Flashback Friday: l'obesità patologica può essere invertita attraverso la dieta?

Quanto era estrema la dieta a base di riso del Dr. Kempner rispetto agli approcci chirurgici tradizionali? Esiste un'alternativa più sicura?

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Per di più su Kempner e la sua dieta a base di riso, vedi:
• Dieta a base di riso Kempner: rimetterci in forma (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/kempner -la-dieta-del-riso-che-ci-rimette-in-forma/)
• La droga e la fine della dieta del riso (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/drugs-and-the-demise-of-the-rice-diet/)<br/> • La retinopatia diabetica può essere invertita? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/can-diabetic-retinopathy-be-reversed/)

Maggiori informazioni sull'approccio chirurgico possono essere trovate in Invertire il diabete con la chirurgia (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/reversing -diabetes-surgery/) e Stomach Stapling Kids (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/stomach-stapling- kids/).

Ecco alcuni dei miei video sulla perdita di peso, ma ne ho molti altri nella pagina dell'argomento (https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/weight-loss/). Ho anche un sacco di video sul digiuno (https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/fasting/).
• Circonferenza della vita inferiore alla metà della tua altezza (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/keep-your-waist -circonferenza-a-meno-della-metà-della-tua-altezza/)
• Frutta a guscio e obesità: il peso delle prove (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/nuts-and-obesity-the-weight-of-evidence/)
• Quanto esercizio per sostenere la perdita di peso? (
• Approccio nutriente alla gestione del peso (https://nutritionfacts. org/video/nutrient-dense-approach-to-weight-management/)
• Quale dieta dovrebbero consigliare i medici? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/what-diet-should-physicians-recommend/)
• Come prevenire il prediabete nei bambini (https://nutritionfacts.org /video/come-prevenire-il-prediabete-nei-bambini/)
• Ci sono alimenti con calorie negative? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/ci-sono-cibi-con-calorie-negative/)
• Mangiare di più per pesare di meno (https: //nutritionfacts.org/video/eating-more-to-weigh-less/)
• Inversione del diabete: sono le calorie o il cibo? ( https://nutritionfacts.org/video/diabetes-reversal-is-it-the-calories-or -the-food/)
• L'aceto di mele aiuta a perdere peso? ( https://nutritionfacts.org/video/apple-cider-vinegar-help-weight-loss/ )
• Ottimizzazione dell'assunzione di acqua per perdere peso (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/optimizing-water-intake-to-lose-weight/)
• Qual è il Booster del metabolismo più sicuro? (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/what-is-the-safest-metabolism- booster/)
• La migliore dieta per la perdita di peso e la prevenzione delle malattie (

Se ti incuriosiscono le pillole dimagranti, ho fatto due video su di esse in 2019: Le pillole dimagranti sono sicure? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-weight-loss-pills- safe) e le pillole dimagranti sono efficaci? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-weight-loss-pills -efficace).

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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34 Risposte a “Flashback Friday: l'obesità patologica può essere invertita attraverso la dieta?”

  1. Love everything about Nutrition facts by legends MD Michael Greger and his dedicated team to be mentor for people to be supported in eating exclusively whole food plant based nutrition for reversing all western diseases and being the perfect BMI physical and therefore mental wellbeing

  2. Funny diet drugs are routinely yanked from the market as they should be, but the corrupt food industry marketing to every aspect of the public is aloud to just keep killing people. Weight loss drugs are yanked from the market while the vaping industry is skyrocketing and they are marketing to our youth breading an entirely new generation of health issues. We know that sugary drinks like soda causes an enormous amount of damage to the human body and yet, still selling that poison by the ton every day to our children, not to mention the massive damage all the single use plastic is doing to our environment. Its crazy, I have a lot of friends that are refusing to get the COVID vaccine, they claim its because they don't know what's in it and they don't want to be a government guinea pig but they have no problem sucking on a vape pen manufactured and sold to the public that has no long term studies done to see if inhaled juice has any health issues. I have a relative that is 130lbs overweight telling me I look sick because I am 5'11' and weigh 169 lbs. This guy is a 130lbs overweight, is type II diabetic, takes handfuls of prescription drugs and smokes makes fun of me because I am a WFPBV. Obesity is easily treatable, stupidity isn't.

