Come acquistare, maneggiare e conservare il pollo

Il pollame è la causa più comune di gravi intossicazioni alimentari, seguito dal pesce e poi dal manzo. Ma cosa, le persone non sono più propense a ordinare i loro hamburger più rari dei loro sandwich di pollo? Il luogo principale in cui si verificano i focolai è la casa, non i ristoranti.

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100 Risposte a “Come acquistare, maneggiare e conservare il pollo”

  1. I get it. It’s not about purchasing chicken. But the title has a ‘click-bait’ feel to it, especially since this is a primarily PB site. AND…he doesn’t address the reason of the video until the 2:00 mark, talking about cart contamination hurting NON-meat people. Could’ve been a much more constructive way to present this POV…without ‘fishing’ for YT views.

  2. i wouldnt suggest goes full sv3rige
    but this bacteria scaring is bullshit
    the boy eats almost nothing but raw meat for 2 years, hes living testament that these bacteria r not as bad as one might think

    human stomach acid is crazy strong compared to most other plant eating animals, most pathogens wont survive
    stahp bubble boism

  3. 4:33
    i can with near 100% certainty induce UTIs by eating white/brown rice
    its like clockwork
    starch worst food on planet, move on (back?) to greener pastures
    meat is damaging, but starch is starvation
    stahp starvation movement now
    eat white food and become white

  4. Well thank you for proving me right! My family thinks I'm OCD for having separate knives and cutting boards for veggies and their meat and make fun of me for it

  5. This is very informative. As i live with a meat eater I will pass on some of this info. I will also wipe down all cart handles before touching.

  6. Delusional and emotionally unstable vegans, this is not a video to whine about. He's simply spreading the facts on what spreads disease here. People are going to be buying chicken for a long time. It's beneficial to know how to prevent contamination. Wipe your carts down. Show people the risks. Stop crying.

  7. I find it amusing when people argue that humans have "evolved to eat meat". If that is so, why can't we even handle dead animals without getting ill, to say nothing of eating raw flesh. True omnivores have systems designed to protect them against these illnesses-we do not.

  8. This scares me, when you have loose fruit and vegetables going through checkout touching the cashiers hands and the conveyor belt, the raw meat juices have been everywhere 🤯

  9. Wow!! Haven't given this any thought since I don't eat chicken… I'll definitely think about this the next time I shop and grab a cart… thanks for the research and posting!!

  10. A plant based/vegan nutrition channel reporting on safe meat practices??? Who gives a shit what meat eaters do or what germs they contract? I take care of my own sanitation, using hand sanitizer and wipes on shopping carts. I do NOT like seeing "How to shop for, handle and store chicken" on this channel. What the hell? This video shouldn't exist. DON'T buy chicken should be the message, not pointers on how to properly support the meat industry. Have a huge thumbs down – I wish I could do more than that. If you start covering animal food topics on this channel (other than to avoid them), videos like this, I'll unsub immediately. What a stupid decision.

  11. Thanks for the info Doctor G. Pretty shitty that a non meat shopper is still at risk of contamination because of other people's bad habits, but at heart we now know.

  12. I am a meat eater but I like veggies also. Daughter is vegan. Still skip which to consume or not. How about all the children riding in the carts with dirty little slobbery hands or upchucks or has a messy diaper in the cart? What about all the moms and dads caring for all these messy kids trying to get something done and get home with chow? There are all kinds of messy things being handled in around and on the cart with hands that have cleaned the adult in the restroom and they walked out not washing their hands. Nasty germ critters are everywhere spreading loads of things to others.

  13. Lol – Fascinating how people are missing the point of this video. Dr Greger is simply showing how easily bacteria can spread when people shop for chicken, spreading even to NON meat-eaters! That's ALL. He's not promoting eating chicken! 😂

  14. At the time I was watching this I was eating pinto/black bean mixed with a large salad and some strawberries. Don't eat anything that poops.

  15. Individuals with HLA-B27 (~5-10% of human population have this genetic marker) must be especially cautious with chicken! Exposure to Campylobacter jejuni (transported by the common house fly, even making a single touch-and-go landing on raw chicken), may not only cause severe food poisoning symptoms, it may also trigger a horrible autoimmune disease (AS), possibly crippling them for life! Cooking/killing the bacteria may not sufficiently destroy its DNA signature that triggers this disease! …please be very careful!

  16. Great video, I love it. Thank you for your generous work. I don't see many comments stating otherwise but plenty that claim they're there, probably farming imaginary points. Oh well. Edit: okay I see them now, but they've been embellished. Anyway, I have discovered that many long term vegans are dietary and their stances are thinly nuanced with ethical mechanics. While well expressed emotional content has long been an interest of mine, dogmatic arguments only give away free ammo. I either get lumped together with them or those with an insatiable appetite to exploit them, which is fairly opportunistic.

  17. Thanks Dr. G great video, I think this will help one of my friends who is worried about germs keep animals off her plate and maybe go vegan 💗

  18. This video was interesting and informative. Other commenters need to understand that not everything is black and white.

