Chi dice che le uova non sono sane o sicure?

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DESCRIZIONE: I documenti del Freedom of Information Act rivelano che il Dipartimento dell'Agricoltura degli Stati Uniti ha avvertito l'industria delle uova che dire che le uova sono nutrienti o sicure può violare le regole contro la pubblicità falsa e ingannevole.

Per ulteriori sbirciate dietro il sipario dell'industria delle uova, vedere:

• Uova e colesterolo: affermazioni palesemente false e fuorvianti ( -dichiarazioni-false-e-ingannevoli-di-colesterolo/)
• Uova contro sigarette nell'aterosclerosi (
• Uova e colina: qualcosa di strano (
• Uova, colina e cancro ( er/)
• Uova e diabete ( video/uova-e-diabete)
• Punto cieco dell'industria delle uova (http ://

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Immagine di credito: psgreen01 e akeg tramite flickr.
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100 Risposte a “Chi dice che le uova non sono sane o sicure?”

  1. I recently added back eggs in moderation, after not eating a whole egg in months (I'd use an egg white occasionally in baking, but that was it). I scramble them, so they are cooked thoroughly and use fresh eggs (prevention of salmonella). I think I heard most ppl are consuming 200mg of cholesterol anyway from other sources (an egg has like 186mg) and as for saturated fat, those non-dairy creamers are loaded with it and other foods too. I got really sick after completely eliminating eggs, dairy, cheese…caught a cold that turned into bronchitis, couldn't talk…I'm still using almond milk and vegan cheese, but I'm willing to have some moderation with eggs in favor of protein! I also cook them with tons of veggies, spinach, tomatoes, etc.

  2. Numerous studies have shown that dietary cholesterol doesn't contribute significantly to blood cholesterol. The reasons you're saying eggs are unhealthy is because of saturated fat and cholesterol limitations imposed by the government while completely ignoring the insane nutrient density in egg yolks. This video should be updated to actually reflect real data or removed.

  3. My body told me eggs are unhealthy. Every time I tried to eat them a few hours later I'd be so sick. I used to love eggs and could eat them daily until I began to get sick after eating them , suddenly even my taste buds refused them.

  4. WHO in their right (correct) mind listens to anything coming from FDA, USDA, DHS, IRS, CDC, or any Government agency in general? We're on our own, and we know it.

  5. What?!! Finnish authorities promote eggs with all of those claims + eggs may reduce risks for DM2 and Alzheimers. Choline, you know. And only 1/3 of Finnish people are sensitive to cholestherol. We don't have salmonella at all, either. Our cages aren't called cages but "small group hen houses" and all hens of course are HAPPY. Eggs were the last animal derived food on my plate. Enough to keep me having flu after another, and struggeling with asthma. Both problems disappeared when ditched eggs. Nobody ever mentioned that eggs are in the TOP3 of (inflammatory) arachinoid acid sources.

  6. Wow. This is amazing. We have all been brainwashed at the hands of the 1% of animal agriculture and the government. Thank you Dr. Gregor!!

  7. I eat 6 to 7 eggs almost everyday If NOT every other day for years YEARS !! Now I get that my body might react differently then another's body if they did the same. But I eat that baby bcuz in poor n is cheaper.. yet I'm healthier then my mom, brother,n his kids !! My brother is only 2 yrs older n yet can't get up falls n trips on his own feet I CAN LITERALLY SEE THEM DYING in front of me.. all they eat is bread pasta rice beans n that's the least healthy thing I see them eat side from the cookies MASSIVE gains of soda n burger king mcd etc… my food intake eggs meat cheese .. I DON'T consider myself . A Bastard dogma spewing vegan not am I a blood sucking carnivore .. am I the only one that BELIEVEs that as the apex predator we have to eat from both sides n look at food nutrition profile.. every food source has a pro or con. I think ppl should eat the food with the best profile that it has in order to benefit his goal…

  8. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of death in the US with approximately one in every four deaths occurring from heart diseases [1]. According to the CDC, 610,000 individuals die from CVD in the US [2]. The landmark of CVD is atherosclerosis, which is a chronic inflammatory condition instigated by deposition of cholesterol and fibrous tissues in the arterial walls which build up and eventually lead to narrowing and thickening or blocking of the arterial lumen. The inflammation regulates the plaque formation as well as the thrombotic complications of atherosclerosis [3]. The hypothesis that dietary cholesterol contributes to the risk of heart disease was initially suggested in 1968 and based on the research literature at the time [4,5]. Subsequently, the American Heart Association adopted a recommendation of limiting dietary cholesterol intake to 300 mg/day for healthy individuals in the United States, and with recommendations of restricting egg consumption to a maximum of three whole eggs per week [6]. However, the totality of scientific evidence and experimental data did not validate the hypothesis that dietary cholesterol increases blood cholesterol, and by extension increases the risk of CVD. Investigators have reported that increased intake of dietary cholesterol (exogenous) is associated with decreased synthesis of endogenous de novo cholesterol, possibly as a compensatory mechanism that keeps cholesterol homeostasis constant [7,8]. In fact, the 2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans removed the recommendations of setting a limit to the maximum intake of 300 mg/day cholesterol. The Guidelines still advised eating as little as possible of dietary cholesterol while maintaining a healthy eating pattern. The following review will summarize the current literature regarding dietary cholesterol, blood cholesterol, saturated fatty acids and the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

  9. I get treated at the VA and I see a nutritionist, health coach, and i'm on the healthy Meal program. They promote eggs as an important nutrient. What is the disconnect?

