Coloranti alimentari artificiali e ADHD

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DESCRIZIONE: In risposta a prove definitive, mostrare colori artificiali può aumentare la disattenzione, l'impulsività e l'iperattività tra bambini piccoli, i gruppi di consumatori hanno lanciato un appello per vietare i coloranti alimentari.

Inizialmente ho coperto lo studio storico di Lancet in Are Artificial Colors Bad for You ? ( A volte c'è anche la colorazione artificiale in Pesce (<br/>
Tutta questa saga mi ricorda il video sul sapore artificiale che ho fatto l'altro giorno, Popcorn al microonde al gusto di burro o Breathing ( Incredibile ciò che l'industria alimentare è in grado di farla franca.
C'è una campagna per convincere Kraft a rimuovere il giallo n. 5 dal loro mac & cheese, ma anche se la roba non si illumina al buio è comunque solo una goccia di sodio (750 mg), grassi saturi (4,5 g) e grassi trans (2,8 g). Il movimento alimentare potrebbe dedicare il suo tempo meglio a incoraggiare del tutto cibi più sani.

Come possiamo convincere i nostri bambini a mangiare spazzatura meno trasformata? Esamino alcuni suggerimenti pratici nei miei prossimi due video, Trucchi per far mangiare i bambini in modo più sano a scuola ( -kids-to-eat-healthier-at-school/) e Trucchi per far mangiare i bambini più sani a casa (http ://

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!

Image Credit: gentlepurespace via Flickr.
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74 Risposte a “Coloranti alimentari artificiali e ADHD”

  1. True, hey are already looking great, no need to add more colors! The yellow in a mango fruit is gorgeous and appetizing.

  2. This is silly. Every "natural" food product I've come across has had no problem coloring their food with plant based coloring. It's these greedy corporations who churn out the worst products for the greatest profits that are using chemicals and making excuses not to remove them. I'm glad the Britain had the balls to stand up for the public.

  3. They say there isn't enough evidence that marijuana is not harmful, all while keeping toxic things every where. I don't get the FDA. Your cancerous deodorant is okay, but that plant that has benefits is not. This video just reminded me of the warped view they have.

  4. PROCESSED CRAP IS RIGHT! WTF Kind of human world do we live in? One that lets BIG GREEDY CORPORATE PIGS not only take our money BUT make us Sick. And I know I'm a victim of Leaded Gas as I use to wait daily for the morning us on a busy corner and then in the afternoon waiting for my news papers for hours somedays so I could deliver them. I use to choke from the cars and trucks going by me. And in the summer the stench of a polluted river. 1972

  5. ive been saying this for years and my kids are older now n have some freedom. what do they buy with their own money because mom wont provide it. yup you guessed it processed junk. whatthe heck do you do with that?

  6. This is why I love you, Dr. Greger…. I think I'm just going to eat raw whole foods. To me thats the only way to avoid a bunch of crappy man-made "foods". I'm just done hearing about nasty crap in my food. I'm heading towards raw food vegan!! <3

  7. im referring to processed food no nutrition products like mac& cheese and how they "photo shop " it with chemicals.

  8. There's a lady who sells natural coloring for baking or whatever. She did it for her daughter. I think the colors look really nice.

  9. Every time I think of the time I was born and grew up I feel sick to my stomach … I think I ate more chemicals, dyes, sugar and saturated fats that I did regular old food. It makes me sick, but infuriates me as well. And the people who did this made the money, sealed the food system in their favor, bribed the politicians, so we're stuck with it. This is so disgusting.

  10. Kind of funny how the test is to do a test after eating none and then more and more food dye, then do it again … ignoring how practice will make the test easier every time it is repeated … what a fraud. These people need to be relieved of their money, political influence and whatever else they have gotten by making people sick.

  11. I had this issue as a child and my mum kept me off all that stuff but my mum's inlaw my grandma and theirvfamilyvwould plaster me with all that crap and I was hyper and had escma afterwards. Of course in the long run by having that crap it made me hate all of it and so now I'm vegan, mostly raw and cring at ppl feeding children or themselves this sort of stuff.

  12. That "recommended" trial at the end is worse than useless.
    1) No blinding. (Fixable.)
    2) Designed to produce bias. (Hey, I'm testing likely bad stuff, I would expect the bad result.)
    3) Too short.
    4) No consent.The actual high dose effects may be permanent.
    5) Done in a place without correct medical equipment. What if anaphylactic reaction happens to one of the dyes?
    7) What kind of testing? Fatigue can be a confounder.

    Seriously, you have to be insane to do it to your own child.

