Mangia più calorie al mattino che alla sera

Perché le calorie assunte al mattino fanno ingrassare meno di quelle assunte la sera?

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Pensavi che i doppi benefici suonassero bene. Resta sintonizzato: i prossimi vantaggi sono tripli! Più avanti approfondirò i ritmi circadiani con:

• In che modo i ritmi circadiani influenzano i livelli di zucchero nel sangue
• Come per sincronizzare il tuo orologio circadiano centrale con i tuoi orologi periferici<br/> ( -orologio-circadiano-per-tuoi-orologi-periferici)
• I danni metabolici dei turni notturni e dei pasti irregolari
• Fare luce sulla perdita di peso
( perdita di peso leggera)
• Perché le persone aumentano di peso in autunno

Negli ultimi video, mi sono concentrato sul perché il punto scientifico Consigli per caricare le calorie verso l'inizio della giornata:
• La colazione è il pasto più importante per dimagrire?
• Saltare la colazione è meglio per perdere peso?
( -colazione-migliore-per-dimagrire)
• Cronobiologia – Come i ritmi circadiani possono controllare la tua salute e il tuo peso
• Mangia più calorie al mattino per perdere peso
• Colazione da re, pranzo da principe, cena da povero
http://nutritionfacts. org/video/colazione-come-un-re-pranzo-come-un-principe-din ner-like-a-pouper)

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100 Risposte a “Mangia più calorie al mattino che alla sera”

  1. The reason for increased longevity on a reduced calorie regimen was that it slowed the metabolism. Here is a way to increase metabolism and waste calories! Seems like if you don’t overeat, eating in the evening is a more efficient use of food.

  2. After watching your last video, I had a giant bowl of oatmeal with nut butter and fruit for breakfast, a potato and soup for lunch and a salad for dinner. Normally i have a small breakfast and lunch and eat a HUGE dinner. Had a much better sleep after eating the salad and when I woke up, I broke through my weight loss plateau! Going to keep this up!

  3. So would it be extra beneficial to exercise first thing in the morning? The idea being you deplete your glycogen stores, then eat breakfast and the body is even more eager to replace the glycogen that was just lost during exercise. Would this further enhance the lower net calories of breakfast?

  4. OK but if your body uses more calories processing morning meals than evening ones, wouldn't that mean that all things equal, you will be hungry sooner after eating a morning meal than an evening one? Conversely, doesn't this imply that evening meals lead to longer satiation because more calories are left over after the body processes it? Connecting this all to fat storage and weight gain, the European countries where dinner hours are 9pm or later (spain, portugal, etc), suffer far less obesity than most, and certainly less than the US, so while eating big meals late certainly could lead to health problems, it seems to me it's not necessarily so. I do think not eating late at night is a good weight loss strategy, but to be honest, I suspect mental health issues along with the actual thing people are eating late at night (junk food, I suspect) are the actual culprits. If telling people not to eat late at night gets them to stop eating ice cream and cookies, I suppose that's a good thing, but it seems like a round-about way to get to the real issues.

  5. I liked the old way you guys did videos. Almost too much going on with Dr Gregor talking and the studies being displayed. Hard to concentrate for me at least

  6. The knowledge and depth of understanding in living according to our Circadian rhythms are the tenets of many cultures for centuries. They didn't need a lab or peer reviewed studies to tell them how to live according to the laws of the planet and their body's which came to be and evolved on the very same planet. Again man in his manipulations thinking he knows better has undone much of what is beneficial for some absurd rules he set upon himself according to the rules of those who profit from the poor health of the populace at large.

  7. This explains a LOT about my hypoglycemia. With bigger evening meals, I had a bigger spike, thus an opposite reaction in the morning with hypotension (I had dizziness, etc…as I was intermittent fasting)

  8. I eat my fruits in the morning, which is probably the best then since they will cause a lower insulin spike. I still eat a decent size supper because I don't eat anything afterwards until morning.

  9. Is it possible that a parallel framework exists for protein synthesis and proteolysis? E.g. determining the ideal time of day to eat protein to build muscle.

  10. this would only work on a dr.mcdougall starch based diet not on glycogen depleted diet aka low carbs Atkins keto paleo etc,,,,

  11. The stomach is roughly the size of a fist. I would guess that easily over 90% of the population(me included) overeats(the wrong food) and most ppl would highly benefit from regular juice fasting.

  12. Meals early in the day and herb teas or veg broth in the evening sounds like a good way to go and might make for better sleep too.

  13. It's difficult to not only find but to understand the studies you mention in your videos. Thank you for all your efforts, we all appreciate you very much!

  14. So the weight loss and blood sugar control seem like short term benefits. What about the long term effect on longevity. Your previous videos have stated that the number of calories burned was negatively associated with longevity. Could there be any negative effects from eating large breakfasts?