  10. Some of the safety issues apply to American farmed eggs only. Other countries have far healthier farming practices throughout, but especially with eggs.

    Saying that, I don't eat eggs anymore anyway. Meh.

  11. Eggs are a waste of time ….. you honestly think those egg companies care about our health .. only the money …i regret ever eating eggs ..5 months a vegan. Not missing eggs AT ALL!

  12. I don't think this applies to all eggs, although it certainly applies to almost all. There are organic, pasture raised eggs that are way more nutritious than normal eggs. Problem is the American farming industry is too unregulated. I've been to Japan and the eggs there taste WAAAYYYY different than normal eggs. Case and point, buy quality food.

  13. It gets even better. There is very little regulation on what can or cannot be fed to chickens. The ONLY real rule is that they can NO LONGER be fed a cow that died of mad cow disease, which didn't even become a rule until 2008. There isn't even a single regulation saying a chicken can't be ground up and fed back to chickens.

  14. It's a shame that the USDA or any governmental entity will not inform the public about how unsafe and unhealthy eating animals and animal products are. Why can't the FDA do its job?

  15. This is helpful behind the scenes info, but I was hoping for your own analysis as well about eggs. The US departments mentioned here may well have got it wrong, because simply counting total cholesterol content of foods is simplistic – more useful is to know what kind of cholesterol (not to mention whether either of those cholesterol have uses in our body, due to which they're needed, and our body's internal production of large amounts of cholesterol because of its importance).

  16. Someone needs to get this message out to bodybuilders. The amount of dudes in strongman and the IFBB who are eating 6 eggs a day for breakfast is scary…

  17. I have shared this video on our channel and with my VIP group. Not enough people know this! Thank you so much for exposing the truth behind the untruths we are told about our food all in the name of greed.

  18. I know a lot of types of nuts don't meet the criteria for saturatted fat per 100g, but are you allowed to call them healthy? I know they don't contain any chloesterol whic makes them better, but some nuts also contain much more saturated fat. Are they meassured per calorie or per 100g?

  19. Was told by a dietitian last year during a nutrition consult, that ice cream is not junk food; it's a great source of calcium for both mom and the baby. My jaw dropped.

  20. ITT: People terrified of saturated fat and dietary cholesterol.

    Calories in vs calories out is an oversimplified, dangerous, black & white view on health. The nutritional quality of the calories you ingest matters.
    Fat is absolutely essential to human health, it matters where you get your fats from, the fear of saturated fats is based on a MYTH, and the link between cholesterol levels and heart disease is much more complex than "avoid eating cholesterol".
    Something which is blatant in countries where "Big Sugar" won the industry battle and shifted the blame to vilify saturated fat through misinformation campaigns, marketing & lobbying; fraud, negligence & deception; bad science with no solid evidence; and fallacious education that ultimately became accepted as an unquestionable mainstream "scientific truth" of health & nutrition, leading to a skyrocketed overconsumption of sugar (in combination with sedentary lifestyles) resulting in a unprecedented public health crisis of gargantuan proportions.

    The biggest difference in the diet now vs the early 1900's: we replaced saturated fats with hydrogenated fats, polyunsaturated fats, and carbohydrates; mainly sugar, which has constituted a colossal increase for the average person in the USA: in 1822, the average American ate the amount of sugar found in a 12oz (350ml) soda every 5 days(!). Today they consume that amount every 7 hours.

    The Seven Countries Study = scientific misconduct.

    The lipid hypothesis was a big fat LIE.

    If you actually give a shit about your cardiovascular health, eat less sugar and carbohydrates.

    Btw, a natural way of lowering your LDL cholesterol: sunlight (*UVB* rays, not UVA). It's used for vitamin D synthesis in the skin.
    If you worry about, and want to prevent, skin aging: wear sunscreen on your face, hands, and other areas of concern during daylight hours (as they are often exposed year-round). But do try to regularly expose naked, clean, "untreated" body skin to 10-30 minutes of mid-day sun (specifically during the "non-recommended hours" of 10-16 (10 am-4 pm)) when opportunities arise during summertime (hopefully a few times a week), unless you're extremely sensitive to sunshine. Don't burn yourself, don't overdo it, and wear protective clothing and/or sunscreen (& reapply!) if you're going to be exposed for longer periods of time or during off-hours when the sun is lower in the sky and mostly/only UVA rays reach the skin. Don't use tanning beds (UVA radiation). This advice is non-applicable if you live in a very sunny area of the world where you're exposed to a lot of UV radiation (close to the equator; beneath "ozone holes"/areas of high UV index, etc.)—especially if skin cancer runs in your family.

    This lack of UVB is the leading scientific theory for why there's an increase in deaths from cardiovascular disease during wintertime in Northern Europe (Winter Cardiovascular Diseases Phenomenon).

