Colesterolo ossidato come causa della malattia di Alzheimer

Il colesterolo ossidato può essere 100 volte più tossico del colesterolo normale, sollevando ulteriori preoccupazioni su alimenti come burro chiarificato, tonno in scatola, carne lavorata e parmigiano.

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Il colesterolo si ossida quando i prodotti animali sono esposti al calore. Ci sono metodi di cottura meno rischiosi? Resta sintonizzato per il mio prossimo video, Come ridurre l'ossidazione del colesterolo ( .

Per ulteriori informazioni sulla dieta e il morbo di Alzheimer, vedere: <br/> • Prevenire il morbo di Alzheimer con le piante (
• Ridurre l'assunzione di glicotossina per prevenire l'Alzheimer (
• L'Alzheimer può iniziare decenni prima della diagnosi (
• Alzheimer e aterosclerosi del cervello ( -aterosclerosi-del-cervello)
• Colesterolo e morbo di Alzheimer (https ://
• Il gene dell'Alzheimer: controllo dell'ApoE (
• Come per prevenire l'Alzheimer con la dieta (

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100 Risposte a “Colesterolo ossidato come causa della malattia di Alzheimer”

  1. Makes sense it must be oxidized cholesterol, since that cholesterol we make ourselves is rather fresh. Some Hindus ironically refer to ghee as a divine liquid, to some extent that''s correct as it appears to help them to meet their maker…

  2. ok, so now I'd like to know if it can be reversed? and if so at what point is the individual to far gone to change their way of eating. Granted I get the information is saying that this process happens way earlier than the onset. But I'd still like to know when you do. Thank you.

  3. So if polyunsaturated fatty acids like DHA is very good for the brain how can same type of acids found in vegetable oil be bad? What am I missing here?

  4. How does cholesterol get oxidized? Im supposing it’s already oxidized before consumed? Isnt oxidation what happens to food when is exposed to oxygen? That’s what causes the Apple interior to turn brown and the fats (ie oils) to oxidize quickly once pulled pressed from food ?

  5. Could this be a metabolic disorder? Not everyone within the healthy subjects are not eating a super refined healthy diet. So why then are some not able to process the oxysterols, out of the blood stream. Then it’s not metabolic. What about methylation? Wouldn’t this affect the processes as to which one get get the oxysterols out of the system. I feel that it is!!!

  6. My Professor is Dr Liliana Calderone, she is credited with finally discovering the cause of Alzheimer's with immutable proof and her study which lasted well over 15 years was published last month. You should read it, has little to nothing to do with diet and the developed disease was found in its early stages in children as young as 7 years of age.

  7. Maybe you're running to your preferred conclusions.


    Oxysterols and atherosclerosis

    When added to cultured endothelial cells and arterial smooth muscle cells, oxysterols are cytotoxic and may also induce apoptosis (see Tabas, this Perspective series, ref. 40). Based on such experiments, oxysterols have been suggested to be atherogenic, but the highly nonphysiological conditions used in most experiments preclude strong conclusions. Since oxysterols mimic many of the effects of cholesterol, dietary oxysterols might be expected to be atherogenic, but clear evidence for this is lacking. A great number of studies have been published on effects of dietary oxysterols on experimental animals (for an excellent review, see ref. 41). Of 13 such studies, six indicate a proatherogenic effect, four an antiatherogenic effect, while three show no significant effect.

    Oxidatively modified LDL, whose proatherogenic effect is usually explained by its internalization via unregulated scavenger receptors, contains 7-hydroperoxycholesterol and its more stable degradation products 7α- and 7β-hydroxycholesterol and 7-ketocholesterol. 7-Hydroperoxycholesterol appears to be the most cytotoxic oxygenated lipid in oxidized LDL (42) and may well be a powerful atherogenic factor. Unfortunately, studies to address this possibility are difficult because of the compound’s great lability. Toxic oxysterols associated with modified lipoproteins may thus represent an additional atherogenic factor, over and above the simple accumulation of cholesterol in foam cells in the developing atherosclerotic lesion. If so, it will be important to consider the role of other oxysterols in modifying this risk. In particular, since the putative antiatherogenic enzyme CYP27 appears to be highly active in human atheromas, it may be that one oxysterol, 27-hydroxycholesterol, participates in a defense mechanism that suppresses cholesterol accumulation in the presence of 7-hydroperoxycholesterol or other harmful lipids.

