Club Soda per mal di stomaco e costipazione

L'acqua gassata fa bene o male per il bruciore di stomaco, la dispepsia e la regolarità intestinale?

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Per ulteriori informazioni sulla lotta al reflusso acido, vedere Dieta e GERD Reflusso acido e Dieta ed ernia iatale (

Altro i video sulle bevande salutari includono:
• Funzione del tè e delle arterie ( )
• Tè all'ibisco contro diete a base vegetale per l'ipertensione (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/hibiscus-tea-vs-plant-based-diets-for-hypertension)
• Quanti bicchieri d'acqua dovremmo bere al giorno ? (

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47 Risposte a “Club Soda per mal di stomaco e costipazione”

  1. it doesnt detract from profesionalism. yes it IS more engaging with a face Id say. however, maybe show up like that when youre about to say something chocking (not a joke :p )

  2. I drink sparkling water everyday 2-3L, I have for a while, I love the bubbles. I don't drink soda at all and I am fine. I would be a good case study. 🙂

  3. I love the little "Greger-face" that came up in the middle of the video – obviously the joke was horrible – but I think that made it even better 🙂

    Keep up the good work!

  4. I think personally if you are familiar with your work you appreciate the cameo, however if your a first time viewer, or new to the channel, it may seem odd, especially the walking on the treadmill, which is not very apparent. Suggestion- if you were to start the video " in person " with a thesis statement, then in my opinion, you could become more engaging through out the videos, and would be quite natural if you were show up from time to time.
    That being said, I do believe your face adds value to your productions, as you project modesty, honesty , and integrity, which in tern only adds life into your videos.
    Great job as always! Stay compassionate!

  5. your little cameo was so cute 😂 I fell out giggling BUT I'm probably gonna remember that phrase next time I'm thinking about going for a soda n.n

  6. I am sure it does help as your body is trying to get rid of the carbonation which is not suppose to be ingested. We exhale carbon dioxide as a waste product, we are not suppose to drink it. I bet drinking gasoline will also help with constipation. I am at a loss as why you would believe drinking carbonation could have no negative side effects. Yes, they have yet to be discovered, but I am sure they will.

  7. Sure, have fun with it! If someone thinks the impromptu green screen popup detracts from your professionalism or message, tell them "lighten up, you'll live longer!" Thank you Dr G for all the amazing, life changing videos.

  8. On a hot day, I'd far rather open up a half-gallon of Knudsen Buttermilk.  Talk about refreshing.  Then again I believe you must be in Southern kahleefonyah as that's the only place I know they have it.

  9. Good subject. The constipation idea seems right. The water molecules of sparking water are to large for our cells to absorb and pass right through to the gut and keep the stool soft. Thanks Dr Greger.

  10. Please doctor or someone , help
    I got some blood tests done for my baby and myself just to make sure we are getting everything we need but we are both little low in globulin ( this is from our protein test) and my baby low in creatinine . I don't even know what that means 😏 and I am low in iron 😣

  11. Video Editing aside …. see a lot on it in other comments …. this is EXACTLY the information content I was looking for! Thank You. I don't do Soda's, but sometimes I do have an upset stomach, and I thought I'd try sparkling water (I want to stay away from prescription drugs as much as possible) as it always worked when I was younger. But some stuff on internet just blatantly condemns it as ripping up stomach lining or creating excess acid.

  12. I have spent months researching treating heartburn naturally and discovered an awesome resource at Fergs Treatment Crusher (google it if you're interested)

  13. I just had a physical and my lab results came back showing high carbon dioxide levels. I drink 2-3 cans of carbonated water daily. Could this be the cause or is that crazy talk?

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