    This extreme dietary fat phobia is one of the biggest health cons in human history, especially since excess sugar is converted into body fat. LDL cholesterol isn't worthless, it has a purpose: to be used for the production of vitamin D in the body, instead of just aimlessly travelling through your blood vessels unused and unconverted until it ultimately contributes to the clogging of your arteries as it oxidizes (so pretty much rancidification? Avoiding rancid fats—if it smells like a crayons, wax, metal, soap, then it's bad, and polyunsaturated fats are especially prone to becoming rancid!—is another highly insufficiently and inadequately researched & discussed food issue; it's detrimental to your health!), as it seems like that form of cholesterol unfortunately doesn't get repurposed, reabsorbed, effectively downregulated or similar (unlike the regulation of some other bodily processes like sperm production, saliva, lactase, and so on. For example: the body will just break down and reabsorb sperm if it is not ejaculated. This type of effective physiological recycling is not exactly true for LDL cholesterol in the blood stream).

    Most of the carbs cultivated for food today, e.g. fruits that we nowadays have year-round access to, are products of selective breeding processes (over a looooong time) that increased size, yield, caloric content & sweetness.
    But life on Earth—including humans, our species—developed under the influence of the rhytmic rising and setting of the Sun radiating light & heat (solar energy), in environments where access to simple sugars was limited & the sources often seasonal.

  21. FOR THE STUBBORN EGG EATERS, FOR CARDIOLOGIST WHO RECOMMENDED ALL THEIR ELDERLY PATIENTS TO EAR 1 EGG A DAY OR 3 TIMES A WEEK TO " CURE ANEMIA" they are not healthy or nutritious. Eggs are full of hormones, hens under constant stress for eating day and night and no rest!! Wanna relief arthritis and inflammation then quit the main reason of inflammation: eggs, dairy, red meats,chicken,pork and fish"

  22. The fact the government considers raw eggs unsafe to eat due to possible microbiological contamination is a condemnation of the US's animal agriculture practices.

  23. Hi Doc, thanks for sharing your research and correspondence. I do notice though that Eggland’s Best lists all the vitamins and the amount of Omega 3 on the outside of the packages of white and brown eggs and claims to have 25% less saturated fat than regular eggs.

  24. Too funny how outdated the FDA is and this video when you consider that a free range egg is the most healthy of foods when you look at its ability to provide every vitamin (except c) and mineral that the body requires. You want to lower cholesterol then stop eating carbs and seed oils go back to eating natural foods that humans have eaten for thousands of years …Meat, green leafy vegetables and yes eggs.

  25. Thank you Freedom of Information Act. I bet they are going to get rid of you Freedom of Information Act because of "Covid". lol

  26. What about the videos of people showing their cholesterol results both before and after eating a lot of eggs for one month? Why was there no change in their cholesterol?

  27. It's interesting that Japan is the country with the highest egg consumption rate in the world. They also have the highest life expectancy, a low cancer rate and one of the lowest obesity rates in the world.

  28. I like the video, but the title is highly misleading – especially to non-English speakers. Not everybody will watch the entire video. Non-proficient English speakers will not get the witty remark. I have seen Dr. Gregor communicate this way a lot and I think its hurting his cause significantly. It would be much better to communicate more to the point rather than let the audience infer what he actually wants to say.


  30. Why does egg make me fill it all the fat? Hoe do I overcome eggs..this is keep me from being full plant based..I got tired of tofu scramble helppp

  31. Scrolled down a few, ZERO negative comments but all compliments and thank u notes… wow… good job Doc

  32. Where i live eggs have been used as most often eaten products, and it is very often case that people here live drom 80 to 95 years without any problem. Our most famous ex body buildinger Petar Celik (Peter Steel nickname), even today eat eggs all the time. He is getting near 80s know in 2022 and still look very healthy looking individual.

  33. My Aunt lived to almost a hundred. She ate a Traditional Japanese diet which included raw eggs mixed with lots of vegetables & greens, and white rice.

  34. Eggs ARE a good protein source. Simply they suggested changing it from protein rich food as they don't exceed 20% of daily value singularly. That could lead to someone thinking their diet was rich in protein when they actually got under 20% of the daily value.

    You can't say they're nutritious because of cholesterol? In other words if you have a really bad diet and eat eggs it could cause problems that otherwise wouldn't occur. When there is an investment of millions its kinda important to cover that, before some dumb family sues and blames eggs instead of their previous crappy diet.

  35. Before I began practicing veganism, nearly 20 years ago now, I kept a few hens. I loved those birds, and I believe they were happy- BUT even if I had another opportunity to keep the happiest well care for hens on this planet- I wouldn't. Because eating their eggs hurts another animal – me.

  36. The question is "Who is lying?" Can't believe anything the government says any more. Eggs and saturated fats are good for you. It's their fake polyunsaturated fat that are bad for you. They know now that they were wrong. This video needs updating. Eggs ARE nutritious.

  37. This is one of the first nutritionfacts videos I saw when I was going vegan 8 years ago, and it continues to be one of my personal favorites

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