Come bloccare gli enzimi produttori di estrogeni del cancro al seno

Cosa succede ai livelli ormonali nelle donne (e negli uomini) randomizzate a bere latte di soia?

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Aspetta, la soia protegge dal cancro al seno? Sì, studio dopo studio dopo studio. Anche nelle donne ad alto rischio? Vedi BRCA Breast Cancer Genes and Soy (

Anche se hai già un cancro al seno? Vedi La soia è salutare per i sopravvissuti al cancro al seno? (<br/>
Anche la soia OGM? Vedi Soia OGM e cancro al seno ( .

OK, allora chi non dovrebbe mangiare la soia? ( Guarda anche quel video! 🙂

Cos'altro possiamo fare per ridurre il rischio di cancro al seno? Vedi:

• Broccoli vs. Cellule staminali del cancro al seno ( video/broccoli-versus-breast cancer-stemcells/)
• Semi di lino e prevenzione del cancro al seno (
• Cancro al seno contro funghi (
• Prevenire il cancro al seno con qualsiasi verdura necessaria ( -greens-necessary/)
• Frutta a guscio o arachidi per la prevenzione del cancro al seno? (
• Carcinogeni estrogenici per la carne cotta ( /cancerogeno-estrogenico-della-carne-cotta/)
• Fibre vs. cancro al seno (
• Cancro al seno e alcol: come Molto è sicuro? (
• Rischio di cancro al seno: vino rosso contro vino bianco (
• Colesterolo Nutre le cellule del cancro al seno (
• Quali fattori alimentari influenzano maggiormente il cancro al seno? (
• Risposta dell'industria al virus della leucemia bovina nel cancro al seno (
• Il ruolo della leucemia bovina nel cancro al seno ( ruolo-del-virus-della-leucemia-bovina-nel-cancro-al-seno)

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47 Risposte a “Come bloccare gli enzimi produttori di estrogeni del cancro al seno”

  1. So, it is one of those things where you have to weigh the good and the bad with ingesting soy? So, it's good for women but all soy is allegedly GMO which means bad for everyone. Do you risk ingesting a GMO to prevent cancer?

  2. Interesting. Cholesterol is used by cancer cells to make the estrogen fuel. Two things to consider after watching this video: consume non-GMO soy and eliminate the animal products.

  3. Can you please talk about the connection between PCOS (inherited) and gluten? Some sites say not to have gluten when you have PCOS due to extra inflammation. I've been vegan for years and eat really healthy. Thanks so much

  4. So if someone has ms they shouldn't eat soy, seeing as pregnant women are always in remission due to high estrogen levels during pregnancy, is that right Dr. Greger?

  5. Thank you💕 I was concerned about soy because of the different opinions I've read online. Now I can happily eat soy knowing that it's nothing but good stuff😘❤

  6. Benefits of soy is greater for women with early childhood soy consumption. One of the fist foods that Japanese babies are introduced to are soft tofu and soy milk. Most Japanese, especially those who live in eastern part of Japan (like Tokyo), eat natto every day for breakfast. Many still have miso soup with tofu and seaweed for breakfast and at dinner too. They eat soy throughout the day; for instance there might be okara (soy pulp) in lunch salad or even baked goods, also yuba skin is very popular. Japanese women still consume a lot of soy milk because soy milk is considered a "skin food" that would keep skin younger and more supple. How did they get nutritional information such as this? In Japan they have Shokuiku, which is nutrition education in public schools.

    Early childhood and regular soy consumption are partly why in Japan and parts of east Asia the breast cancer rates are so low. Although recent years the rates of breast cancer in Japan is trending up due to increased dairy and meat consumption. Now when I go back to Japan I find it hard to eat out as vegan, much harder than here actually in terms of variety. For example even so-called vegetarian dishes there contain things seafood or meat stock.

  7. I like eating dry roasted edemame to up my protein intake (50 grams of protein per 100 grams of edemame). Does anyone know if roasting the beans destroys any micronutrients?

  8. What is DR. Greger's opinion on plant-based protein powders for post strength workouts drinks? Do we really need to up our protein intake to build muscle mass?

  9. I feel like this is good news for men and breast cancer patients but considering how beneficial estrogen is in healthy women, is it really good for them to have their levels lowered?

  10. Another great video in favor of soy! Soy is good for you. The evidence is there in the research studies and in the health of millions of Asians that for decades have consumed this legume and are healthier than us! I wonder if they worry so much as we do about this plant…..

  11. This is great information! Thanks.
    Also for me as a great fan of fitness and natural bodybuilding. In these sports the majority of people think they must avoid soy, because they fear their oestrogen level could explode. These facts show, that exactly the opposite happens. So thanks for this one!

  12. Sorry Doc. but soy products are not healthy. It is not wise to isolate tiny healthy aspects of an otherwise unhealthy thing. You can find healthy aspects of alcohol, sugar, tobacco and even highly processed foods if you dig long and deep enough.

  13. Today I saw an old french lady buy Soy Milk. (the vegan movement hasn't made it's way to France quite yet)
    This happened in Germany, in Germany we have options if you are lactose intolerant and those were right next to it, but she clearly went for the soy and it wasn't the first time.

    It made me happy and full of hope.

  14. I have my concerns about soy because of GMO soy is filled with cancerogenic roundup pesticide and even glyphosate genes and also because the GMO soy industry has been blocking labeling so consumers cannot decide to consume non GMO soy

  15. I'm told by my oncologist- No Soy. It's so frustrating!!! Everyone has a different opinion. Who's correct ??
    Help 🌺

  16. Well crap! My breast cancer loves to eat estrogen so I am doing everything I can do avoid it – especially not consuming soy in any form per my oncologist from Johns Hopkins.

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