Come trattare l'endometriosi con le alghe

Cinque centesimi di alghe al giorno possono migliorare notevolmente una delle principali cause di disabilità e qualità di vita compromessa tra le donne.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

I Sono così felice di aver finalmente pubblicato un video sull'endometriosi. Penso che l'unico altro video che tocco sia Quale dieta riduce al meglio l'esposizione agli ftalati? (

Ho anche trascurato le verdure di mare. Ho fatto Quale alga è più protettiva contro il cancro al seno? ( e più recentemente, l'insalata di alghe Wakame può abbassare la pressione sanguigna ( con altri in arrivo. <br/>
Consiglierei di stare alla larga da kelp e hijiki, però. Vedi Troppo iodio può essere dannoso quanto troppo poco ( as-too-little/).

Altri rimedi naturali per i problemi mestruali includono
• Trattamento dietetico per periodi mestruali dolorosi (
• Semi di lino per il dolore al seno ( per-dolore-al-seno/)
• Zenzero per nausea, crampi mestruali e sindrome dell'intestino irritabile (
• Finocchio Semi per crampi mestruali e sindrome premestruale (

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68 Risposte a “Come trattare l'endometriosi con le alghe”

  1. You are the best doctor ever. I can tell you actually want to help people and not just put money in big pharmas pockets! I loved your book. I've been suffering with a condition such as this for about a year now & this information was very helpful. THANK YOU!!! ❤️🙏🏻

  2. You are so awesome! We need more studies but of course, no one cares to conduct it if there is no money involved…. ladies lets give it a go! Those of you with irregular painful cycles trial it and make youtube videos and then send them to doc greger for a montage video! 🙂

  3. Whow!! I literally searched for videos on this 2 days ago!! Could only find info on 80/10/10 working.🌱

  4. I'm so glad you posted this finally! I've just spent the last three months with my period… finally halted it with Chinese herbs and accupucture. For the future I will most definitely add seaweed into my diet so this hopefully doesn't occur for a third time.

  5. Thank you so much for making this video. I've been waiting for videos about endometriosis. I have it myself, but have found ways to feel my best. Such as eating a whole foods plant based diet, lots of fruit, 1L smoothie a day and lots of sweating through hot yoga, keeping it low fat also helps, but some fat is important.

    Hope to see more videos about endometriosis! I'm gonna try the seaweed. Any recommendations for the brand?

  6. Being deficient in iodine causes many female issues such as endometriosis, pcos, fibroids, and fibrocystic breast disease. Taking a low dose of iodine supplement with selenium can have significant benefits. Iodine in the seaweed is beneficial

  7. considering the other nutrients that seaweed have, I don't see a negative in eating more like Dr greger said. So sad big broccoli has no $$$ to fund studies like this.

  8. OK so seaweed is so good, where do you find it from a non polluted source? or better yet not radioactive since the Japan nuclear disaster

  9. So seeing that seeweed is causeing longer menstrual cycles. As someone who is currently not getting a period due to restrictive dieting and over exercising in the past, should I not eat seeweed until I get my period back?
    Is there a video or could you do a video on what to eat to get your period back? (I do not have PCOS.)

  10. In the video Dr.Greger mentions that endometriosis is related to estrogen levels. It's interesting to look at which of our foods act as hormone disruptors due to e.g. toxins or pollutants in them for example or if the pill or anything else is having an effect too? And cut these out? He has a video about endocrine (hormone) disruptors in food like fish and so on? Dioxins I believe also act as hormone disruptors and they build up in fish/meat?

  11. I'm crying. I have stage 4 endometriosis. I've had 6 surgeries. my body is ruined and full of scar tissue and fibroids. I've been on everything. The pain has gotten so bad. I'm now disabled and in pain management. I also have intense pain in my legs. my doctor says is probably from nerve damage from the endometriosis or scar tissue. all of my obgyn doctors gave up on me and sent me to pain management. you wouldn't believe the medication I am prescribed to try to have a normal life. yet, I still don't because of the horrible pain and nausea.

  12. Finally a video on endometriosis and how to treat it. Dr Michael Greger I'm very grateful to see this video and to learn about it. Thank you for posting it to all of us.

  13. Did anyone find a reliable source of bladderwrack extract ? I never tried sea weed and don't really want to because of the abnormal pollution that goes in our seas/oceans but this might benefit some people I know even if it's contaminated with heavy metals. Share sources if you can find any reputable ones.

