Combattere il lupus con la curcuma: buono come l'oro

Un quarto di cucchiaino di curcuma speziato messo alla prova per il trattamento della nefrite da lupus incontrollabile (LES) in un randomizzato, in doppio cieco , sperimentazione clinica controllata con placebo.

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Per ulteriori informazioni sugli effetti antinfiammatori della curcuma, vedere:
• Curcumina curcuma e artrite reumatoide (
• Curcumina e osteoartrite della curcuma (
• Accelerare il recupero dalla chirurgia con la curcuma (<br/>
E gli effetti anticancro?
• Ritorno alle nostre radici: curry e cancro ( curry-and-cancer/)
• Effetti cancerogeni bloccanti della curcuma (
http:/ /
• Curcuma Curcumina Riprogrammazione morte delle cellule tumorali (
• Curcuma Curcumina e cancro al colon (
• Curcumina curcuma e cancro al pancreas ( -Curcumina-e-cancro-pancreatico)
• Applicazione topica della curcumina curcuma per il cancro (
• Curcuma Curcumina, MGUS e mieloma multiplo (

Per considerazioni pratiche, vedere Aumentare la biodisponibilità della curcumina ( /video/potenziare-la-biodisponibilità-della-curcumina/) e chi non dovrebbe consumare curcumina o curcuma? (

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32 Risposte a “Combattere il lupus con la curcuma: buono come l'oro”

  1. I have been fighting lupus for 18 years, to the point kidneys, heart and lungs were being attacked endlessly. I was about to need a wheelchair when I decided to go vegan. It reversed the attacks and damage. I had to GIVE UP ALL NIGHT SHADE VEGGIES!!! Using turmeric did not help me. It gave me kidney flare ups. Lupus is strange and evil! each person will have to chart what works for them. for me whole food vegan lifestyle without night shades and NO caffeine outside of dandelion root tea was the answer. also drinking organic veggie broth with parsnips included. also stay far away from parsley!!!!!! I feel great now!!!!!

  2. Why do doctors need to be "told about" turmeric or any other effective treatment?  Why can they not do research themselves?   It's their profession for heaven's sake.  Virtually everyone I know in a profession ON THEIR OWN INITIATIVE does research!   Yard men research plants that do well in their area, on their own!  What a concept!   Computer programmers read computer magazines, manuals on different computer languages and processes, etc. etc.  But medical doctors somehow can't do it. I repeatedly see and hear people defending the poor pitiful helpless doctor who has learned nothing of new developments IN HIS OWN FIELD.  He/she doesn't have time.  It's "soooo hard" to find out this information.  Really?  Really?  If I, a random person who is not in any way a medical professional, can easily find this information, why is it "soooo hard" for someone for whom this is their chosen profession to find it out?  And it's not me saying they think it's hard and then bashing them for it.  I repeatedly hear people, usually doctors actually, say how hard it is for them.

  3. Apparently turmeric is not terribly well absorbed by the body. To increase availability, cook your turmeric in a liquid medium (curry sauce!), take it with some fat (curry sauce!), and take it also with black pepper (curry sauce!).

    In short, eat more curries. 🙂

    I got this info from a book called The Sirt Food Diet by Aidan Goggins & Glen Matten.

    Oh, and turmeric tea is another option.

  4. I use a lot of turmeric I put it in my egg mixture and I also put it in my vegetable stew along with other spices I research to be healthy. I go through a normal size spice jar in about a month and a half.

  5. Make sure to always take your Turmeric with Cayenne or Black Pepper for much much better absorption in the body.
    Medicinal Mushrooms and Cannabis/Hemp are also in the similar category for an all in one medicinal food.

  6. I like the sarcasm at the end. turmeric is one of the myriad Indian spices. it stands out in that it is a quantum food known to repair DNA and prevent cancers besides spicing up your meals. it is used in Ayurveda which is one of the oldest medicinal systems in practice

  7. I stopped using fluoride toothpaste a year ago. I'm concerned with the toxin & with teeth getting brittle with fluoride use. Someone told me her teeth got destroyed by not using fluoride toothpaste. Could you please address that issue if you see anything on it?

  8. Silicon dioxide can cause lupus symptoms (see silicosis and leaky breast implants), and is an additive to turmeric supplements, and pharmaceuticals.

  9. I use turmeric in my dressings… I take at least an inch (I've grown to like more) and throw it in my blender along with other spices (optional) like garlic , shallots, ginger etc…( also an inch or more) celery ( or peeled zucchini ), a few pitted dates, coconut vinegar..coconut secret aminos, ( to taste) and a tb. spoon of apple cider vinegar ( and or a squeeze of lemon or lime ) …instead of oil I use a tablespoon of hemp… it makes it creamier and I make a practice of having hemp and flax seeds daily…play around with it to your taste and I think you'll come to love it..

  10. My sister died 8 years ago from Lupus – it's her birthday tomorrow

    The doctors misdiagnosed her as just having a cold and sent her home. From there she deteriorated and I nursed her in ICU until her death.

    Wish I knew this stuff 8 years ago 🙁

  11. i hate lupus, im on 15 pills and every pill is to counteract the other ones, currently my high dose prednisone is giving me oral thrush and i have to still go on chemo… i just want to stop everything i feel like im dying

  12. I have lupus and I'm thinking about ending my medication since I feel a lot better after becoming vegan

  13. I noticed in this video you specifically say "Turmeric NOT Curcumin" But in your video slides. Its specifically contradicts what you said when it says in the study
    that these people took "Curcumin in the pill form" Not in fact Turmeric. When I type in Turmeric all the supplements in pill form have curcumin under the word Turmeric.
    Where do I get Turmeric only?

  14. I’m very excited that I’m totally cured of my HPV virus 🦠 of 3 year’s of diagnosed and there’s no medication that was to help me get it permanently till i was introduced to an Africa herbal doctor Oare who cured me permanently and symptoms anymore again after series’s of test done ✅ thank you very much dr OARE ON YOUTUBE..

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