Colazione da re, pranzo da principe, cena da povero

Sfrutta il potere dei tuoi ritmi circadiani per perdere peso facendo della colazione o del pranzo il pasto principale della giornata.

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Quando ne ho sentito parlare, quello che volevo sapere è come. Perché il nostro corpo immagazzina meno cibo sotto forma di grasso al mattino? Esploro il meccanismo nel mio prossimo video, Mangia più calorie al mattino che alla sera ( mattina che sera). <br/>
Questo è il 5° in un 11- serie di video sulla cronobiologia. Se ti sei perso i primi quattro, controlla:
• La colazione è il pasto più importante per la perdita di peso? (
• Saltare la colazione fa bene alla perdita di peso? (
• Chronobiology – Come i ritmi circadiani possono controllare la tua salute e il tuo peso ( -puoi-controllare-la-tua-salute-e-il-peso)
• Mangia più calorie al mattino per perdere peso (

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100 Risposte a “Colazione da re, pranzo da principe, cena da povero”

  1. They didn't account for water loss (which will happen if they eat most of their food in a shorter time window), also the groups didn't have the same metabolic rates before the experiment (meaning they didn't burn the same amount of calories), also you cherry picked studies, and also it doesn't matter if the calories are from junk food or not they are still the same amount of useable energy and finaly what you claim is that the first law of thermodynamics is wrong, if you can proof it please collect your Nobel prize.

  2. Love Dr. Greger, and I'm glad the science has caught up with long understood knowledge. I learned this back in the 80's watching Gilad Janklowicz on Bodies in Motion.

  3. More weight is lost by eating earlier than later in the day. That’s because it’s all about managing your insulin spikes (insulin causes fat storage). Low carb diets cause less insulin spikes and won’t make you pre-diabetic over time.

  4. I listen to Dr Greger a lot and I really do appreciate all of his work. I learn so much from him. It's kind of funny to me when plant based doctors start quoting The Bible….. The book of Ecclesiastes was written by Solomon.😉

  5. Don't restrict calories. Thats extremely orthorexic. Eat a high carbohydrate diet with low fat and get plenty of exercise.

  6. The "High Caloric intake at breakfast vs. dinner differentially influences weight loss of overweight and obese women" study he discussed was a free living study. They weren't locked in a metabolic ward and not monitored constantly. They were told how much to eat and did the diet at home and self reported after.
    This makes me question the rigour of the study.
    Here is the study:

  7. The only thing i learnt is that eating more at breakfast probably means you will eat less at dinner and overall. The 'isocaloric' studies were done in a questionable manner as they were largely self reported and unmonitored. If they did lose weight, it was probably because the large breakfast group ate less overall. But you still have to eat fewer calories.

  8. Hi there, I was born and raised in Germany, that’s how we used to eat all the time. This concept kinda got lost with most people not going home for lunch to eat, and have a few minutes of rest until going back to work. I still try my best to keep this way of eating as a plant based foodie…
    . Thanks for sharing…

  9. Are the benefits of eating like this just for weight loss? Im a bartender and i work late nights but i still go to the gym after work. Ill usually eat pretty heavy at 2am and then sleep until 12pm or so. Am i going to die?! Lol i actually struggle to keep weight on so i wouldnt eat like this for weight loss but if it were to somehow make me a better soccer player (lowers inflammation, etc) than i would strongly consider it! Lmk whats good doc, thank you for everything!!

  10. Which is more important? Having the largest meal at breakfast, or the smallest at dinner? I generally like to have a moderate breakfast, and a large lunch, but may have to change that.

