impact on blood glucose, etc? Does their macro nutrient profile change over time? How about vitamin / mineral profile? Is there an optimal time after harvesting to be eating different fruits and vegetables? I mean, we generally know when they go bad and therefore have no value to us. However, do we know when they are the most nutrient dense? Thank you for all your work! I have been a fan of the channel for a long time and will be picking up your books shortly.

  10. Excellent video. I'm a loyal follower but can y'all please match the intro/outro volume with the rest of the video? This is constantly an issue in your videos. The outro comes in super loud because viewer has to turn up Dr. Greger. Thank you

  11. I remember many videos from this channel implicating heme as one of the reasons meat was evil. Now that it is showing up in a plant based product, the attempt at exoneration seem tendentious. Are we to consider imported Japanese beef a good source of nutrition? Why not? Can we not divorce the other unhealthy aspects of eating meat by similar gyrations employed here? This is becoming increasingly more like a religion like the Ketonites.

  12. In a Rich Roll interview CEO Pat Brown said the soy heme in his burger was less oxidative than animal heme which would imply less damaging. Would love to see some studies on this.

  13. They're desperate to make it so much like real meat that eventually it will end up being worse than meat lol. Most vegan Deli slices and meat substitutes already have tons of 92% sat fat coconut oil which makes chicken and turkey deli slices seem much healthier . Just like Cane sugar seems healthier than HFCS or Agave nectar. Introduce a new villain to make the old villains seem classy and angelic. Every day when i look at food labels its like manufacturers keep mocking their customers for trying to be diet conscious. I wont be surprised when they start adding pro-inflammatory Meat Sugar – alpha-1,3 Galactose to their fake meat burgers with a cover story of it being made from some 'fermented' beet molasses etc.

  14. The body has a harder time regulating heme iron than it does normal natural iron found in plants. The body can choose how much iron to absorb from a whole plant source, but when it's confronted with heme iron, it can't stop or regulate the absorption of the heme iron. That's just another reason why animal products cause damage to the human body. That is also why people mistakenly think that plant iron is not as bio-available when in reality is the exact perfect amount of bio-available.

  15. It still seems like it shouldn't matter because if you are worried about your health you should not be eating such highly processed foods. Impossible burgers are for vegans that care about animals, but not their own bodies and also as just a way to impress meat eaters so that maybe they won't mock us LOL which who cares.

  16. The impossible burger isn't even vegan though… but yes, I think it will be interesting to find out about heme in these burgers.. can't wait for the next vid

  17. The real question is: "What about the glyphosate in the impossible burger?" Garbage food. Soy is garbage food unless it's organic and fermented (nattokinase) Any beef you consume should be 100% grass fed or it's garbage food too. Donate blood every eight weeks and don't eat foods containing vit C with your red meat and you'll be fine.

  18. G-d bless you Dr. Greger for doing everything you do! You are changing for the better and saving people’s health everywhere. So glad you are doing this video on the heme iron in impossible meat! After learning that they use heme iron, I was wondering it’s source amd if it’s detrimental to our health. Looking forward to the continuation video(s) to find out! Much blessings to you and your family!

  19. I think in most cases vegans will be eating far fewer Impossible burgers, if at all (I don't), than meat eaters consume meat in general. And when they're eaten by meat-eaters, they'd likely just be as a substitute for meat that contained heme iron anyway.

  20. They don't label their burgers as vegan or vegetarian. They say plant based This is synthetic biology. Gross AF

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