Ci sono rischi per le bevande energetiche?

Le bevande energetiche a marchio Red Bull e Rockstar vengono messe alla prova.

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Restate sintonizzati per il mio prossimo video Ci sono benefici delle bevande energetiche? (

E l'acqua di cocco? Ecco qui: acqua di cocco per prestazioni atletiche vs. bevande sportive ( Bevande).

Se le bevande energetiche sono rischiose, che dire dell'originale bevanda energetica al caffè? Vedi: <br/> • Caffè e cancro (
• Prevenire il cancro al fegato con il caffè? (
• Funzione caffè e arteria (
• Caffè e mortalità (

Qualcosa che possiamo consumare per migliorare la pressione sanguigna? Scopri:
• Tè all'ibisco e diete a base vegetale per l'ipertensione ( hibiscus-tea-vs-plant-based-diets-for-hypertension/)
• Semi di lino per l'ipertensione (
• Sangue ossigenante con Verdure ricche di nitrati (
• Come non morire di pressione alta (http://nutritionfacts. org/video/how-not-to-die-from-high-blood-pressure)

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86 Risposte a “Ci sono rischi per le bevande energetiche?”

  1. I know couple young people who used to consume so many energy drinks, that they were taken to the hospital.
    Why these are even allowed at the bars etc. where they go together with alcohol 🙄

  2. I prefer yerba mate. Energy drinks and coffee give me bad side effects to the point where I haven't even tried to drink any of these for many years.

  3. Anecdotally, when I consume monsters compared to when I don't with the same diet, when I drink the monster, my gut bio must change vastly because my desire to consume sweets is ramped up. Heres just another reason to stop drinking them.

  4. I used to drink SO many energy drinks years ago, in the seventh grade. That was the only period in my life where I drank them, and looking back now I wonder how I even got away with it. Nasty liquid shit

  5. I tried a small can of Red Bull once, as it was handed out for free at an art fair I was selling at. I had not heard of energy drinks, nor did I know I was drinking one. I sure became a super enthusiastic salesperson! But that night I was revved up into the wee hours of the night wishing the bad trip was over. Never again. This stuff is bad news, I wish no one had invented it. Another horrid product that is wrecking people's health.

  6. Let's see. No energy drinks, I'm good. One big can of energy drink, I get random palpitations. Red Bull makes me feel like I have food poisoning. 5-hour energy does similar to Red Bull to me. Coffee? It takes a whole pot of coffee before I start to see issues.

  7. I am never touching these drinks again, have been abstinent for the last years anyway because of the caffeine but this taught me there are important enough reasons regardless to remove keep th4m out of my life for good 😳
    Great video and thanks a lot doc (and team! 🙏🏻)

  8. I drink 2 a day (sometimes 3). my blood pressure is 107/68 and my resting pulse is 45 .. not saying they’re not unhealthy but it seems to have not affected me yet. i’d stop drinking them but they taste good 🙁

  9. watching this while chugging down a can of monster. and not caring. lol.
    one 473ml can gives me 600% b12 and suppresses my appetite for the day.

  10. Pretty sure the first energy drink was Coca Cola over 100 years ago when it actually contained cocaine. I know for sure that energy drinks do dehydrate you, and that can be dangerous.

  11. the original Redbull is the only energy drink I like and it does work for me….but I only have 1-3 small original RedBull can's a year!…. and only because the night before I had only 2-3 hours of sleep or no sleep at all and I have to drive a car that day….. I think I will be ok.

  12. Please do one on the effects of caffeine pills. Coffee seems to give me heartburn/gerd but I like having caffeine when I study or workout but am worried about the risks.

  13. Man obviously I knew these were bad (no shit!) but I didnt realize just HOW bad… I really need to quit these, I know once I get past the withdrawals I'll feel even better, but damn it's hard haha

  14. It is not an increase in Q-T interval of 500ms, it is a Q-T interval longer than 500ms which is hazardous, so if your stating with a borderline prolonged Q-T of say 470, a small increase in Q-T is a significant concern.

  15. I'm interested in Dr. Greger's take on the recent big meta-study published in Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology showing that Vitamin D supplements are useless for most people. Since Vitamin D pills are one of the few supplements he's endorsed (I think B12 is the only other type).

    I was planning on starting Vitamin D supplements, but now I'm not so sure (I hate taking pills, and I don't want to do it everyday if it's basically useless).

  16. Great video- never would have thought the 'other stuff' would be so risky. Thanks for doing the research and posting!!

  17. So my boyfriend used to drink 3 a day for years. He doesn't anymore, but hes been suffering from kidney stones since he started and he still gets them way more than he should. He also has super high BP even tho he doesn't eat to horribly? He refuses to go vegan, but eats a vegan dinner every night. Tips?

  18. ja it's pretty scary but the military kind of needs them to just keep going -_-' ..though I do wish pp would not drink them without alcohol…all the same if ur able to not drink energy drinks yay and good for u.

    If u read my rant ty but I don't read or reply to anyone seeing as i have less drama that way. ^_~
    Reply if ur dense.

  19. My only bad habit. I don't drink soda otherwise really, mostly water. But I do love a can of random energy drink as 'dessert'. 🙁 Guess it's best to switch for a small other can of more harmless sweety bubbly shit.

  20. I drank a "5 hour energy" once on a day that I didn't get much sleep the night before. Two or so hours later I felt miserable and needed a nap. Never going to drink an "energy drink" again. Coffee will do, thanks.

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