  14. This is great information for women. I eat the green seaweed that has Korean writing on the package. Because I like the taste so this is good to learn of its benefits.

  15. I suffer with uterine fibroids which caused me crippling menstruations pain. I recently had a craving for seaweed and ate 2 sheets everyday for 3-4wks and I realized that my pain was substantially less. The next month I didn't eat very much (3-4 sheets in total) and had pain so strong my husband rushed me to the hospital because he was so worried. I had a feeling the seaweed was helping…🤘🏽

  16. Thankyou very much for posting this. I've sarted on the bladderwrack powder in my smoothies this morning and feeling positive. I'm very careful with my diet and manage my endometriosis very well and been able to work in quite a denanding job for several years now. I'm vegan, completely gluten free and I've also eliminated all soya products. I don't know if I'm an exception in someway but soya is really terrible for my endometriosis. I thought I try a bit of tofu in the week I'm of my period when oestrogen levels naturally drop, but with my most recent period I really suffered with pain and exhaustion when normally i've managed to have virtually very normal pain free periods, but too much soya and it brings all the symptoms back. So I'm cutting out soya again, using my natural progesterone cream made with yams and I'm going to continue with the bladderwrack powder, looking forward to some good results. Once again thankyou xxc:

  17. Do you know how long in days it is before the bladderwrack starts to work and making the difference? My partner is starting it soon, thank you

  18. Last year I was diagnosed with endometriosis and told that it increases my risk of ovarian cancer. I asked about natural solutions and the doctor said there were none. Why in the hell didn't he tell me about this?! Thank you Dr. Greger for putting out such great information and actually trying to help people instead of just scaring them.

  19. Let's not forget undertreated. Most "doctors" would just put me on ibuprofen for the pain, or "recommend" I have children (yes, you read that right) Or get on BC in order to minimize or stop the symptoms.

  20. This.Works. I suffered from Endo for over 30 years! Nothing worked. The raw diet, the vegan diet, parasite cleanse, liver detox, laparoscopic surgeries-NOTHING! And then one day I saw Dr. Sebj talk about the benefits of bladderwrack and sea moss. I did additional research and found this video, among others. Just remain consistent. I put it in my VERY strong tea every morning and can’t taste it at all. After about 1 month I was surprised by going to the bathroom and discovering my period had started! No pain AT ALL! And it only lasted ONE DAY, less than a tsp of discharge. Not to be graphic but I only had to use a pantyliner and it was barely soiled. I used to travel with extra underwear and change pads every hour for two weeks! This has changed my life! I’ll never be without it!

  21. Going to try seaweed supplements with bladderwack! I am on hormone injections taking once a month to stop my cycle and a hormone replacement pill (I have to take everyday) to reduce the menopausal symptoms from the injections! Had one surgery already to remove endometrial tissue. Going in for another one in a couple of months! Fingers crossed hope this helps reduce/eliminate it the endometriosis!

  22. Dr. Greger I hope people with Endometriosis realise you cannot heal yourself by eating seaweed a day but keep on eating chicken liver, bacon and eggs, milk and cheese as normal. Seaweed is not a magic bullet, unless used in conjunction with a balanced plant based diet.
    I know because I had endometriosis.

  23. This helped me ALOT. I'm taking two teaspoons a day for half a year now and my severe pain is gone. I went from crying on my bed for years and even a hospital visit because of a cyst to almost no pain at all. A little discomfort while menstruating but nothing more. A real life saver, I can't thank you enough for sharing this! I hope more women with endometriosis learn about this.

  24. I have periods like subject one in the study and I don't have endometriosis or anything of sorts… so I can imagine her sufferings somewhat… it is really disrupting life when you keep fainting and usually need medical help every 2 weeks…
    Now I am on hormonal contraception so I don't have a period at all but…I wonder if just the seaweed alone could help me…

  25. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I wish I'd known this years ago. I noticed that I really like seaweed, and now I know why. Ladies with endometriosis also usually have thyriod deficiency, which is also helped by seaweed. And seaweed and iodine saturation really help against hot flashes when you reach that time of life.
    Another super important against retrograde menstruation is NO SEX DURING PERIOD. ITS A BIBLICAL PROHIBITION AND HAS GOOD REASONS BEHIND IT.

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