  15. So as a night shift worker I should still eat in the actual morning and avoid eating when I wake up in afternoon?

    So circadian rhythm is objective, and not personally subjective? To reap the benefits, I mean

  16. my nightshift/dayshift question has been answered! Thought my sleep schedule is flipped where I sleep during the day and awake at night, I should still eat more before I go to sleep, and less when I wake up. That leaves me at two meals per day because I am asleep during lunch, and according to this eating at midnight is not a good idea. Does that mean I have to eat a heavy meal in the morning before I go to sleep to make up for those calories?

  17. Europeans typically eat their largest meal at lunch time. Dinner is usually light. In the UK Dinner time usually means lunch and tea time is evening. This has always confused Americans. Now you know why!!

  18. I've always been the type to skip breakfast and binge at night. Now I'm flip flopping that thanks to your advice. Through Chronometer I'm eating enough calories to lose a pound a week but in practice I'm currently losing double that approximately. So it seems to be clearly working. Started this month and I'm down ten pounds after reading How Not To Die I'm finally motivated to return to a healthy body.

  19. I remember eating blended boiled potatos in the morning with some berries. After an hour I got really hot. I guess my body was making glycogen. 😊

  20. Dor. I'm having serve psoriasis for the last 2 yrs l lost around 7kg because I cut off high carb food most of my meal. I found myself really lost and trying my best to the right diets low carb high fat, no grains high fibre from veg, beans, nut and also quite often cooking bone broth… etc.. I don't know when my psoriasis going to clear from my body. I want to put on back some weight… I'm 60 now please give me your best advice Doc… Thank you

  21. If you don’t eat carbs, you won’t have to go through all this non sense. Get rid of all carbs, eat animal fat and protein and watch the body change.

  22. Since watching this video, I have been eating my calories in the morning and at lunch, then when I get home from work, eat nothing for dinner. My breakfasts and lunches are larger than they used to be, but after two weeks, I'm down two pounds! It also feels great to have an appetite for breakfast.

  23. Pretty sure that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” was started as marketing campaign by cereal companies

  24. So I work the night shift: I sleep at 9am and wake up for work at 5pm. I've always had the assumption that after years of doing this, my circadian rythm has already reversed itself. The harvard study mentioned that it doesn't matter and that I will still burn more calories during the daytime (even when I'm asleep). Did I get that correctly?

  25. If you're an athlete or choose to workout at night, this entire treatment of the topic goes out the window. Also, you can say goodbye to a social life if you insist on eating earlier (no more drinks, and dinner with friends).

  26. excellent video! i wonder how the circadian rhythm could also have an impact the productivity of exercising between evenings and mornings…

  27. Mothers produce less breastmilk later in the day. Seems like a great clue to what these studies prove. We are biologically designed to eat more in the morning and less at night.

  28. what would be the effect if I fast in the morning? should I simply have my huge meal when i break my fast and lower portions as day progresses or disregard fasting and eat a huge breakfast?

  29. Anyone who speaks about calories so casually, does not know how the body works, in my opinion. The body does not have calorie sensors!

    The body actually regulates metabolism to compensate for increased and decreased caloric intake, as well as increased and decreased caloric expenditure. So if you eat less calories for instance, the body will first cause you to become more hungry in order to coax you to start eating again, and when that doesn't work, it will slow down metabolism in an effort to prevent weight loss.

    If you eat more calories, it will actually look to decrease your appetite and also increase your metabolism to attempt to keep you at the weight it thinks you should be.

    The same is true for energy expenditure, this increases appetite and there are also attempts over time to maintain one's set point, which Dr. Fung calls one's thermostat. So whatever the thermostat is set at, our bodies make great efforts to keep us at that level, and there are some strong biological reasons behind this, and this in fact is a mechanism that has been essential to our survival as a species.

  30. I’ve been doing this for a few months. I have way more energy than when I tried fasting windows and not eating until 11 am. It restored my metabolism bc I wanted to workout earlier in the day bc of increased fuel. It’s also really helped my sleep. I eat rice cereal , fruit yogurt and 1 soft boiled egg for breakfast. By dinner I just have a small salad w chicken or fish. My blood sugar has really stabilized. Everyone is dif though. People need things for their body.


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  33. This is a confusing one. "Calorie is not just a calorie" makes it sound like the identical breakfast eaten in the morning is actually less calories than the evening one depsite them having identical calories on paper. But that is not the case right? The unit calorie calculates everything in already. So what I understand instead is, that when you digest food in the morning, you tend to burn more calories in the process, compared to digesting in the evening, thereby having a less net caloric intake for the day. Am I lost?

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