  8. As an Indian I find the relation between ghee and cardiovascular diseases very inconclusive. We have saints/gurus in Hindus who consume insane amount of dairy including ghee. Many of these drink more than half litre of ghee everyday. And ask any Indian, almost none of these gurus die before turning 90 and cause of death is always natural.

  9. I may die prematurely from cancer, heart disease, or a stroke but at least I can tell myself that I ate right, that my plant based diet was the best choice. I won't be plagued with thoughts that I could have done better. It gives me a certain measure of peace.

  10. If the brain oxidizes cholesterol to eject it through the blood/brain barrier, then how is foreign, oxidized cholesterol building up in people's brains? Wouldn't it leave via the same process?

  11. Great upload – thank you! But how about dry fasting(?) – i think the oxidized cholesterol will be cleared very fast by practicing fasting and as the autophagy kicks in following by the new stem-cells which will turn into healthy ones wherever they are needed.

  12. I’d like more information. What were the cholesterol levels of the patients in the study? And does cholesterol levels matter? Or just the food choices.

  13. thank you very much for the video !!! recently I heard that potatoes, fruit , and oats spike insuline which in turns spile inflammation and then cholesterol comes to the rescue to repair damage in the arteries due to the inflammation ! and that organic meat doesn’t release too much insuline when consumed without carbs and that the real cause of atherosclerosis is calcium built up and not cholesterol !!! (the percentage is quite low ) to put it in other words people doing strict keto and interim fasting have very good blood test results !! and does interim fasting burdens kidneys ??? CONFUSION !!!!

  14. Under what conditions was the cholesterol more concentrated in the vein from the brain than the artery to the brain? Meaning there was more going into the brain than coming out. How and when did this happen? Was it a constant, or just after a meal with say Parmesan cheese or whatever? Was it universal across all participants in the study and over time? And why have I always heard that cholesterol in one's food has little to do with cholesterol in one's blood?

    Then, is there any way to get out of your body these things in your veins?

  15. I only have 1 comment about your facts – MOST of them come from studies done from 2000 onward. Hasn't more recent (hence better information) studies been completed? Couldn't you put a cap and refuse to use information sourced pre-2010 and make all your information time relevant and more specific? Love the show but the time issue makes me think that there is better information you could be using.

  16. my grandad has alzeimer for 4-5 years now. He used to have plenty of vegetables from his own garden and he didn't eat much meat/fish as he didn't like it. However he ate milk and cheese.

  17. OK, put this to the test, what is the controlled for variation between the incidence of Alzheimer's in vegetarians, or people who do not eat the stuff mentioned here, and those who do? What is the number as they compute it, as they find it in the world?

    What are other parallel factors that might be interfering or causing these results?

    What is the difference in incidence between those with the Alzheimer's gene, and was that controlled for in this study? One copy of the APOE4 gene variant raises the risk of Alzheimer's by two to three times.

  18. Please can you address much debated issue about vitamin b 17, or apricot kernel , it’s effectiveness against cancer and people of Hunza Pakistan , where most of their food comes from apricot kernel.

  19. The range for commercial spray dried eggs is amazing! What are the main offenders (foods) in the high range?

  20. 1. What explains the near absence of Alzheimer's disease in india?
    2. Has ghee actually been shown as associated with Alzheimer's disease?

  21. Dr. Greger, thank you for useful & informative videos you provide! Can you make a video about, so called, "Ketogenic" diet? Would greatly help to diffuse some of the confusion… Thank you very much!

  22. Good god. Very helpful facts. Also, please reduce the excessive "eehhhhhgggg" sound effects prior to making every 2-3 sentences as it makes you appear to be staged or another proper mole for the opposite side to denounce.