  13. That's no "maybe" – this study was pretty strong.
    Always been healthy? There is cumulative damage over the years, such as atherosclerosis.

    The accepted thing since, say, 1920s, was always "eat lots of vegetables". It has never changed – the same as unpatentable, cheap drugs; can't sell 100 brands of tomato, people can't tell and it's less convenient.

    (Many specifics have since been added to the recomendation. Actual evidence of harm of the SAD has been unequivocably shown in many studies.)

  14. I haven't seen anyone tell that eating lots of vegetables is bad for you. I'm not as positive that eating any meat is bad, however that actually might be true, as eating lots of meat for long time has been shown to be harmful. Similar with certain kinds of fat.

    Almost all diets actually don't have anything to back them up, so you're attacking a strawman.

    Heck, even conservative AHA diet (shown to work) is watered down due to political pressure and acceptance issues.

  15. It's simple, beta carotene (carrots, tomatoes) works well for yellow, orange and red colors and is actually healthy.
    Anthocyanins (blueberries, red cabbage) work well for blue and violet with minor processing (w/ soda for light blue). Good antioxidant.
    Chlorophyll (spinach) works great for greens.
    Black can be had from redcurrant or blackcurrant. Brown from the onion peels or betain (beets) w/ soda.

    These dyes have only a tiny drawback – lower shelf life, some UV sensitivity.

  16. It's unfortunate just how many people do not understand that ADHD meds as a matter of fact are actually (meth)amphetamines. That's why I'm happily sharing with you my short video on curing ADHD at the core through a scientifically verified application.

    My young boys focus significantly increased by simply exercising the working memory, and so I believe this will be helpful to you and others!

    All the best,
    Robert Smith

  17. Has anyone tipped off moose kakes, self-elected chief of the food police?  You know, the one that lives (temporarily) in the light-colored house in DC.  This is the same ''woman'' that said ''she'' had no idea how to feed her own kids just before ''she'' moved into public housing.

  18. CeREAL Ingredients Inc.  a company that engineers artificial berries and flavor bits for the food industry. "You won't see our name on a box or a bag, but you have probably had our product" says Mr.  Feingold, a food technologist/food scientist and lab manager.

    Isn't the ALMIGHTY CREATOR and Mother Nature the Ultimate "food technologist/scientist?    this is the PROBLEM, man playing with nature, and to not know that your eating something UNnatural because it's not labeled is straight DEMONIC!!  The FDA does NOT have our best interests in mind.

  19. FYI, there aren't enough strawberries grown in the entire world to provide naturally flavored strawberry foods such as jello, candy, cakes, cereal, etc. Using artificial flavor works better and is more cost effective.

  20. Monsanto is the culprit poisoning our food with GMOs and chemicals and get away with it because they control the government set regulations in their favor.

  21. Dyes + Medications/VITAMINS/Immunizations + Cooking Style + Oral Fluid + Then Food Choices. Monitor Bathing Soaps/Creams/Laundry Detergent. **Common** Seasonal/Dust/Molds/Grasses/Pet Dander. ***Allergy Testing***ADVOCATE. University of South Florida/Allergy and Immunology Department.

  22. Ok but like for real, as a professional I would have expected you to be less subjective. Every single sentence in this video is made to make food dyes look bad despite no evidence of AFCs causing ADHD has ever been presented, that also was not a flawed experiment. It's clear that you have an opinion and that you are trying to persuade your viewers to think like you rather than just presenting information on the subject and letting us decide on our own.
    Benjamin did not conduct his experiments according to the scientific method and very few researching the subject have. This is in part how you give relatively harmless substances a negative reputation. The standards for what is too dangerous for a food color in the EU is a chance higher than 1 in 19 billion. That means that If you gave a food dye that just didn't make it to every single person on earth there would be less than a 50 percent chance that one single person got cancer. Obviously, that is a risk, but nowhere close to how dangerous you make it sound.

  23. Food dye allergies are not just effecting children. My son was diagnosed with ADD many years ago in school and we were told that he would most likely outgrow the ADD. I don't feel he has. I am in my 60's and feel mentally and physically much better when I cut out food dye. My opinion….it's POISON

  24. I love watching these videos. Dr. Greger. Not only I learn, but I always get a good laugh. You have a great sense of humor! love it! Thanks!!!

  25. Thanks for the video content! Sorry for butting in, I am interested in your thoughts. Have you considered – Millawdon Enemy Foods Trick (should be on google have a look)? It is a great one off product for learning how to detox the body from toxins without the hard work. Ive heard some amazing things about it and my mate got great results with it.

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