Chi dovrebbe prendere le statine?

Come puoi calcolare il tuo rischio personale di malattie cardiache e usarlo per determinare se dovresti iniziare con una statina che abbassa il colesterolo?

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Lì ci sono altri tre video di questa serie sulle statine. Restate sintonizzati per:
• I medici ingannano i pazienti sui rischi ei benefici delle statine? (
• I veri benefici rispetto agli effetti collaterali delle statine ( -effetti-delle-statine)<br/> • Quanto più a lungo vivi con le statine? (

In precedenza ho prodotto una serie correlata sugli stent, tra cui:
• Le procedure di angioplastica per stent cardiaci funzionano? (
• Perché gli stent cardiaci per angioplastica non funzionano meglio ( dont-work-better)
• I rischi degli stent cardiaci (
http:/ /
• Rischi e benefici dello stent cardiaco dell'angioplastica (
• Le procedure di stent cardiaco funzionano per il dolore toracico angina? (
• Perché si usano ancora gli stent se non funzionano? (
• Stent cardiaci e upcoding: come i cardiologi giocano con il sistema (http: //

Tutti questi video sono disponibili in un download digitale di un webinar che ho fatto l'anno scorso, che include anche la serie di stent. Puoi trovarlo qui ( -stents-digital).

Gli altri video che ho mostrato erano How Not to Die from Diabetes ( e Come non morire di malattie cardiache ( from-heart-disease).

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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46 Risposte a “Chi dovrebbe prendere le statine?”

  1. So if you have had a heart attack but have adopted a healthy diet and lifestyle there is no treatment regimen or protocol that would ever consider the cessation of statins? There is no way to safely measure your actual "endothelial" health and determine that they are no longer necessary?

  2. My doctor tried to get me on statins, I refused because it seemed extreme given my high cholesterol was mild as well as the fact that the particular statin prescribed conflicts with another medical issue. So decreasing my dietary cholesterol seemed a better option

  3. I now eat a low fat quasi vegetarian diet, exercise, AND take a statin. I get the benefits of both. Statins not only prevent further plaque build up and stabilize plaque they also can reduce it! Statins frigging work. Do both!

  4. funny how statin use and obesity is ignored. This pathetic attempt is sad until weight is introduced and examined since you can safely bet that statin use is much higher in overweight people.

  5. I am not good enough in English.
    So .. to whom really is recommended statins? Or who should take the statins?
    Thanks 🙏🏻

  6. When I was first diagnosed with atherosclerosis and stage II hypertension I was put on statins, within only a few days of taking them I felt like I had been hit by a bus. I had previous knowledge of possible side effects nor am I one of those folks that reads the fact and side-effects sheet printed out at the pharmacy when you pickup your Rx, so I hadn't ever heard of the muscle and skeletal pain associated with taking statins. I quickly learned that it was the drug causing the problems and quit taking them despite my doc's protests. I then, on the advice of a cardiologist while getting a second opinion about getting stints I decided to try a whole food plant-based diet. That was 28 months ago, today no stints, no high blood pressure, perfect cholesterol and labs and 100Rx free. Thats what worked for me and I have my life back and I will never go back to eating any animal products, I feel way to good to ever go back.

  7. That explains why many years ago
    statins were handed out to diabetes patients
    like candies
    but all of a sudden that all stopped

    One of the many drugs
    I have been given
    hailed as a wonder-drug
    but turned out to be a dud.

  8. A calcium score takes about 5 minutes, I don't see the harm, and it's a significant risk factor indicator. How does one rate "radiation risk?"

  9. Nice video, but I think you should include statistics regarding the benefits of statin drugs. At the beginning of the video, you said you would disclose the "true risks and benefits so people can make a fully informed decision," but you did not show a single statistic or study suggesting any benefit to statins. Do statins reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease? If so, what is the effect size? How can you weigh risks and benefits without knowing the benefit? You should also include the percentage of people who get myalgias, elevated liver function tests, or outright rhabdomyositis.

  10. Went vegan May 23 rd … was on statins … doc said on last appointment , I have LOW cholesterol and so no more cholesterol pills , my diabetes number went from 5.9 to 5.2 and my pressure went way down to normal … and lost 50 pounds in less then three months.
    The food is killing us ! Eat healthy please !