  3. 300 pounds in a year? 0,8 pound per day = deficit of 3000-3500 calories per day…. wow…. that would be like me eating nothing and running 2h per day 🤯

  4. I’ve lost 141lbs in just 1 year via whole-foods plant-based diet (WFPBD) & walking 15,000 steps daily (while listening to your books on Audible). Free online summits & interviews hosted by Chef AJ, John Robbins and others present evidence-based examples showing why, how and where a WFPBD has worked to improve (and sometimes save) so many lives, including your grandma! You and other well-qualified medical experts are impacting peoples’ lives by sharing actionable content online to help more of us embrace a WFPB lifestyle. We’re learning easy-to-prepare recipes that are healthy & delicious so we can all be kinder to ourselves, the animals & our planet. Thank you Sir!

  5. I don’t understand why obesity isn’t treated like anorexia; like a life threatening eating disorder that requires serious in-patient medically supervised and insurance paid treatment.
    They will pay to do dangerous surgery that often ends badly but not to really treat the person.

  6. Of course they lost weight in the short run, but did they keep it off? It’s dishonest and dangerous to act like there’s actually evidence of people keeping off weight this way. The rice diet is so dangerous and restrictive Kempner literally admitted to WHIPPING patients that broke the rules of the diet to keep them motivated.

  7. What's interesting in this information there's no data:1) how long this diet can be used?
    2) is there any side effects of it?
    3) How this diet can influence life span?
    4) what will happen if patiens widen a range of foods they can eat?

  8. This is the first I have heard about frying the brain to curb appetite. Now I know what happened to me. 19 months ago (Oct) I had a temperature of 104 for 48 hours. Don't know where it came from or why it left. I stayed hydrated but that was all I could do. It took me about 1 week to realize my addiction to carbs was gone. First Halloween that I didn't buy extra candy just for me. I made the decision to take advantage of the new food outlook and went WFPB. I lost 75 pounds in a year and maintained since, eating as much as I want of WFPB items only. I am 64 and have lived 50 years as an addict with no control. I am now free and it has been the best year of my life.

  9. obesity like other conditions like high blood pressure or high cholesterol is called a disease when it is in fact a adaptation to some stress physical, mental or chemical. I have done low cal diets and sure I lost alot of weight (unfortunantly it was mostly muscle and water) but was never able to sustain it. hunger like sleep builds up a debt that sooner or later will have to be satisfied or you will die. what we have here is a misunderstanding of what true disease is. I have bene fighting obesity for many decades, I have yet to figure out what the stressor is that keeps this weight and keeps my body fighting to hold onto it with teeth like a pitbull.

  10. Finally, no daily dozen, no rainbow on the plate, no chickpes, lentils, beans no whole grains, all off a sudden now the fruit juice, table sugar, high glycemic white rice and little fiber diet is the cure for obesity and cardiovascular disease! 👌👊🎵"Celebrate good times c'mon"🎶🎉🎈🍍🍇🍬🍯🍌🍞🍚

  11. I thought liberals loved obesity and “body positivity” is the new woke coolness? Why would we want to stop obesity if it’s such a laudable body to have and it’s now on a par with thin and healthy? 🤔🤔🤔

  12. It's all about the MONEY! If people stopped eating processed foods the economy would collapse. No Big Food, no Big Pharma, No jobs for those in the food industry from chefs cooking the crap to factories making the crap. No need for large scale heart surgery and medical insurance It will not be allowed to happen by the rulers.

  13. Best diet for weight loss is high carb low fat 80-10-10 style or Dr mcdougall starch solutions. It's comfortable and you can eat more volume of food.

  14. Dr. Greger cherrypicks the data in this video. At 4:36 he pull quotes the morality rate at being 1.9%, but the Summary page that serves as the background states that "(Various bariatric procedures in current use) have been performed with an overall mortality rate of less than 1%" That's about the same as getting your gallbladder removed, which he mentions in another video as a totally safe and routine procedure.

    I expect better Dr. Greger.

  15. It seems to me that there is some sort of mathematical compounding effect going on with fat cell/weight gain. At lower weights the compounding effect is till there but change is almost unnoticeable but as the compounding effect goes on, eventually the weight shows and the longer it is allowed to continue the compounding is more dramatic. It's not exactly a result of calories producing fat but fat cells reproducing themselves with a compounding effect in action. Well, I can't explain it exactly but I just get the feeling that at some point the mass itself demands more food just to complete normal cell replication which is something like a one for two new cells event and with every replication the mass grows in eventually noticeable leaps. It's not just a case of intake equals cell replication. It's sort of the opposite in that cell sustenance with parallel new cell growth drives demand for building materials, eating in excess.

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