Chi determina se gli additivi alimentari sono sicuri?

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DESCRIZIONE: La sicurezza degli additivi alimentari non è determinata dalla FDA, ma dai produttori di le stesse sostanze chimiche.

Ho tre dozzine di video sugli additivi alimentari (http:// Ecco alcuni punti salienti:

Colori artificiali:

• Il colore del caramello è cancerogeno? (<br/> • Coloranti alimentari artificiali e ADHD (
• Colorazione artificiale nei pesci (
• Biossido di titanio e malattie infiammatorie intestinali ( video/diossido-di-titanio-malattia-infiammatoria-intestinale/)


• Come evitare gli additivi fosfatici ( -additivi-evitare-fosfati/)
• Additivi fosfatici nel pollo (
• Additivi fosfatici in Meat Purge e Cola (

• Quando i nitriti vanno a male (
• Pancetta e botulismo (
• Il sorbato di potassio fa male? (
• Il benzoato di sodio è nocivo? (

• La stevia fa bene? (
• L'eritritolo può essere un dolce antiossidante (http://
• Neurobiologia dei dolcificanti artificiali (

• Popcorn al microonde aromatizzati al burro o respirazione? (
• Additivi per la carne per ridurre la tossicità (
• La carragenina è sicura? (

Proprio come l'industria degli additivi alimentari può decidere quali additivi alimentari sono sicuri, l'industria alimentare ha il potere su quale cibo è considerato sicuro. Vedi, ad esempio, il mio video The McGovern Report ( the-mcgovern-report/).

Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su -se-gli-additivi-alimentari-sono-sicuri/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Immagine Attestazione: mseery via flickr.
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28 Risposte a “Chi determina se gli additivi alimentari sono sicuri?”

  1. i assume the guys at the fda are jerking off all day just like the guys from that agency that was supposed to stop banking crime. But thats way better than stopping drugs that are already approved in other countries from entering the us market. fda is directly responsible for milions of deaths just from that.

  2. Frankly, I'd rather have never been born and would much rather be dead.

    Though I'd not force this on anyone, wouldn't everyone have been better off never born?

  3. So, the choice is clear: Eat as many whole foods as possible, with as little additives as possible. Beans, grains, flours, veggies, fruit have little to no additives added! 

  4. Sadly this doesn't surprise me at all. The food industry spends millions to prevent us from knowing what is in our food and the FDA looks the other way. The government is to blame for not protecting the American people. This is just another reason to try an eat mostly organic fruits vegetables nuts seeds beans etc.

  5. Another place where EU is way ahead. There's a list of allowed additives with dosages and why they're allowed. This is decided by accredited third parties – and no conflict of interest must be present.

  6. Dr.Greger, it seems like you are blaming the corporations, when it is the government that set this whole thing up. It's not that the corporations are the big bully and the poor weakling government is intimidated by them.

    The FDA could change this cozy relationship overnight if they wanted to but they simply choose not to. They don't need Congress, they have the power to make and adjust their regulations.

  7. If cigarettes were food, I wonder what the ingredients would be? All natural tobacco. Trust the food industry to make a profit, at your expense.

  8. I would feel much safer knowing that all food additives in the US were received for review and determined to be safe by a federal organization such as the FDA. Food safety doesn't make sense otherwise.

  9. Clearly then GMO's are safe and people who protest them should watch this video so they can see how researched and tested food safety products are!

  10. It seems that food regulation is an illusion…
    And since they don't regulate what is sold, we have to regulate what we buy (if we want to survive).

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