Come abbassare Lp(a) con la dieta

Cosa mangiare e cosa evitare per abbassare il fattore di rischio cardiovascolare lipoproteina(a).

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91 Risposte a “Come abbassare Lp(a) con la dieta”

  1. My father has high lpa.. and he didnt reduce pla after 2 months amla eating.. but i continue give him, it will works maybe in future

  2. We should check our body's response to a limited set of intervention at a time and go from that with the next. For example, if I know my triglycerides go normal taking wine out, fine. Then eating olives put them on the upper limit, so the next is to cut down on the olives before any other intervention, see my point?

  3. ⅓ of Americans(irrespective of their race), ½ of Africans, ½ of Indians(Asians) are genetically inherit Lp(a).

    There some research on that Flaxseed, Ginkgo Biloba, Curcuminoids, Pectin, Co-Q10 and this extract of Red Yeast Rice (forgot its name but it begins with the alphabet X) have reduced those to 20% percent or more in many cases. I assume if all these are used synergistically, I guess we'd have our LP a reduced to 90% all through our diets. Instead of the life long apheresis since these Lp(a) levels return after a month of apheresis.

    Please bear in mind that Statins are not potent to affect LP a at all, in some cases they've increased it infact.
    Oh my God, had been searching for a solution on this gene expression.
    I just like most South Asians have inherited this gene. We don't have anti-sense medications in India.

    For those who don't know, this gene can give you clogged arteries even if have the least LDL cholesterol.
    Most doctors say it's not treatable and would send you home. But don't stop there.

    I've been on Aspirin and Niacin(which is not prescribed by doctors in India thanks to Big Pharma) for its reduction, thankfully it's just 65 mg/dL unlike Africans where it can exceed 300 mg/dL im many cases and Caucasians where it can be over 200 mg/dL. I might sound scary as I put this text. I'm not here to scare you, it's for your own benefit, these figures are what I've heard/ read online.

    There's this amazing lady I came across over YouTube by the name Pamela McDonald (not Anderson, haha) who talks about Apo E diet and I'd suggest whoever is watching this to watch atleast 5 of her videos, you'd be amazed.
    Also, there's this channel "Lipoprotein A Foundation" which did help me a little.

    My Lp(a) is close to 30 mg/dL now. It's said anything above it makes us twice as likely to have heart attacks before we turn 40 .

    Get over with the simple Lipid Profile and ask your doctor to test this out.

    There's not much research on it yet, but I'm looking for Doctor Greger's part 2 on this !
    Edit : I'm underweight with just 11% bodyfat. So, LP(a) has nothing to do with body fats.

    Stay safe y'all.

  4. In these purposefully weird times, it's best to put natural things in your body. Currently I'm on Amla, Camu Camu, Noni, Tart Cherry, Maca, Bee Pollen, Goji Berry, Nopal Cactus, Pomegranate, Collagen, Moringa, Matcha, Flax, Chia, Hemp, and these are just my POWDERS for smoothies. Can't tell me I'm not better off than people eating hamburgers made from the meat of 1000 cows, or intaking MSG daily, and ingesting the other myriad of food-grade poisons, oops, I mean chemicals, that the U.S. tells you is ok.

  5. Short Answer from the video and from his listed studies

    1. A Whole Food Plant based diet (vegan) does lower and control LPa in a clinical trial –

    2. Almonds appear to lower LPa by 8%. –

    3. Alma in a questionable study with smokers eating an inflammatory diet did reduce LPa by 20% in 4 weeks, so the results are ambiguous.

    The net message: The only known clinical solution is a WFPBD to help protect against and reduce LPa at this time. But both trials listed above did produce a measurable drop in LPa. Just lean on the well formed trial with the Amla conflict of interest trial as some supporting evidence to bolster the solid one.

  6. Wow that one was bleak. So your genetics have probably doomed you. Diet doesn't really help. Maybe berry powder but the peddlers funded the study, but it did help Lp(a) so hey what do you have to lose? Sounds like we should all just become gamblers in vegas. Nutrition is starting to look like a zero sum game: put in as much effort as you want, you are still in a rat maze someone else built with genes you can't change.

  7. So in light of this video- should I toss my Amla powder? (And the thought that perhaps someone in the comments below might receive their mail addressed to S.Baker most definitely occurred to me.) Thanks Dr. G 🌿✅🌈🌈

  8. The American College of Cardiology ( seems not to agree: "Importantly, a number of commonly used preventive strategies are ineffective. Most notably, lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise, do not reduce Lp(a)."