  11. I was told same as a kid. I’m sure Dr G will cover this but it also ties into HPA axis which controls cortisol and interacts with sleep. Cortisol has a distinct circadian rhythm. It peaks ~30-45min after waking (8:30) then drops to lowest point btw 12:00-4:00 am then rises again. Hormonal imbalances can change this slightly. Cortisol can stimulate hunger noon-1pm and 5-6pm). Checking morning serum cortisol tested @8:30am by blood is most accurate marker plus others (ACTH, DHEA etc) if it’s truly low and every 3 months. If taking prednisone don’t take it prior to test. If you are very low (clinical adrenal insufficiency) see an endo it could be life threatening (in hours) if goes into crisis and if very high also get medical advice. I’ve put this info other places to help others who may not know.

  12. How does this compare to TRE? I usually have my last meal at 8pm (don't ever eat after that) and have my first snack at around midday? I have lost quite a bit of weight as a result, but keen to know if reversing would be even better!

  13. I know this sir, but still eat crazy meal for dinner because nothing is better than enjoying good meal after a stressful day like u've earned it
    To make it worse, my dinner is when i got home at around 10pm

  14. Just started to eat like this! I can't figure out what to eat though. Any ideas? i always skip breakfast and to go for 0-700 is a big change haha i don't know where to start

  15. I have one important question though – when did these people weight themselves? Because if they did so in the morning, that might explain at like a pound or two's difference…?

  16. Do you have anything on muscle protein synthesis?
    Also yes your metabolism speeds up which can benefit most people, but what if your goal is caloric restriction in which the goal is to slow the metabolism to extend life span?

  17. You are talking about comparing weight lost of two groups: it seems that these people were overweight to begin with. The point is to keep a good weight as you age. No?

  18. The real reason of weightloss is being in a calorie déficit, dont give confusing info. Just find your mantenance calories (body weight in lbs x 14 is a good estimation) and eat below that, a 25% caloric deficit is a good starting point. Food timing is not that important.

    My 100lbs weight loss proves this.


  19. I never heard that phrase before (breakfast like a king…).
    I always seem to eat huge meals in the morning.
    I tend to skip lunch and for dinner I’m never that hungry to eat huge meals (I also drink 10 cups of water a day so that may also help).
    But that meal philosophy is so cool. I’m gonna remember that.

  20. I’m interested to see how this plays out for people that really don’t get hungry in the morning. I don’t normally get hungry until about midday, even if I haven’t had a large meal the night before.

  21. Shouldn't we eat when we hungry? And listen to what your body needs and how much? Everything else is just a human invention to make money….

  22. So, if I have a grain bowl with fruit and plant milk for breakfast, should that equal half my choleric intake? That seems like a lot of grains and fruit to fit into the daily dozen. Or should I switch that fruit and grain bowl to dinner and make my big salad meal (with beans, nuts, and grains) my breakfast?

  23. You know for Dr G .. giving us this info is totalllllllly priceless … and the way dr speaks you can only tell he knows this health business in and out .. we thank you Dr G …. time to pause people and listen to good doctors like Dr G

  24. Biggest myth of human race … to eat breakfast like king , this study is too short for real findings ,, look for intermittent fasting on google search , you will know this is a big mistake

  25. Eso es para los que quieren adelgazar un secretario se debe enfocar en población magra u obesa

  26. Remember that the body needs around 8 hours of sleep in order to recover from the day, and it can’t do that successfully if it’s also working through “dinner like a king”. That’s why dinner like a pauper works because you’re body has been burning calories during the day while you’re awake, and then while you’re asleep your body can quickly process the small amount you ate for dinner, and crack on with recovery. You also sleep better on a ‘satisfied’ stomach than on a full, heavy stomach

  27. I think that Dr. Longo’s fasting research supported this. If I have it correct, he suggested that fasting windows should be in the evening, not morning.

  28. Damn…
    I'm never hungry in the morning.
    I can last for 6 hours before I'm hungry.

    But at night…I do get pretty hungry.

    Hmmm….maybe because I eat a lot for dinner thus making me not so hungry the next morning.

    I should break this cycle.

  29. I knew I was supposed to have a big breakfast and small dinner, but I didn’t have a clue about the amount of calories, so this really helped thank youuuu!


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