Come coltivare un microbioma intestinale sano con il cibo

Cibo per la salute dell'intestino: la nostra flora intestinale è determinata da ciò che mangiamo, nel bene o nel male.

Ho molti video sul nostro microbioma e sulla salute dell'intestino. Ecco alcuni dei più popolari:
● Microbiome: The Inside Story ( /)
● Prebiotici: curare il nostro giardino interno ( -tendente-il-giardino-interno/)
● Qual è il tuo enterotipo del microbioma intestinale? (
● Paleopoo: cosa possiamo imparare dalle feci fossilizzate ( feci/)<br/> ● Disbiosi intestinale: morire di fame il nostro sé microbico (https://nutritionfacts. org/video/gut-dysbiosis-starving-microbial-self/)
● Come sviluppare un ecosistema intestinale sano (
● Come diventare un super donatore di trapianto fecale ( donor/)
● Come i nostri batteri intestinali possono utilizzare le uova per accelerare il cancro (
● Come mantenere sano il tuo microbioma con cibi prebiotici (https: //

Per ulteriori informazioni su TMAO, vedere:
● Uova, colina e cancro (https://nutritionfacts. org/video/eggs-choline-and-cancer/)
● Carnitina, colina, cancro e colesterolo: la connessione TMAO (
● Risposta dell'industria delle uova alla colina e al TMAO ( egg-industry-response-to-choline-and-tmao/)
● Come trattare l'insufficienza cardiaca e renale con la dieta (
● Come ridurre i livelli TMAO (https:/ /
● I trapianti fecali vegani possono abbassare il T Livelli MAO? (

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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61 Risposte a “Come coltivare un microbioma intestinale sano con il cibo”

  1. This process may take longer with more patience than some possess. Many, still cling to the habits and addictions of taste, ignoring the more important aspects of wellness and longevity, despite the climate catastrophes unfolding. hahaha Just do the right thing and go on living.

  2. Dr Greger you are an INSPIRATION! I’m 52 and since 21st June 2022, I’ve given up alcohol, coffee, dairy and meat and now eat MASSES more food than I ever used to, of plant based whole food and today I bought the smallest T Shirt I’ve ever owned because now I not only feel INCREDIBLE but am a stone lighter (and at 5 ft 2 that’s a LOT) This is all because I’ve reducated myself watching and listening to you….the results are so motivational! I had familial hyper cholesterol and can’t wait to restest my bloods in September (I’m sure there’ll be a massive difference )and I will tell all the health care professionals about the AMAZING effects of whole food plant based eating. THANK YOU SO MUCH 😊🥳🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🎨🎼xxxxxx

  3. Two things you didn't say but maybe should add:

    1. Increase fiber slowly and start low (an extra 5/g day each week till satisfied)
    2. Supplemental fiber is likely useful at least for some with IBD/IBS. Inulin, XOS, GOS, etc or combinations are likely to help many establish a healthy microbiome for the first time. Milk includes GOS likely for this reason.

  4. I was a meat eater only, and now I'm slowly starting to introduce plants to my diet. I'm adding oats, psyllium and chia seeds to my shakes. Any other recommendations?

  5. I start each day with a greens/ fruits/ nuts/ seeds smoothie and follow up with legumes and grains in the afternoon. So far so good 👍

  6. Gregor the charlatan. PLANTS ARE NOT FOOD. This whole video is a lie. I only eat meat and I’ve never felt better.

  7. Hello, Dr. Gregor, I was reading about the yogurt side effects with antioxidants from blueberries, but If I eat yogurt 12 hours apart from the blueberries, will they still have a negative interaction? I like to eat yogurt right before bed because the casein protein helps me sleep. I know you said yogurt will cause TMAO, but I'm still clinging on to the casein protein.

  8. Very informative video, thanks.
    To be precise, the chemical structure shown in this video is that of butyric acid, not that of "butyrate".
    The term butyrate refers to o either an ester of butyric acid, or a salt of the latter (more relevant here).

  9. The problem is who would create experiments like this without a particular angle that they would want to push. It could be a situation with me in which the poison is in the dose. Why realistically and healthily eats an 11 oz steak which is Just over 300g. The modern guidance is to eat no more protein in one go than a piece of meat the sides of a playing cards pack is like. You'll never know because as I said everyone has an angle that they want to push.