  19. I work in the meat department this information is all facts

    P.s. – it’s not by choice… some people have to pay bills, and that’s where they transferred me for extra hours… so if you’re a vegan, and are going to try to bash me don’t waste your time because Opinions are like assholes we all have one nothing special 😉

  20. The title of this vid is totally misleading. Should just say that chicken is full of bacteria. Something we all know.

  21. im a vegan bodybuilder and to fulfill my calorie requirements ( 3.5k per day ) i consume 500g of lentils ( weighted raw ) daily is it harmful to health due to iron overload ?

  22. Why do plant based doctors always say that the leanest chicken (breast, skinless) contains about 30 percent fat? Whilst Cronometer says it's only 4,5 percent?

  23. Since going vegan I've only really gone to the green grocer in my neighborhood where they don't sell meat at all instead of the regular grocery. After watching this video I think I'll avoid traditional grocery stores all together!

  24. This is one reason why I simply don't use shopping carts. Reusable bags. Carry the groceries. No cart traffic. Look if you have a huge family you probably can't, but if you are rolling solo or eating for two… You're wasting your life pushing that cart around.

  25. So bring your own cart? Then you don't have to worry! You can purchase carts for shopping online that collapse and travel easy. If you can't do as I do, carry reusable shopping bags that can be wiped down or washed and put everything in your bags as you shop and wipe you cart down before touching it. Then voila, no animal flesh contamination.

  26. Oh my yes. Kids put their hands on their face and mouth all the time. I watch many YouTube videos of raising backyard chickens were kids are handling chickens as pets. I have to reply noooo, make sure your kids are washing their hands with sanitizers.

  27. Just the fact that we have to handle raw chicken like it's plutonium should be sign enough that we aren't meant to eat the stuff. What non-meat foods do we have to handle like that?

  28. Personally I've come to realize that there is no such thing as overcooked chicken. 1 hour in the oven is fine and if the skin doesn't look crispy I'll happily pop another 15 minutes

  29. Carts, conveyor belts, the cashier's hands, any items touched and put back on the shelves can all be contaminated. I was a cashier for several months and sometimes it took several hours of steady customers before I had a chance to clean the conveyor belt. I did clean my hands often with hand sanitizer but I know some cashiers that never cleaned the belt or their hands.

  30. Eeeeeeew, I’m bringing a frickin sanitizer with me every time now. Gross gross gross. This is great information to know, because as of now our world isn’t totally vegan yet ✌️🌱

  31. Reusable shopping bags sit on dirty conveyor belts, come in contact with chicken packaging. Always wash your hands after shopping. Wood is bacteriocidal, not bacteriostatic. Get a proper wood cutting board.

  32. Good to know about the potential shopping cart contamination. Now if we wash our produce thoroughly under the running water, is the potential salmonela and other foodborn contaminants washed away? As they can get contaminated in the shopping cart.

  33. I thought I was safe because I gave up all animal products. Now I have to make sure I clean the cart when I use one in the store. Thanks, Doctor Greger. That was very helpful.

  34. I always thought that shopping baskets and karts should be sterilised after use instead of chaining them and getting your coin back. Just roll it through a trolley steamer.

  35. Never buy chicken, never harm chicken or any other animals and thus you won't have to store their murdered corpses. Simple.

  36. Very good video. Chicken, beef, pork these days at the supermkt is horrible. The chicken is being harvested so early when you cook it it bleeds out. And what is with the beef looking like it has a rainbow going thru it?? My days are numbered for eating meat period.

  37. people that are against veganism act like they are the only ones affected his victims when in reality they have more victims than anyone. They even victimized people by spreading illness like salmonella and e-coli which are food-borne illnesses from animal products as they spread and contaminate all kinds of things. not to mention people who are struggling and starving all over the world that would benefit environmentally if people stop consuming animal products. all those idiots can think about is that they are annoyed and bothered that they're being told what to eat boohoo

  38. Costco doesn't have any wipes or sanitizers and their chickens are leaking liquid. Their staff tried to reassure me that it was condensation, but I clearly smelled chicken smell on my hands and my fingers were sticking.

  39. I didn't think I could learn anything from watching this video since I don't eat corpses, but now I know I need to avoid supermarkets and go to the fruit & veggie stores nearby instead. Thanks for the video Dr. Greger 🙂

  40. If i tell someone that I’m going to fk up these wings, or I’m having a burger…Nobody panics. Because thats part of the plan.But when i say that ONE little old bat will be turned into soup… then everyone loses their minds!!

  41. And now we have covid …. the same thing i was and still saying. People are handling meat WRONG!! I became a vegan for health reasons and ethical reasons as well .. i am glad i dont have to deal with that area of the super market again .. not only are we exposing ourselves from germs/ bacteria/ viruses/ e coli etc etc etc etc but those un safe chemicals DONE to meat products before …. the real real real question you have to ask yourself … is meat all worth it in the end ??….. go green people !🍉🍏🍇🍋🍎🥝🍑🥒🥒

  42. I literally just wanted to watch for school, why are there vegans here acting like meat itself is the problem? It’s literally just the handling of it

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