  11. Although I appreciate the work in this video, it presents the statin decision as if it is yes or no, when in fact you also have the choice of DOSE. A low-dose statin may be the perfect compromise for many people who do the diet changes but still have troubling indicators of future (or present) disease.

  12. Wow so most doctors not only know jack-and-s#!t about nutrition but also have about as the same knowledge level on the risks of all the drugs they hand to you to take

  13. None of the estimators take into account diet (plant based) and exercise. I bike more than 125 miles each week. That doesn't increase my longevity and decrease my chances for a heart attack?

  14. Their is a YouTuber Justin Rhodes that is dying in front of 800k subscribers got food poisoning from chicken he eats mostly animal base food like raw milk eggs butter meats etc Mabe Dr Gregor could go and save his life please reach out and your viewers could comment on a old video telling him benifits of Whole Foods plant base living he turned off comments on new videos please save his life

  15. No one should take statin, it's a killer. I had been pushed to take statin because I have diabetes. After 18 years of taking it I felt awful and I came across a video about it with all controindications. I decided to stop taking it for a week. My sugar level dropped to normal reading and so many symptoms disappeared.

  16. Nadie debería tomar estarías!!! Se estabilizacel colesterol alto con dieta e incrementando la grasa benéfica como la del aguacate!! Eso esta demostrado!!

  17. My entire family has been terrified of fat and doing everything they can to eat a plant based, low fat diet. They focus on nutrient dense vegetation and are all incredibly physically active. My dad just had a massive heart attack. Luckily he survived. His father died of a heart attack. My mom's father died of a heart attack. Every single member of my family has been told they need to be on a statin, need to eat even less fat, go even more plant based, and yet still somehow are at massive risk for heart disease and other metabolic issues. CAC scores keep going up. HDL keeps going down. Risk factors keep getting worse. And you know what, they are all lean, strong, and full of energy. You would never know they were at risk for an early death. I am done with this shit. I spent the last 15 years pouring over ever single clinical trial ever produced on a global scale. We were fucking wrong. I am now several years into a red meat heavy diet with sparingly only a few green veggies on the side, and am finally literally the only person in my family officially no longer at risk for heart disease and not on any medication for it. Red meat and saturated fat help prevent heart disease. The sooner we own the facts, the sooner we can stop this pandering to an ever increasing curve of death and disease. We have been fighting and winning with our persuasion… Get people off eating animals, eat less fat, lower your cholesterol… and it has done nothing but ramp up the rate that people are dying of disease. This needs to stop. We need to admit when we are wrong. Ideology does not trump scientific evidence.

  18. What about taking statins 2x a week? I take Crestor twice a week and saw a 25% decrease in LDL with corresponding decrease in total cholesterol to 165. Seems getting into such a healthy range must help without the risk of complications. After all, pharma makes people take statins daily despite the 30 hour half life. That means they Can accumulate, which might explain the side effects. I’ve been vegan and found it unsustainable like most people. I eat mostly plants but eat medium fat diet and some chicken and seafood to satisfy my palate when needed. To me the crestor is a happy medium thst keeps me in an extremely healthy range. Best of both worlds? I’m not going to wait to find out and go by massive statistical studies. I’m applying direct experience to myself. Better living through chemistry! Let’s not forget Essylstyn patients used statins.

  19. Nobody should take statins without having had LDL-P tests and triglycerides tests to see the makeup of their LDL, and a CAC scan to determine whether they have ANY evidence of atherosclerosis.

  20. Please do a video on when a person HAS changed their diet to a healthy plant-based diet and does exercise yet STILL has high LDL, and calcium score is elevated. What should the person do then when nothing else is working???

  21. Hola! Recientemente me han diagnosticado una hipercolesterolemia familiar a través de un test genético. Gracias a la dieta basada en plantas que sigo, tengo un LDL de 130mg/dl. Mi cardiólogo insiste en que tome estatinas para tener 55mg/dl. Me resisto a tomar estatinas. ¿Seria peligroso si no las tomo aunque tenga un LDL casi normal?. Tengo 30 años. Gracias

  22. I'm 74 years old, I have been on a statin for 10 years! Last October I went Whole-Food Plant-Based and stopped my statin drug.
    My lab work came back with LDL cholesterol lower than when I was on the statin drug and has stayed low with every lab work now!

  23. Going through this right now. Doctors are talking statins or surgery for my spouse’s afib. I was appalled. But he won’t eat like I do. Living proof is just not enough.😵‍💫

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