  10. Mind if I come fix the loose cable in your railing right behind your head? Probably just an 8 hour flight for me but we've got to do something about it

  11. So…..if we eat eggs and steak…..we should also take antibiotics??? LOL! Ok, so the takeaway here is……eat barley?? and no meat or meat only once in a blue moon?

  12. I also wanted a ven more healthy gut so i took physillium. No matter how little physillium husks, its always bloates the belly. Here on YT is a very intresting eye opening video "fiber is for farting". Watch it. its true…And what i read is..either you already do have the bacteria which is responsible for processing fiber or you will never have them. You do get them passed on or not. if not, you only could get it with a poop transfer ..but this is only for real ill people.

  13. If you haven't covered it already, I'd like to see a video on vegan junk foods that we should avoid and why. Do these foods include seitan and mock meats? I try to minimize sugar and fried food, but I'd like to see where you draw the line. Love your content!

  14. it's probably a good idea to eat some probiotic foods/drinks after having taken antibiotics. examples are water kefir, sauerkraut, etc. what about taking a probiotic supplement? there are many kinds available online.

  15. There's definitely not a one size fits all. I'm vegan but the diet causes severe cramping and excess gas STILL after 20 years.

  16. So confused on what plants to eat to feed the microbiome, and which to eat to increase the population? The vegetables that are always mentioned are not ones that I see at my local grocery stores. Is there a list of which plants are best to FEED the current bugs, and which are best to INCREASE the bug population?

  17. Thank you so much! Can you do a video on how to get rid of acne through probiotics and supplements? I have blackheads and have had it since 10 years old and am now 21. I’m really wondering about this. Thank you!

  18. Dr Greger I love your videos and information but sometimes because you have so much inflection in your voice it’s hard to follow the info it’s like listening to this 📈📉📈📉📈📉📈📉📈📉📊📊📊📉📉📉📉📈📈📈📈📈

  19. I was a devoted follower of Gregor for many years. Then I started reviewing the research myself and came to the opinion that he cherry picks his studies and leaves out important
    information not supportive of his agenda.

  20. Yeah, usual propaganda, "meat makes life shorter" blah blah blah. Still looking for to see vegans among the oldest living people on Earth. Strangely, it doesn't happen.

  21. I notice there's a huge difference between eating two eggs and eating a sirloin steak when it comes to the TMAO level. At 0:58, the TMAO level is shown to have come back down to the previous level (or even lower, it seems) only four hours after eating two eggs, but at 1:33, the level's shown to continue to shoot up even 24 hours after eating a sirloin steak.

    Does this mean that the rise in TMAO from eating eggs is transitory and is in fact something that our body handles within hours, whereas the rise in TMAO from eating a steak lasts at least a full day, which means that when you eat a steak (or similar meat for that matter) at least once everyday, the TMAO will stay elevated?

  22. Dr McGregor I love your videos. I've been trying to control my sugar naturally for the past 2 years it was pretty high. I've been eating a lot more whole foods. I've found that eating eggplant drastically brought blood sugar down and is keeping it at 101- 111 a couple of days of eating it. My blood sugar was in the 200s. Can you make a video on eggplant and maybe the effects it has on diabetes.Are there any studies on it.

  23. As someone who's got Hashimoto and should not eat gluten, I always wonder if quinoa, millet, buckwheat etc have the same benefit on my microbiome as barley and the always praised oats.

  24. What causes Type 2 diabetes is well proven all white flour and sugars FACT these cause Type 2 diabetes not eggs or meat i am 87 years old i eat red and white meat also many plants but not potatoes and i have a healthy A1c of 5.1 so stop talking rubbish taking any antibiotic wipes out the gut microbiome my statements are all peer reviewed so STOP promoting BS.

  25. Unless you do a stool transplant the number of different gut bacteria is given. You can promote the growth of certain bacteria and slow down the growth of other bacteria through food, but as soon as you move back to old eating habits the previous balance reestablishes itself.
    Eat a lot of oats and you promote the formation of one type of bacteria, eat a lot of broccoli and you promote other bacteria.
    The start with your hamburgers yet again and you go back to the hamburger eating bacteria.

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