Sfatare i miti dell'industria delle uova

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DESCRIZIONE: L'ultima meta-analisi degli studi sul consumo di uova e sul rischio di malattie cardiache ha rilevato che anche meno di un singolo uovo al giorno è associato ad un aumentato rischio sia di malattie cardiovascolari che di diabete.

Il link al video sul fumo è qui: Eggs vs. Cigarettes in Atherosclerosis (http:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs-vs-cigarettes-in-atherosclerosis/) Maggiori informazioni sul connessione con il diabete in Eggs and Diabetes (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs-and-diabetes/) e Bacon, Eggs, e diabete gestazionale durante la gravidanza (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/bacon-eggs-and-gestational-diabetes-during-pregnancy-2/).<br/>
Altro sulle uova e sull'industria delle uova in generale:
• Egg Industry Blind Spot (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/egg-industry-blind-spot/)
• Uova e colesterolo: affermazioni palesemente false e fuorvianti ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs-and-cholesterol-patently-false- e-affermazioni-fuorvianti/)
• Uova, colina e cancro ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs-choline-and-cancer/) • Chi dice che le uova non sono sane o sicure? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/who-says-eggs-arent-healthy-or-safe/)
C'è di più nelle malattie cardiache oltre al semplice accumulo di colesterolo. Nel mio prossimo video, Uova e funzione arteriosa (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs-and-arterial-function/), esplorerò quale effetto ha il consumo di uova sulla funzione endoteliale, la capacità delle nostre arterie di rilassarsi normalmente.
Ho una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione dei commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/debunking-egg-industry-myths/ e cercherĂ  di rispondere!

Credito immagine: wilkeshe via Flickr.
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• Negozio: https://drgreger.org

67 Risposte a “Sfatare i miti dell'industria delle uova”

  1. So if I understood well we should not eat eggs éven if they're organic? I'm eating 100g per day of white egg with one whole is that as bad? Thank you for your interresting vidéo

  2. Just a reminder that the egg industry grinds up or suffocates male chicks alive because they don't lay eggs. If you don't boycott eggs for health reasons, at least boycott them for ethical ones.

  3. As someone who uses chicken tractors to fertilize his vegetables, I admit a certain bias towards eggs.  I realize that bacon and eggs, hashbrowns and a biscuit will eventually kill you, especially if you add gravy.  However the one hour old, raw (soft boiled), non-GMO, pastured, bright orange yolks on a bed of avocado and spinach, that I eat 5 days a week is a whole different animal (so to speak).  To much of the published research is little more than advanced marketing for Big Pharma.  I wonder if these studies were funded by companies that make statins?  Your uploads are the first thing I watch every morning.

  4. My cholesterol just got tested – 112 mg/dL after 10+ months of plant-based low fat no oil no animal products. They say below 150 and you are heart-attack proof.

  5. From my observations over the years, thyroid has much more influence on cholesterol levels than diet in most people, unless they have the relatively rare genetic hypercholesterolemia.  I've eaten 2-3 eggs/day, or every other day, most of my life and cholesterol has ranged from 125-180.  Cholesterol lower than 150-160 is less-than-optimal for brain health etc.

  6. SALMON CHOLESTEROL vs. EGG CHOLESTEROL? I'm curious if you know of any studies that look at similar issues but relating to salmon intake instead of eggs.  I've been eating a can of wild Alaskan salmon a day for months now which is about 315mg cholesterol a day.

  7. I wonder if there have been any studies done comparing eggs from chickens fed a commercial heavy soy heavy corn feed versus other feeds not geared to fattening the animals up. I have chickens and given the choice they will not eat soy or corn at all. They prefer bugs and fruit and veg. The eggs I get are so different from the grocery store it is hard to believe. But the only studies here are on commercially produced eggs. 

  8. Dr Mercola eats few eggs every day !!!!!!!!! he is in perfect health, no hi cholesterol, obsession with cholesterol as a marker for heart health is wrong,,,trans fats are much more fatal,,,

  9. Here's an idea: Eat whatever you want and make sure you get at least one blood test a year (preferably two). Do total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triglycerides. Maybe throw in C-reactive protein. If everything falls within the right parameters….you're OK. Customize your diet to your own body….and don't accept "facts" that paint with a broad brush !

  10. So you are saying that if you load up on eggs and grease it will make your cholesterol go up and if you eat none it will fall? I think we already knew that. If aunt Margret had just watched her diet and not eaten all that hog lard and eggs she'd no doubt have lived longer than 99, maybe. 

  11. I believe raw, free-range egg consumption will not contribute to arterial plaque. High cholesterol does not mean high arterial plaque. Depends on inflammation levels of the arteries.

  12. There are so many dumb people out there who blindly follow every God damn word this doctor says. Anybody can pick a few studies and put it on areas he wants you to see. Every study he mentioned did anyone look them up and read the whole study? I did. I find out this dude told you what he wanted you to hear and nothing else. The one study he blasted said go and eat your eggs because the benefits out weigh the risk of any cholestorol and fat etc. and on and on.