  23. So does this mean that theoretically, even if someone is eating a plant based diet and has high cholesterol it won't be able to enter the brain because it isn't oxidized?

  24. Thank you Dr. Gregor for explaining the science, as you always do. This video is going to be watched by everyone in my family, because it hits close to home for all and I've a big crew. Please keep up the fantastic work you're doing! I look forward to shaking your hand some day in person.

  25. Hiya Doc! Great vid! Quick Q for you: I know you've shown that heart disease has ravaged the sub-continent of India, but has Alzheimer's disease also been spiking at an equal rate there? I mean, the data suggests that there would be a positive correlation, right? But is it actually the case? Thanks kindly! 👍💜

  26. Ideally the table of COPs @2:47 should have consistent units for comparison rather than a mixture of ppm, μg/g, mg/100g. I believe the conversion would be: 10 ppm = 10 μg/g = 0.01mg/g = 1mg/100g (pls correct if wrong). This would make sundried shrimp (181 μg/g) worse than tuna. Machaca (dried beef) would be 49 μg/g and chicharron (deep fried pork rinds) 51 μg/g.

  27. Eggs and cheese are bad for you but mercury and aluminum filled vaccines are harmless?
    Really??? come on.
    Lost all respect after the vaccine videos.

  28. The implication is that meats and eggs are necessarily bad for you, when perhaps the real problem is how they are cooked and with no antioxidants present? Not saying one should eat a lot of those, but beef liver is like eating a vitamin / mineral pill. And cooking scrambled eggs with added water and low temperatures so that it comes out like custard, and perhaps adding antioxidants to it, like elderberry concentrate, may minimize the oxidized stuff in the food. It works for me. I always add water to cooking pretty much anything. It makes clean up very easy as well. ?? I mostly cook liver and onions maybe 3 times per month and eggs more frequently, as they have so many good things in them.

  29. Hi doc. I'm taking femiplan pills to balance my hormones.i tried to reach you through your web in vain. Can i take fenungreek powder to increase my breasts? Without interfering with my hormones

  30. What's the prevalence of Alzheimers in India? I see inflammation is cited as a cause of depression and possible Alzheimers link in Nature just this issue.

  31. Not on this topic, but have you addressed the research that showed the possibility of staph aureus as the cause of Type 2 Diabetes? I’d love to hear your thoughts on that.

  32. Dr. Greger, nice vid! Could you please do a video about Barley Grass? I've heard a lot of good things about it but just how much evidence of its benefits are there?

  33. He didn't mention the very low oxidized cholesterol in salmon. My guess is this is because of the astaxanthin in the fish (which colors it pink). Astaxanthin is an antioxidant that perhaps reduces the oxidation of cholesterol.

  34. There appears to be a link with herpes viruses 6 and 7 and alzheimers disease; and using antivirals in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. That led me to think if there was a connection between oxidized cholesterol and the prevalence of herpes viruses? Big Pharma would be excited at the thought of treating a symptom, the herpes viruses with antivirals. It's certainly not going to explore a connection between herpes viruses and oxidized cholesterol as the cure would be simply to change to a whole plant based diet, Once Again showing the benefits of it. I think this warrants further exploration?

  35. I have since some time been a fan of dr Greger and maybee still am. But recently i came across some critique of the book how not to die for being an examples of cherry picking and that the epidemiological studies includes in dr Greger evidence is not really evidence since it is just correlational. It would ve Useful to focus how big the effects in the rct:s are in a because thats the other critique; they are sometimes too small to conclude or dare to suggest that some food may leed to some deseases. So i would apptecciate to understand how big the risk are really with some "bad diets" brought up here, not just indications based on correlations. Thanx for a.. Great.. Video.. I think!
    But.. For example in the case above: does not the oxidation level go down by the body's own mechanisms later on? And what are the figures of ahlzeimers among vegans compared to non vegans, and are the global health lifestyle between these two group really the same?

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  37. If the speaker respects audience enough to talk normally and at a calm, even pace, the information will be communicated more easily

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