    I find this allegation extremely suspect, due to its absolute conclusion that "…diet…[does] not reduce Lp(a)", without any clinical evidence to back it up. It would be interesting to see the effect of a WFPB regimen on a group of humans with high Lp(a) values, measured at regular intervals, over the course of a year.

  9. Hi Dr Greger, I've been eating plant based for the last 3 years, not cooking with oil or adding salt in the week days and eating take away
    2-3 meals in the weekends(mostly thai food) and my LDL were at 136 and my Lp(a) 82. I also eat 1 tsp of amla powder everyday. I am very concerned about my heath, is there something I can do or am I doomed to CVD…?

  10. He kind of mumbled fast through the conclusion. Did he just conclude to eat a plant-based diet because it reduces all of those other risk factors and that the amla powder "might be worth a try" despite there being a conflict of interest in the study?

  11. "But Anyways…?" Come on Dr. Greger! You're better than that. This is the first truly poorly concluded nutritionfacts vid I've seen. Try them anyway? They are worth a try? Come on. By condoning this study and conclusion funded by a drug company, you are also condoning all of the studies that were done by the dairy lobby groups, meat lobby groups, sugar lobby etc. etc. It's an industry funded study and that's the end I will hear of it. Maybe I misunderstood, but you condoning this study does not bode well for your credibility. [All of the hooey starts around minute 4 and 4:20 when he says the study was completely not true and the study was poorly done. Then he said there was spin and said bull@#$ and conflict of interest. 5:15. Then he says try it anyway… ]

  12. I follow a Wholefoods Plant-based Lifestyle and I smoke.
    No idea what my LPa reading is, but NO WAY am I consuming Amla (again).
    I'll take early mortality any day.

  13. conclusion: there is not (good) enough data for or against those berries, but try them anyway, because they are not harmful? and also almonds. and also wfpb diet.

  14. I love the editing on your latest videos! You've improved the cuts/edits on Greger, and took him out of the shot completely where we should focus on the charts! much better, good job!

  15. This guy is just an anti-omnivore vegan. As humans, we are capable of eating almost anything….this is REALLY powerful. Not saying we have to only eat meat, but being able to eat meat AND vegetables makes us quite the dominate species. I do agree that Americans need to eat WAAAAAAAAAY less meat. Lots of good recipes that don't include meat. Meat is VERY calorie dense which leads to expanding waistlines, but if you were starving to death (not in the USA)…and you needed fulfilling foods (not in the USA)….meat is the way to go (not in the USA). Moral of the story…this guy is just pro vegan (that's all this channel is about), and Americans need to eat less meat…but not eliminate it.

  16. For what it's worth, I am 71 years old and have familial hypercholesterolaemia, and have been able to keep my cholesterol in the 140-160 range for the last few years with vegetarian and now vegan diet alone. I've tried the dried powdered amla with no difference in results. I'm not sure it's worth the price, especially after seeing this video.

  17. Currently the most important management strategy for people with high levels of LP(a) is to optimise/treat all other risk factors, in particular LDL cholesterol. The best treatment for LP(a) is to reduce the cholesterol burden of the particle with a statin which will shrink the particle size. A new injectable treatment known as an anti-sense therapy which stops LP(a) being made is currently due to start phase 3 clinical research trials. Work so far has shown this treatment can reduce LP(a) levels by up to 90%.
    Other treatments shown to help lower Lp(a) levels include PCSK9 inhibitors (reduce levels by 25%) and lipoprotein apheresis,
    a weekly-fortnightly invasive treatment similar to renal dialysis, which can reduce levels by up to 75%. This treatment should only be considered in those with recurrent CVD despite optimal control of other risk factors.

  18. I have been plant based for 4 yrs eat high raw and my lp(a) is still double the high side. I am going to try the amla berry as a last resort . fyi my weight is 98lbs, never have been over weight.

  19. Even 30% relative reductions are insignificant when optimal levels are 28 mg/dL or below. Say I have 70 mg/dL levels and reduce that 30%, then my new level is a still dangerously high 49 mg/dL. There are therapeutics soon to be FDA approved that will drop levels by 80%. That's significant. That diet (sourcing, storage, and collateral macro- and micronutrients deficiencies) is as inconvenient as apheresis treatments.

  20. How is it possible that Lipoprotein (a) is bad when there are articles on Pubmed that say Centenarians also have elevated levels of Lp(a)
    that could be in the genetics for a good reason as to be protective for the body? Please explain.