  13. Hm.  I have chickens, but I haven't been eating the eggs since going raw. 🙂  My ex who was healthy as a horse (especially for his age) and worked out 3-5 times a week, had a heart attack.  Yep.  Know why?  Bacon and eggs EVERY morning.  I told him to stop it.  I hate the smell of bacon cooking!  I would like to see some comparison tho of organic eggs to regular.  Wonder if there's a difference?

  14. I dont mind eating cruelty free eggs but I can't support factory farming and the mass killing of male chicks who are grinded alive

  15. I was wondering why this guy was up against EGGS, and I realized he's a vegan. It's never good to be biased, and its always good to actually read the studies you show in your videos.
    HDL cholesterol is created much higher than LDL when eggs are consumed. 
    Also you can find eggs that are good ratio and omega 3 over 6 that are organic free range. 

    This guy is presenting his own biased belief. 

  16. 99 year old scientist Dr. Fred Kummerow gave an interview with Dr Mercola, look in health articles tab under cholesterol for " The Redemption of Cholesterol—How It Supports Your Health" at mercola.com , Dr Fred has got a new book out called " Cholesterol Is Not the Culprit " worth getting:   ALSO the statistics given here on this video about eggs, that would most likely be for the consumption of cooked eggs not raw eggs, and your cholesterol level should not fall below 180.  Folks, do a bit of research and get all the facts.

  17. I have a problem. While I do understand that the purpose of this video (and many like-minded ones) is to conclude that eggs are not a part of a healthy diet, I have a hard time memorizing the scientific proof. So, when someone is to ask me why I think eggs are bad for you I wouldn't have much science to give them because it just doesn't "stick", if you know what I mean. Anyone else have this problem?

  18. I didn't eat 6 eggs like i usually do for a week and I lost 2lbs. This is terrible news for people bulking like I am. Heart disease? Do cardio, lol.

  19. You morons, eggs COULD rise serum cholesterol, but you look at the data from the last 30 something years (not just what Dr. Dipshit shows you) you can clearly see that hardly happens. 

    Also, this apply to sedentary fat fuck such as Dr. Dipshit above. If you move around and lift some weight, this utter bullshit doesn't apply to you.

    Be merry and eat some eggs.

  20. Funny since diagnosed with diabetes and high LDL I've been eating 24 eggs per week. My blood tests show cholesterol from 19 down to 4.5 and h1c 19 down to 6.9. Blood pressure down from 165/95 to 120/85 in six weeks.

    I only eat one yolk per 6 eggs and if the study is run long enough you'll see the LDL go up and then go down as the body gets rid of rid from the blood.

    Sure they turn it on and off but give the body time to finish the cycle before making conclusions.

  21. Too low hdl while having high triglycerides is the red flag not just high ldl. Doctors need to keep up to date. Then there's LDL particle size.

    Most docs are fucking useless sheep.

  22. I'm a vegan, but

    "Cholesterol. Previously, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommended that cholesterol intake
    be limited to no more than 300 mg/day. The 2015 DGAC will not bring forward this recommendation
    because available evidence shows no appreciable relationship between consumption of dietary
    cholesterol and serum cholesterol, consistent with the conclusions of the AHA/ACC report.
    Cholesterol is not a nutrient of concern for overconsumption. "


  23. Dr. Greger, can egg article published on MedicalXPress.com today, 2/11/16 entitled "High Cholesterol Diet, eating eggs do not increase risk of heart attack, not even in persons genetically predisposed." ( I would have copy/pasted link but YouTube won't allow it) It is in opposition to the content of your egg videos. Would you kindly comment on it.

  24. Can some one please explain me why those "studies" are not avaiable for free?Im not able to have a read without pay a feel.
    And who is so called The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition -Am J Clin Nutr.Can some one help me to convince my friend that he is wrong about eggs are healthy.

  25. Cholesterol is good for you in the right amounts, you know? Just like fats, vitamins and minerals, iron, sugar (glucose), and all the rest.

  26. this is just a metha-analysis, there are others that claims the opposite, in fact the association between eggs consumption and cvd remains controversial, most likely it depends on each individual's genetic; don't just pick one study that claim what you want to believe

  27. I don't want to sound morbid but what are you doing to ensure your work here (all these videos) will continue to be available after your passing. They are incredibly informative and I'd hate them to disappear.

  28. Top cardiologists say saturated fat doesn't cause heart disease. My mom lived to 92 eating eggs. The only reason you're dissing eggs is bcz you're an animal loving vegan therefore there's no health to anything you say so stfu crazy douchebag.

  29. Look at the doofus saying dietary cholesterol raises serum cholesterol.
    Dietary cholesterol does not raise blood cholesterol
    "When you eat larger amounts of cholesterol, your body makes less. Because of this, foods high in dietary cholesterol have very little impact on blood cholesterol levels in most people. However, in some people, high cholesterol foods do cause a rise in blood cholesterol." (Nov 15, 2016)

  30. well why humans had no cholesterol ,diabetes ,and other health issues before many years ago?we have been eating meat and eggs ,diary,and we ddint have these diseases untill now days ,why?

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