  21. I have very high Lp(a) 243nmol/L. Going completely plant based did not lower my Lp(a) and the vast majority of studies confirm that diet and lifestyle have almost no effect on Lp(a). I went on PCSK9-inhibitor and my Lp(a) dropped by 40% It generally will cause Lp(a) to drop 20 to 40%.
    There are a number of drugs in the pipeline that lower Lp(a) by about 80%.
    I appreciate that eating whole foods is the way we all should be eating. Unfortunately, diet has not been shown to reduce Lp(a) significantly. Even if the cherry picked study presented by Dr. Greger proves reproducible, 16% is not a robust reduction. For me personally, it would not significantly reduce my risk of CVD due to my Lp(a). But, yes, lifestyle changes, that reduce CVD risk for everyone, are especially important for those with elevated Lp(a).

  22. Lp(a) of 390 nmol/L here (Yep, you read that right). Sometimes, when y’screwed, y’screwed. Oh, you DO get to choose between being screwed by dying young or getting screwed by having to live like an ascetic monk. Whee.
    Calcific aortic valve stenosis diagnosed at age 41 (normal tricuspid valve, just calcified to heck) and a CAC score of 156, about average for a man in his 70s.
    Some people just get screwed. Hard.
    But don’t worry! Treatment drugs are on the way! And they have been for over a decade. As the FDA s-l-o-w-l-y drags. its. feet. considering. whether. to. allow. them. to. be. available.
    Someday, someday, drugs will be available that lower Lp(a) by 90% or more. And the FDA will pat itself on the back for doing such a GOOD JOB gatekeeping those drugs for so long.
    I’ll be dead by then, though.

  23. Hi I'm 61 years old and have gene determined high Lp(a). It was 403mg/l in 2012 and 400mg/l this summer. Yesterday I had a scan and feared a dead sentence. However the outcome was quite positive. I have very litle to no plaque. Only 3% at my age have less plaque I was told. My cardio age was judged to 34-39 years! I'm quite healthy and my triglyceride have been low the few times measured, which should hint I'm metabolic healthy. Maybe that's what matters? Not the level of cholesterol or Lp(a)?

  24. this is stupid you could eat nothing but meat and the only plant you ate were oranges and you would lower lpa as it vitamin c that lowers it.

  25. this guy either intentionally or unintentionally misrepresents information to promote his vegan beliefs.

    when they compare those diets….. notice that he uses generalized terms and does not detail the exact diets.
    why? because he presents the information in such a way as to support his desire….to make you a vegan.
    The 10 year lifespan improvement is between a WFPB diet and the S.A.D…….and I fully agree.
    What he does not compare or even mention is comparing a WFPB diet with a healthy omnivore diet.
    So imagine a diet that is WFPB and then you add healthy animal products. Grass fed beef, wild caught salmon, sardines, mackerel etc.
    If you eat a WFPB diet without the proper supplementation then you will develop heart disease due to out of control homocysteine levels.
    A proper diet should not require supplementation at all.
    If you take a WFPB diet but then add in animal products (mostly seafood as all thriving human populations during evolution existed near bodies of fresh or salt water and thus naturally utilized all foods available to them) then you will have the proper human diet.
    inb4 someone tries to set up a straw man argument: I am suggesting a diet that is primarily WFPB but with a small portion of added animal products to each meal which are also healthy… pasture raised, grass-fed, wild-caught etc etc) No processed foods, no shelf stable fake foods, no process oils, no processed and refined grains. Only foods which exist in nature.
    If you do what I just described above, you WILL be healthier and live longer than you will solely on a WFPB diet. Not you might… You WILL. Otherwise, prepare to argue against the theory of evolution. Humans ARE NOT herbivores, we are omnivores. Arguing that we should change to an herbivore diet is similar to saying that you should feed your cat nothing but broccoli and expect the cat to be healthy.

  26. You can have LPa and not deposit it in the arteries. The question is WHY, do some people deposit LPa, and others do not!!!!!

  27. Search for the research of Linus Pauling and Mathius Rath. Lipoprotien(a) is not a risk factor, it is the fire department coming to the rescue. Treat focal scurvy. I found out about this 6 years ago and now the pharmaceutical industry is trying to find ways of lowering it with out truly understanding what it is doing in the body in the first place.

  28. How to lower Lipoprotein a in my case: LOW CARB diet, Niacin and a low dose statin. Plant based diet which is full of carbs destroyed my LPa (elevated!). Plant Based and Lpa ist most dumb thing you can do.

  29. Confused. The study’s claim of no conflict of interest is bs, but we should use amla anyway? Based on what? A single study underwritten by amla vendors? What happened to “unbelievable”?

  30. Check this study and you will see why whole food plant based diet is wrong for Lpa.
    German Vegan Study: Diet, Life-Style Factors, and Cardiovascular Risk Profile

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